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摘    要:海南岛位于南海,是我国的第二大岛,自然资源非常丰富,在未来以太平洋为重点的世界经济中具有独特的地理位置。自解放以来,因种种原因其资源尚未得到充分开发。 1988年4月26日海南省挂衔牌正式成立,中央并决定海南以“小政府、大社会”的原则,采用内引外联的经济形式,计划在20年或稍长的时间里,建成工农贸旅并举,三大产业协调发展的外向型、综合性的大经济特区。目标高、要求急、起点低,引起海内外人士的瞩目。 一个地区或省的开发与经济的振兴,一靠政策、二靠资源、三靠科学。国务院1988年5月4日发布的鼓励投资开发海南岛的23条规定,是政策的保证。 本刊是国内唯一有关自然资源研究的高级学术性刊物,介绍、论述、研究海南的资源开发乃义不容辞。编者在全国政协七届一次会议期间特与广东、海南的政协委员就海南的自然资源开发等问题举行了多次座谈。现把几位政协委员的座谈发言刊登于此,以飨读者,使开发、建设海南的决策、管理、科技人员,全面地、客观地认识与了解海南,并在此基础上作出更具有超前性与预见性的决策。

关 键 词:投资环境  开发前景  海南省  自然资源开发  政协委员  经济特区  海南岛  鼓励投资  国务院  外向型经济

Abstract:Hainan Province has recently come into existence. It consists of Hainan Island and the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha archepelagoes. Hainan Island is the main part of the new pro-prince and has an area of roughly 3.3×104 km2 and a population of about 615×104 people. It is situated in the South China Sea, being the second largest island of China.Hainan Island is very rich in natural resources. This includes various tropical crops, ex-cellent minerals, abundant aquatic products, and special senic spots suitable for tourism. It is really one of treasure islands of the countey. However, due to various reasons, the island has not yet been fully developed. Now the state council has given the new province more autonomy and more preferential policies to turn it into the country's largest special economic zone. Thus the island is entering into a new stage of development and its furure prospect isvery bright.In order to create a good investment environment to attract foreign investors and promotethe further opening to the outside world, the new province sets its provincial administration on the priuciple of "small gournment and big community". The government mainly handles the implementation of policies, fulfilling its macroscopic control of the economy. Some economic departments which used to be government organs become professional companies and are given more decision-making powers to ensure they are runnning enterprises in accordance with economic laws. On the other hand, the infrastructure facilities such as energy, transpart, telecommunication and so on will be greatly strengthened and improved.The planned development of Hainan Province has drawn the attention of many public personages at home and abroad. It is hoped that friends and compatriots will take an active part in the construction of the new province so as to build it into a prosperous one.
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