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园林绿化是建设现代化城市的重要组成部份。种类繁多的绿色植物不仅以其千姿百态,姹紫嫣红给城市环境以优美的装饰,而且具有吸毒放氧、除尘杀菌、减噪防风、保持水土、涵养水份、调节小气候和监测指示有毒气体等特殊的保护和改善城市环境的功能,达到凋节和维护生态平衡。因此,城市园林绿化建设不但要有美学观点,而且还必须有生态观点。应该把城市美化和净化有机结合起来,充分利用和发挥绿色植物保护环  相似文献   

学校是以建筑物为主体的空间环境,园林绿化受建筑物的制约,必须与建筑物相协调,形成不同的特点,并为教学活动的需要考虑。校园主要以树木,花草等植物绿化环境,采用点、线、面相结合的手法,充分利用绿化来美化建筑立面,弥补建筑及其空间的不足,使绿地同建筑相协调。为学生提供一个空气清新、环境优美的学习环境。校园是一个人口密集的生活区,学生大部分时间都生活在教学楼、实验室、运动场、图书馆、学生宿舍以及花园小道等场所。据有关资料显示:要使空气每天清新宜人,每人必需10平方米树木以调节空气从而实现二氧化碳和氧气的平衡,使空气保…  相似文献   

余静  王昭 《四川环境》2019,(4):99-104
立体绿化近年来一直被大力提倡与推广,但是目前的发展却陷入困境。从社会群体的角度出发探讨立体绿化困境的社会成因,认为立体绿化的正功能存在于建筑物、个体生活与城市系统3个领域,负功能则包括安全风险上升、经济成本增加与生活质量下降3方面。以居民的“功能差序格局”逻辑为标准将立体绿化的功能从低到高划分为安全、经济、生活质量与城市系统4个层次。结果表明立体绿化的负功能主要集中在较低层次,而正功能则集中在较高层次且大多可以实现功能替代,因此负功能处于社会群体的优先考虑范畴,导致社会群体进行立体绿化的意愿较低,社会参与度严重不足。立体绿化走出困境的可能途径是采取与社会需求相适应的技术与政策,最大程度的降低负功能并且寻求较低层次的正功能。  相似文献   

校园绿化在校园建设中占有重要地位 ,很多学校不惜投资 ,进行整体设计 ,争相建设园林式学校。然而在校园绿化中 ,如何更好地为素质教育服务 ,营造育人氛围 ,就很值得探讨。精心设计和营造的校园环境应是一个大课堂 ,是素质教育的隐蔽课程 ,能使某些课程的教育教学事半功倍 ,收到与课堂教学殊途同归的效果。如何在校园绿化中创造育人功能呢?笔者认为可从以下几点来着手。精心建构植物园带 ,强化直观教学功能。根据生物认知实验教学需要 ,因地制宜选定绿化品种 ,建造植物园。兼顾多种草木花卉 ,多样性和观赏性齐备 ,尽量结合生物学等学科教学…  相似文献   

城市屋顶绿化生态功能浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
屋顶绿化具有多种优越的环境功能,是一项能够有效提升城市生态水平的环境策略,现已被世界上很多发达国家所采用。本文介绍了屋顶绿化的一些基本知识,并对屋顶绿化的环境功能进行了讨论。  相似文献   

通过在园林废弃物堆肥中添加不同比例污泥进行混合堆肥实验,研究堆肥过程中温度、pH值等指标变化情况,探究堆肥产物应用于绿化行业的可行性。研究发现:园林废弃物堆肥中添加一定量的污泥,能优化堆肥环境,堆肥效果较好;比例适宜的混合堆肥表现出升温速度、高温期时间、腐熟效率、安全性等方面具有一定优势;目前我国园林废弃物资源化比例较低,混合堆肥产物可作为土壤改良基质进行土地利用,实现资源化利用,促进园林绿化产业发展。  相似文献   

草长莺飞,春回大地。在3月12日植树节到来之际,人们纷纷走向田野山岗,履行公民的植树义务。许多人用种植纪念树、营造纪念林的形式,铭志于树,寄情于林。全民的绿化意识、生态意识正在不断增强。但是如何以科学的态度对待植树造林,正是这篇文章的作者要呼吁的。  相似文献   

浅谈高速公路的生态绿化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
周锐 《青海环境》2006,16(3):120-122
文章针对当前我国高速公路建设中的绿化要求,引入高速公路生态绿化的概念。通过对高速公路建设中生态恢复和景观绿化两大内容的分析,提出了高速公路生态绿化的要点。  相似文献   

贺得林  钟国芬 《青海环境》2015,(1):29-30,48
家庭室内绿化具有家庭美化、改善室内环境质量、改善室内空间结构等作用,应该大力提倡。文章从室内绿化植物的选择、室内绿化植物的配置、室内绿化的布置形式三个方面进行了探讨,并提出建议。  相似文献   

为绿化、美化街景,北京市朝阳区和平街街道办事处,从去年“十一”后就着手进行了85年的绿化准备工作。他们与地区172个单位中的162个单位签订了绿化协议,计划在各单位“门前三包”地段内增种树、草、花。种各种树2321棵,种草坪56处4564平米,建绿地护栏1927平米。如中医学院将在门前和院内建中草药苗圃花园,既美化了街容、院容、又配合了教学;中日友好医院将在院内种樱花树。与门前无绿化条件的38个单位签订了门前地面铺  相似文献   

