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The Use of Nahcolite Ore and Bag Filters For Sulfur Dioxide Emission Control
Authors:J. M. Genco  H. S. Rosenberg  M. Y. Anastas  E. C. Rosar  J. M. Dulin
Affiliation:1. University of Maine;2. Battelle Columbus Laboratories;3. Industrial Resources, Inc
Abstract:This paper describes some technical and economic aspects of the nahcolite ore injection process for the simultaneous removal of fly ash and sulfur oxides from stack gases. The process is capable of removing greater than 99% of the particulate matter and greater than 70% of the sulfur oxides present in such gases. In the process, nahcolite ore, a naturally occurring material containing 70 to 90% sodium bicarbonate, is ground to 90% passing through —200 mesh screens. Approximately 20% of the ground ore is used to precoat the filter bags in a baghouse filter while the remainder of the material is fed into the flue gas Just ahead of the baghouse. The flue gas is drawn through the baghouse by induced draft fans and sent up the stack. Most of the SO2 and practically all of the fly ash in the flue gas can be removed as the gas passes through the filter bags. The spent nahcolite ore and fly ash are collected and conveyed to waste disposal as landfill, or alternatively processed for insolubilization by coprecipitation prior to landfilling. The technical feasibility of the process has been demonstrated in both bench scale and pilot scale engineering studies. Economic analyses performed for the cases of plants located in the midwest and southwest indicate lower capital costs for the nahcolite injection process when compared to wet scrubbing. On an annual cost basis, the nahcolite ore Injection process is comparable in cost to wet scrubbing for the case of the southwestern power plant, and somewhat more expensive for the case of the midwestern plant.
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