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Devolving Residential Energy Efficiency Responsibility to Local Government: the case of HECA
Authors:Emma Jones   Matthew Leach
Abstract:Substantial improvements in residential energy efficiency are required if the UK is to meet its target of reducing CO 2 emissions by 20% between 1990 and 2010. The Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 (HECA) devolves much of the responsibility for this to local authorities, by requiring them to draw up strategies to increase energy efficiency in this sector by 30% in the next 10-15 years. While many authorities have responded positively to the Act, others are struggling, and 25% of HECA reports initially failed to meet the Act's statutory obligations. The Association for the Conservation of Energy (ACE) conducted research to identify barriers faced by local authorities in implementing HECA. They were found to include officers' lack of experience, their lack of time and a lack of support from elected members. Action must be taken to ensure that HECA achieves its potential. The authors suggest that the Act needs to be adequately supported by central legislation, and that devolution of responsibility must be accompanied by some devolution of finances. The authors also recommend that the Act could be used as an example for international replication.
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