发展草坪将成为城市绿化建设中愈来愈重要的组成部分.通过草坪浇水、施肥、修剪、除草及病虫害防治,详细阐述了北方地区草坪的养护管理技术,充分说明了科学养管的重要性.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲湿地保护和油田开发的协调发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄河三角洲新生湿地生态系统是黄河强造陆运动和海岸系统蚀退相互作用的产物,在这里雨热同季,形成了天然或人工、长久或暂时的、流动或静止的湿地。黄河三角洲具有自然、经济和社会三大类18项功能。油气资源的开发对其自然因素、潜在因素和对社会经济价值都有一定的影响,我们在开采石油的同时一定要注意生态保护,加强绿化、污染物排放总量控制、采用先进的开采技术和建立湿地补偿制度。  相似文献   

Environmental Management - Efforts to mitigate outdoor water use in Florida’s urban landscapes increasingly include promotion of regionally appropriate landscaping based on its documented...  相似文献   

This article outlines conceptual and methodological issues that must be confronted in developing a sound scientific basis for investigating cumulative effects on freshwater wetlands. We are particularly concerned with: (1) effects expressed at temporal and spatial scales beyond those of the individual disturbance, specific project, or single wetland, that is, effects occurring at the watershed or regional landscape level; and (2) the scientific (technical) component of the overall assessment process. Our aim is to lay the foundation for a research program to develop methods to quantify cumulative effects of wetland loss or degradation on the functioning of interacting systems of wetlands. Toward that goal we: (1) define the concept of cumulative effects in terms that permit scientific investigation of effects; (2) distinguish the scientific component of cumulative impact analysis from other aspects of the assessment process; (3) define critical scientific issues in assessing cumulative effects on wetlands; and (4) set up a hypothetical and generic structure for measuring cumulative effects on the functioning of wetlands as landscape systems.We provide a generic framework for evaluating cumulative effects on three basic wetland landscape functions: flood storage, water quality, and life support. Critical scientific issues include appropriate delineations of scales, identification of threshold responses, and the influence on different functions of wetland size, shape, and position in the landscape.The contribution of a particular wetland to landscape function within watersheds or regions will be determined by its intrinsic characteristics, e.g., size, morphometry, type, percent organic matter in the sediments, and hydrologic regime, and by extrinsic factors, i.e., the wetland's context in the landscape mosaic. Any cumulative effects evaluation must take into account the relationship between these intrinsic and extrinsic attributes and overall landscape function. We use the magnitude of exchanges among component wetlands in a watershed or larger landscape as the basis for defining the geographic boundaries of the assessment. The time scales of recovery for processes controlling particular wetland functions determine temporal boundaries. Landscape-level measures are proposed for each function.  相似文献   

本文分析了科技成果转化的作用及其制约因素,探讨了科技成果转化的运行机制,并提出了加速我国科技成果转化的途径和对策。  相似文献   

The Federal Highway Administration encourages state highway agencies to use native plants in erosion control, revegetation, and landscaping solutions. This paper explains both policy reasons and technical reasons for the use of native plants. How native species can be used is shown through a roadside case study. Other applications of native plant use will be explained through a plant community approach.  相似文献   

This paper examines the science-practice interface in the process of adapting to climate change in society. This paper analyses science-based stakeholder dialogues with climate scientists, municipal officers and private individual forest owners in Sweden, and examines how local experts both share scientific knowledge and experience and integrate it into their work strategies and practices. The results demonstrate how local experts jointly conceptualise climate adaptation, how scientific knowledge is domesticated among local experts in dialogue with scientific experts, the emergence of anchoring devices, and the boundary-spanning functions that are at work in the respective sectors.  相似文献   

Landscaping paradigms that encourage high‐input, intensively managed and mono‐culture turf/lawn landscapes have raised concerns about water quality. We conducted a watershed‐scale assessment of landscaping practices that included turf, urban, forest, native meadow, and mixed landuse watersheds with a professional golf course and a parking lot. The turf site was moderately managed and had lower fertilizer inputs than those typically used by homeowners and golf courses. Stream water sampling was performed during base flow and storm events. Highest nitrate and total nitrogen concentrations in runoff were observed for the mixed watershed draining the golf course. In contrast, concentrations in base flow from the turf watershed were lower than expected and were comparable to those measured in the surrounding meadow and forest sites. Total nitrogen concentrations from the turf site increased sharply during the first storms following fertilization, suggesting that despite optimal management there exists a risk for nutrient runoff following fertilization. Overall, this study suggests that turf or lawns, when managed properly, pose minimal water quality risk to surface waters. Rate, timing of application, and the type of fertilizer appear to be the key factors affecting water quality. Better education of homeowners and landscaping professionals with regard to these factors may be a cost‐effective strategy to reduce nonpoint source pollution.  相似文献   

In last decades, numerous efforts have been carried out by the scientific community to assess the multifunctional role of forests in supporting the forest decision-making processes. Recently developed in Italy, the Forest Landscape Management Planning seems to be the most suitable tool to maintain the sustainability balance between forests and local populations. This research identifies and maps different forest ecosystem functions in a mountain Natura2000 Network site by performing a spatial estimation of forest inventory parameters, and implementing a multi-criteria and multi-level approach. Final results on mapping of forest functions show acceptable values of classification accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the nature of landscape policies pertaining to the design of urban development in the post 1992 generation of English development plans. It examines the landscape concepts which underpin policy and concludes that these are essentially concerned with landscaping as a cosmetic activity, an afterthought in the design process. Recommendations are made for the development of policies that will allow landscape considerations to be integrated with nature conservation and ecology considerations and thereby assume a fundamental role in urban design policies as a key element in ensuring sustainable development.  相似文献   

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