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1993年欧盟议会首次通过了已有物质的健康风险评估和危险物质对人类健康危害的风险评估2个指令,继而发布了技术指导文件并沿用至今,欧盟还据此颁布了以《化学品的注册、评估、授权和限制》(Regulation Concerning the Registration,Evaluation,Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals,REACH)为代表的一系列化学品管控法规,促进了化学生产、使用与管控技术的革新。本文综述了欧盟健康风险评估的发展历程、主要步骤方法及其应用进展。欧盟的健康风险评估主要从化学品的释放源和全生命周期入手,对化学品进行综合全面管控。其风险评估技术指导手册架构完整、内容详尽,整体上从危害识别、剂量-效应关系、暴露评估和风险表征4个部分进行了介绍,对健康风险评估中的标准方法、数据来源、参数选择与模型应用做出规定。并以此导则中的办法为基础,对141种化学品进行评估,推出一系列化学品管理办法,实现了优先控制化学品的筛选,值得我国化学品研究与管理工作者借鉴。  相似文献   

危害性识别是化学品环境风险评估工作的重要基础,危害性数据的质量直接影响化学品环境风险评估工作的结果与结论。通过介绍经济合作与发展组织(OECD)eChemPortal近几年来的主要变化,以上海地区涉及的30种重点环境管理危险化学品为例,比较分析我国《危险化学品分类信息表》及eChemPortal引用的按照《欧盟物质和混合物的分类、标签和包装法规》的公开分类和标签目录(ECHA CL inventory)、日本政府全球化学品统一分类和标签分类结果(GHS-J)的差异。结果表明:eChemPortal作为OECD建立的全球化学物质信息门户,加入的数据库多数经过政府机构或同行评审,准确性和可靠性相对较高,目前已有32个数据库加入到该平台,其中32个数据库支持化学物质检索,4个数据库支持化学性质检索,2个数据库支持GHS检索,并且数据库的数量和功能还在持续增加;相对于国家安全监管总局的《危险化学品分类信息表》和ECHA CL inventory,GHS-J的危害性分类结果较为完善,而且多数分类结果提供了具体的分类数据基础信息,这对于分类结果的评估十分有用。上述研究表明我国政府监管部门有必要结合eChemPortal等权威的数据信息平台发布我国重点环境管理危险化学品环境风险评估推荐数据库,从而规范重点环境管理危险化学品环境风险评估过程并推动对化学品的有效环境监管。  相似文献   

美国国家环保局(U.S.EPA)不久前颁布了新的供水标准,对以前没有被控制的致癌消毒副产物(DBPs)作出了新的规定饮用水中消毒副产物的最大污染浓度(MCLs)分别是:  相似文献   

我们生活在一个化学品的世界.我们使用或消费的几乎任何一种产品都含有人造化学品1930年全球化学品产量约为10万吨;而现在却达到了4亿吨.去年全球化学品产量估计接近2万亿美元.125个欧盟成员国形成了全世界最大的、专一的化学品生产区域(占2003年总销售量的34%)全球三分之二的化学品生产是在欧洲和美国进行的(图1).欧盟是最主要的化学品进出口商,贸易量占全球贸易量的一半.最大的化学品贸易区是欧盟、亚洲和北美.在1998年到2003年期间,欧盟的化学品生产增幅大大超过了美国或者日本(年增长率分别为2.7%、0.7%、1.3%)(图2).这一时期“新兴”国…  相似文献   

<正>REACH(化学品的登记、评估和授权)http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/chemicals/reach.htmREACH建议是一项新的欧盟化学品规章制度框架,在2003年被欧洲委员会通过.改变欧盟化学品管理政策有可能对25个欧盟成员国及其他国家产生重大影响.因此化学工业和全世界的非欧盟成员国密切关注着该建议的发展.  相似文献   

