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土壤与沉积物对多环芳烃类有机物的吸附作用   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
吸附作用是疏水性有机物在土壤和沉积物环境中的重要迁移转化行为之一。多环芳烃是环境中一种重要的疏水性有机污染物。文章着重阐述了多环芳烃类有机物在土壤和沉积物中有机质和粘土矿物吸附机理,指出土壤、沉积物有机质的结构异质性是导致非线形吸附的重要原因;分析了影响多环芳烃吸附过程的诸多因素,并提出该研究领域存在的问题以及今后发展的方向。  相似文献   

渭河水中有机物在几种土壤中的吸附特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓娟  钱会  康锦辉 《生态环境》2005,14(3):361-364
通过批量实验研究了渭河水中有机物在几种土壤中的吸附行为,测得吸附常数,给出吸附等温线。对吸附等温线进行分析,发现已经吸附的有机物分子会影响土壤的吸附性质。同时数据的拟合表明,有机物在不同土样中的吸附行为均可用Freundlich方程描述。吸附常数和固相一水分配系数表明4种土样中河沙的吸附能力最强,进一步的实验发现这是由于河沙中已经吸附的有机物最少,吸附位相对多,造成吸附能力强。  相似文献   

为全面多层次了解污染场地有机物污染特征,本研究选取生产过农药和涂料产品的某复合污染场地为研究对象,分析该场地不同区域环境空气、土壤气以及土壤等3种介质中有机物污染特征,比较了不同区域不同介质中有机物的存在差异,同时对不同深度土壤及土壤气进行了污染特征分析.结果表明,场地有机物成分复杂,环境空气、土壤气和土壤的3种介质中共检出354种物质,土壤中检出物质数量多达177种,环境空气90种物质,土壤气共检出153种物质.从物质种类组成来看,主要为苯系物、含氧有机物、烷烯烃以及含卤有机物(主要是含氯有机物);该场地环境空气存在较为严重的挥发性有机物污染,场地不同区域环境空气TVOCs浓度高于国内主要城市城区和部分工业区检测值,涂料环境1#VOCs污染最严重,苯系物和含氧有机物是主要的浓度组成物质,多来自于涂料和农药生产中使用的有机溶剂.不同区域不同深度土层土壤气中挥发性有机物污染程度不同,就不同区域而言,原农药区浓度最高(19.27 mg·m-3),涂料区1#浓度最低(13.41 mg·m-3);不同土层土壤气VOCs污染程度不同,涂料区两个区域2 ...  相似文献   

本文简要综述了近年来国内外有毒有机物对生态系统影响的研究趋势。主要归纳为:有毒有机物生物活性的预测,有毒有机物在环境中的转化、降解和归宿;对生态系统中生物种群的影响;对整个生态系统的影响;以及放射性同位素示踪技术在研究有毒有机物环境行为中的应用等五个方面。  相似文献   

通过模拟试验,研究了浸提自稻草、腐殖土和堆肥的可溶性有机物(DOM)对紫色潮土、紫色土和黄壤三种土壤中汞向大气释放的影响.结果表明,DOM尤其是堆肥DOM能有效地抑制土壤汞向大气的释放,且土壤中DOM添加量越高,土壤汞释放量越少,即DOM对土壤汞释放的抑制作用越强;不同土壤类型,DOM的抑制作用不同,三种土壤汞释放量大小顺序均为:紫色潮土紫色土黄壤.  相似文献   

