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永川城区主要绿化植物的滞尘效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文选取重庆市永川区具代表性植物及绿地作为研究对象,采用直接采样和统计分析的方法,对植物单位叶片面积滞尘量进行测定分析。结果表明:同一功能区不同植物种类之间的滞尘能力存在差异,滞尘能力大小排列顺序为:红花檵木>麦冬>小叶榕>红叶石楠>桂花>山茶>女贞>八角金盘>广玉兰>海桐>黄角兰>冬青>银杏>迎春,最高为红花檵木12.361 g/m2,最低为迎春2.0903 g/m2,最大差异达6倍;不同功能区同种植物的平均滞尘量差异显著,排列顺序为:街道绿地>新兴绿地>居住区>净化对照区;运用扫描电镜对叶表进行观察表明:植物的不同叶表结构滞尘能力也有差异,叶片表面被毛、褶皱时滞尘能力较强,叶片光滑或蜡质时滞尘能力较弱;植物叶片滞尘量与植物叶片单片面积呈正相关。  相似文献   

采集了6个功能区(文教区绿地、城市公园绿地、居住区绿地、商业区绿地、工业区绿地和城市天然林)距离交通密集区不同位置(主干道、二级道路、绿地中心)的3种植物(法桐(Platanus orientalis Linn.)、桂花(Osmanthus fragrans (Thunb.)Lour.)、红叶石楠(Photinia×Fraseri))的叶面颗粒物,定量分析了南京城市森林植物叶面颗粒物的含量及粒径分布。结果表明:(1)3种植物叶面单位面积滞尘量大小依次为红叶石楠((6.189±1.255)g/m~2)、桂花((3.739±0.877)g/m~2)、法桐((2.753±0.744)g/m~2)。红叶石楠植物叶面单位面积滞尘量最高,分别约为桂花和法桐的1.7、2.2倍,且距离交通密集区越近,植物叶面单位面积滞尘量越高;(2)植物叶面颗粒物以粒径10.0~250.0μm的颗粒物为主,但其粒径分布受到植物种类、功能区以及距离交通密集区的远近影响。(3)植物叶面单位面积滞尘量受到植物生理特征、环境因素及尘源特征的共同影响。  相似文献   

以北京市大兴区南海子公园26种常见树种配置为研究对象,应用Dustmate手持PM_(2.5)监测仪监测各配置PM_(2.5),结合气溶胶再发生器和叶面积扫描仪,分析单位叶面积PM_(2.5)吸附量,以综合探讨不同树种配置PM_(2.5)动态变化特征。结果表明:总体上,各树种配置中PM_(2.5)浓度呈现上午高、下午低的趋势,14:00最低。各树种配置中PM_(2.5)平均值表现为针阔混交林阔叶纯林阔阔混交林针叶纯林针针混交林,且6月9月7月10月5月8月。不同树种配置对PM_(2.5)的吸附能力差异较大,表现为针叶纯林针针混交林针阔混交林阔叶纯林阔阔混交林。因植物吸附PM_(2.5)能力取决于单位叶面积PM_(2.5)吸附量及其叶面积指数,进行树种配置时需同时考虑这两个因素,将不同生活型和具不同叶习性的植物合理混交配置,从而提高植被吸附和调控PM_(2.5)的能力,为优化城市绿化植物配置、降低空气中PM_(2.5)污染提供科学依据。  相似文献   

广州市内环路交通噪声模拟与降噪措施评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于单车辆噪声排放模型,考虑距离衰减及声屏障的遮挡作用,建立了高架道路交通噪声模拟模型,计算了广州市内环路的交通噪声分布,并基于地理信息系统(GIS)绘制了内环路的交通噪声地图。同时,以环市东路路段为例,评估了限速、限行及加装声屏障等降噪措施的降噪效果。结果表明:(1)内环路昼间的噪声污染较严重,靠近道路的第1排建筑物大部分处于65~70dB的噪声环境之下,面对路面的建筑物的开窗位置,噪声达到70~75dB。噪声较严重的地区为环市东路路段、火车站路段、中山一路路段、南岸路路段、环市西路路段等,这些地区都可能成为内环路噪声投诉事件的高发地区。相同地区的噪声在夜间下降了一个级别,能够达到《城市区域环境噪声标准》(GB 3096—93)的限值要求(55dB)。(2)加装声屏障的措施,能够在不影响现有路面行车状态的情况下达到降噪要求,是比较推崇的方法。  相似文献   

