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Dietary uptake of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), occurrence and profiles, in aquacultured turbots (Psetta maxima) from Galicia, Spain
Authors:Blanco Sonia Lucía  Martínez Aníbal  Porro Corina  Vieites Juan M
Affiliation:Centro Técnico Nacional de Conservación de Productos de la Pesca (ANFACO-CECOPESCA), Carretera Colexio Universitario no. 16, 36310 Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain. lucia@anfaco.es
Abstract:Polybromodiphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are one of the many toxic chemicals present in the environment and in the food we eat every day, being fish one of the main sources of persistent organic pollutants in our diet; like other lipid-related contaminants, they are of concern since they can bioaccumulate and biomagnify through the trophic chain. We published a study focused on the dietary uptake of dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls (dl-PCBs) in a set of samples of Spanish farmed turbot (Blanco et al., 2007). In the present paper, we extend the study to PBDEs to provide more information about the uptake and transfer from feed to fish of halogenated contaminants. PBDEs in the feeds (2.35-4.76 ng g(-1)) were reflected in turbot fillets (0.54-2.05 ng g(-1)): predominant congeners were tetra-BDE 47, penta-BDEs 99 and 100. It is remarkable that tetra-BDE 49, accounting for only 2% in the feed, contributed to 15% of total PBDEs in turbot fillets. Dietary net accumulation values, 30-45%, showed that tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexa-BDEs were as efficiently transferred into turbot as dl-PCBs and tetra- and penta-chlorinated PCDD/Fs. Lipid-normalized biomagnification factors relating concentration in fish and in feed, BMFs>1 were obtained, except for BDE 209. BDE 49 accumulation, 90%, was possibly contributed by metabolism of higher brominated BDEs. Implication in aquaculture management is a need for uncontaminated fish feed to offer safe products.
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