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Behavior of pesticides in sediment/water systems in outdoor mesocosms
Authors:Bromilow Richard H  de Carvalho Renato F  Evans Avis A  Nicholls Peter H
Affiliation:Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, UK. richard.bromilow@bbsrc.ac.uk
Abstract:The distribution of eight pesticides between sediment and water held in 1-m square outdoor stainless-steel mesocosms was studied, simulating both spring and autumn applications. Pesticide behavior was largely independent of rate of application, chosen in the first three experiments to be 4% or 40% of the normal field rate so as to simulate spray drift or partial overspray. Following application by spray to the water surface, all compounds were uniformly distributed in the 30 cm of overlying water within 24 h. The lipophilic pesticides (chlorpyrifos, pendimethalin, and permethrin) moved into the sediment within 30 d but with little penetration below 2.5 cm depth, and only chlorpyrifos persisted beyond 30 d. The mass balance of these lipophilic pesticides at 1 d was only 26.3% to 61%, with these initial losses attributed to processes such as volatilization. Isoproturon and chlorotoluron persisted for around 120 d, remaining largely in the overlying water with a maximum of 15% in the sediment. Permethrin and difenoconazole were much less persistent in these mesocosms, with very little ever found in the sediment in contrast to previous findings in laboratory-scale stirred systems as used in registration tests. The polar mecoprop remained almost entirely in the water phase and was rapidly degraded. Two further experiments examined also the influence of the submerged plant Lagarosiphon major in the mesocosms, the first experiment simulating a full-rate overspray with chlorpyrifos and linuron and the second a repeat in spring of the earlier main autumn experiment. Both chlorpyrifos and linuron applied in the autumn were quite persistent over the winter period, with about 20% still remaining after 152 d. Uptake into L. major was correlated with pesticide lipophilicity, but was only a small factor compared to uptake by sediment and degradation in these lightly vegetated systems.
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