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The distinctive isotopic signature of plant-derived chloromethane: possible application in constraining the atmospheric chloromethane budget
Authors:Harper D B  Hamilton J T G  Ducrocq V  Kennedy J T  Downey A  Kalin R M
Affiliation:School of Agriculture and Food Science, The Queen's University of Belfast, Newforge Lane, Belfast BT9 5PX, UK. david.harper@dardni.gov.uk
Abstract:Chloromethane (CH(3)Cl) is the most abundant halocarbon in the atmosphere. Although largely of natural origin it is responsible for around 17% of chlorine-catalysed ozone destruction. Sources identified to date include biomass burning, oceanic emissions, wood-rotting fungi, higher plants and most recently tropical ferns. Current estimates reveal a shortfall of around 2 million ty(-1) in sources versus sinks for the halocarbon. It is possible that emissions from green plants have been substantially underestimated. A potentially valuable tool for validating emission flux estimates is comparison of the delta13C value of atmospheric CH(3)Cl with those of CH(3)Cl from the various sources. Here we report delta13C values for CH(3)Cl released by two species of tropical ferns and show that the isotopic signature of CH(3)Cl from pteridophytes like that of CH(3)Cl from higher plants is quite different from that of CH(3)Cl produced by biomass burning, fungi and industry. delta13C values for CH(3)Cl produced by Cyathea smithii and Angiopteris evecta were respectively -72.7 per thousand and -69.3 per thousand representing depletions relative to plant biomass of 42.3 per thousand and 43.4 per thousand. The characteristic isotopic signature of CH(3)Cl released by green plants should help constrain their contribution to the atmospheric burden when reliable delta13C values for all other major sources of CH(3)Cl are obtained and a globally averaged delta13C value for atmospheric CH(3)Cl is available.
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