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Mating system of the commensal marine isopod Jaera hopeana (Crustacea)
Authors:H.-D. Franke
Affiliation:(1) Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (Meeresstation), W-2192 Helgoland, Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract:The commensal marine isopod Jaera hopeana Costa, 1853 was reared in the laboratory through 30 generations in the absence of its host, Sphaeroma serratum, to study its development and reproductive behaviour. It was found that adult males take virtually any opportunity to associate with a young conspecific in manca-I stage (first free-living stage) and carry it around in a characteristic position. This male-manca(I) amplexus ends during the manca's first postmarsupial molt (manca-I to manca-II) at an average age of about 9 d after hatching from the marsupium. Entry into amplexus does not alter a manca's molt timing, the duration of the amplexus thus depending exclusively on the manca's age when it joined by a male. Given a choice, males do not prefer manca-I close to molting over those just hatched. With the first postmarsupial molt, long before sexual maturity, female J. hopeana become receptive to mating. Before a female manca is released from amplexus, it is inseminated by its male partner. Sperm transferred to young immature females are stored within special sperm stores until they are needed for fertilization. The male-manca(I) amplexus seems to be a precopula, wherein males wait for their partners to molt and become sexually receptive. Nevertheless, it is inevitable that every second amplexus on average ends unsuccessfully: although manca-I have already been determined irreversibly (and probably genetically) as males and females in equal numbers, adult males are unable to predict which manca-I are potential mates and which are not. Males accept any manca-I as a ldquoprecopulardquo partner, and even when given a choice they do not prefer female over male manca-I. From the manca-II stage onward, females are continuously receptive to mating for the rest of their life, and mating can occur immediately upon contact of the partners without any significant investment in energy and time (ldquoen passantrdquo copulation).
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