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引用本文:李红莉,李国刚,杨帆,高虹,宫正宇,朱晨,连军. 南四湖沉积物中有机氯农药和多氯联苯垂直分布特征[J]. 环境科学, 2007, 28(7): 1590-1594
作者姓名:李红莉  李国刚  杨帆  高虹  宫正宇  朱晨  连军
作者单位:山东大学环境研究院,济南,250100;山东省环境监测中心站,济南,250013;中国环境监测总站,北京,100029;加拿大国家水研究所,安大略省,伯灵顿,L7R 4A6;山东省环境监测中心站,济南,250013
摘    要:通过对采集于南四湖湖区的沉积物柱状样品中有机氯农药(OCPs)和多氯联苯(PCBs)同系物的GC-ECD定量分析测定,并结合210Pb同位素定年分析,重建了南四湖湖区有机污染物的污染史.结果表明,样品中OCPs、HCHs、DDTs和PCBs的含量范围分别为1.64~17.9、0.66~12.5、0.24~2.99和7.84~42.8 ng·g-1.柱状沉积物的沉积速率为0.330 cm·a-1,平均沉积通量为0.237 g·(cm2·a)-1,所采集的样品沉积时间为1899~2000年.OCPs和PCBs分别在1960和1970年左右出现浓度峰值,随后含量逐渐下降.污染物来源分析表明,HCHs来源于新的工业HCH和林丹2种工业品,HCH和DDT污染主要源于历史上的使用;PCBs主要来自于造纸漂白过程和焚烧炉排放.生态风险评价结果表明,除β-HCH、γ-HCH和艾氏剂3种污染物在14~16 cm附近、对应沉积时间为1960年左右测试数据略高于风险水平低值,其余污染物的所有数据均低于风险水平低值.整体而言,南四湖柱状沉积物中的OCPs和PCBs含量属于低生态风险水平.

关 键 词:有机氯农药  多氯联苯  南四湖  柱状沉积物  垂直分布

Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediment Core from Lake Nansihu
LI Hong-li,LI Guo-gang,YANG Fan,GAO Hong,GONG Zheng-yu,ZHU Chen and LIAN Jun. Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediment Core from Lake Nansihu[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Science, 2007, 28(7): 1590-1594
Authors:LI Hong-li  LI Guo-gang  YANG Fan  GAO Hong  GONG Zheng-yu  ZHU Chen  LIAN Jun
Affiliation:Environmental Research Institute, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250100, China. lihongli1225@163.com
Abstract:The organochlorinne pesticides (OCPs) and the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in sediment core collected from Lake Nansihu were quantificationally analyzed by GC-ECD. The pollution history of OCPs and PCBs in this area was reconstructed by analysis of the concentrations of OCPs and PCBs connected with the deposition time by 210Pb isotope dating method. The results indicated that the concentration ranges of OCPs, HCHs, DDTs and PCBs were 1.64 - 17.9, 0.66 - 12.5, 0.24 - 2.99 and 7.84 - 42.8 ng g(-1) respectively. The sediment rate and the average mass sedimentation were calculated to be 0.330 cm a(-1) and 0.237 g (cm2 a)(-1), and the sediment time of this core sample ranged from 1899 to 2000. OCPs and PCBs had the peak value at 1960s and 1970s. The source analysis showed HCH came from HCH products and lindane, and HCH and DDT came from historic using. The source of PCBs had been deduced to be the blench process of paper making and incinerator emission. Except the concentration of beta-HCH, gamma-HCH and aldrin at 14 - 16 cm depth, the other concentrations of OCPs and PCBs were all less than the low ecologic risk value. The whole sediment core of Lake Nansihu belonged to the low ecologic risk level.
Keywords:organoehlorine pesticides    polyehlorinated biphenyls    Lake Nansihu    sediment core    vertical distribution
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