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本文通过金湖水泥厂对粉尘污染治理工作经验的介绍,提出了水泥厂粉尘治理的众多实用技术、措施,为水泥企业粉尘治理开辟了成功的道路。  相似文献   

《人民日报》报道,国家地质试。验测试中心的分析测试表明,北京沙尘暴含有盐碱成分。我国北方许多盐湖干涸,成为化学尘暴的源头。经测算,仅在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟的查干诺尔湖,每年被风刮跑的盐碱粉尘就超过600万吨。化学尘暴携带粉尘和盐碱等物质,可以远距离传输,并对人体造成较大危害。  相似文献   

卡车道路运输是露天煤矿最大粉尘源之一,粉尘污染对煤矿职业人群健康、卡车司机能见度均产生影响。湿式喷雾是从产尘根源上解决道路粉尘的有效方法,且喷雾参数直接决定防尘效果及其经济成本。以霍林河北露天煤矿卡车路面为研究背景,采用FLUENT19.2建立卡车道路喷雾降尘模型;分析喷嘴角度、孔径及喷洒量对粉尘浓度的影响机制。研究结果表明:卡车路面粉尘产生机制为碾压破碎、离心抛洒及诱导气;增加颗粒含水率可有效减少扬尘负荷,喷嘴最佳入射角度为30°时,雾距对路面覆盖度良好;喷嘴孔径为10 mm时,斯托克斯碰撞系数最大;喷水量为0.15 L/m2及土壤含水率为4.0%时,路面粉尘控制效果最好。研究结论为有效控制露天煤矿卡车路面运输粉尘提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

由辽宁省大连陶瓷环保设备研究所研制、辽宁省大连市环境保护局推荐的99高效陶瓷多管除尘器,适用于供热、电厂、建材、炼钢、烧结、采矿等行业的粉尘治理,锅炉消烟除尘。该除尘器利用离心及惯性碰撞原理,旋转气流产生的离心分离气体中的粉尘,粉尘降落在集尘箱内经锁气器排出。其技术关键是进行理论计算,结合冷热态模拟试验曲线,找出旋风子、导向器等合理尺寸,采取合理的旋风于圆筒长度和锥度比值,缩小直径,选取最佳螺旋角度等。典型规模:75t/a旋风炉除尘器主要技术指标及条件一、技术指标1.除尘效率:95%~99%2.dC50:2~3y…  相似文献   

刘宝剑  蓝俊康 《四川环境》2007,26(4):93-96,101
土聚物是一种新型的无机聚合物,它具有类沸石似的网络结构,其分子链由Si、0、Al等以共价键连接而成。由于它的渗滤性低,对重金属元素不仅予以物理束缚也能进行化学束缚,因此利用它来固化重金属污染物的效果很好。同时,土聚物的强度又比由硅酸盐水泥制成的混凝土要高许多,因此其固化物还可被应用于道路或其他建设领域。但遗憾的是目前利用含重金属污泥制成土聚水泥的研究还基本属于空白阶段,建议加强这方面的研究。  相似文献   

对蔺草加工过程中粉尘污染产生源头进行了系统分析,其中拔草工序为产生粉尘量最多的一个环节。对染土改性、改变固色工艺、改进除尘设备3种控制粉尘污染的技术途径进行了分析比较。认为通过对蔺草固色用染土进行改性,结合布置合理的除尘设施,可以在不改变现有固色工艺的基础上,使粉尘污染得到有效控制。随着对蔺草固色机理研究的深入和人们消费观念的转变,采用无染土、纯天然固色工艺将是控制蔺草加工过程粉尘污染的最佳途径之一。  相似文献   

座落在大连市区西北角的大连水泥厂,是长期影响大连市大气环境质量改善重点污染企业之一。几年前.其厂区自然降尘还高达200吨/月·平方公里以上,超过辽宁省所规定标准25倍之多。那时,厂区和周围的建筑、树木、道路、田间直至居民的住室都满是从该厂飘落的粉尘,距其约200米左右的大连市国际机场,也深受水泥粉尘的肆虐之害,抵达大连的麦道飞机竟不敢滞留,而当即飞往沈阳机场。厂内职工要求调离.人心浮动;周围群众反响强烈,呼声不绝于耳;人大、政协提案年年不断……。粉尘污染严重的现实,沉重的环境压力,威胁到大连水泥厂的生存…  相似文献   

