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ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITING: Exceedance of Critical Loads for Lakes in Finland,Norway, and Sweden: Reduction Requirements for Acidifying Nitrogen and Sulfur Deposition
Affiliation:National Institute of Public Health and the Environment P.O. Box 1, NL-3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands, NL
Finnish Environment Institute P.O. Box 140, FIN-00251 Helsinki, Finland, FI
Norwegian Institute for Water Research P.O. Box 173 Kjels?s, N-0411 Oslo, Norway, NO
Swedish Agricultural University Center for Environmental Monitoring P.O. Box 7050, S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden, SE
Abstract:/ The main objectives of this study were to identify the regions inFennoscandia where the critical loads of sulfur (S) and acidifying nitrogen(N) for lakes are exceeded and to investigate the consequences for depositionreductions, with special emphasis on the possible trade-offs between S and Ndeposition in order to achieve nonexceedance. In the steady-state model forcalculating critical loads and their exceedances, all relevant processesacting assinks for N and S are considered. The critical loads of N and S areinterrelated (defining the so-called critical load function), and therefore asingle critical load for one pollutant cannot be defined without makingassumptions about the other. Comparing the present N and S deposition withthe critical load function for each lake allows determination of thepercentage of lakes in the different regions of Fennoscandia where: (1) Sreductions alone can achieve nonexceedance, (2) N reductions alone aresufficient, and (3) both N and S reductions are required but to a certaindegree interchangeable. Secondly, deposition reduction requirements wereassessed by fixing the N deposition to the present level, in this wayanalyzing the reductions required for S, and by computing the percentage oflakes exceeded in Finland, Norway and Sweden for every possible percentdeposition reduction in S and N, in this way showing the (relative)effectiveness of reducing S and/or N deposition. The results showed clearregional patterns in the S and N reduction requirements. In practically thewhole of Finland and the northern parts of Scandinavia man-made acidificationof surface waters could be avoided by reducing S deposition alone. In thesouthern parts of Sweden some reductions in N deposition are clearly neededin addition to those for S. In southern Norway strong reductions are requiredfor both N and S deposition.KEY WORDS: Acidification; Critical load; Exceedance; Sulfur; Nitrogen;Deposition; Lake
Keywords:: Acidification   Critical load   Exceedance   Sulfur   Nitrogen   Deposition   Lake
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