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Thermal behaviors, combustion mechanisms, evolved gasses, and ash analysis of spent potlining for a hazardous waste management
Authors:Guang Sun  Gang Zhang  Jingyong Liu  Deniz Eren Evrendilek  Musa Buyukada
Affiliation:1. Guangdong Key Laboratory of Environmental Catalysis and Health Risk Control, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China;2. Engineering Research Center of None-food Biomass Efficient Pyrolysis and Utilization Technology of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan 523808, China;3. Department of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia V5A, Canada;4. Department of Chemical Engineering, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu 14052, Turkey
Abstract:An unavoidable but reusable waste so as to enhance a more circular waste utilization has been spent potlining (SPL) generated by the aluminum industry. The combustion mechanisms, evolved gasses, and ash properties of SPL were characterized dynamically in response to the elevated temperature and heating rates. Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) results indicated an exothermic reaction behavior probably able to meet the energy needs of various industrial applications. The reaction mechanisms for the SPL combustion were best described using the 1.5-, 3- and 2.5-order reaction models. Fluoride volatilization rate of the flue gas was estimated at 2.24%. The SPL combustion emitted CO2, HNCO, NO, and NO2 but SOx. The joint optimization of remaining mass, derivative thermogravimetry, and derivative DSC was achieved with the optimal temperature and heating rate combination of 783.5°C, and 5 °C/min, respectively. Interaction between temperature and heating rate exerted the strongest and weakest impact on DSC and remaining mass, respectively. The fluorine mainly as the formation of substantial NaF and CaF2 in the residual ash. Besides, the composition and effect of environment of residual solid were evaluated. The ash slagging tendency and its mineral deposition mechanisms were elucidated in terms of turning SPL waste into a benign input to a circular waste utilization.
Keywords:Corresponding author.  Thermal decomposition  Heat release  Reaction mechanism  Gas emission
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