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引用本文:蔡银莺 李晓云 张安录. 湖北省农地资源价值研究[J]. 自然资源学报, 2007, 22(1): 121-130. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2007.01.015
作者姓名:蔡银莺 李晓云 张安录
作者单位:华中农业大学土地管理学院, 武汉 430070
摘    要:农地价值包括农地提供粮食、纤维等农副产品可计量的市场价值和提供开敞空间、维护生物多样性、保育环境、文化教育等公共物品所具有的非市场价值。科学、合理地评估农地价值,形成完整的资源成本核算体系,可缓解我国农地流失形势,为制定和实施农地生态管护政策等提供理论与实践依据。文章运用收益还原法及条件价值评估法对湖北省不同类型农地的市场价值和非市场价值进行评估,较为科学地评估出农地的整体价值,摸清农地资源的价值构成。研究表明,湖北省包括耕地、园地、林地及水域用地在内的农地资源的非市场价值现值达2514.88×108元,相当于全省2004年生产总值的39.86%,是农地价值构成中无法忽略的重要部分。全省现有耕地资源总价值达11398.77×108元,目前无法进入交易市场或有效地通过交易机制实现的非市场价值有942.63×108元,占耕地总价值的8.27%;园地及水域用地的总价值分别为3715.27×108元和10192.81×108元,非市场价值的比例份额分别达13.64%和5.48%;现有林地资源的非市场价值达506.35×108元,折合林地非市场价值约6407元/hm2

关 键 词:农地资源  市场价值  非市场价值  收益还原法  条件价值评估法(CVM)  湖北省  

The Study of Agricultural Land Resource's Total Value in Hubei Province
CAI Yin-ying,LI Xiao-yun,ZHANG An-lu. The Study of Agricultural Land Resource's Total Value in Hubei Province[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2007, 22(1): 121-130. DOI: 10.11849/zrzyxb.2007.01.015
Authors:CAI Yin-ying  LI Xiao-yun  ZHANG An-lu
Affiliation:College of Land Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
Abstract:Agricultural land plays an important multi-dimensional role on human being.It provides not only food and fiber,but also various non-market commodities with characteristics of externalities or public goods.For example,agricultural land provides a variety of important environmental and social services including climate benefits,wildlife habitat,waste treatment,recreational opportunities,and food security.However,traditional economists` attention is mostly drawn on the market value of agricultural production.And the non-market values of agricultural land resource usually are ignored.Because most of these services are public goods,the non-market values of agricultural land preservation cannot be directly obtained from the market.So estimating the whole values of agricultural land has become a focus of the field of resource and environmental economics.The whole value of agricultural land includes two parts of market value and non-market value.The market value of agricultural land is the net return from agricultural production.The non-market value originates from the utility that arises from people's willingness to pay to preserve agricultural land resource,which has emerged as the most important non-use or passive use value associated with environmental resources.It is very important to evaluate the total value of agricultural land resource.On the one hand,it can provide a scientific basis for rural-urban land conversion decision-making,and also decrease the risk of high quality agricultural land loss.On the other hand,evaluating the value of agricultural land can reinforce and perfect in the content of agricultural land grade,providing the important function for agricultural land management.Based on random sampling,the total value of different types of agricultural land was evaluated by income approach and contingent valuation method in Hubei province.It is showed that nowadays,the total non-market value of agricultural land is 2514.88 hundred million yuan,which including cultivated land,horticultural land,forest and wetland,almost equal to 39.86% of the GDP of Hubei province in 2004.Among that,the total value of cultivated land is 11398.77 hundred million yuan,and the proportion of non-market value in cultivated land resource value is 8.27%.The total values of horticultural land and wetlands` total value are 3715.27 and 10192.81 hundred million yuan in Hubei province,and their proportion of non-market value is 13.64% and 5.48%,respectively.The total non-market value of forests is 506.35 hundred million yuan,with a non-market value of almost 6407yuan per ha.Therefore,the non-market value is an important part of agricultural land resource value.The non-market value of different ecotypes of agricultural land is inversely correlated with the abundance of local agricultural land resources.The more abundant the agricultural land resource,the lower its proportion of non-market value in whole value,and the vice versa.
Keywords:agricultural land resource  market value  non-market value  income approach  contingent valuation method(CVM)  Hubei province
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