植物-土壤微生物交互作用在土壤养分循环、碳固存和温室气体排放等生态过程中发挥着重要作用,而植物源有机物输入被认为是植物-微生物交互作用的纽带。根圈土壤微生物在群落结构和功能上与根圈外土壤差异显著,并存在一定的植物群落特异性。植物源有机物的高度可利用性对土壤微生物具有复杂的影响,改变着土壤生态过程。因此,揭示植物源有机物的输入对土壤微生物的影响有助于深化对植物-土壤微生物反馈作用的认识,同时为养分循环调控、肥料施用时效、作物增产和温室气体排放及生态平衡维持提供理论支持。基于国内外最新相关研究进展,综述了两大类植物源有机物(根际沉积和凋落物)的组成和输入时间对土壤微生物群落结构和特定功能(以氮循环为例)的影响机制;探讨了稳定性同位素示踪技术、分子探针技术和宏基因组学等研究方法在植物-土壤微生物交互作用中的综合应用;总结了植物生命周期内植物源有机物化学组成和输入时空差异对植物特异性土壤微生物群落的诱导机制。植物源有机物输入对微生物群落结构和功能具有重要影响,不但显著提高优势微生物群落生物量、改变微生物群落结构及相关功能、调控特定土壤微生物活性,并且其化学性质多样性决定了土壤微生物群落植物特异性。因此,植物源有机物输入是驱动植物根圈特异微生物群落结构演替与功能演变的重要因子。  相似文献   

以典型有机污染物4-硝基酚(4-nitrophenol,4-NP)和六氯苯(hexachlorobenzene,HCB)污染土壤为处理对象,采用高效吸收微波且保温性能良好的碳化硅材料制成圆柱状装土容器,研究以微波为热源、碳化硅为热传导材料的微波修复设备对污染土壤的修复效果.结果表明,该设备对土壤中有机污染物有较好的去除效果,30 min内去除率均可达到90%以上.有机物的去除不仅是由于碳化硅被加热后的热传递效应,且透过容器的部分微波也可直接作用于污染土壤.实验考察了微波辐照时间、污染物初始浓度、土壤量及含水率、敏化剂等因素对修复效果的影响.辐照时间、土壤量和含水量显著影响土壤升温行为和污染物去除率,而污染物初始污染浓度对去除率影响较小.与马弗炉加热处理效果进行了比较,表明微波加热修复技术在土壤的升温速率及有机物去除率方面均有显著优势.  相似文献   

可溶性有机碳在紫色土中的吸附及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吸附作用是影响土壤中可溶性有机碳(DOC)迁移转化及生物有效性的重要过程,研究DOC在土壤中的吸附行为,对正确阐明土壤有机碳的循环和转化特征以及污染风险评估具有重要意义。选择具有代表性的3种土地利用方式的紫色土为实验材料,采用平衡吸附法研究了紫色土对分离的有机肥提取液中可溶性有机碳(DOC)的吸附特征,并分析了温度、磷酸盐、铁盐和有机质与DOC吸附量之间的关系。结果表明,原始物质吸附等温线方程可以反映土壤对可溶性有机碳的吸附特性,土壤对DOC的吸附量与DOC添加量呈极显著线性关系。从原始物质吸附等温线方程的分配系数看,随着温度的升高,土壤对DOC的吸附亲和力呈现降低趋势,5、15、25和35℃下,土壤对DOC的平均吸附率分别为26.38%、22.68%、19.98%和19.42%,其淋失迁移问题值得被重视。磷酸盐能抑制土壤对DOC的吸附,铁盐则促进土壤对DOC的吸附。有机质是影响土壤DOC吸附量的重要因素,用H_2O_2去除土壤部分有机质后,土壤对DOC的吸附量明显增大。  相似文献   

生物炭来源、性质及其在重金属污染土壤修复中的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
生物炭在改良土壤、固碳与环境修复等方面的良好特性使其成为农业和环境保护领域的研究热点。然而由于生物炭的稳定性强、比表面面积大,施用到土壤后会改变原有的土壤环境,影响重金属在土壤中的环境行为。本文就生物炭制备、特性、土壤重金属的稳定化机制及影响因素进行综述,在此基础上,对生物炭在土壤中的环境行为及归趋、重金属污染土壤的生物炭修复机理及环境效应、生物炭前体物的环境风险与生物炭作为负载材料等方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

