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Polyurethane rotating disc system for post-treatment of anaerobically pre-treated sewage
Authors:A. Tawfik  A. Klapwijk
Affiliation:1. National Research Center, Water Pollution Research Dept. El-tahrir St., Dokki, P.O. Box 12622, Cairo, Egypt;2. Wageningen University & Research Center, Agrotechnology and Food Sciences Department, Sub-department of Environmental Technology, P.O. Box 8129, 6700EV, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Abstract:The performance of polyurethane rotating discs (RBC-1) versus polystyrene rotating discs (RBC-2) for the treatment of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor effluent fed with domestic wastewater was investigated. Both RBC units were operated at the same organic loading rate (OLR) of 10.5 gCOD/m2 d. and a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 2.5 h. The residual values of COD fractions (CODsuspended, CODcolloidal and CODsoluble) in the treated effluent of RBC-1 and RBC-2 were similar. However, the removal efficiency of ammonia in the RBC-1 (87 ± 4%) was significantly higher than that found for RBC-2 i.e. 24 ± 6%. Moreover, RBC-1 achieved a substantial removal efficiency of 99.0 ± 1% for Escherichia coli (E. coli), while RBC-2 removed 91.2 ± 0.3%. Based on these results, optimization of RBC-1 treating UASB reactor effluent was extensively performed. The RBC-1 was operated at an OLR's of 4.0, 11 and 23 gCOD/m2 d. The results obtained showed that increasing the OLR from 11.0 to 23.0 gCOD/m2 d and decreasing the HRT from 2.5 to 1.25 h significantly declined the effluent quality of CODtotal and ammonia. However, the residual values of CODtotal and ammonia remained unaffected when increasing the OLR from 4.0 to 11.0 gCOD/m2 d and by decreasing the HRT from 5 to 2.5 h. Bacteriological examination showed that the mean residual count of E. coli remained at a level of 104/100 ml, in the effluent of RBC-1 independent on the imposed HRT. Accordingly, it is recommended to operate RBC-1 for treatment of anaerobically pre-treated sewage at an OLR of 11 gCOD/m2 d and an HRT of 2.5 h.A feed-less (ammonia limitation) period of 9.0 days followed by 9.0 days feeding with high OLR of 26 gCOD/m2 d. (raw sewage) was investigated to elaborate, if the nitrifiers of the RBC-1 are capable to convert ammonia to nitrate after totally 18 days when retuning back to the normal operating conditions. The results of the experiment clearly show a strong and immediate detrimental effect of imposing high OLR of 26 gCOD/m2 d on the nitrification process in the nitrifying RBC unit. However, after returning back to the original OLR of 10.6 gCOD/m2 d, the nitrification efficiency in the RBC unit was recovered within 2–3 days.
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