广玉兰、龙爪槐和黄杨化感物质对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
针对水华的主要物种——铜绿微囊藻,初步测定了60种植物的浸提液对其细胞增殖的抑制率。结果表明,8种植物的浸提液对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制率达到90%以上。其中,广玉兰、龙爪槐和黄杨叶片浸提液对铜绿微囊藻生长的抑制率分别达到97.4%、95.6%和91.2%。通过计算得到培养7d后广玉兰、龙爪槐和黄杨的50%抑制效应质量浓度(EC50)分别为0.52、1.04、5.87g/L,而90%抑制效应质量浓度(EC90)分别为3.79、6.45、9.09g/L。首次发现此3种植物浸提液中富含能抑制铜绿微囊藻细胞增殖的化学物质,可以作为抑藻化感物质的一个重要来源。根据EC50和EC90对培养时间的拟合方程判断,广玉兰和龙爪槐浸提液对铜绿微囊藻的抑制效果较黄杨浸提液更为长效,且由于其抑制效果优于农作物秸秆,具有进一步研究的价值。  相似文献   

利用高岭土制备 PAS的研究尹荔松 周克省 周良玉 孔德明(中南大学物理科学与技术学院 ,湖南长沙 4 10 0 83 )研究了以高岭土为原料 ,制备净水剂聚合硫酸铝 ( PAS)的方法和工艺。结果表明 ,高岭土经过 70 0℃高温煅烧 1h,再酸浸 ,氧化铝的析出率达到 92 .1%。在高岭土制备聚合硫酸铝的工艺中 ,用氨水调整聚合硫酸铝的盐基度 ,得到盐基度的上升与氨水的添加量成正比。关键词 :高岭土 ,聚合硫酸铝 ,净水剂绿化带对公路交通噪声衰减的效果研究丁亚超 周敬宣 李 恒(华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院 ,湖北武汉 4 3 0 0 74 )通过对 8处林…  相似文献   

为研究常见绿化植物吸附大气颗粒物的能力,在南京市城区、城郊区和远郊区选择红叶石楠(Photinia serrulata)、海桐(Pittosporum tobira)、桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)和二球悬铃木(Platanus orientalis)进行研究,测定4种植物叶片吸附大气中不同粒径颗粒物的质量及数量特征。结果表明:植物叶片对不同颗粒物的吸附量存在显著的区域差异和种间差异,区域差异表现为城区城郊区远郊区;种间差异表现为二球悬铃木吸附能力最强,红叶石楠和海桐吸附能力相近,桂花吸附能力最弱。植物叶片对不同粒径颗粒物吸附特征为大颗粒物(粒径10.0μm)质量分数最大,细颗粒物(0.2μm粒径≤2.5μm)在数量上占一定优势。植物叶片上下表面微结构分析表明,植物叶片上表面吸附颗粒物的能力明显强于下表面,细颗粒物或更小粒径颗粒物主要被吸附在绒毛和深浅不一的沟槽处。  相似文献   

工业搬迁区绿化带土壤铜污染及其在植物体内的迁移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老工业搬迁区主要道路两旁绿化带土壤由于历经老工业企业的变迁和环境的污染破坏,可在一定程度上对这一地区环境的历史变迁及重金属污染状况起到指示作用。采集沈阳铁西老工业搬迁区绿化带土壤及其绿化乔木和灌木植株样品,分析土壤中铜的总量及生物有效态含量,同时分别分析了绿化乔木(8种)和绿化灌木(6种)植株根、枝条和叶片的含铜量。结果表明,搬迁区绿化带土壤中含铜量为29.14~166.95mg/kg,显著高于沈阳市土壤铜元素的背景值;土壤有效态铜为0.23~1.72mg/kg,达到中等水平(0.3~1.0mg/kg)的占采样点总数的70.0%。数据还显示,绿化乔木和灌木对铜的蓄积能力依品种不同差异显著,同种植物不同部位(根、枝条和叶片)对铜的富集能力不同;总体上,绿化乔木植株体内含铜量的分布规律为根叶片枝条或叶片根枝条,绿化灌木植株体内含铜量的分布规律为根叶片枝条。对铜蓄积能力较强的绿化乔木为榆叶梅(Amygdalus triloba Lindl.)、垂柳(Salix babylonica Linn.)、旱柳(Salix matsudana Koidz.)和银杏(Ginkgo biloba),对铜蓄积能力较强的绿化灌木为大叶女贞(Ligustrum lucidum Ait.)、小叶女贞(Ligustrum quihoui Carr.)和紫叶小檗(Berberis thunbergii cv.Atropurpurea)。  相似文献   

