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Optimizing model for land use/land cover retrieval from remote sensing imagery based on variable precision rough sets
Authors:Feng XieYi Lin  Wenwei Ren
Affiliation:a Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, No. 220, Handan Road, Shanghai 200433, China
b Research Center of Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Technology, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Abstract:The suitable spectral mode in remote sensing is often desirable to facilitate the inversion of ecological environment and landscape. This paper put forward an optimizing model based on variable precision rough sets (VPRS) for the land cover discrimination in wetland inventory. In the case study of Lake Baiyangdian which has important ecological functions to the northern China, this model is established successfully according to the domain-experts knowledge. The procedure is as follows. First step is data collection, including remote-sensing data (e.g., Landsat-5 TM bands), the digitized relief maps, and statistical yearbooks. Second, the remote sensing imagery (RSI) and relief maps are co-registered into the same resolution. Third, a condition set, including various attributes is derived from spectral bands, band math or ratio indices based on previous studies, at the same time, the decision set is derived from true land types after investigation and validation. Then, the remote sensing decision table (RSDT) is constructed by linking condition set with decision set according to the sequential pixels in RSI. Fourth, we create one forward greedy searching algorithm based on VPRS to handle this RSDT. After adjusting parameters such as β and knowledge granularity diameter (KGD), we obtain the stable optimized results. Comparative experiments and evaluation show that the discrimination or retrieval accuracy of VPRS model is satisfying (overall accuracy: 87.32% and KHAT: 0.84) and better than original data. Moreover, data dimension has been decreased dramatically (from 12 to 3) and key attributes found by the model may be useful for specific retrieval in wetland inventories.
Keywords:Spectral mode   Variable precision rough sets model   Wetland inventory   Land use/land cover   Knowledge granularity   Lake Baiyangdian
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