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针对近年来企业变化趋势和新时代下对企业改革新要求,基于宏观视角对企业类型进行分类,结合2008~2016年30个省份面板数据,通过固定效应模型探讨其对工业用地利用效率的影响机制和方向。研究结果表明:资本类型中,地区外资及港澳台工业企业数量占比的提高在5%和1%的显著性水平上会对工业用地利用效率产生负向作用;产权类型中,地区国有及国有控股工业企业数量占比的提高在5%和1%的显著性水平上会对工业用地利用效率产生负向影响;规模类型中,地区大中型工业企业数量占比的提高在1%的显著性水平上会对工业用地利用效率产生负向影响;技术类型中,高技术产业企业数量占比的提高在5%显著性水平上会对工业用地利用效率产生正向影响。因此,工业企业类型不同将对工业用地利用效率产生显著影响,未来应注重工业企业内部改革和转变。  相似文献   

随着资源环境约束条件日益严峻,降低工业污染排放,推动工业绿色发展,是经济发展主流趋势。作为国家战略支撑带,长江经济带工业绿色发展对推动国家生态文明建设、构建现代产业体系、加快经济高质量发展意义重大。从绿色技术创新、绿色红利外溢、绿色政策供给等维度阐述工业绿色发展效率提升的内在机理,基于2011—2016年长江经济带110个地级及以上城市面板数据,采用考虑非期望产出的全局超效率SBM模型及泰尔指数分析长江经济带城市工业绿色发展效率的时空演变规律,采用空间杜宾模型SDM探究长江经济带城市工业绿色发展效率提升的空间驱动机制。结果表明:①长江经济带城市工业绿色发展效率呈上升态势,年均增长2. 95%,工业绿色发展内生动力显著增强;②上中下游地区城市工业绿色发展差异显著,呈梯度递减格局,下游地区城市产业结构迈向服务化,城市工业绿色发展重心逐渐向中上游地区转移;③经济发展、环境规制、工业化、对外开放是提升长江经济带城市工业绿色发展效率的主要直接驱动力;④产业集聚、城镇化、技术创新对长江经济带城市工业绿色发展效率直接推动作用有限,以高耗能型产业集聚为主,城市建设空间利用效率不高,绿色技术创新支撑效应有待加强;⑤环境规制、城镇化对长江经济带城市工业绿色发展效率存在负向空间溢出效应,提高环境标准导致污染型产业向周边地区转移,粗放城镇化模式加剧城市间生产要素的恶性竞争;⑥产业集聚、工业化对长江经济带城市工业绿色发展的正向空间溢出效应明显,污染型产业发展模式的警示效应较强,各城市竞相布局绿色先进制造业。基于上述实证分析结果,进一步提升长江经济带城市工业绿色发展效率,应加快构建统一的环境预警机制,强化绿色技术创新的支撑作用,促进产业结构优化升级,推进集约式新型城镇化,绿色承接产业转移。  相似文献   

环境规制对长江经济带城市工业绿色发展效率的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2011~2016年长江经济带110个地级及以上城市面板数据,从环境规制对工业绿色发展效率的作用机理出发,采用空间杜宾模型探究环境规制对长江经济带城市工业绿色发展效率的影响效应。研究发现:环境规制对长江经济带城市工业绿色发展效率影响整体呈先抑制后促进的"U型"特征,绿色引导效应凸显需经历一定时期;环境规制对工业绿色发展效率的促进作用具有显著的地区异质性,整体呈下游、上游、中游地区梯度递减格局,且中游地区始终以成本约束效应为主;环境规制会导致污染型产业在长江经济带内城市间扩散转移,以中下游地区尤为突出,上游地区环境治理力度较弱而不足以影响企业迁移决策。进一步提升长江经济带城市工业绿色生产能力,应强化工业污染协同治理,提升环境政策精准性,加快绿色技术创新研发应用。  相似文献   