为分析苏州轨道交通1号线的开通运行对线路周边的振动环境产生的影响,采用高灵敏度加速度传感器,测试了各种工况下特征断面的地面振动响应。在时域和频域内,比较分析了列车速度、轨道埋深、距离及周边环境对轨道交通引起的地面振动的影响。结果表明,列车通过时传递到地面振动能量主要集中在50~80Hz,在1/3倍频程分析中,63Hz频段的振动最为明显;随着测点距轨道中心线距离的增加,列车通过引起的地面振动逐渐衰减,本次测试中,不同工况的测量断面下,地面振动平均振级均低于《城市区域环境振动标准》(GB 10070—88)规定的限值。  相似文献   

借助多功能动态生理检测仪、现场道路交通噪声信号采集系统及室内道路交通噪声信号回放系统等精密仪器设备,研究了道路交通噪声对人体心电的短时影响,并运用统计学、时间序列理论对噪声影响心电指标的规律进行了分析,提出了一种解释道路交通噪声影响人体心电指标规律及确定噪声安全阈值的理论方法。结果表明,不同噪声声压级对心电低频(LF)、高频(HF)之比(LF/HF)时间序列的自相关系数衰减速率影响不同,声压级越高,LF/HF时间序列的自相关系数衰减到0.500时的速率越慢,经历的延迟期越长;当道路交通噪声超过43dB时,有可能对人体心电状态造成潜在的影响。  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with the location of highways relative to either existing or planned residential communities. The paper treats in depth the expected attenuation of automobile and particularly diesel tractor-trailer generated hoise by the interposition of extensive and dense planting of trees and shrubs between the highway and the community. The results of research, by the author and others cited in the paper, gives clear indication that a belt of dense man-made growth of tall trees and underbrush can give as much as 5 to 8 dB truck/car noise reduction per 100 ft of planting depth. Natural growth of deep forests were measured to give from 3 to 5 dB attenuation per 100 ft of planting depth. Planting depth of at least 100 ft is required to give reliable results, with tree heights of 40-50 ft desirable and densities of 50-70 ft visibility needed for good effect.

The paper provides considerable experimental verification by an analysis of the current literature. The types of noise sources in cars and trucks are briefly treated as are community reactions to noise from such sources. The dBA is used as the accepted measure for characterizing truck and automobile noise. Both spherical and cylindrical radiation of sound are discussed for low density and high density traffic, respectively.

The paper concludes with an example of attenuation of a typical truck noise by spherical and cylindrical radiation for low- and high-density traffic and a 200-ft deep planting of dense, mature forest. It is concluded that a mature belt of either coniferous or deciduous forest with underbrush can produce barely acceptable noise levels in the community which is separated by such a noise barrier from a heavily traveled highway.  相似文献   

首先分析了交通噪声对居住区声环境的影响,然后重点探讨相应的防治方法,特别是在居住区的规划中,就利用对噪声不敏感的建筑物和绿化隔离带形成小区周边的声屏障、合理布置小区道路系统并防止城市交通穿越、加强住宅建筑设计中隔声构造处理等方面提出了具体的技术措施。  相似文献   

