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Summary Acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus) were studied during the summers of 1976 and 1977 in the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona to determine the ecological correlates of variations in unit size, storage behavior, and home range. Unit size varied from two to five adults, acorn storage capacity varied from 0 to 5,000 individual holes per unit, and home range size varied from 5.2 to 51.2 ha.There was a consistent but nonsignificant trend for units inhabiting pine-oak woodland to be larger and to maintain more food storage holes than units in oak-juniper or oak woodland. Pine-oak woodland had the highest oak species number, density, and basal area of any community in the study area, and showed the least annual variation in percent of oaks producing acorns during the study. However, pineoak woodland also had the lowest acorn productivity per hectare.More than four times as many oak trees produced acorns in 1977 than in 1976. Following the poor 1976 crop, unit home range size increased so that the mean number of oaks contained per home range size increased more than three and a half times in 1977. The number of woodpecker units containing nonbreeding adults decreased from 90% in 1976 to 20% in 1977. These data suggest that the size and reliability of acorn crops control the composition of acorn woodpecker social units.A comparison of acorn woodpecker population parameters in the Chiricahua Mountains and at the Hastings Reservation, California, was made, using data of MacRoberts and MacRoberts (1976). The California population was significantly more dense and maintained more storage trees and more individual storage holes per unit, but there was no evidence that more California units contained nonbreeding adults than did Chiricahua units.A model is presented that emphasizes the importance of acorn crop reliability as the major determinant of acorn woodpecker social organization (Fig. 2). Annual crop fluctuations affect the winter survival and dispersion of woodpecker units, and the density of the population in the following spring. Bad acorn years will result in decreased saturation of woodpecker nesting habitat by established groups. The model predicts a corresponding decrease in the frequency of units with helpers, as young adults take advantage of opportunities to breed on their own. Longer-term crop reliability determines the benefitcost ratio for establishing and maintaining food storage facilities. The observed geographic variation in storage behavior between California and Arizona populations is suggested to reflect differences in the long-term return on investment in expensive storage facilities.  相似文献   

Riparian forests are important for maintaining vertebrate species richness in the southwestern United States, but they have become restricted in distribution due to both historical and current management practices. In order to counteract continued loss of this habitat, several mitigation programs were developed in the middle Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. Three areas ranging from 50 to 140 ha were revegetated with native trees using pole planting and cattle exclosures, and changes in vegetation structure were quantified after 2, 3, and 5 years of growth. As expected, the older site contained the most heterogeneous mix of plant species and the greatest structural diversity. We compared year-round avian use of the revegetated sites with a mature cottonwood forest site of approximately 30 years of age. As the revegetated sites matured and salient habitat features changed, the population dynamics of individual avian species and patterns of guild structure varied. The older revegetated sites showed a greater similarity to the mature cottonwood site, suggesting that reclamation efforts established quality riparian habitats for birds in as little as 5 years. The revegetated sites appeared especially important for Neotropical-migrant birds. We suggest that a mosaic of riparian woodlands containing mixtures of native tree and shrub species of different size classes is necessary to maintain avian species richness in the middle Rio Grande drainage, and probably throughout the southwestern United States.  相似文献   

Arlt D  Pärt T 《Ecology》2007,88(3):792-801
The selection of breeding sites in heterogeneous habitats should ideally be based on cues closely reflecting habitat quality and thus predicting realized individual fitness. Using long-term population data and data on territory establishment of male Northern Wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe), we examined whether territory characteristics linked to individual fitness (reproductive performance and survival) also were linked to territory preference. Breeding territories varied in their physical characteristics and their potential effects on reproductive performance, and this variation among territories was correlated from one year to the next. Of all measured territory characteristics (from the focal and the previous year) only territory field layer height predicted individual fitness, i.e., reproductive performance was higher in territories with permanently short rather than growing field layers. Territory preference, instead, was only linked to the size of territory aggregations, i.e., males settled earlier at territory sites sharing borders with several adjacent sites than at those with few or no adjacent sites. This mismatch between territory characteristics linked to fitness and those linked to territory preference was not explained by site fidelity or compensated for by the different fitness components measured. Because the results were not in agreement with an ecological trap scenario, where poor habitats are preferred over high-quality habitats, our results suggest a more general case of nonideal habitat selection. Whereas nonideal selection with respect to territory field layer height may be explained by its poor temporal predictability within the breeding season, the preference for territory aggregations is still open to alternative adaptive explanations. Our study suggests that nonideal habitat selection should be investigated by direct estimates of preferences (e.g., order of territory establishment) and their links to habitat characteristics and fitness components. Furthermore, we suggest that the probability of establishing a territory needs to be included as a factor influencing patterns of habitat selection.  相似文献   

