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引用本文:赵东风,张鹏,戚丽霞,薛建良. 地面浓度反推法计算石化企业无组织排放源强[J]. 化工环保, 2013, 33(1): 71-75
作者姓名:赵东风  张鹏  戚丽霞  薛建良
作者单位:1. 中国石油大学(华东);化学工程学院,山东;青岛;266580;2. 青岛欧赛斯环境与安全技术有限责任公司,山东;青岛;266580
摘    要:
对某石化企业储罐区和原油脱酸装置区的无组织排放非甲烷总烃进行监测,对监测数据进行Pearson相关分析,运用地面浓度反推法计算源强。实验结果表明:原油脱酸装置区各采样线浓度间的相关性好,反推出的源强较为准确,50,100,150 m采样线的反推源强非常接近,分别为21.68,21.60,19.76 t/a;而储罐区监测浓度的相关性不佳,该区域的非甲烷总烃无组织排放源可能不单一,不适用地面浓度反推法计算其源强。

关 键 词:无组织排放  源强核算  Perason相关系数  地面浓度反推法  石化企业  环境评价  

Accounting of Fugitive Emission Source Intensity in Petrochemical Enterprises by Ground Concentration Reverse Calculation Method
Zhao Dongfeng , Zhang Peng , Qi Lixia , Xue Jianliang. Accounting of Fugitive Emission Source Intensity in Petrochemical Enterprises by Ground Concentration Reverse Calculation Method[J]. Environmental Protection of Chemical Industry, 2013, 33(1): 71-75
Authors:Zhao Dongfeng    Zhang Peng    Qi Lixia    Xue Jianliang
Affiliation:1.College of Chemical Engineering,China University of Petroleum (East China),Qingdao Shandong 266580,China;;2.Qingdao Oasis Environment and Safety Technology Co. Ltd.,Qingdao Shandong 266580,China
The concentrations of fugitive non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) were monitored respectively in the area of storage and crude oil deacidification in a refinery. The monitoring data were analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient and the source intensity was accounted by ground concentration reverse calculation method. The experimental results show that:The concentrations in the crude oil deacidification area are highly correlated leading to precise reverse calculation results of source intensity;The calculated source intensities with the concentration data of sample line 50,100,150 m are similar,which are 21.68,21.60,19.76 t/a respectively;The correlation coefficients in the storage area are poor,it indicates that NMHC may not come from the same source and the concentration data are not suitable for source intensity calculation
Keywords:fugitive emission  source intensity accounting  Pearson correlation coefficient  ground concentration reverse calculation method  petrochemical enterprise  environmental assessment
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