鉴于我国严峻的环境形势,我国政府强调加强企业技术改造,实现节能减排、产业升级,加强重点行业污染物减排。节能减排的主体是企业,因此研究污染密集产业中企业的技术创新能力具有重要意义。本文利用微观企业数据,通过技术创新的投入指标、产出指标、效率指标和基于DEA的Maluquist生产率及其分解指标,对污染密集产业中不同类型企业的技术创新能力进行对比分析,探寻不同所有制企业对污染密集产业可持续增长的贡献。研究发现:①私营企业在污染密集产业中的研发总投资最多,新产品产值最大,技术创新效率较高,因此其对污染密集产业的技术创新的贡献最大;国有企业在竞争性污染密集产业中的研发投资较少、新产品产值较小,但其在垄断性污染密集产业中研发投资最多,新产品产值很大,虽然效率一般,但总体来说贡献较大。外商企业和港澳台企业的研发投入和新产品产值介于私营企业和国有企业之间,规模不算很大,但其研发效率远高于国内企业,因此他们的贡献不容忽视。集体企业的研发投入和新产品产值都远小于其他各类型企业,研发效率相对较低,仅高于国有企业。②集体企业和国有企业在大多数污染密集型产业中存在技术效率的相对进步,反映了国有企业和集体企业存在技术追赶效应;外资企业在多数污染密集型产业中的技术效率相对不变,继续维持相对优势地位;私营企业在5个产业中存在技术相对衰退、5个产业技术效率相对不变;港澳台企业在所有污染密集产业中都存在技术效率相对衰退,这反映了港澳台企业的技术优势正逐步丧失。③在所有污染密集型产业中,各类型企业的技术创新能力都不强,存在相对的技术衰退,未能赶上发达国家技术进步的速度。基于此,我们认为政府应该不断完善环保法律法规,加强对企业污染监察力度,加大政府对污染密集型产业的科研投入,积极鼓励各类型企业进行环保技术创新。  相似文献   

协调发展新理念要求三次产业间要协调发展,长江经济带的高质量发展离不开三次产业协调发展。在测算长江经济带九省两市三次产业协调程度的基础上,采用静态面板、面板门槛和空间面板模型,估计交通、能源和信息三类基础设施建设对长江经济带三次产业协调度的影响。结果发现整体上,这三类基础设施建设都显著提高长江经济带三次产业协调度,且长江上游地区交通基础设施的提高作用最大,中下游地区信息和能源基础设施的提高作用更大。信息和能源基础设施对长江经济带三次产业协调度的提高作用有门槛效应,从低区间跨越到中高区间后,该提高作用在递增。长江经济带各省市三次产业协调度还存在空间自相关效应,在此条件下,三类基础设施建设依然促进三次产业协调度提高,信息基础设施对于三次产业协调发展的促进作用最大。长江经济带应持续加大基础设施建设的整体投资力度,并针对性补齐不同地区的基础设施建设短板,发挥地区间三次产业协调度的空间外溢效应。  相似文献   

大气污染物排放及影响因素研究,是引导区域减排实现可持续发展的重要依据。利用Tapio脱钩模型测度了1996~2013年长江经济带11个省区工业经济增长与工业废气、工业二氧化硫、工业烟粉尘3个指标之间的脱钩程度,并利用LMDI分解模型对大气污染物排放变化特征进行了影响因素分解。结果表明:(1)长江经济带11个省(市)的工业废气排放量呈持续上升的趋势,且工业废气排放量的“热”点区域主要集中在东部地区,工业二氧化硫和烟粉尘两种大气污染物排放量总体呈现“先增加后减少”的趋势,状况有所改善。(2)长江经济带工业废气排放整体经历了从扩张性负脱钩到相对脱钩发展的趋势,表明经济发展的同时带来工业废气排放的污染同步增长。经济发展效应和能源效率效应是促使工业废气排放的主要因素。(3)长江经济带的工业二氧化硫和烟粉尘排放整体上经历了从相对脱钩向绝对脱钩发展的趋势,经济发展均是造成各地区两种污染物排放量增加的主要原因,技术效应和能源效率是各地区两种污染物减排的重要影响因素。未来,在大气污染物的减排控制过程中,需加强产业结构、能源结构的调整,也需坚定依靠技术进步推动能源使用效率的提高,并且注重各省市间的减排差异和防范污染产业的区域转移。关键词: 长江经济带;经济增长;大气环境;脱钩分析模型;LMDI分解模型  相似文献   