本文综述了酸沉降物对土壤酸化,营养物质的溶,重金属的活化,矿物分解等化学性质的影响,以及阻止酸而危害土壤的化学方法。  相似文献   

金勇 《矿山环保》2003,(5):11-17
冶金企业直接还原铁项目的主要污染物是粉尘,而且,粉尘的产生量大,粒度较细,成分复杂,处理难度相当大。本简要介绍了冶金企业直接还原铁项目的粉尘污染现状和原有的粉尘处理系统存在的问题,结合粉尘的性质和除尘装置的性能要求,对除尘装置进行了选择。通过分析论证,在各个产尘点位设置了重力沉降室、陶瓷多管除尘器、布袋除尘器、旋风除尘器、静电除尘器,经权威机构监测,除尘器的除尘效率均在95%以上,各产尘点粉尘排放浓度均达到国家二级标准(GB16297—1996),又采用全封闭湿式清灰,基本避免了二次扬尘。从除尘器除下的灰尘,根据其化学性质和成分的不同,进行了综合利用,变废为宝,力求使环境效益、经济效益和社会效益得到有机的结合。  相似文献   

酸沉降物对土壤化学性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了酸沉降物对土壤酸化、营养物质的淋溶、重金属的活化、矿物分解等化学性质的影响,以及阻止酸雨危害土壤的化学方法。  相似文献   

This study identified the levels and sources of heavy metal contamination in road dust from busy traffic areas in a typical industrial city in Korea. This study compared the total concentrations, as determined by aqua regia digestions and atomic absorption spectroscopy, of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and nickel (Ni) in the road dust from areas with different characteristics such as traffic rotaries, downtown areas, circulation roads, and asphalt and concrete highways. The contamination levels of the heavy metals in the road dust were evaluated using the contamination factor and the degree of contamination. The contamination levels of the heavy metals in the road dust were highly dependent on traffic volume and atmospheric dispersion from traffic rotaries. Industrial emissions and the frequency of brake use and vehicles coming to a complete stop were additional factors that affected the contamination levels in downtown areas. The concrete highway had higher contamination levels of the heavy metals than the asphalt highway. Vehicle speed was also a strong contributing factor to the degree of contamination of heavy metals in the road dust from the circulation roads and highways.  相似文献   

城市扬尘是影响空气质量、危害居民身体健康的污染源之一。本文进行了上海市杨浦区扬尘源解析,从类型上将扬尘分为建筑施工扬尘、道路施工扬尘和堆场扬尘。引用相关经验公式计算出杨浦区三类扬尘的起尘量大小顺序为:建筑施工〉道路施工〉堆场,并分析评价了杨浦区近两年扬尘排放量的时空变化。针对杨浦区的自身特点,以目标体系、标准体系、责任体系、管理体系、监督体系为框架,初步建立了扬尘污染管理的长效管理机制。  相似文献   

公路隧道中可吸入颗粒物化学组分特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解公路隧道中可吸入颗粒物污染水平及化学组分特征,笔者于2006年9月1日在交通繁忙的石黄隧道中间及入口处进行了可吸入颗粒物(PM10)同步采样,并对样品进行了化学成分分析。根据PM10质量浓度监测以及样品的元素、OC\EC及离子成分分析结果,对隧道口及隧道中的PM10的污染状况和化学成分特征进行了对比分析。PM10浓度监测和化学成分分析结果表明:石黄隧道环境空气中PM10质量浓度明显高于隧道外的浓度,隧道内PM10污染比较严重;隧道内PM10的离子浓度明显低于隧道外,而OC、EC浓度则又明显高于隧道外,另外其元素中Ca、Al、Si等浓度也明显高于隧道外,这些化学成分特征显示,隧道内的PM10主要来源于机动车尾气及道路扬尘。  相似文献   

Methods are discussed for describing patterns of current wet and dry deposition under various scenarios. It is proposed that total deposition data across an area of interest are the most relevant in the context of critical loads of acidic deposition, and that the total (i.e., wet plus dry) deposition will vary greatly with the location, the season, and the characteristics of individual subregions. Wet and dry deposition are proposed to differ in such fundamental ways that they must be considered separately. Both wet and dry deposition rates are controlled by the presence of the chemical species in question in the air (at altitudes of typically several kilometers in the case of wet deposition, and in air near the surface for dry). The great differences in the processes involved lead to the conclusion that it is better to measure wet and dry deposition separately and combine these quantifications to produce “total deposition” estimates than to attempt to derive total deposition directly. A number of options for making estimates of total deposition to be used in critical loads assessment scenarios are discussed for wet deposition (buckets and source receptor models) and for dry deposition (throughfall, micrometeorology, surrogate surfaces and collection vessels, inference from concentrations, dry-wet ratios, and source-receptor models). The research described in this article has been funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency. This document has been prepared at the EPA Environmental Research Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon, through contract #68-C8-0006 with ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc., and Interagency Agreement #1824-B014-A7 with the U.S. Department of Energy and at Oak Ridge National Laboratory managed by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., under Contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with the US Department of Energy. Environmental Sciences Division Publication No. 3905. It has been subjected to the Agency’s peer and administrative review and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   