Information about how vegetation composition and structure vary quantitatively and spatially with physical environment, disturbance history, and land ownership is fundamental to regional conservation planning. However, current knowledge about patterns of vegetation variability across large regions that is spatially explicit (i.e., mapped) tends to be general and qualitative. We used spatial predictions from gradient models to examine the influence of environment, disturbance, and ownership on patterns of forest vegetation biodiversity across a large forested region, the 3-million-ha Oregon Coast Range (USA). Gradients in tree species composition were strongly associated with environment, especially climate, and insensitive to disturbance, probably because many dominant tree species are long-lived and persist throughout forest succession. In contrast, forest structure was strongly correlated with disturbance and only weakly with environmental gradients. Although forest structure differed among ownerships, differences were blurred by the presence of legacy trees that originated prior to current forest management regimes. Our multi-ownership perspective revealed biodiversity concerns and benefits not readily visible in single-ownership analyses, and all ownerships contributed to regional biodiversity values. Federal lands provided most of the late-successional and old-growth forest. State lands contained a range of forest ages and structures, including diverse young forest, abundant legacy dead wood, and much of the high-elevation true fir forest. Nonindustrial private lands provided diverse young forest and the greatest abundance of hardwood trees, including almost all of the foothill oak woodlands. Forest industry lands encompassed much early-successional forest, most of the mixed hardwood-conifer forest, and large amounts of legacy down wood. The detailed tree- and species-level data in the maps revealed regional trends that would be masked in traditional coarse-filter assessment. Although abundant, most early-successional forests originated after timber harvest and lacked legacy live and dead trees important as habitat and for other ecological functions. Many large-conifer forests that might be classified as old growth using a generalized forest cover map lacked structural features of old growth such as multilayered canopies or dead wood. Our findings suggest that regional conservation planning include all ownerships and land allocations, as well as fine-scale elements of vegetation composition and structure.  相似文献   

Experimental studies provide evidence that, in spatially and temporally heterogeneous environments, individuals track variation in breeding habitat quality to adjust breeding decisions to local conditions. However, most experiments consider environmental variation at one spatial scale only, while the ability to detect the influence of a factor depends on the scale of analysis. We show that different breeding decisions by adults are based on information about habitat quality at different spatial scales. We manipulated (increased or decreased) local breeding habitat quality through food availability and parasite prevalence at a small (territory) and a large (patch) scale simultaneously in a wild population of Great Tits (Parus major). Females laid earlier in high-quality large-scale patches, but laying date did not depend on small-scale territory quality. Conversely, offspring sex ratio was higher (i.e., biased toward males) in high-quality, small-scale territories but did not depend on large-scale patch quality. Clutch size and territory occupancy probability did not depend on our experimental manipulation of habitat quality, but territories located at the edge of patches were more likely to be occupied than central territories. These results suggest that integrating different decisions taken by breeders according to environmental variation at different spatial scales is required to understand patterns of breeding strategy adjustment.  相似文献   

Byholm P  Kekkonen M 《Ecology》2008,89(6):1696-1702
Food supplementation experiments have been widely used to get detailed insight into how food supply contributes to the reproductive performance of wild animals. Surprisingly, even though food seldom is distributed evenly in space, variation in local habitat quality has usually not been controlled for in food supplementation studies. With results from a two-year feeding experiment involving a habitat-sensitive avian top predator, the Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis, we show that treatment effects on goshawk reproductive performance are habitat dependent. Extra food reduced nestling mortality in low-quality territories where prime habitat (forest) is scarce, but not in high-quality territories where prime habitat is abundant. Consequently, brood size did not differ between treatment categories in heavily forested territories, but fledgling numbers differed between unfed and fed goshawk pairs breeding in territories where forest is scarce. However, because extra food was not superabundant, this artificial increase in offspring number induced a dramatic decrease in nestling condition in low-quality territories. Treatment effects were detected even after controlling statistically for other potentially confounding effects (year, territory identity) and strongly covaried with territory-specific abundances of the most important summer prey species. These results highlight the importance of acknowledging the effect that small-scale variation in habitat quality and availability of natural food may have on the results of food supplementation experiments. In order to assess the generality of food supplementation effects, the integration of habitat heterogeneity and variation in food abundance is thus needed, especially among species in which small-scale variation in habitat quality influences demographic patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ecological traps and other cases of apparently maladaptive habitat selection cast doubt on the relevance of density as an indicator of habitat quality. Nevertheless, the prevalence of these phenomena remains poorly known, and density may still reflect habitat quality in most systems. We examined the relationship between density and two other parameters of habitat quality in an open‐nesting passerine species: the Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla). We hypothesized that the average individual bird makes a good decision when selecting its breeding territory and that territory spacing reflects site productivity or predation risk. Therefore, we predicted that density would be positively correlated with productivity (number of young fledged per unit area). Because individual performance is sensitive to events partly determined by chance, such as nest predation, we further predicted density would be weakly correlated or uncorrelated with the proportion of territories fledging young. We collected data in 23 study sites (25 ha each), 16 of which were located in untreated mature northern hardwood forest and seven in stands partially harvested (treated) 1–7 years prior to the survey. Density explained most of the variability in productivity (R2= 0.73), and there was no apparent decoupling between density and productivity in treated plots. In contrast, there was no significant relationship between density and the proportion of territories fledging ≥1 young over the entire breeding season. These results suggest that density reflects habitat quality at the plot scale in this study system. To our knowledge this is one of the few studies testing the value of territory density as an indicator of habitat quality in an open‐nesting bird species on the basis of a relatively large number of sizeable study plots.  相似文献   