城市工业企业搬迁与退役遗留大量污染场地,其潜在环境风险受到各国政府的高度重视。在化学品风险/毒性评估的基础上,欧美等发达国家(地区)率先发展和形成了独具特色的环境风险评估框架。我国在借鉴吸纳国外先进经验的基础上,逐步形成符合国情的场地环境风险评估框架。笔者系统梳理了我国和美国、欧盟、荷兰、英国等国家(地区)的污染场地环境风险评估框架形成与发展历程;分析阐释了各框架的首要目标、决策与管理过程、科学定位、关键创新等要素及其内涵;揭示了各个国家(地区)在特定历史时期关键法律法规、政策与技术文件等的推动、支撑及指导作用等。通过对比研究可为我国场地环境风险评估框架的完善与创新发展提供有益参考。  相似文献   

<正>在化学品环境管理中,一般采用具有代表性的模式生物作为实验材料获取毒性数据,进而判定化学品的毒性等级以及评价其对环境造成的风险。迄今为止,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)、美国环境保护署(US EPA)、国际标准化组织(ISO)已经推荐了大量可用于生态毒理测试的模式生物。以OECD为例,41个生态毒性测试方法涉及了近90种不同营养级、不同环境介质的模式生物。  相似文献   

<正>2014年4月24日来源:Chemical Watch网站众议院提出的一项改革《有毒物质控制法》的最新版草案法案放松了关于州法律优先适用的规定,并为美国环保署(EPA)对现有化学物质进行评估设定了最后期限。环境与经济小组委员会定于4月29日就修订版草案举行一次听证。在《商业活动中的化学品法》的第一版草案中,美国环保署对一种物质的低优先性指定将优先于对该物  相似文献   

酚类物质由于有致毒性而被规定为饮用水和矿泉水中的毒性污染物,欧盟饮用水指导原则规定饮用水和矿泉水中的酚类物质不高于0.5μg·l-1,日本健康,劳动和福利部门规定饮用水中的酚类物质最高含量为5μg·l-1,美国EPA规定五氯(苯)酚最高含量为1μg·l-1,并规定11种常见酚类物质作为美国EPA首要检测的污染物质,带有UV/DAD,电化学检测器,荧光检测器的液相色谱可以对酚类物质进行检测,在线SPE固相萃取和HPLC相结合的技术,能解决传统SPE样品前处理方式的缺点,不需要购买大量SPE萃取柱和消耗大量的人力,戴安公司UltiMate(R)3000液相色谱开发出了大量先进液相色谱方法,例如二元液相,二维液相色谱和在线SPE/HPLC,配备有大体积自动进样器的一台UltiMate 3000液相色谱仪,能够进行在线固相萃取,完成检测瓶装饮用水酚类物质,用二元泵阀切换技术可以替代大体积自动进样器也能做到在线SPE固相萃取.  相似文献   

多介质环境模型被广泛应用于化学品环境风险评估.模型参数敏感性分析是使用模型时必不可少的环节,也是了解模型结构的有效途径之一.模型参数敏感性分析可筛选出对模型预测结果具有显著影响的化学品物化参数和环境参数,有助于减少数据收集工作量,能侧重收集所要评估区域关键的环境参数和实际环境条件下的物化参数值,从而提高模型预测结果的可信度,为化学品管理决策提供准确数据.本研究以化学物质八甲基环四硅氧烷为例,采用局部敏感性分析法中的一次一个变量法和全局敏感性分析法中的回归分析法,分别对多介质环境模型New Equilibrium Criterion模型参数进行了敏感性分析.结果表明,亨利常数、LevelⅢ向空气排放率和沉积物沉积速率等参数值的变化对模型预测结果影响显著.  相似文献   

