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为适应国家对全国碳排放权交易市场的工作目标及工作要求,根据国家政策及集团公司需求,中国石油天然气集团公司编制了《中国石油天然气集团公司温室气体排放核算与报告工作方案》,设计开发了集团公司温室气体排放核算与报告平台。文章分析了温室气体排放核算和报告四大步的工作流程;根据中国石油集团公司温室气体核算工作方案的工作要求,对难点进行分析:核算边界差异较大、基础数据来源分散、数据填报量及核算量庞大。阐述了核算系统的设计思路及系统构架、主要功能,并介绍了系统的应用情况。  相似文献   

近年来,为加强低碳城市建设、实现区域低碳发展,我国各级政府相继推出了诸如低碳社区试点、低碳城镇试点等城市建筑群的低碳示范试点。设置节能减碳目标、出台政策举措和评价试点成效的前提是对碳排放的定量评估。城市建筑群碳排放核算模型综合借鉴了IPCC方法学、《城市温室气体核算国际标准》(GPC)、WRI《城市温室气体核算工具(1.0、2.0)》和国家发改委《公共建筑运营单位(企业)温室气体排放核算方法和报告指南(试行)》等碳核算方法学,基于城市建筑群碳排放高度集聚、来源复杂、边界模糊等特征,对相关方法学进行了适用性修正,并通过某高教园区碳核算的实证检验。结果表明:城市建筑群碳排放模型可成为相关政府部门和管理机构核算碳排放的有效工具,为规划制定、目标设置、政策出台和成效评估提供了定量依据。  相似文献   

石油化工生产企业是高耗能企业,也是温室气体排放主要来源之一,温室气体排放统计、计算与监测可为参与碳交易提供基础信息,促进石油化工生产企业可持续发展并实现减排目标。文章介绍了国内外认知度较高的温室气体核算标准,并对目前国内外已发布实施的石油石化行业清单编制标准进行归纳和比较。在此基础上提出了石油石化行业完善温室气体清单编制标准、加强温室气体排放核查工作、建立温室气体统计和管理体系等建议措施。  相似文献   

工业园区温室气体核算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
碳达峰碳中和已成为我国重要的国家战略,作为工业发展的重要载体,工业园区贡献了全国50%以上的工业产出和31%左右的碳排放,是我国控碳减碳的重要靶点。准确把握园区碳排放特点,对制定针对性减碳举措意义重大。然而,工业园区温室气体排放核算方法尚未统一,需结合园区特点进行深入探讨。本研究分析了工业园区组成结构与发展特征,将园区的碳排放源归类为能源消费、工业过程和产品使用与废弃物处理处置三大类,比较不同核算方法,提出适合园区特点的温室气体排放清单建议,之后对国家级开发区开展案例研究,揭示其排放结构特征。结果显示,2015—2017年203家园区碳排放强度小幅增加,排放总量持续上升,总排放中超85%为直接排放,但三年内仍分别有100、98和92家园区的间接排放占自身总排放比重超过50%,间接排放是工业园区碳排放不可忽视的重要组份。最后,建议从间接排放占比显著或产城融合程度较高或以单一企业为绝对主体等特殊园区入手,探讨企业、园区、城市等不同层面碳排放核算之间的联系,构建园区低碳发展评价指标体系,推动工业园区温室气体核算标准的建立。  相似文献   

石油石化企业温室气体清单编制简析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章通过简要阐述石油石化企业温室气体清单的编制全过程,确定石油石化企业温室气体排放种类、识别主要温室气体排放源、列举重点生产过程中温室气体排放量的核算方法,为石油石化企业实现温室气体减排和控制工作、为完成国务院规定的到2020年我国单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度比2005年下降40%~45%的约束性指标,奠定数据理论基础。  相似文献   

根据《IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》和《省级温室气体清单编制指南》方法,建立2018年云南省16个州(市)城市生活垃圾处理温室气体排放清单,包括生活垃圾填埋和焚烧处理过程,并分析了温室气体排放的时间分布、空间分布和影响因素等。结果表明;(1)2018年云南省生活垃圾处理温室气体总排放量为536万t CO_2当量,各州(市)间排放量差异明显,滇中经济发达地区和滇东北人口密度较高地区排放量明显高于滇西北地区。(2)2005—2018年,云南省生活垃圾处理排放的温室气体量增长了191.3%,温室气体排放组成发生明显变化,CH4比重不断下降,CO_2比重不断增加。(3)城镇人口数量、生活垃圾处理量、经济发展水平与温室气体排放量显著相关,其中人口数量更为明显。  相似文献   