Vehicle interior noise functions at the dominant frequencies of 500 Hz below and around 800 Hz, which fall into the bands that may impair hearing. Recent studies demonstrated that freeway commuters are chronically exposed to vehicle interior noise, bearing the risk of hearing impairment. The interior noise evaluation process is mostly conducted in a laboratory environment. The test results and the developed noise models may underestimate or ignore the noise effects from dynamic traffic and road conditions and configuration. However, the interior noise is highly associated with vehicle maneuvering. The vehicle maneuvering on a freeway weaving segment is more complex because of its nature of conflicting areas. This research is intended to explore the risk of the interior noise exposure on freeway weaving segments for freeway commuters and to improve the interior noise estimation by constructing a decision tree learning–based noise exposure dose (NED) model, considering weaving segment designs and engine operation. On-road driving tests were conducted on 12 subjects on State Highway 288 in Houston, Texas. On-board Diagnosis (OBD) II, a smartphone-based roughness app, and a digital sound meter were used to collect vehicle maneuvering and engine information, International Roughness Index, and interior noise levels, respectively. Eleven variables were obtainable from the driving tests, including the length and type of a weaving segment, serving as predictors. The importance of the predictors was estimated by their out-of-bag–permuted predictor delta errors. The hazardous exposure level of the interior noise on weaving segments was quantified to hazard quotient, NED, and daily noise exposure level, respectively. Results showed that the risk of hearing impairment on freeway is acceptable; the interior noise level is the most sensitive to the pavement roughness and is subject to freeway configuration and traffic conditions. The constructed NED model shows high predictive power (R = 0.93, normalized root-mean-square error [NRMSE] < 6.7%).

Implications: Vehicle interior noise is usually ignored in the public, and its modeling and evaluation are generally conducted in a laboratory environment, regardless of the interior noise effects from dynamic traffic, road conditions, and road configuration. This study quantified the interior exposure dose on freeway weaving segments, which provides freeway commuters with a sense of interior noise exposure risk. In addition, a bagged decision tree–based interior noise exposure dose model was constructed, considering vehicle maneuvering, vehicle engine operational information, pavement roughness, and weaving segment configuration. The constructed model could significantly improve the interior noise estimation for road engineers and vehicle manufactures.  相似文献   

为评价道路交通噪声影响情况,以美国联邦公路管理局(FHWA)噪声预测模型为主,各国相继开发了基于当地实际情况的道路交通噪声预测模型,中国也以导则和规范等形式相继发布了各种交通噪声预测模型。中国进行噪声环境影响评价中,用得较多的主要有《环境影响评价技术导则声环境》(HJ 2.4—2009)、《公路建设项目环境影响评价规范》(JTG B03—2006)推荐的噪声预测模型,此外也有部分评价工作采用了德国的Cadna A软件。通过对比分析,HJ 2.4—2009的衰减及修正因素在综合考虑FH-WA噪声预测模型及JTG B03—2006基础上更加全面,而JTG B03—2006和Cadna A软件在源强和车速确定方面则均较成熟。有必要根据区域道路特点,选择适合特征区域的道路交通噪声预测模型,并结合实际情况对模型参数进行合理修正,最终形成一些可供区域参考的统一的模型修正参数,积极推动中国的声环境评价工作的发展。  相似文献   

高速铁路动车组列车的噪声特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测量了车速达250 km/h的高速铁路动车组列车不同距离、不同高度处的噪声,分析了其时间、频谱及空间分布特性,并与普通客运列车比较.结果表明,动车组列车噪声表现为较强的脉冲性,频谱较宽,为2 500 Hz内的宽频噪声,200 Hz以下的低频成分很强;不同高度处最大声压级随距离的衰减规律基本类似,但不同高度处频谱不同.  相似文献   

Reclaiming abandoned and unmaintained roads, built originally for forestry and mineral extraction, is an important part of ecological restoration, because the roads running through natural habitats cause fragmentation. The roads can be reclaimed in a passive way by blocking access to the road, but successful seedling recruitment may require additional management due to the physical constraints present at the road. We established a full factorial study to compare the effects of three road reclaiming measures, namely ripping, creation of safe sites by adding mulch and pine seed addition, on soil processes, recovery of understorey vegetation and seedling recruitment in three conservation areas in eastern Finland. We surveyed soil organic matter, frequency and cover of plant functional types, litter and mineral soil, and number of tree seedlings. The soil organic matter was, on average, 1.3-fold in the 50-cm-deep ripping treatment relative to unripped and 20-cm-deep ripping treatments. The germination and survival of deciduous seedlings and grass establishment were promoted by adding mulch. The addition of pine seeds counteracted the seed limitation and enhanced the regeneration of trees. The treatment combination consisting of ripping, adding mulch and pine seed addition enhanced the vegetation succession and tree-seedling recruitment most: the cover of grasses, herbs and ericaceous dwarf shrubs was 1.3–7.6-fold and the number of coniferous tree seedlings was 3.4–7.1-fold relative to the other treatment combinations. Differences between short-term (1–3 years) and longer-term (6 years) results indicate the need for a sufficient observation period in road reclamation studies.  相似文献   