目前中国部分地区土壤铜污染严重,耕地点位超标率高达2.1%。重金属毒性及生物有效性由其形态决定,而并非其总量决定。水溶态铜含量活性最高,最容易被植物吸收利用,因而受到广泛关注。秸秆常用于土壤重金属污染原位钝化修复中。秸秆还田后会产生溶解性有机物,这部分周转最快、活性最高的土壤有机质对土壤中水溶态铜含量有重要影响。基于此,本研究选取中国3种地带性土壤(红壤、褐土和黑土),设计添加铜和秸秆的土壤培养试验,温室培养12个月,每4个月取样一次。测定土壤中水溶态铜、溶解性有机碳(DOC)、氮(DON)和溶解性有机物的紫外光谱特性。研究结果表明,(1)红壤、褐土及黑土的秸秆处理中DOC含量较对照显著增加292%—567%,107%—202%,114%—141%。培养后8个月,3种土壤中DON含量较对照显著下降。其中,红壤、褐土及黑土中DON含量下降的幅度分别为88%—90%,47%—93%,62%—88%。在培养的第8—12个月,红壤和褐土的秸秆处理中DON含量较对照分别显著增加28%,22%,说明微生物在激发效应过程中优先利用溶解性有机氮。(2)秸秆处理中溶解性有机物芳香环上取代基种类增加,芳香性增强,分子量增加;随时间推移,3种土壤中溶解性有机物的芳香性及分子量随时间逐渐下降。(3)由于溶解性有机物对铜离子的络合作用,有机物加入后3种土壤中水溶态铜含量较对照显著增加;多元线性逐步回归分析结果表明:在3种土壤中,DOC含量与水溶态铜含量呈显著正相关。该研究表明,相比于溶解性有机物的紫外光谱性质,溶解性有机物的含量对水溶态铜含量的影响更大。  相似文献   

土壤溶解性有机质的生态环境效应   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
李睿  屈明 《生态环境》2004,13(2):271-275
土壤生态环境是一个复杂的多介质多界面体系。现有的研究表明,DOM作为环境中重要的天然配位体和吸着载体,是一种非常活跃的化学物质,它将土壤中的矿物质、有机质与生物成分联系在一起,通过物理或化学作用改变金属与外源性化合物的环境行为,促进温室气体的排放,调节土壤养分流失,指示土壤质量,并对成土过程、微生物的生长代谢过程、土壤有机质分解和转化过程有着重要作用,已经成为土壤科学、生态科学和环境科学交叉领域的研究热点。文章系统地评述了DOM的组成特点及其环境效应,同时介绍了未来的研究方向及一些有待于进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

为掌握可溶性有机质(DOM)对憎水性有机污染物吸附和解吸行为的影响,本研究选取四环多环芳烃——芘作为目标污染物,通过批平衡实验研究了不同分子量组分DOM对芘在泥炭和高岭土上吸附和解吸的影响.结果表明,吸附和解吸数据均可以用Freundlich模型很好地拟合(R2>0.93).DOM的添加抑制了泥炭对芘的吸附,并且分子量越大的DOM产生的抑制效应越明显,主要是由于DOM与芘分子的竞争、增溶作用及泥炭表面微孔的堵塞引起的.与之相反,DOM促进了芘在高岭土上的吸附,DOM分子量越大,促进效应越强,这是由于DOM与芘分子之间通过累积吸附或共吸附增加高岭土对芘的吸附.DOM促进了芘在泥炭和高岭土上的解吸,并且促进效应随分子量的增加而增强.此外,芘在泥炭和高岭土上的解吸均存在迟滞现象,均在低浓度时表现出更明显的效应.DOMbulk和DOM_(>14000 Da)增加了芘在泥炭上的解吸迟滞现象,但降低了其在高岭土上的解吸迟滞现象.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the seasonal autochthonous sources of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in the euphotic zone at a station in the upper Chesapeake Bay using a new mass-based ecosystem model. Important features of the model are: (1) carbon and nitrogen are incorporated by means of a set of fixed and varying C:N ratios; (2) dissolved organic matter (DOM) is separated into labile, semi-labile, and refractory pools for both C and N; (3) the production and consumption of DOM is treated in detail; and (4) seasonal observations of light, temperature, nutrients, and surface layer circulation are used to physically force the model. The model reasonably reproduces the mean observed seasonal concentrations of nutrients, DOM, plankton biomass, and chlorophyll a. The results suggest that estuarine DOM production is intricately tied to the biomass concentration, ratio, and productivity of phytoplankton, zooplankton, viruses, and bacteria. During peak spring productivity phytoplankton exudation and zooplankton sloppy feeding are the most important autochthonous sources of DOM. In the summer when productivity peaks again, autochthonous sources of DOM are more diverse and, in addition to phytoplankton exudation, important ones include viral lysis and the decay of detritus. The potential importance of viral decay as a source of bioavailable DOM from within the bulk DOM pool is also discussed. The results also highlight the importance of some poorly constrained processes and parameters. Some potential improvements and remedies are suggested. Sensitivity studies on selected parameters are also reported and discussed.  相似文献   

