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Predicting the transfer of 137Cs to rice plants by a dynamic compartment model with a consideration of the soil properties
Authors:Keum Dong-Kwon  Lee Hansoo  Kang Hee-Seok  Jun In  Choi Yong-Ho  Lee Chang-Woo
Affiliation:Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology (UIAR), Mashinostroiteley Strasse 7, Chabany, Kiev Region 08162, Ukraine.
Abstract:The factors governing chlorine transfer from Phaeozem and Greyzem soils to various important crop species (foodstuff and forage) were determined in natural conditions in the Kiev region of Ukraine. The stable chlorine concentration ratio (CR) values were the lowest in apple (0.5+/-0.3) and strawberry (2+/-1), higher in vegetables (5+/-3), seeds (15+/-7) and reached a maximum in straw (187+/-90). The average CR values of 36Cl were estimated for the most important crops using all experimental data on 36Cl and stable chlorine transfer into plants from various soils. It was experimentally shown that boiling potatoes in water leads to an equilibrium between 36Cl specific content in the water and moisture in the cooked potato. The 36Cl processing factor (PF) for boiling various foodstuffs is equal to the ratio of water mass in the cooked foodstuff to the total water mass (in the food and the decoction). 36Cl PF for cereal flour can be estimated as 1. The 36Cl processing factor for dairy products is equal to the ratio of residual water mass in the product to initial water mass in milk. At a 36Cl specific activity in soil of 1 Bq kg-1, the estimated annual dietary 36Cl intake into human organism (adult man) is about 10 kBq. Sixty to seventy percent of the above amount will be taken in via milk and dairy products, 7-16% via meat, 14-16% via bread and bakery items and 8-12% via vegetables. The highest annual 36Cl intake, 10.7 kBq, is predicted for 1-year-old children. The expected effective doses from annual 36Cl intake are higher for younger age groups, increasing from 0.008 mSv in adults to 0.12 mSv in 1-year-old children.
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