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引用本文:张春桂,文明章. 利用卫星资料估算福建晴空太阳辐射[J]. 自然资源学报, 2014, 29(9): 1496-1507. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2014.09.005
作者姓名:张春桂  文明章
作者单位:1. 福建省气象科学研究所, 福州350001;2. 福建省气候中心, 福州350001
摘    要:利用卫星数据反演得到大气可降水量和气溶胶光学厚度等影响太阳辐射的参数,通过辐射传输模型进一步反演得到晴空地表太阳总辐射时曝辐量,并用2008-2009 年20 个地面站实测数据对反演结果进行验证。结果表明:遥感反演得到的晴空地表太阳总辐射时曝辐量与地面实测结果在空间上具有很好的一致性,两者相关系数为0.807,平均相对误差为9.6%,相对误差在10%以内的样本占总样本的74%。气溶胶对太阳辐射的影响最为显著,而水汽的影响相对较小,由气溶胶引起的太阳辐射削减量全年平均值为0.421 MJ/(m2·h),而水汽引起的则为 0.204 MJ/(m2·h),太阳辐射的空间分布与气溶胶的空间分布一致,气溶胶的高(低)值区对应太阳辐射的低(高)值区。


Using Satellite Data to Estimate Solar Radiationof Clear Sky over Fujian
ZHANG Chun-gui,WEN Ming-zhang. Using Satellite Data to Estimate Solar Radiationof Clear Sky over Fujian[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2014, 29(9): 1496-1507. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2014.09.005
Authors:ZHANG Chun-gui  WEN Ming-zhang
Affiliation:1. Fujian Meteorological Institute, Fuzhou 350001, China;2. Fujian Climate Center, Fuzhou 350001, China
Abstract:The solar radiation is almost the unique energy source of the earth. In this paper, theatmospheric environmental factors which affect the solar radiation, such as atmospheric precipitablewater and aerosol optical depth, are retrieved based on the EOS/MODIS satellite data, farther,the ground hour-long solar total radiation of clear sky over Fujian is estimated by usingthe model of solar radiation transmission, finally, the precision of solar total radiation retrievingmodel is validated by using the data of Fujian 20 radiation observation stations during 2008-2009. The results show that it is credible to estimate solar radiation of clear sky over Fujian byusing satellite data, and the clear sky solar radiation retrieving model in this paper has a goodapplicability to Fujian Province, the model precision agrees well with the operational work.The spatial distribution of ground hour-long solar total radiation of clear sky over Fujian basedon satellite data is in good agreement with that of the ground radiation observation station, thecorrelation coefficient is 0.807 between the solar radiation retrieved from satellite data and thesolar radiation of ground observation, the mean relative error is 9.6%,and the samples of relativeerror within 10% is 74% of the total samples. The satellite remote sensing results show thatthe solar radiation influence of the atmospheric precipitable water and aerosol optical depth isfar grave than the influence of the air scatterance and absorption, the solar radiation influenceof the aerosol optical depth is best marked, and the solar radiation influence of the atmosphericprecipitable water is comparatively weak. The mean annual solar radiation decrement of theaerosol optical depth is 0.421 MJ/(m2· h), the most decrement is 0.975 MJ/(m2· h), and the meanannual solar radiation decrement of the atmospheric precipitable water is 0.204 MJ/(m2· h), themost decrement is 0.613 MJ/(m2· h). The spatial distributing of the ground solar radiation andaerosol optical depth is alike, and the high (low) value region of the aerosol optical depth correspondto the low (high) value region of the ground solar radiation, the aerosol optical depth is amost important factor for the temporal and spatial distribution of ground solar radiation.
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