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遥感在生态与环境监测中的主要应用领域   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
遥感是一种以物理手段、数学方法和地学分析为基础的综合应用技术 ,具有宏观、综合、动态和快速的特点。在解决宏观尺度的环境问题时 ,卫星遥感可重复获取多种空间、不同时相和不同波谱分辨率的地球信息 ,是适宜于调查和研究这些主题的唯一的、最有效的工具。本文通过对遥感在环境与生态监测的主要应用领域进行概要阐述 ,旨在抛砖引玉 ,推动遥感在环境与生态监测中的广泛应用。  相似文献   

我国流域水生态完整性评价方法构建   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5  
流域水生态完整性评价是指通过对水生态系统中不同水生态指标(生物和非生物)的监测以及由数学方法综合形成的综合评价指数,来反映水生态系统完整性状况。近年来,世界各国水环境管理政策发生了变化,开始强调生态保护,重视水体的生态质量。中国现行的常规理化监测指标(如COD、氨氮、BOD5)很难满足水环境管理的需求,难以全面准确地反映水环境质量变化的趋势。因此,在借鉴欧美发达国家流域水生态完整性评价方法的基础上,结合中国目前监测现状以及流域水环境管理需求,构建了包括物理生境指标、理化指标、水生生物指标在内的流域水生态完整性监测与评价方法,以期为中国流域水质目标管理技术体系的业务化运行提供可资借鉴的技术支撑,实现从单一的化学指标监测转向综合的水生态系统监测,实现流域水生态完整性的监测与评价。  相似文献   

生态监测指标选择一般过程探讨   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文对生态监测指标体系设计的一般过程进行了详细的分析和论述。主要包括生态监测目标、生态系统所受的环境压力、生态系统模型的提出以及生态监测指标的分类。旨在为我国生态监测规划和设计进行初步的探索。  相似文献   

在推动开展全国生态质量监测评估的背景下,分析了新疆生产建设兵团生态监测工作现状及开展生态质量监测的必要性。从优化生态环境监测机构职能、强化生态质量监测人才培养机制、推进科技项目引领示范等角度,提出了兵团生态质量监测体系的构建思路,以及生态质量综合监测站建设、生态质量样地监测、生态遥感监测与评价等重点任务。  相似文献   

中国生态监测存在问题及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在生态学的基本理论基础上,探讨了生态监测的科学内涵,明确了生态监测对象就是生态系统,目标是认识反映生态系统的状态和演变趋势,为管理和决策提供科学依据。深入分析了中国生态监测存在的5个问题:生态监测缺乏统一管理,部门间任务存在交叉和重复;生态监测技术不够规范,信息整合与利用困难;生态监测网络松散,国家级生态监测网络建立缓慢;环境监测法律依据不足,法制保障力度亟待加强;生态监测能力水平普遍较低,亟待建设。最后,从国家现实需求、生态监测现状以及监测技术发展的历史规律,探讨了未来中国生态监测的总体发展趋势。  相似文献   

为了建立一套生态遥感快速监测方法,实现生态环境状况评价,以2015年广西40个国家重点生态功能区为例,以全国第一次地理国情普查、高分影像、地貌为基础数据,利用RPC模型及网络刺点进行影像纠正,使用空间分析等程序化处理方法进行代码转换和信息抽取,实现了广西国情普查成果转化,得到了2014年和2015年生态遥感数据,形成一套较为完整的生态遥感快速监测方法,最终得到2015年全区重点生态功能县生态环境状况指数, 40个重点生态功能县中有15个县生态环境质量状况等级为"优",25个为"良"。  相似文献   

从生态监管对生态质量评价的需求角度梳理了我国生态监测的现状及存在问题,分析了我国构建生态质量监测网络的必要性,并从网络建设目的、原则、空间布局、监测内容和工作机制等5个方面提出了国家生态质量监测网络的构建思路,最后指出"十四五"期间国家生态质量监测网络的重点任务,即开展生态质量综合观测站建设并进行生态功能相关监测和评估研究,开展生态质量监测样地系统建设并进行生态系统结构组成监测,从引导生态保护修复的科学性和提高自然生态用地利用效率出发开展生态质量监测和评价的尝试,建成天-空-地一体化的生态质量监测与预警体系。  相似文献   