• The source of DOM in surface water and sediment is inconsistent. • The DOC content changes differently in surface water and sediment. • The content of DOC in the surface water is lower than that in the sediment. • The DOM in the surface water had higher photodegradation potentials than sediment. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in rivers is a critical regulator of the cycling and toxicity of pollutants and the behavior of DOM is a key indicator for the health of the environment. We investigated the sources and characteristics of DOM in surface water and sediment samples of the Wei River, China. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (UV254) increased in the surface water and were decreased in the sediment downstream, indicating that the source of DOM in the water differed from the sediment. Parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis of the excitation-emission matrices (EEM) revealed the presence of terrestrial humus-like, microbial humus-like and tryptophan-like proteins in the surface water, whereas the sediment contained UVA humic-like, UVC humic-like and fulvic-like in the sediment. The DOM in the surface water and sediment were mainly derived from microbial metabolic activity and the surrounding soil. Surface water DOM displayed greater photodegradation potential than sediment DOM. PARAFAC analysis indicated that the terrestrial humic-like substance in the water and the fulvic-like component in the sediment decomposed more rapidly. These data describe the characteristics of DOM in the Wei River and are crucial to understanding the fluctuations in environmental patterns.  相似文献   

The complex capacity of different types of organic matters (OMs) for Cu was quantitatively studied by simulation experiments using different adsorbents prepared from the sediment in Taihu Lake. The free Cu was measured with ion selective electrode (ISE) and complex capacity was calculated using a conditional formation constant model. The result indicated that the complex capacity was 0.048 mmol·g-1, 0.009 and 0.005 mmol.g-1for raw sediment, sediment without DOM, sediment without insoluble organic matters but with DOM and sediment without OM. Insoluble organic matter played a major role in the sorption of Cu in sediment and it can adsorb most Cu from water column. In the solution, Cu mainly existed as a complex with DOM and the DOM-Cu complexation capacity was 327.87 mg. g-1. The change of TOC and pH indicated ion-exchange in the interaction between free Cu and DOM. When the Cu concentration in the experiment reached the complex capacity of DOM, precipitation was the major mechanism to remove Cu from water phase, which was observed from UV absorbance change of DOM, that is, its aromaticity increased while molecular weight decreased. The desorption result indi- cated that DOM was more capable of desorbing Cu from adsorbents without OM than adsorbent with OM. The desorbed quantity with DOM was 1.65, 1.78 and 2.25 times higher than that with water for adsorbents without OM, raw adsorbents (sediment) and adsorbents without DOM.  相似文献   