再生水用于都市绿地灌溉的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
污水再利用具有节水和治污双重功能,用于绿地灌溉意义重大。综述了再生水灌溉对绿地土壤、植物、地下水的影响。着重介绍了国外的研究情况,分析了其试验结果及影响因素,表明虽然再生水中的一些有害成分会发生积累,但由于处理工艺、降雨等因素影响,对绿地生态系统影响不大,使用再生水灌溉绿地是切实可行的。  相似文献   

Understanding local-scale transport and dispersion of pollutants emitted from traffic sources is important for urban planning and air quality assessments. Predicting pollutant concentration patterns in complex environments depends on accurate representations of local features (e.g., noise barriers, trees, buildings) affecting near-field air flows. This study examined the effects of roadside barriers on the flow patterns and dispersion of pollutants from a high-traffic highway in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. The effects of the structures were analyzed using the Quick Urban & Industrial Complex (QUIC) model, an empirically based diagnostic tool which simulates fine-scale wind field and dispersion patterns around obstacles. Model simulations were compared with the spatial distributions of ultrafine particles (UFP) from vehicular emissions measured using a passenger van equipped with a Differential Mobility Analyzer/Condensation Particle Counter. The field site allowed for an evaluation of pollutant concentrations in open terrain, with a noise barrier present near the road, and with a noise barrier and vegetation present near the road.Results indicated that air pollutant concentrations near the road were generally higher in open terrain situations with no barriers present; however, concentrations for this case decreased faster with distance than when roadside barriers were present. The presence of a noise barrier and vegetation resulted in the lowest downwind pollutant concentrations, indicating that the plume under this condition was relatively uniform and vertically well-mixed. Comparison of the QUIC model with the mobile UFP measurements indicated that QUIC reasonably represented pollutant transport and dispersion for each of the study configurations.  相似文献   


This review presents compiled results of complex biomonitoring studies that have been conducted in the Holy Cross Mountains, south-central part of Poland, since the 1990s. The significance of these studies results from several aspects: (i) a number and a variety of plant organisms used, e.g., mosses, lichens, coniferous and deciduous trees, and their tissues (wood, bark, needles, leaves, the aboveground parts of several vascular plants); (ii) applications of a broad scope of instrumental methods aiming at determining major and trace elements (including rare earth elements), organic compounds (PAHs, PCBs, phenols), and stable sulfur isotopes (δ34S); and (iii) different methodological and environmental issues addressed. The comparison and interpretation of results derived from seventeen sampling campaigns carried out between 1994 and 2017 are a valuable source of information on the following: (i) bioaccumulative properties of organisms used in air quality monitoring, (ii) identification and variations of local and regional pollution sources and geochemical landscape patterns and processes over years, and (iii) establishing environmental factors that variously affected chemical composition of plants growing under physiological stress, including roadside vegetation and plants from acid mine drainage areas.


This paper describes an in-depth analysis to investigate the huge variation in the measured roadside air-pollutant concentrations of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in terms of the traffic flow levels, the orientation of the street to the prevailing wind, the wind speed, temperature and barometric pressure. The work has attempted to develop generic parameters that can be applied to other urban areas. However, in the absence of a measure of congestion at the site in Palermo (Italy), the methodological approach proposed used the simultaneous noise measurements, in units of decibels (B), to help parameterise a generic congestion indicator in terms of the traffic flow. The potential transferability of the approach was demonstrated for a site in Marylebone Road, London (UK), given the similarity of the two study sites, canyon shape, traffic characteristics and road orientation. The results showed that, within the range of data available, noise levels could be used as a proxy for flow change on the shoulders of the peak hour and hence congestion and a generic relationship with factors statistically significant at 99 % confidence allows roadside concentrations due to traffic to be estimated with a regression coefficient of R 2?=?0.73 (R?=?0.85). The research demonstrates that whilst there are indeed underlying relationships that can explain the roadside concentrations based on traffic and meteorological conditions, evidence is presented that confirms the complexity of the physical and chemical processes that govern roadside concentrations.  相似文献   

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