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Remazol Brilliant Blue R decolourization by the laccase from Trametes trogii
Authors:Mechichi Tahar  Mhiri Nejla  Sayadi Sami
Affiliation:Laboratoire des Bioprocédés, Centre de Biotechnologie de Sfax BP "K", 3038 Sfax, Tunisia.
Abstract:The decolourization of the recalcitrant dye RBBR by the culture filtrate of Trametes trogii and its isolated laccase was investigated. Both filtrates from Cu-induced cultures as well as purified laccase decolourized the dye RBBR. The purified laccase decolourized the dye down to 97% of 100 mg l(-1) initial concentration of RBBR when only 0.2U ml(-1) of laccase was used in the reaction mixture. The effects of different physicochemical parameters were tested and optimal decolourization rates occurred at pH 5 and at a temperature of 50 degrees C. Decolourization of RBBR occurred in the presence of metal ions which could be found in textile industry effluents. Of all the metal ions tested, FeCl2 was the most inhibiting for the decolourization. HBT was shown to have no effect on the decolourization of RBBR at low concentration, while at a concentration of 5 mM it slightly inhibited decolourization. The presence of aromatic compounds was found to be inhibiting for the decolourization at a concentration of 10 mM, but not at 0.1 mM, while at 1 mM only ortho-diphenols were inhibiting. Probing the effect of methanol it was found that higher concentrations caused a decrease in the decolourization rate of RBBR. The effect of laccase inhibitors on the decolourization of RBBR was tested with L-cysteine, SDS and EDTA. It was demonstrated that L-cysteine was the most inhibiting substrate for the decolourization while SDS was only inhibiting at 10 mM concentration and ETDA was not inhibiting at all tested concentrations.
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