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The Trifinio Region: a case study of transboundary forest change in Central America
Authors:Peter Schlesinger  Carlos L. Muñoz Brenes  Kelly W. Jones  Lee A. Vierling
Affiliation:1. Escuela de Posgrado, CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), Cartago, Turrialba, Costa Rica;2. Department of Forest, Rangeland &3. Fire Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA;4. Department of Natural Resources and Society, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USApschlesinger@uidaho.edu;6. Department of Natural Resources and Society, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA;7. Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA;8. Department of Forest, Rangeland &9. Department of Natural Resources and Society, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA
Abstract:Strategic planning to increase forest cover in Central American transboundary areas of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor requires understanding land-cover and land-use change trends and drivers. We estimated forest cover change from remotely sensed land-cover and land-use classifications from 1986, 2001, and 2010, in the tri-national Trifinio Region, bordering El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Our analysis spanned subnational, national, regional, and protected border areas. We determined correlations with direct drivers of deforestation, developing a multilevel linear regression model. Higher population density significantly correlated with deforestation; coffee, agroforestry, and pasture replaced forests. The tri-national park retained forests compared to neighboring areas, but additionality requires more research. The literature on drivers suggests similar processes and factors in other tropical regions. Forest cover governance efficacy is highly variable. Results indicate relationship between governance and forest cover though more comprehensive understanding of this complex region is needed to determine their causality.
Keywords:Coffee  deforestation  land use  protected area  transboundary  Trifinio
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