城镇污水处理行业是我国现代化进程中不可或缺的一部分,它承担着城镇污水处理和减排的重要作用,在运行过程中不可避免会产生大量的温室气体。本研究基于污水处理过程中的温室气体排放机理及排放因子法,构建了污水处理温室气体核算模型,并应用于国内典型的某厌氧—缺氧—好氧工艺的污水处理厂。研究结果表明,开发的模型能够有效识别出厌氧—缺氧—好氧工艺温室气体排放占比较高的环节,该环节为污水处理过程中电耗和污水处理过程中的甲烷排放,其在整个温室气体排放系统内占比高达93.09%。污水处理厂可以采取减小曝气量的措施使溶解氧达到2 ~ 3 mg/L,从而降低污水处理系统曝气电耗;另外,优化泵及鼓风机的运行,选用变频调速水泵等措施,可以降低污水提升环节能耗,达到温室气体间接减排的目的。污水处理厂还可以采取甲烷产能回收利用措施,将CH4燃烧产生的能量作为污水处理系统内的能源供应,这样不仅可以有效减少污水处理厂的能耗,而且可以实现污水处理过程中温室气体排放减量化。  相似文献   

<正>日前,国家标准委批准发布了首批包括《工业企业温室气体排放核算和报告通则》以及发电、钢铁、民航、化工、水泥等10个重点行业温室气体排放管理的11项国家标准。标准对企业温室气体排放"算什么""怎么算"提出统一要求,将为降低企业碳减排成本、建立全国统一的碳排放交易市场提供技术支撑。新标准将于明年6月1日起实施。  相似文献   

为建设绿色丝绸之路提供决策参考,基于IPCC法和中国《省级温室气体编制指南》,核算了四川、重庆、云南、广西四省区的温室气体排放清单,并进行了动态分析和排放等级评估。结果表明:2000~2013年四省区温室气体排放总量呈快速增长趋势,其中CO_2排放比例最高,其次是N_2O和CH_4。能源消费是温室气体排放的主要来源,其中又以煤炭贡献量最大。林业固碳的增长速度赶不上温室气体排放的增长速度,且林业固碳能力增长不明显。人均和单位面积温室气体排放量均呈不断增长趋势,且高于全球承担减排义务与应对气候变化的目标,减排任务仍然非常艰巨。四省区GHG排放指数均呈不断增长趋势,排放等级四川、云南和广西均由较低(Ⅰc)上升为中下(Ⅱa);重庆由中下(Ⅱa)上升为较高(Ⅲa)。  相似文献   

欧盟对共同体范围内温室气体排放管理及排放标准分两部分:一是自然温室气体排放标准及其管理;二是欧盟氟化温室气体排放管理。这套较为完备的管理体系有效控制了欧盟温室气体排放,并推动了节能技术开发和产业升级。我国现有温室气体排放标准的整体性、系统性、灵活性方面存在诸多不足,借鉴欧盟已有经验,我国应完善立法,注重体系性、整体性建设,灵活执行排放标准,尝试与绩效标准、排放权交易、能源发展战略衔接,引领技术进步与经济社会协调发展。  相似文献   

The problem of municipal solid waste has remained intractable in Nigeria despite the state’s central role in municipal solid waste management (MSWM). Policy and reforms of the MSWM system have invariably excluded the informal economy, with this exclusion frequently reinforced by uncritical implementation of neo-liberal development policies. Yet, the informal economy fortuitously remains active in solid waste collection, recycling, and disposal. This article is the aggregate outcome of an 8-year multi-stakeholder engagement in MSWM in Nigerian cities. It draws on insights from first-hand qualitative engagement with informal waste workers, interviews with key stakeholders, policy documents, and relevant literature to situate the Nigerian informal waste economy within current international development discourse. While highlighting the implications of social acceptance and inclusion of the waste economy in post-2015 MSWM and development policy, the study notes the lack of an articulate policy on MSWM in Nigeria and canvasses a specific policy to integrate the ubiquitous informal waste economy in MSWM. The paper suggests that inclusion per sé is central to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), and argues that an inclusive MSWM policy in Nigeria is desirable as it maps onto the SDGs which aim to improve lives in the post-2015 development era.  相似文献   


