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Formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) by ozonation of dyes and related compounds
Authors:Oya Masami  Kosaka Koji  Asami Mari  Kunikane Shoichi
Affiliation:aDepartment of Water Supply Engineering, National Institute of Public Health, 2-3-6 Minami, Wako, Saitama 351-0197, Japan;bInstitute for Environmental Sciences, University of Shizuoka, 52-1 Yada, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka 422-8526, Japan
Abstract:Formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) by ozonation of commercially available dyes and related compounds was investigated. Ozonation was conducted using a semi-batch type reactor, and ozone concentration in gas phase and the ozone gas flow were 10 mg L(-1) and 1.0 L min(-1), respectively. NDMA was formed by 15 min of ozonation of seven out of eight selected target compounds (0.05 mM) at pH 7. All the target compounds with N,N-dimethylamino functions were NDMA precursors in ozonation. The lowest and highest NDMA concentrations after ozonation of the target compounds were 13 ng L(-1) for N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and 1600 ng L(-1) for N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DMPD), respectively. NDMA concentrations after 15 min of ozonation of 0.05 mM methylene blue (MB) and DMPD increased with an increase in pH in its range of 6-8. The effects of coexisting compounds on NDMA concentrations after 15 min of ozonation of 0.05 mM MB and DMPD were examined at pH 7. NDMA concentrations after ozonation of MB and DMPD increased by the presence of 0.05 mM (0.7 mg L(-1) as N) nitrite (NO(2)(-)); 5000 ng L(-1) for MB and 4000 ng L(-1) for DMPD. NDMA concentration after MB ozonation decreased by the presence of 5mM tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), a hydroxyl radical (HO.) scavenger, but that after DMPD ozonation was increased by the presence of TBA. NDMA concentrations after ozonation of MB and DMPD were not affected by the presence of 0.16 mM (5.3 mg L(-1)) hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)). When 0.05 mM MB and DMPD were added to the Yodo and Tone river water samples, NDMA concentrations after 15 min of their ozonation at pH 7 increased compared with those in the case of addition to ultrapure water samples.
Keywords:N-nitrosodimethylamine   Dye   Ozone   Hydroxyl radical
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