The interaction of Zn and Cu with dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a significant physicochemical process affecting their sorption as well as mobility in soil. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of DOM from corn straw on the sorption of Zn and Cu by loess through batch adsorption technique. The sorption isotherms of Zn and Cu could be well described by the Freundlich equation, and the partition distribution coefficient (k) in the presence of DOM was reduced by 86% for Zn and 58% for Cu, as compared to the control receiving no DOM, suggesting that DOM had a stronger inhibitory effect on Zn sorption than that of Cu. In addition, the sorption of metal increased with an increase in pH for loess, with maximum inhibition on metal sorption observed at pH > 7.6 for Zn and pH > 5.5 for Cu in the absence ofDOM but Cu sorption of DOM was suddenly decreased with an increase of pH at pH > 7.9 in the presence of DOM. At a DOM concentration of <200 mg L?1, sorption of Zn and Cu was reduced by 46% for Zn and 32% for Cu with an increase in DOM concentration.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in heavy metal speciation and distribution in the aquatic environment especially for eutrophic lakes which have higher DOM concentration. Taihu Lake is the third largest freshwater and a high eutrophic lake in the downstream of the Yangtze River, China. In the lake, frequent breakout of algae blooms greatly increased the concentration of different organic matters in the lake sediment. In this study, sediment samples were collected from various part of Taihu Lake to explore the spatial difference in the binding potential of DOM with Cu. The titration experiment was adopted to quantitatively characterize the interaction between Cu(II) and DOM extracted from Taihu Lake sediments using ion selective electrode (ISE) and fluorescence quenching technology. The ISE results showed that the exogenous DOM had higher binding ability than endogenous DOM, and DOM derived from aquatic macrophytes had a higher binding ability than that derived from algae. The fluorescence quenching results indicated that humic substances played a key role in the complexation between DOM and Cu(II) in the lake. However, because of the frequent breakout of algae blooms, protein-like matters are also main component like hnmic matters in Taihu Lake. Therefore, the metals bound by protein-like substances should be caused concern as protein-like substances in DOM were unstable and they will release bound metal when decomposed.  相似文献   

表面活性剂及水溶性有机物对菲生态毒性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室内培养试验及化学试验研究了表面活性剂及水溶性有机物(DOM)对土壤中菲对小麦的生态毒性的影响.结果表明,绿肥和猪粪堆肥DOM具有具有类似表面活性剂的表面活性性质,且猪粪堆肥的表面活性较大;在本试验条件下,DOM对菲对小麦的生态毒性有减轻作用,而表面活性剂对菲生态毒性有增加的趋势;当DOM和表面活性剂共存时,菲的生态毒性则比DOM单独作用时的结果强,而弱于表面活性剂单独作用的结果.  相似文献   

苏欣颖  王宇  程欣  周剑霜 《环境化学》2021,40(1):312-320
研究雨雪中的溶解性有机物(DOM)将有利于把握其理化性质及其在生态系统中的行为和功能.本研究运用三维荧光光谱(EEMs)技术结合平行因子分析(PARAFAC)、紫外-可见光谱技术(UV-vis),对哈尔滨市2018年3月1日降雪样品中DOM的光谱特性及来源进行解析.结果表明,降雪样品中DOM的相对分子质量较大,芳香构造程度较高,C=C不饱和双键结构较多,腐殖化程度更高,结构更复杂,芳环上含氧官能团含量较少,有机质疏水性较强;EEMs结合PRAFAC解析出3种组分,分别为类腐殖质类物质(C1和C2)和类色氨酸(C3),荧光特征参数(荧光指数FI、自生源指数BIX、腐殖化系数HIXb和新鲜指数β∶α)表明,降雪样品中DOM受陆源和生物源同时作用,腐殖化程度较高且受到陆源影响严重,自生源组分较少,新生成的DOM比例较低.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy was used to investigate the fluorescent properties of soil dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the water-level-fluctuation zone (WLFZ) of Kai County, Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR). Most of the soil DOM analyzed in this study was found to contain four fluorescence peaks. Peaks A and C represent humic-like fluorescence, whereas peaks B and D represent tryptophan-like fluorescence. Peaks E and F, which represent tyrosine-like fluorescence, only appeared in certain soils. Soil humus was the main source of DOM in soil, and higher concentration of soil DOM was found in the exposed soil than submerged soil. Compared to the peaks A and B, the fluorescence intensities of peaks C and D were strongly influenced by the fluctuating water level. Analysis of fluorescence intensities of different peaks in soil DOM showed that WLFZ soil was not contaminated significantly. Soil DOM contained at least two types of humic-like fluorescence groups and two types of protein-like fluorescence groups. The proportion of the content of peak A in soil organic matter was quite stable. The soil DOM in exposed soil had relatively high humification and aromaticity, and periodic submerging and exposure of soil had an impact on the humification of soil DOM.  相似文献   

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