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Authors:Kimberly S. Caviness  Garey A. Fox  Patrick N. Deliman
Abstract:ABSTRACT: The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality uses the Steady Riverine Environmental Assessment Model (STREAM) to establish effluent limitations. While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved of its use, questions arise regarding the model's simplicity. The objective of this research was to compare STREAM with the more commonly utilized Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model (QUAL2E). The comparison involved a statistical evaluation procedure based on sensitivity analyses, input probability distribution functions, and Monte Carlo simulation with site‐specific data from a 46‐mile (74‐km) reach of the Big Black River in central Mississippi. Site specific probability distribution functions were derived from measured rates of reaeration, sediment oxygen demand, photosynthesis, and respiration. Both STREAM and QUAL2E reasonably predicted daily average dissolved oxygen (DO) based on a comparison of output probability distributions with observed DO. Observed DO was consistently within 90 percent confidence intervals of model predictions. The STREAM approach generally overpredicted while QUAL2E generally matched observed DO. Using the more commonly assumed lognormal distribution as opposed to a Weibull distribution for two of the sensitive input parameters resulted in minimal differences in the statistical evaluations. The QUAL2E approach had distinct advantages over STREAM in simulating the growth cycle of algae.
Keywords:dissolved oxygen  QUAL2E  STREAM  wastewater discharge  water quality modeling  Big Black River
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