推动长江经济带绿色高质量发展,应严格控制水资源耗费总量及强度,提升用水效率与降低水污染排放,并加强跨域水资源优化配置与水污染协同治理。本文以长江经济带11省市为研究对象,以GDP与废水排放量分别作为合意产出与非合意产出,采用SE-SBM模型对2005—2017年长江经济带的省际用水效率进行测度,重点考察用水效率、环境规制、FDI集聚、二者交叉项的空间相关性,并采用空间与时间双固定的SDM模型,检验省际用水效率及环境规制、FDI集聚等驱动因素的空间溢出效应。用水效率结果显示,经济带用水效率整体上呈现先下降后上升U型趋势,但中西部一些省份用水效率一直处于下降趋势;省际用水效率呈现东西中部各省市阶梯下降,且整体上呈现先趋同后不断扩大的趋势,仅中部省份用水效率呈现趋同趋势。空间溢出检验显示,用水效率与环境规制、用水效率与FDI集聚在大多数年份呈现显著空间相关性;环境规制、环境规制与FDI集聚的交叉项、工业化存在显著的负向效应,城镇化、技术创新、地区发展水平存在显著正效应;环境规制、环境规制与FDI集聚的交叉项、城镇化、工业化、外贸依存度正向溢出显著,技术创新负向溢出效应显著。应严格控制水资源消耗与水污染排放,制定科学合理且标准统一的环境规制,推动新型城镇化建设与产业转型升级,引导FDI合理集聚与技术溢出,严格限制各省区逐底竞争与以邻为壑,规范长江经济带产业梯度转移。  相似文献   

基于全局DEA方法测算了1997~2015年长江经济带11省市的农业用水全局技术效率,并运用 Moran’s I 指数和空间计量模型分析了农业用水效率的空间关联度和空间效应。研究表明:(1)长江经济带农业用水全局技术效率表现出整体稳定上升但地区间不平衡的特征,且地区之间存在显著的正空间自相关;(2)空间计量模型的估计结果表明地区之间农业用水全局技术效率存在显著的空间溢出效应,本地农业用水效率不仅受到邻接地区的影响,还会受到非邻接地区的影响;除了地理因素之外,经济发展和生产力水平相近也有利于地区间农业用水主体相互学习高效率的用水模式,从而引发农业用水效率的空间溢出效应,促进整体农业用水效率的提升;(3)总用水量中农业用水量所占的比例高,会使得农业用水效率显著降低;水利设施建设以及农业机械化程度都会对农业用水效率产生显著的正向促进效应。  相似文献   

利用三阶段DEA-Malmquist指数法,对2009~2014年长江经济带11省市水资源全要素生产率及其分解指数进行了测算和分析。研究结果表明:在剔除了外部环境因素和随机误差因素以后,长江经济带水资源的全要素生产率及其分解效率发生了显著变化,水资源全要素生产率年均增长7.2%,技术进步指数年均增长4.7%,技术效率指数年均增长2.4%,技术进步是推动长江经济带水资源全要素生产率增长的主要源泉。分区域来看,西部地区水资源全要素生产率和技术效率年均增长率最高,东部地区技术进步年均增长率最高。长江经济带水资源全要素生产率存在显著绝对β收敛,表明长江经济带内省际水资源全要素生产率差距正在缩小,最终都朝相同的稳态水平趋近。  相似文献   

长江经济带城市土地利用效率格局演变及驱动机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以长江经济带为研究区域,综合运用DEA模型、ESDA统计指数及Tobit线性回归模型等方法对长江经济带城市土地利用效率格局演变及驱动机制进行了初步地分析。结果表明:(1)2000~2012年长江经济带城市土地利用效率总体上呈上升趋势,存在显著区域差异,且技术效率高于综合效率和规模效率;(2)全局上城市土地利用效率呈现出正的空间自相关,效率高(低)的城市相互空间邻接;局部上城市土地利用效率的L-L类型主要集中在川西高原区,空间分布形态较平稳,而效率H-H类型主要分布在上海及苏南地区,并逐渐向绍杭、皖江地区演化,从"一字形"转向"Z字形"分布;(3)城镇化、经济发展、产业结构、科技水平及土地市场化是研究期长江经济带城市土地利用效率格局时空演变主要驱动力。  相似文献   

