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The Input and Transmission of Fallout Radionuclides Through Redó, a High Mountain Lake in the Spanish Pyrenees
Authors:Appleby  P. G.  Koulikov  A. O.  Camarero  L.  Ventura  M.
Affiliation:(1) Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K.;(2) Departament d'Ecologia, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 645, Barcelona, Spain
Abstract:Fallout radionuclides have increasing value as tracers of pathways for pollutant transport through catchment/lake systems, in addition to their more traditional role in dating sediment records. The objectivesof this study, carried out within the EU MOLAR project, were tomeasure atmospheric fluxes of fallout 210Pb, 137Cs and 7Be at Redó, to establish mass balances for theseradionuclides, and test and validate models of pollutant transport through the lake and its catchment. This was achieved by comparing measured fluxes and concentrations in the water column with theoretical estimates using simple compartment models. Several interesting points emerged. Differences betweensoil core and rainwater measurements suggest that Saharan dust may be an important source of fallout 210Pb. Fluxes throughthe water column had a clear seasonal trend reflecting winter icecover. Significant concentrations of 137Cs are still presentin the water column, due to continued inputs from the catchment and/or remobilisation from the bottom sediments.
Keywords:137Cs  mountain lakes  210Pb  radionuclides  Saharan dust  sediment records  tracers
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