目前全国生态保护红线划定工作基本结束,开展生态保护红线监管工作事关国家生态安全,是今后我国生态保护的重要举措和重点工作。依托国家生态保护红线监管平台监管业务系统,研究基于卫星遥感的生态保护红线人类活动提取方法和流程,并以宁夏为例,验证其科学性和可靠性。结果显示:基于卫星遥感技术构建的方法精度较高,可操作性较强,为生态保护红线人类活动监管提供了思路;使用该技术方法的作业效率相比人工解译提升了2~3倍,提取的宁夏生态破坏问题图斑准确率达到66%,人类活动提取准确率更是达到95%,能够满足生态保护红线人类活动监管需求;宁夏55%的县(区、市)生态保护红线内发现新增和规模扩大人类活动,从空间分布来看,主要集中在西部和南部,北部和中部分布较少,其中彭阳县、沙坡头区和中宁县人类活动影响面积最大。  相似文献   

于刚 《干旱环境监测》2005,19(4):F0004-F0004
“十五”期间,新疆环境监谢中心站着重从遥感监测技术入手.以“说清新疆宏观生态环境现状”为目的,开展新疆宏观生态环境遥感监测和区域生态环境质量综合评价工作。为满足环境保护和管理的要求,新疆环境监测中心站从2004年起着手准备建设“天地一体化”的生态监测网络。经过近一年的准备和论证,新疆环境监测中心站从2005年开始将逐步推进生态监测“天地一体化”的建设进程。  相似文献   

选取1988—2021年4期Landsat影像,反演绿度、湿度、热度、干度指标,采用主成分分析法构建遥感生态指数(RSEI),监测星云湖流域生态环境质量时空变化。结果表明:1988—2021年星云湖流域生态环境质量变化较小,稳定在中等水平;沿湖平地及山间河谷生态环境质量恶化,边缘山区生态环境质量改善;该流域土地利用类型以耕地、林地为主,土地利用变化响应生态环境质量的变化;2000年后绿度和湿度指标对生态环境质量的改善越来越重要;生态环境质量的空间分布呈聚集性,高-高聚集区由沿湖平地逐渐向山区转移,低-低聚集区主要分布在石漠化现象严重的山区。  相似文献   

Many recent developments in coastal science have gone against the demands of European Union legislation. Coastal dune systems which cover small areas of the earth can host a high level of biodiversity. However, human pressure on coastal zones around the world has increased dramatically in the last 50 years. In addition to direct habitat loss, the rapid extinction of many species that are unique to these systems can be attributed to landscape deterioration through the lack of appropriate management. In this paper, we propose to use of an ecosystem classification technique that integrates potential natural vegetation distribution as a reference framework for coastal dune EU Habitats (92/43) distribution analysis and assessment. As an example, the present study analyses the EU Habitats distribution within a hierarchical ecosystem classification of the coastal dune systems of central Italy. In total, 24 land elements belonging to 8 land units, 5 land facets, 2 land systems and 2 land regions were identified for the coastal dunes of central Italy, based on diagnostic land attributes. In central Italy, coastal dune environments including all the beach area, mobile dunes and all the fixed-dune land elements contain or could potentially hold at least one EU habitat of interest. Almost all dune slack transitions present the potentiality for the spontaneous development of EU woodlands of interest. The precise information concerning these ecosystems distribution and ecological relationships that this method produces, makes it very effective in Natura 2000 European network assessment. This hierarchical ecosystem classification method facilitates the identification of areas to be surveyed and eventually bound, under the implementation of EU Habitat directive (92/43) including areas with highly disturbed coastal dune ecosystems.  相似文献   

The effect of land cover change, from natural to anthropogenic, on physical geography conditions has been studied in Kayisdagi Mountain. Land degradation is the most important environmental issue involved in this study. Most forms of land degradation are natural processes accelerated by human activity. Land degradation is a human induced or natural process that negatively affects the ability of land to function effectively within an ecosystem. Environmental degradation from human pressure and land use has become a major problem in the study area because of high population growth, urbanization rate, and the associated rapid depletion of natural resources. When studying the cost of land degradation, it is not possible to ignore the role of urbanization. In particular, a major cause of deforestation is conversion to urban land. The paper reviews the principles of current remote sensing techniques considered particularly suitable for monitoring Kayisdagi Mountain and its surrounding land cover changes and their effects on physical geography conditions. In addition, this paper addresses the problem of how spatially explicit information about degradation processes in the study area rangelands can be derived from different time series of satellite data. The monitoring approach comprises the time period between 1990 and 2005. Satellite remote sensing techniques have proven to be cost effective in widespread land cover changes. Physical geography and particularly natural geomorphologic processes like erosion, mass movement, physical weathering, and chemical weathering features etc. have faced significant unnatural variation.  相似文献   