For the first time in Hong Kong, atmospheric radon concentration was continuously monitored between November 2007 and October 2008. This paper presents the results obtained during the 12-month period. The annual mean atmospheric radon concentration in Hong Kong was found to be 9.3 Bq m−3 which was close to the level at neighbouring places like Guangdong and Taiwan. An estimation of the dose arising from atmospheric radon to the Hong Kong population was made. The meteorological effects on the variation of atmospheric radon concentration were discussed. It was found that the origin of the airmass and stability of the local atmosphere played vital roles in the seasonal and diurnal variations respectively, whereas precipitation caused abrupt changes in rainy days. An attempt was also made to find out the contribution of atmospheric radon to the ambient gamma dose rate.  相似文献   

四川省入境旅游客流时空动态模式研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
运用统计数据和实地调研资料,分析了四川省入境旅游客流的基本特征和时空动态变化规律。结果表明:四川入境旅游客源地市场中,国外市场和港澳台市场所占市场份额相当且交替领先,国外市场以短程市场(东北亚和东南亚)为主,日本、美国、新加坡、泰国是四川的传统客源大国;境外游客来川旅游的主要目的是观光/度假,停留时间短、消费水平较低,说明四川的入境旅游市场为低产出市场;四川入境旅游客流的发展可分为三个阶段,即初步开拓境外客源市场并迅速崛起阶段,大幅度波动并缓慢发展阶段和二次发展阶段;入境旅游客流的空间分布表现为以省会成都为中心的辐射发散型和收敛聚集型模式,各景区之间尚未形成环状或网状的旅游流,游客集中流向品位和知名度高的景点(区)。  相似文献   

This review represents an assessment of the pollution status of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in China (the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan). During the past decades, seven PCDD/Fs pollution hotspots have been found: (a). Ya-er Lake, Hubei Province, with 'total PCDD/Fs' level reaching 177,427 pg g(-1) (dry weight) in lake sediments; (b). Chinese Schistosomiasis affected areas of Jiangxi Province with 33,660 pg g(-1) in soil; (c). e-waste recycling area of Yangtze River Delta, with 2726 pg g(-1) in paddy soil; (d). e-waste recycling area of Guiyu (eastern part of Guangdong Province), with 967,500 pg g(-1) in mixture of burnt residue and soil (the highest level among all hotspots); (e). Pearl River Delta with 2630 pg g(-1) in coastal sediment. (f). Kwun Tong, Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong with 10,999 pg g(-1) in coastal sediment; and (g). southern Taiwan with 606,000 pg g(-1) in soil near the vicinity of a pentachlorophenol manufacturing factory. The main sources of PCDD/Fs in China were formed from impurities during the production of polychlorophenol, hexachlorobenzene, polychlorinated biphenyls, organic chlorinated pesticide and triclosan. In addition, sources of PCDD/Fs included municipal waste incineration, mineral fuel usage, open burning of electronic waste and crop residues, industrial waste discharge and vehicle exhaust emission. Due to potential human health risks from long-term exposure to PCDD/Fs at these hotspots, body loadings of these contaminants should be monitored.  相似文献   

A recent survey reveals that water quality and river sediments of Dongjiang (the East River) have been mildly contaminated by heavy metals and organic chemicals, such as copper, lead, PCBs, PAHs and HCHs. According to photogrammertic surveys, the sources of contamination are closely related to human activities, such as domestic and industrial discharges, agricultural chemical applications and soil erosion due to deforestation. The level of water and sediment contamination is most serious at the mid-river section near the urban of Weizhou. Due to natural dilution and diffusion, the levels of contamination are slightly decreased at the medium low section of the River near Qiaotou and Matan. Nevertheless, the levels of contamination increase again in the lower river section near Shenzhen, which is a highly developed economic zone. Since Dongjiang is the major source of potable water supply for Hong Kong (nearly 80% of potable water of Hong Kong is abstracted from Dongjiang) and the other parts of the Pearl River Delta (PRD), such organic and inorganic pollution merit concern. Ironically, most of the industrial and commercial activities in the watershed of Dongjiang are business investments of Hong Kong citizens. Cross-border environmental efforts should be enhanced with collaboration of different jurisdictions to achieve targets of regional sustainability.  相似文献   