Lagos is undoubtedly the cultural capital and economic hub of the West African sub-region. The challenge of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in the megacity has remained intractable due partly to the increasing rate of population growth. While solid waste policy reforms, investments, and management practices in Lagos are in the upswing in the formal economy, the role of the informal economy in engendering sub-regional material linkages and livelihoods remain unexplored. Adopting a multi-stakeholder approach and data from interviews, this study critically examines how value reclamation from informal MSWM advances green neoliberalism and inclusive development. It shows that while informal transboundary trade of recyclable materials in the West African sub-region have previously been left out of analyses of MSWM in Lagos, the informal economy of waste and new investments in MSWM have neoliberal underpinnings beyond the megacity scale. The paper concludes that integrating the informal economy in framing MSWM policy in the megacity offers scope for evolving an inclusive development strategy while also enabling sustainable MSWM in the post-2015 era.  相似文献   

This paper briefly outlines the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) and what is meant by GHS implementation in terms of policy-related information for decision-makers plus a framework of actions to enable such policies to be effectively undertaken. The paper discusses the need for simple indicators to measure progress with GHS implementation. Two groups of indicators have been described that comprehensively reflect basic components of GHS implementation. The first group was presented as aggregated indicators or indices, for national capability evaluation. Indicators to evaluate management performance linked to stated objectives were presented as the second group. Information from an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published questionnaire on GHS implementation and a questionnaire by the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) on chemical safety that included GHS have provided the basic information for applying the management capability indicators approach. Through the use of information in these two questionnaires, country-relevant and regional progress with GHS implementation was illustrated. Despite the GHS implementation target of 2008 set by the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, very few countries have reported they have achieved this target. The simple management indicators proposed in this paper are based on adoption of a questionnaire and a numerical scoring system that could be used to chart progress towards GHS implementation. It was concluded, therefore, that the use of indicators as described in this paper does provide a quick survey of the overall situation in a country and facilitates comparison between countries across regions in terms of GHS implementation. Furthermore such results may indicate which countries require additional assistance with GHS implementation thus strengthening policies and actions across all sectors and involving governments, business, trade, and civil society.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal and management is one of the most significant challenges faced by urban communities around the world. Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) over the years has utilized many sophisticated technologies and smart strategies. Municipalities worldwide have pursued numerous initiatives to reduce the environmental burden of the MSW treatment strategies. One of the most beneficial MSWM strategies is the thermal treatment or energy recovery to obtain cleaner renewable energy from waste. Among many waste-to-energy strategies, refuse-derived fuel (RDF) is a solid recovered fuel that can be used as a substitute for conventional fossil fuel. The scope of this study is to investigate the feasibility of RDF production with MSW generated in Metro Vancouver, for co-processing in two cement kilns in the region. This study investigates environmental impacts and benefits and economic costs and profits of RDF production. In addition, RDF utilization as an alternative fuel in cement kilns has been assessed. Cement manufacturing has been selected as one of the most environmentally challenged industries and as a potential destination for RDF to replace a portion of conventional fossil fuels with less energy-intensive fuel. A comprehensive environmental assessment is conducted using a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. In addition, cost–benefit analysis (CBA) has been carried out to study the economic factors. This research confirmed that RDF production and use in cement kilns can be environmentally and economically viable solution for Metro Vancouver.  相似文献   

气候变化是全人类面临的共同挑战。实施碳排放责任分配是促进多方排放行为主体为应对气候变化采取减排行动的重要手段。由于攸关各参与主体的实际利益,基于不同的分配视角(如生产侧、消费侧等)、减排目标(碳排放总量、碳排放强度等)和分配原则等,碳排放责任分配研究经历了一系列的发展与演化。本文对碳排放责任的历史发展和分配原则演变进行综述,阐述了以公平、效率以及兼具公平和效率为目标导向的碳排放责任分配机制,并从排放配额、排放要求和减排目标三个方面对基于供应链的企业碳责任分配进行了探讨。最后,提出在生产过程日益分散、空间生产碎片化的当前环境下,需要沿着生产网络、确定基于供应链的碳责任分配方案,以激发和鼓励供应链所有成员为减缓气候变化做出共同努力。  相似文献   