The Ministry of Environmental Protection of China issued a 3rd draft edition of risk-based Generic Assessment Criteria (the MEP-GAC) in March 2016. Since these will be the first authoritative GAC in China, their implementation is likely to have a significant impact on China’s growing contaminated land management sector. This study aims to determine the potential implementation impact of the MEP-GAC through an in-depth analysis of the management context, land use scenarios, health criteria values adopted and exposure pathways considered. The MEP-GAC have been proposed for two broad categories of land use scenarios for contaminated land risk assessment, and these two categories of land use scenarios need to be further delved, and a MEP-GAC for Chinese cultivated land scenario ought to be developed, to ensure human health protection of Chinese farmers. The MEP-GAC have adopted 10?6 as the acceptable lifetime cancer risk, given the widespread extent and severe level of land contamination in China, consideration should be given to the decision on excess lifetime cancer risk of 10?5. During risk assessment process in practice, it is better to review the 20% TDI against local circumstances to determine their suitability before adopting it. The MEP-GAC are based on a SOM value of 1%, for regions with particularly high SOM, it might be necessary to develop regional GAC, due to SOM’s significant impact on the GAC developed. An authoritative risk assessment model developed based on HJ25.3-2014 would help facilitate the DQRA process in practice. The MEP-GAC could better reflect the likely exposures of China’s citizens due to vapour inhalation by using characteristics of Chinese exposure scenarios, including China-generic building stock, as inputs into the Johnson and Ettinger model as opposed to adoption of the US EPA parameters. The MEP-GAC once implemented will set the trajectory for the development of the investigation, assessment and remediation of land contamination for years.  相似文献   

The importance of efficaciously assessing the risk for introduction and establishment of pest species is an increasingly important ecological and economic issue. Evaluation of climate is fundamental to determining the potential success of an introduced or invasive insect pest. However, evaluating climatic suitability poses substantial difficulties; climate can be measured and assessed in a bewildering array of ways. Some physiological filter, in essence a lens that focuses climate through the requirements and constraints of a potential pest introduction, is required. Difficulties in assessing climate suitability are further exacerbated by the effects of climate change. Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) is an exotic, tree-defoliating insect that is frequently introduced into the western United States. In spite of an abundance of potential host species, these introductions have yet to result in established populations. The success of eradication efforts and the unsuccessful establishment of many detected and undetected introductions may be related to an inhospitable climate. Climatic suitability for gypsy moth in the western United States, however, is potentially improving, perhaps rapidly, due to a general warming trend that began in the mid 1970s and continues today. In this work, we describe the application of a physiologically based climate suitability model for evaluating risk of gypsy moth establishment on a landscape level. Development of this risk assessment system first required amassing databases that integrated the gypsy moth climatic assessment model, with host species distributions, and climate (historical, present, and future). This integrated system was then used to evaluate climate change scenarios for native host species in Utah, with the result that risk of establishment will dramatically increase during the remainder of the 21st century under reasonable climate change scenarios. We then applied the risk assessment system to several case histories of detected gypsy moth introductions in Utah. These applications demonstrated the general utility of the system for predicting risk of establishment and for designing improved risk detection strategies.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,169(1):39-60
This paper describes an integrated methodology for the Assessment of Estuarine Trophic Status (ASSETS), which may be applied comparatively to rank the eutrophication status of estuaries and coastal areas, and to address management options. It includes quantitative and semi-quantitative components, and uses field data, models and expert knowledge to provide Pressure-State-Response (PSR) indicators.A substantial part of the concepts underlying the approach were developed as the United States National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment (NEEA), which was applied to 138 estuaries in the continental United States. The core methodology relies on three diagnostic tools: a heuristic index of pressure (Overall Human Influence), a symptoms-based evaluation of state (Overall Eutrophic Conditions), and an indicator of management response (Definition of Future Outlook).Recently, the methodology has been extended and refined in its application to European estuaries, and a more quantitative approach to some of the metrics has been implemented. In particular, the assessment of pressure is carried out by means of simple modeling techniques, comparing anthropogenic nutrient loading with natural background concentrations, and the quantitative criteria for classification of system state based on different symptoms have been refined to improve comparability.The present approach has been intercalibrated with the original NEEA work, for five widely different U.S. estuaries (Long Island Sound, Neuse River, Savannah River, Florida Bay and West Mississippi Sound) with good results. ASSETS additionally aims to contribute to the EU Water Framework Directive classification system, as regards a subset of water quality and ecological parameters in transitional and coastal waters.  相似文献   