Upper-air radioactivity soundings have been regularly conducted in Hong Kong since 1994. A total of 38 soundings, measuring the vertical profile of radioactivity in the atmosphere over Hong Kong using on-board Geiger-Müeller tubes, were made during the period 1994-2003 in different seasons and weather conditions. This paper presents the data obtained in Hong Kong and compares the composite vertical profile with observations in other parts of the world. The average Pfotzer maximum over Hong Kong was found to be at an altitude of around 16.1km, lower than those observed at higher latitudes. The variations of the Pfotzer maximum with geomagnetic rigidity and solar activity are discussed. Seasonal and local weather effects on radioactivity in the lower atmosphere were also studied.  相似文献   

Strategic environmental assessment in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review examines the development and application of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) process in the planning framework of Hong Kong. Two strategic planning case studies are evaluated within the context of SEA, namely the Territorial Development Strategy Review (TDS Review) and the Third Comprehensive Transport Study (CTS-3). Rapid population growth and urbanisation in Hong Kong, coupled with a historic lack of planning controls and inherent conflicts between government departments have been major obstacles to achieving sustainable development in the territory. Despite these challenges, Hong Kong was one of the first Asian countries to apply SEA to major development plans, where the implementation of the 'SUSDEV 21' study on sustainable development has demonstrated the government's commitment towards integrated environmental protection. The application of SEA has provided decision-makers with key information on potential environment impacts arising from proposed developments, resulting in greater accountability and transparency in the decision-making process. SEA in Hong Kong has also prompted an increased level of environmental awareness and co-operation between government departments and agencies responsible for the management of Hong Kong's natural and urban environments. However, the application of SEA in Hong Kong continues to have notable limitations. SEA needs to evolve beyond its current sectoral application to examine ways in which development decisions can not only pre-empt and prevent environmental damage, but also positively enhance and restore existing natural resources. Current land use plans and transportation strategies still largely determine the pattern of development in the near future without adequate longer-term environmental cost-benefit analysis. Sustainable development includes environmental, social and economic considerations, and these inter-related elements need be suitably balanced. SEA is not a means to obstruct development in Hong Kong, but should be recognised for its inherent socio-economic and ecological value, and fully integrated with the decision-making process. Whilst it is admirable that Hong Kong has taken positive steps in this direction, it is now an opportune moment for the government to have the foresight and tenacity to create a sustainable development framework for Hong Kong into the future.  相似文献   

Given that Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated cities in the world, the exposure of the Hong Kong people is one of the interesting research areas. In this study, an indirect approach was used to estimate the exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), respiratory dust (PM10) and carbon monoxide (CO) pollutants experienced by different age groups of people in Hong Kong. The average concentrations of the 20 major microenvironments obtained from our measurement survey data, together with the people activity pattern data obtained from 7-day recall questionnaires, were used to predict frequency distributions to exposure assessment. Our results showed that Hong Kong people spent more than 86% of their time indoors. Homes were shown to be the one of the major exposure sites to NO2, CO and PM10 for all age groups. Our results also indicate that the 24-h NO2 exposure for individuals, irrespective of age, spending more than 2 h in commuting daily, was observed to be exceeding the 24-h NO2 exposure standards. This study was one of the pioneering studies with valuable contribution for modeling the estimates of exposures to NO2, PM10 and CO of different age groups in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Grease traps are widely used by most restaurants and food processing industries in Hong Kong to reduce oil and grease to an acceptable level before it can be discharged to public sewers. To meet demanding effluent standards in the future, it is necessary to polish the effluent by upgrading the conventional trap design. This study evaluated the possibility of upgrading traditional grease traps by installing tube settlers inside the trap. Their efficiency of removing chemical oxygen demand (COD) and oil/grease was examined to justify the performance. It was found that installing a tube settler is a feasible and cheap way to upgrade the conventional grease trap, since it improved oil/grease removal efficiency by 8-10% compared to the conventional design. In addition, a remarkable improvement in COD removal was observed following a very short hydraulic detention time after the installation of tube settlers. This ensured acceptable effluent quality under peak flowrates. Two mathematical models were also proposed to facilitate trap design.  相似文献   

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