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Effects of near‐future ocean acidification,fishing, and marine protection on a temperate coastal ecosystem
Authors:Christopher E. Cornwall  Tyler D. Eddy
Affiliation:1. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia;2. Biology Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Abstract:Understanding ecosystem responses to global and local anthropogenic impacts is paramount to predicting future ecosystem states. We used an ecosystem modeling approach to investigate the independent and cumulative effects of fishing, marine protection, and ocean acidification on a coastal ecosystem. To quantify the effects of ocean acidification at the ecosystem level, we used information from the peer‐reviewed literature on the effects of ocean acidification. Using an Ecopath with Ecosim ecosystem model for the Wellington south coast, including the Taputeranga Marine Reserve (MR), New Zealand, we predicted ecosystem responses under 4 scenarios: ocean acidification + fishing; ocean acidification + MR (no fishing); no ocean acidification + fishing; no ocean acidification + MR for the year 2050. Fishing had a larger effect on trophic group biomasses and trophic structure than ocean acidification, whereas the effects of ocean acidification were only large in the absence of fishing. Mortality by fishing had large, negative effects on trophic group biomasses. These effects were similar regardless of the presence of ocean acidification. Ocean acidification was predicted to indirectly benefit certain species in the MR scenario. This was because lobster (Jasus edwardsii) only recovered to 58% of the MR biomass in the ocean acidification + MR scenario, a situation that benefited the trophic groups lobsters prey on. Most trophic groups responded antagonistically to the interactive effects of ocean acidification and marine protection (46%; reduced response); however, many groups responded synergistically (33%; amplified response). Conservation and fisheries management strategies need to account for the reduced recovery potential of some exploited species under ocean acidification, nonadditive interactions of multiple factors, and indirect responses of species to ocean acidification caused by declines in calcareous predators.
Keywords:Ecopath with Ecosim  ecosystem modeling  EwE  fisheries exploitation  indirect effects  Jasus edwardsii  lobster  Ecopath con Ecosim  efectos indirectos  EwE  explotació  n pesquera  Jasus edwardsii  langosta  modelado de ecosistemas
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