Forests make up large ecosystems and can play an important role in mitigating the emissions of CO2, the most important greenhouse gas. However, they are sources of atmospheric carbon when they are disturbed by human or natural causes. Storage of carbon through expansion and adaptive management of forest ecosystems can assist in reducing carbon concentrations in atmosphere. This study proposes a methodology to produce spatially explicit estimates of the carbon storages (aboveground plus belowground) depending on land use/cover changes in two different forest ecosystems during various periods. Carbon storages for each forest ecosystem were projected according to inventory data, and carbon storages were mapped in a geographic information system (GIS). Results showed that total carbon stored in above and belowground of both forest ecosystems increased from one period to other because of especially increase of productive forest areas and decline of degraded forest areas as well as protection of spruce forests subject to insect attacks.  相似文献   

A Landscape Ecology Assessment of the Tensas River Basin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A group of landscape ecological indicators were applied to biophysical data masked to the Tensas River Basin. The indicators were used to identify and prioritize sources of nutrients in a Mississippi/Atchafalaya River System sub-basin. Remotely sensed data were used for change detection assessment. With these methods, we were able to look at land use practices over the past twenty years in the Tensas River Basin of Louisiana. A simple land use classification was applied to multispectral scanner (MSS) data from 1972 and 1991. The landscape analysis methods described in this paper will show how to use these methods to assess the impact of human land use practices that are being implemented to improve environmental quality. Landscape assessment methods can be used as a simple, timely, cost effective approach for monitoring, targeting, and modeling ecosystem health in watersheds. Although this study was conducted in the southeast, the methods described in this paper may be applicable to western landscapes.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, considerable effort has been invested in the development of complex and comprehensive ecosystem classifications and inventories in many parts of North America. Paralleling this has been an evolution in those hierarchical frameworks guiding the development and application of classifications. However, resource management agencies continue to grapple with the dilemma of applying multiple classification and inventory templates over large jurisdictions, especially as they attempt to address ecosystem management objectives. Given that Canada and the United States share ecosystems and that commitments have been made by all levels of government to make progress towards ecosystem-based approaches to management, there is a need to provide the proper tools. Comprehensive goals will not be achieved without collaboration and cooperation.This paper outlines the range of ecosystem classification approaches that exist in the Upper Great Lakes region. Canadian and American national hierarchical frameworks are briefly examined. Specific information needs and tasks are outlined which must be followed, independent of national boundaries, for the successful integration of planning and monitoring programs for large regional ecosystems.A general model is proposed for the development and application of an integrated, multi-scale and bi-national ecosystem classification, inventory and information system. This approach would facilitate data sharing and communication across jurisdictional boundaries.  相似文献   

利用1985、2000、2013年遥感影像提取的土地覆盖数据,通过景观格局指数、动态度计算、转移矩阵等,分析1985—2013年我国典型地区各类型生态系统景观格局及其动态变化特征、生态系统相互转化时空变化特征等,揭示1985—2013年生态环境格局变化的特点和规律:一级分类生态系统综合变化率,赣江、闽江、白龙江和岷江上游流域分别为4.7%、3.9%、3.3%和1.7%,生态系统变化强度1985—2000年较缓,2000—2013年更剧烈。1985—2013年典型区生态系统的主要转化方向具有持续性和双向性特征,岷江、白龙江和赣江上游流域退耕还林还草政策效果明显,出现较高比例的耕地转为森林和草地;面积占67.4%生态系统类型变化与耕地生态系统和人工表面生态系统变化有关;生态系统变化具有明显的区域差异,生态变化主要表现为沿主要河流谷地的线状延伸,主要城镇居民点附近生态系统类型变化较为突出,人类活动是典型地区生态系统类型格局变化的主要驱动力;典型区尤其是敏感区应加大退耕还林还草政策,减少人类经济活动,降低洪水泥石流灾害发生的概率和程度。  相似文献   

水环境生物监测是环境监测的重要内容,它应重点说清环境胁迫的生物效应。简述了总量管理、流域管理、风险管理、生态管理等环境管理对水环境生物监测有迫切需求,应引入"生态系统健康"、"生物完整性"、"环境胁迫"、"全排水毒性"等现代环境生物监测的基本概念,建立水环境生物监测技术发展的理论基础,发展生物完整性、综合毒性等监测与评价核心技术;革新现行监测方法体系,建立包括QA/QC、快速方法等支持系统在内的现代水环境生物监测业务化方法体系;创新评价技术体系,建立水环境生态健康评价及综合毒性评价指标体系、基准及分级管理标准,确立水环境质量管理的生物学目标。  相似文献   

应用遥感技术监测分析扬州市2009—2012年土地利用与覆盖状况。结果表明,扬州市土地利用及覆盖以耕地、城乡工矿居民用地及水域为主,主要生态红线区土地覆盖类型未发生人为改变,生态环境状况总体良好,呈略有改善的态势。提出,应坚持开展污染治理和生态建设,优化发展空间,统筹城乡建设用地管理。  相似文献   

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