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interactions amongst policies designed to resolve individual air issues
Authors:Abdel Maarouf  Jamie Smith
Affiliation:(1) Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario, Canada, M3H 5T4;(2) Department of Geography, University of Toronto, 100 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1A1
Abstract:Six air issues are currently on science and policy agendas in Canadaand elsewhere. These are climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion(increased UV-B radiation), acidic deposition, SMOG (increasedground-level ozone), suspended particulate matter, and hazardous airpollutants. Atmospheric scientists and decision makers have largelyaddressed these issues individually resulting in single-issue policies. However, it is now recognized that these issues are inter-related, andthey may interact to cause negative as well as some beneficial effects,not only on the state of the atmosphere but also on societal andecological systems. This paper illustrates through several examples theatmospheric dysfunction caused by the linkages among the six airissues. It also points to potentially conflicting policies arising from thesingle-issue approach, and it emphasizes the need for better integrationof air issues. The linkages are summarized qualitatively in Table I.
Keywords:acidic deposition  air issues  air toxics  climate change  global warming  ground-level ozone  hazardous air pollutants  smog  stratospheric ozone depletion  suspended particulate matter  UV-B radiation
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