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引用本文:曹洪法,舒俭民,刘燕云,高映新. 二氧化硫与植物之间的剂量—反应关系的研究[J]. 环境科学研究, 1988, 1(1): 52-61
作者姓名:曹洪法  舒俭民  刘燕云  高映新
作者单位:中国环境科学研究院生态所 北京
摘    要:本研究采用野外开顶式和CSTR熏气装置对小麦、大麦、棉花、大豆和菜豆等植物进行SO2急性伤害、低浓度SO2长期暴露试验,测定植物伤害阈值和剂量—反应关系,生长和产置的反应及其对新陈代谢的影响。 研究结果指出,在一定的浓度和暴露时间下,植物对SO2具有不固定的敏感性。根据植物对SO2的敏感性,提出了敏感性、敏感中等和抗性这三种类型植物的急性伤害阈值。剂量—反应表面图表明,植物产生急性伤害需要一定的起始暴露时间,植物伤害程度与SO2之间不呈正比SO2浓度和暴露时间对叶片可见伤害都有影响,两者相比,浓度是更重要的因素。 低浓SO2长期暴露对植物生长和产量有抑制作用,干物质积累降低,叶面积减少,植株矮小。一般说来,对叶的影响大于对茎和根的影响,产量与SO2之间呈负相关。 SO2污染引起植物叶片气孔阻力,细胞外渗液K+离子浓度和相对电导率增加,并与剂量呈正相关。SO2造成植物光合色素减少,急性伤害加速叶绿素a的破坏,而低浓度SO2长期暴露却使叶绿素b破坏加重;并对过氧化物酸活性有诱导作用。 

Study on Dose-response between and SO2 plants
Cao Hongf,Shu Jianmin,Liu Yanyun and Gao Yingxin. Study on Dose-response between and SO2 plants[J]. Research of Environmental Sciences, 1988, 1(1): 52-61
Authors:Cao Hongf  Shu Jianmin  Liu Yanyun  Gao Yingxin
Affiliation:Institute of Enriron Ecology chinese Research Academy of Environmental sciences, Beijing
Abstract:The field open-top chambers and CSTR system were used to conduct experiments on snort-rerm exposures and low concentrition long term exposures of SO2 for wlieat, barley, cotton, soybean and bean.The threshold value of Visible injury, responses of growth and yield, and metabolism effects to SO2 were determined ,The results indicated that at given concentration and periods of exposure, these species appeared to have different susceptibility to SO2 . They permit the development of pro-jeered SO2 concoentration which would produce a threshold response in three susceptibility of plants-sensitive, intermediate and resistant The shapes of dose-response surfaces indicated that an initial exposure time span was needed before injury on plant occured There was nonlinear relation between dose and injury in plants. The concentration Played a greater role in the response of plant to SO2 than dose time.The inhibition of growrh and yield of plants, reduction of dry weight, leaf area, and shoot were determined under low SO2 concetration long term exposure Effects of SO2 on growth and yield of planys were more intense with increasing dose of exposure In general, effects of SO2 on leaf were higher than shoot and rootSO2 pollution caused increase of sromaral diffuse resistance, K concents of cell ieacheate and relative conductance The results also showed that SO2 reduced the contents of pigments. The chlorophyll a to SO2 appeared to be more sensitive under acute exposure. In contrast, the chlorophyll b to SO2 appeared to be more sensitive under low concentraition long term exposure At given SOy concentration it had been shown to increased activity with peroxidas.
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