The ability of male black-capped chickadees to maintain consistent internal structure between successive iterations of their songs is affected by both their social rank and the quality of their habitat. Lab studies reveal that female chickadees discriminate between songs of dominant and subordinate males, which vary in acoustic structure. We investigate whether males also rely on acoustic structure to assess rival quality during agonistic interactions, and whether habitat-induced differences in song consistency affect the perception of male rank. We conducted a playback experiment to simulate territorial intrusions by dominant, stimuli males into the territories of dominant, subject males; stimuli males were recorded either in low-quality (young forest) or high-quality (mature forest) habitats. Stimuli from low-quality habitat had lower song consistency than those from high-quality habitats, despite being recorded from males of equivalent social rank. Subject males for playbacks (also socially dominant males) were chosen from either habitat type. Subject males in mature forest responded less to young-forest stimuli compared to mature-forest stimuli, despite the stimuli in both cases being recorded from dominant males. Conversely, male subjects in young forest did not differentiate between stimuli, but their response to both stimuli was lower than that of mature-forest subject males to mature-forest stimuli. We demonstrate that the ability to maintain internal song structure in the black-capped chickadee constitutes a signal that appears to be used by males to assess the level of threat of intruders, and that this perception is affected by habitat from which the stimulus males were recorded.  相似文献   

Female choice for complex song in the European starling: a field experiment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Male European starlings Sturnus vulgaris sing long complex songs that appear to be important in the courtship of females but which also influence competitive interactions between males. We tested the hypothesis that females choose mates on the basis of the complexity of their songs, rather than on the quality of the territories the males defended. In order to determine whether certain territories were preferred over others, the first set of birds to settle in the experimental nest-boxes was removed and a second set allowed to settle. Consistent preferences for certain nest-boxes were indicated by correlations between the settlement patterns of the first and second sets of birds. However, males with the most complex song did not necessarily occupy the most preferred nest sites. Males with more complex song acquired mates faster. This relationship remained significant when nest-site preference was statistically controlled, indicating that female starlings chose males with complex song rather than those that defended preferred nest sites. A number of morphological variables were also found to be uncorrelated with female choice. Song complexity in European starlings increases with age, and the evolution of song complexity in this species is consistent with an age-indicator model of sexual selection. Males with larger repertoires were also in better condition, indicating that females obtain high-quality mates by choosing on the basis of male song. Received: 29 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 9 September 1995  相似文献   