The International Toxicity Equivalency Factor (I‐TEF) method of risk assessment is a revised interim procedure for assessing the risks associated with exposures to complex mixtures of chlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins and dibenzofurans (CDDs and CDFs). This updated scheme was developed by a working group of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society and has been officially adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Canada, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, the Nordic countries, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Prior to the development of the I‐TEF method, at least ten slightly different schemes had been used throughout the world which complicated communication among scientists and regulatory agencies concerning the toxicological significance of complex mixtures of CDDs and CDFs. The I‐TEF approach facilitates risk communication internationally by reducing large volumes of analytical data into a single number‐International Toxicity Equivalents (I‐TEQ). As a result, the I‐TEF method represents an improvement in an already useful risk assessment/regulatory tool.  相似文献   

In 2010 the Gulf Coast experienced the largest oil spill affecting U.S. waters in history. Evaporating crude oil and dispersant chemicals can cause major health problems. This paper examines the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on air quality and infant health outcomes. Using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) AirData, vital statistics data from National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), and a difference-in-difference methodology, we find that the oil spill of 2010 increased concentrations of PM2.5, NO2, SO2, and CO in affected coastal counties, increased incidence of low birth weight (<2500 g) and premature born infants (<37 weeks of gestation). Heterogeneity effects reveal more pronounced adverse infant health outcomes for black, Hispanic, less educated, unmarried, and younger mothers. Results are robust to a wide range of controls and robustness checks.  相似文献   

防污漆中活性物质海洋环境风险评估关键技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
防污漆中的活性物质对海洋生态环境和人类健康造成的潜在风险受到日益广泛的关注,一些发达国家已建立了针对活性物质海洋环境风险评估的技术体系,但我国相关研究目前尚属空白。综述了防污漆活性物质海洋环境风险评估的研究背景、相关法规、技术标准和发展现状,针对环境风险评估的2个重要组成部分(危害性评估和暴露评估)中的关键技术进行了探讨。在危害性评估中,重点分析和比较了受试生物物种的选择原则、生态毒理数据的要求以及预测无效应浓度的推导方法和应用范围;在暴露评估中,系统阐述了活性物质在水环境中释放速率的计算及修正方法、环境浓度的预测模型、现有的暴露场景及其局限性等。本文以期为我国开展防污漆活性物质海洋环境风险评估提供研究基础和科学依据,并提出了今后的研究重点和方向。  相似文献   

Comprehensive biodiversity assessments play an essential role in strengthening global and national conservation strategies. The recently announced first U.S. National Nature Assessment (NNA) provides an unparalleled opportunity to comprehensively review status and trends of biodiversity at all levels. This broad context can help in the coordination of actions to conserve individual species and ecosystems. The scientific assessments that informed the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted at the 2022 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) conference of parties provide models for synthesizing information on trends at multiple levels of biodiversity, including decline in abundance and distribution of species, loss of populations and genetic diversity, and degradation and loss of ecosystems and their services. The assessments then relate these trends to data on drivers of biodiversity loss and pathways to their mitigation. The U.S. NNA can augment such global analyses and avoid the pitfalls encountered by previous U.S. efforts by ensuring policy-relevant design, data accessibility, and inclusivity in process and product and by incorporating spatial data relevant to national and subnational audiences. Although the United States is not formally a CBD party, an effective NNA should take full advantage of the global context by including indicators adopted at the 2022 meeting and incorporating an independent review mechanism that supports periodic stocktaking and ratcheting up of ambition in response to identified shortfalls in stemming biodiversity loss. The challenges to design of an effective U.S. assessment are relevant globally as nations develop assessments and reporting to support the new global biodiversity framework's targets. By considering and incorporating the diverse ways in which society values and benefits from nature, such assessments can help bridge the gap between research and conservation practice and communicate the extent of the biodiversity crisis to the public, fostering broad-based support for transformative change in humanity's relationship to the natural world.  相似文献   