To assess the dust interception efficiency of some selected tree species and impact of dust deposition on chlorophyll and ascorbic acid content of leaves the present study was undertaken. The plant species selected for the study were Ficus religiosa, Ficus benghalensis, Mangifera indica, Dalbergia sissoo, Psidium guajava, and Dendrocalamus strictus. It was found that all species have maximum dust deposition in the winter season followed by summer and rainy seasons. Chlorophyll content decreased and ascorbic acid content increased with the increase of dust deposition. There was significant negative and positive correlation between dust deposition and chlorophyll and ascorbic acid content, respectively. Maximum dust interception was done by Dalbergia sisso and least by Dendrocalamus strictus. Thus plants can be used to intercept dust particles which are of potential health hazards to humans.  相似文献   

Road dust emissions are considered to be a major source of airborne particulate matter (PM). This is particularly true for industrial environments, where there are high resuspension rates of deposited dust. The calculation of roads as PM emission sources has mostly focused on the consequences of this emission, viz. the increase in PM concentrations. That approach addresses the atmospheric transport of the emitted dust, and not its primary origin. In contrast, this paper examines the causes of the emission. The study is based on mass conservation of the dust deposited on the road surface. On the basis of this premise, estimates of emission rates were calculated from experimental data obtained in a road in a ceramic industrial area.  相似文献   

高炉煤气干法除尘技术的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是采用高炉煤气干法袋式除尘最早的国家之一,至今已有40多年的历史。本文介绍了高炉煤气干法除尘技术发展的三个阶段,即起步、发展,以及炉容1000m3以上级的提高阶段,认为采用干法除尘,才能节能减排,实现综合利用。  相似文献   

Totally dry cleaning has become a common technology for top gas cleaning in blast furnaces in recent years. A significant advantage of totally dry gas cleaning is that the dust collected is obtained as dry powder, thus simplifying the recycling of the dust in the sinter plant and avoiding aqueous emissions. The concentration of some heavy metals, especially zinc, in the collected dust is usually higher than the maximum tolerable concentration for recycling to the sinter process. Therefore, a process for separation of dust with a low level of contamination from the rest is necessary to make partial recycling possible. This is possible because the limited components are more volatile and accumulate in the finer dust fraction. In wet blast furnace top gas cleaning, hydrocyclones are well established for this separation. For the separation of dry powder from the dry dedusting process air classification can be used. Dust from the top gas of a blast furnace with a fabric filter for dry top gas cleaning was split into several size fractions using a laboratory air classifier. The concentration of Ca, Cd, Cl, Cu, Fe, K, Na, Pb and Zn was analysed for each particle class and the loss on ignition was determined. A strong dependence of the concentration on the particle size was found for the more volatile metals, whereas the Fe and Ca concentration and the loss on ignition were quite evenly distributed. With the calculated recovery–removal-functions the possible recycling rate can be estimated for a given removal rate for the limited components.  相似文献   

秦皇岛大气环境污染主要源于工业废气、港口煤尘、机动车尾气、施工及道路扬尘、锅炉烟尘和餐饮油烟等,是典型的复合型污染。针对秦皇岛大气污染现状,提出了改变以GDP为评价标准的经济增长模式,调整现有的产业结构,淘汰落后产能;调整能源结构,提高能源有效利用率;强化降尘控烟和脱硫脱硝;加强对交通、道路、施工等扬尘的综合管理;科学绿化;加强环保宣传和执法力度,提高公众环境意识等综合措施。  相似文献   

选择上海城市化地区的绿地、水体、道路、工地及空中5个类型的环境区域,定期收集大气干湿沉降。测定其大气沉降通量及CODCr、TN、TP的沉降量,并计算分析了其对城市景观水体水质的影响。研究结果表明:在仅受大气干湿沉降影响的条件下,水质处于地表水V类中值、水深为0.5m、1.0m、1.5m和2.0m的城市景观水体,经过28d、54d、83d和214d即可转变为劣V类水体。通过实例分析,提出了应对大气干湿沉降影响的水质保持措施。研究成果为城市景观水体的水质保育提供了评价依据与借鉴。  相似文献   

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