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Labeling Products of Biotechnology: Towards Communication and Consent
Authors:Debra Jackson
Institution:(1) Department of Philosophy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN E-mail
Abstract:Recently, both consumers and producers ofbiotechnology products have insisted thatcommunication between the two be improved. The formerdemand more democratic participation in the riskassessment process of biotechnology products. Thelatter seek to correct misinformation regardingalleged risks from these products. One way to resolvethese concerns, I argue, is through the use ofbiotechnology labels. Such labeling fosters consumerautonomy and moves toward more participatory decisionmaking, in addition to ensuring that informed consentfrom consumers is maintained. Furthermore, althoughvoluntary biotech-free labeling in lieu of biotechlabels may uphold consumer sovereignty, the latterremains a more effective strategy for achievingethical communication between consumers and producersof biotechnology products.
Keywords:biotechnology  consumer sovereignty  genetic engineering  informed consent  product labeling  risk communication
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