The objective of this assessment is to quantify some of the environmental effects of a significant increase in United States oil production by tertiary or enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods. The problems associated with each EOR technology are discussed and controls and regulations are briefly summarised. A tertiary oil production scenario for the United States was developed focussing only on mainland fields in the lower 48 states. It included all of the EOR methods expected to be in use during the next two decades. The environmental impacts, including water requirements, air emissions and generation of solid wastes, are then scaled to this scenario. The effects of control technologies and state regulations are considered. A comparison is also made between the impacts of EOR as an energy source and impacts associated with coal and synthetic fuels which concludes that EOR is preferable in many respects. There are environmental risks associated with EOR technologies, specific projects and specific fields in the production scenario; however, most problems are solvable by responsible regulation, enforcement of regulations and application of the best professional engineering by project operators.  相似文献   

Aluminum is a ubiquitous substance with over 4,000 uses. Aluminum, as aluminum sulfate, is commonly used in the United States as a coagulant in the treatment of drinking water. For many years aluminum was not considered to be toxic to humans. However, reports associating aluminum with several skeletal and neurological disorders in humans suggest that exposure to aluminum may pose a health hazard. In 1983 the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced plans to regulate a number of substances, including aluminum, in drinking water. Aluminum was considered because of its occurrence and apparent toxicity. Upon further evaluation of the health effects data the EPA proposed not to regulate aluminum as a result of the uncertainty of the toxicity of ingested aluminum. Putative causal associations between aluminum exposure and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease have yet to be substantiated. Although several issues regarding the toxicity of ingested aluminum are unresolved, aluminum has been specified in the 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act, as one of 83 substances in drinking water to be regulated by 1989. Additional data are needed before the potential risk of aluminum can be assessed; therefore the EPA has deferred possible regulation until 1991.  相似文献   

为了解我国华东地区鳜肌肉重金属含量现状,采集华东地区(江西南昌,安徽池州、滁州,江苏南京、扬州,浙江建德等)10个采样点野生鳜和池塘主养、池塘套养鳜样本共60份,采用原子荧光光谱分析法(AFS)、石墨炉原子吸收法(GFAAS)测定鳜背部肌肉中铬(Cr)、镉(Cd)、无机砷(As)、汞(Hg)和铅(Pb)等5种重金属的含量,评估其食用安全性与健康风险。结果表明,肌肉中Cd、Cr、Pb、As和Hg的总检出率为98.67%,总超标率为11.67%;其中,Pb、Cd和As超标样,分别占总样本量的28.33%、15%和15%,超标浓度为(0.612±0.111)、(0.181±0.031)和(0.474±0.035) mg·kg~(-1),71.43%的超标样分布于野生鳜群体;Cr、Hg的检出含量均低于我国鱼类水产品重金属的最高限量标准(GB 2762—2017)。3种养殖方式的鳜肌肉中重金属含量分布具有相似的规律(Pb>As>Cr=Cd>Hg),野生鳜肌肉中重金属含量高于人工养殖鳜,池塘主养鳜与池塘套养鳜之间无明显差异。食用安全性评价结果显示,目前,华东地区鳜达到国家标准的限量要求,仅Pb、As含量稍高,分别占周可耐受摄入量(PTWI)的14.42%和21.54%。健康风险评价结果显示,所有鳜样均未超过国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受水平(5×10~(-5)a~(-1))。野生鳜食用安全性低于人工养殖鳜,健康风险高于人工养殖鳜。上述研究结果为鳜水产品安全性评价与健康养殖提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

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