“Waste-to-energy” (WTE) technologies have been presented as one of the avenues to improve the management of solid waste whilst promoting clean and healthy urban environments through the recovery of waste and generation of energy. Research suggests that with the right investment in technologies and institutional changes, waste can potentially become a resource that can contribute to the socio-economic development of cities. It is in this context that this paper presents a review of the literature on WTE technologies and their implications on sustainable waste management in urban areas. The paper particularly contributes to our understanding of WTE technologies and its potential on Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is estimated that the city of Johannesburg’s landfills airspace will be completely depleted by year 2023. This projection becomes a motivation for the identification of suitable WTE alternative avenues to manage waste in the city. The paper argues that WTE technologies can contribute significantly to sustainable waste management, economic growth, ecological and environmental well-being.  相似文献   

近30年来,为了掌握BVOCs排放的规律和特征,进一步定量分析评价空气质量和气候变化,向决策者制定相应措施提供科学有效的依据,研究者们致力于研究BVOCs排放机理及其影响因素,并据此建立多种BVOCs排放模型,以模拟区域及全球BVOCs排放。从算法、数据、应用以及局限性4个方面入手,系统回顾了BEIS、GIoBEIS、MEGAN等BVOCs排放模型的研发进程,并评述了国内外BVOCs排放模拟的研究历程,最后从加强机研究、遥感数据的应用、与气候模型及动态植被模型耦合等方面对BVOCs排放模型发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

汽车产业碳达峰目标的确定加速了汽车电动化转型的步伐。随着电动汽车逐年增多,由制动磨损、轮胎与路面磨损、路面扬尘等产生的非尾气排放颗粒物污染防治越来越受到重视。汽车尾气排放颗粒物主要由燃烧产生,位置与形式相对单一;而非尾气排放颗粒物主要由摩擦副摩擦产生,位置分散,成分复杂。虽然电动汽车近年来发展迅猛,并且多年来的尾气排放治理已使得尾气颗粒物排放处于较低水平,但传统燃油车保有量仍占有绝对优势,在突出和加快非尾气颗粒物排放控制的同时,尾气颗粒物排放依然需要引起足够重视。本文建议,在延续尾气排放治理经验基础之上,进一步从政策法规、工程技术、交通管理三个方面着眼,多角度协同控制,加强汽车颗粒物排放控制。  相似文献   

Various approaches have been proposed for allocating commitments to countries regarding the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. One of these methods is the ‘contraction and convergence’ approach, which defines emission permits on the basis of converging per capita emissions under a contracting global emission profile. The approach is unique in its simplicity. Only two major issues need to be negotiated and agreed upon: the target atmospheric concentration of CO2 and the date when the entitlements are to converge at equal per capita allocations. According to the contraction and convergence approach, developing countries can continue their current emission trends, whereas industrialized countries should reduce their emissions quite dramatically. This regime represents a shift away from the current approach towards defining commitments for all parties and their evolution over the long term. This article analyses how allocation schemes determined by the contraction and convergence approach might affect certain OECD and non‐OECD countries. Results for eleven countries selected for analysis (United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, China, Venezuela, Thailand, Brazil, India and Indonesia) reveal that trends observed in the past few decades in most industrialized countries will lead to the contraction and convergence target.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dynamic relationship between global surface temperature (global warming) and global carbon dioxide emission (CO2) is modelled and analyzed by causality and spectral analysis in the time domain and frequency domain, respectively. Historical data of global CO2emission and global surface temperature anomalies over 129 years from 1860–1988 are used in this study. The causal relationship between the two phenomena is first examined using the Sim and Granger causality test in the time domain after the data series are filtered by ARIMA models. The Granger causal relationship is further scrutinized and confirmed by cross-spectral and multichannel spectral analysis in the frequency domain. The evidence found from both analyses proves that there is a positive causal relationship between the two variables. The time domain analysis suggests that Granger causality exists between global surface temperature and global CO2emission. Further, CO2emission causes the change in temperature. The conclusions are further confirmed by the frequency domain analysis, which indicates that the increase in CO2emission causes climate warming because a high coherence exists between the two variables. Furthermore, it is proved that climate changes happen after an increase in CO2emission, which confirms that the increase in CO2emission does cause global warming.  相似文献   

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