Colonization studies may function as natural experiments and have the potential of addressing important questions about community assembly. We studied colonization for a guild of epiphytic lichens in a former treeless heathland area of 170 km2 in southwest Norway. We investigated if epiphytic lichen species richness and composition on aspen (Populus tremula) trees corresponded to a random draw of lichen individuals from the regional species pool. We compared lichen communities of isolated young (55-120 yr) and old (140-200 yr) forest patches in the heathland area to those of aspen forest in an adjacent reference area that has been forested for a long time. All thalli (lichen bodies) of 32 selected lichen species on trunks of aspen were recorded in 35 aspen sites. When data for each site category (young, old, and reference) were pooled, we found the species richness by rarefaction to be similar for reference sites and old sites, but significantly lower for young sites. The depauperated species richness of young sites was accompanied by a skew in species composition and absence of several species that were common in the reference sites. In contrast, genetic variation screened with neutral microsatellite markers in the lichen species Lobaria pulmonaria showed no significant differences between site categories. Our null hypothesis of a neutral species assembly in young sites corresponding to a random draw from the regional species pool was rejected, whereas an alternative hypothesis based on differences in colonization capacity among species was supported. The results indicate that for the habitat configuration in the heathland area (isolated patches constituting < 0.4% of the area) lichen communities may need a colonization time of 100-150 yr for species richness to level off, but given enough time, isolation will not affect species richness. We suggest that this contradiction to expectations from classical island equilibrium theory results from low extinction rates.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epiphytes are diverse and important elements of tropical forests, but as canopy‐dwelling organisms, they are highly vulnerable to deforestation. To assess the effect of deforestation on epiphyte diversity and the potential for epiphyte conservation in anthropogenically transformed habitats, we surveyed the epiphytic vegetation of an Ecuadorian cloud forest reserve and its surroundings. Our study was located on the western slopes of the Andes, a global center of biodiversity. We sampled vascular epiphytes of 110 study plots in a continuous primary forest; 14 primary forest fragments; isolated remnant trees in young, middle‐aged, and old pastures; and young and old secondary forests. It is the first study to include all relevant types of habitat transformation at a single study site and to compare epiphyte diversity at different temporal stages of fragmentation. Epiphyte diversity was highest in continuous primary forest, followed by forest fragments and isolated remnant trees, and lowest in young secondary forests. Spatial parameters of habitat transformation, such as fragment area, distance to the continuous primary forest, or distance to the forest edge from inside the forest, had no significant effect on epiphyte diversity. Hence, the influence of dispersal limitations appeared to be negligible or appeared to operate only over very short distances, whereas microclimatic edge effects acted only in the case of completely isolated trees, but not in larger forest fragments. Epiphyte diversity increased considerably with age of secondary forests, but species assemblages on isolated remnant trees were impoverished distinctly with time since isolation. Thus, isolated trees may serve for recolonization of secondary forests, but only for a relatively short time. We therefore suggest that the conservation of even small patches of primary forest within agricultural landscape matrices is essential for the long‐term maintenance of the high epiphyte diversity in tropical cloud forests.  相似文献   

Intermittent breeding (skipping a breeding season) can be the result of an adaptive decision by a focal individual, trading current reproductive success in favour of future reproductive success (residual reproductive value hypothesis). In contrast, an individual can also be forced by conspecifics to abandon the familiar breeding site and refrain from breeding due to lack of suitable alternative breeding sites or mates (competition hypothesis). I studied intermittent breeding in the territorial and site-faithful Eurasian oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, using a dataset covering 20 years. Intermittent breeding (in total 86 cases) occurred among breeders that formerly bred in high- as well as low-quality territories. The main factor associated with intermittent breeding in high-quality sites was death of a mate, while in low quality sites divorce was the most prominent factor. In 93% of the cases birds were forced to cease breeding due to pressure from conspecifics consistent with the competition hypothesis. There was no association between intermittent breeding and promotion to a territory of better quality. Instead, oystercatchers returned to breeding habitat of similar quality and at a very close distance (median distance 128 m) from the previous breeding location. Breeding absences lasted on average 2.4 years, with a maximum of 9 years, and the quality of the territory obtained after the absence varied with the duration of it. Birds who re-bred in a high-quality territory acquired this on average faster than those that re-bred in a low-quality territory, indicating that birds in high-quality sites are better competitors.  相似文献   

Parental-investment theory predicts that monogamy should be rare, and empirical evidence supports this prediction. Monogamy has generally been explained by either (1) a need for biparental care, or (2) a uniform distribution of limiting resources. By contrast, monogamy has evolved in several coral-reef fishes without biparental care, and many coral-reef fishes may not be limited by resources. Monogamy in these fishes might be explained by either (3) a low population density that favors mate fidelity, or (4) an abundance of resources that allows all males to breed and thus lowers the cost-benefit ratio for females that mate guard. We tested predictions of these hypotheses in the coral-reef fish, Valenciennea strigata, except that (1) biparental care had previously been rejected. We found no evidence of resource limitation (2a): food densities within territories did not differ from the density of food in unused habitat adjacent to territories; potential nest sites also existed in this unused habitat. Similarly, (2b) if resources limit the population, territory defense might require the coordinated efforts of a pair; however, widowed fish maintained their territories and (3) remated rapidly. Finally, (4) all males maintained a nest, both sexes enforced monogamy by mate guarding, and females benefited from guarding a high-quality (large) mate. Females mated to large males fed more than when they paired with small males. The results support the hypothesis that abundant and uniformly distributed resources can lead to monogamy by lowering the cost of guarding a mate when mate guarding provides benefits. Received: 25 November 1997 / Accepted after revision: 29 December 1997  相似文献   

Habitat selection requires choice, which differentiates it from habitat use, and choice, in turn, is dependent upon the responses of organisms to the environmental, social, and other cues that they perceive. Habitat selection by the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) was investigated by translocating tortoises and monitoring their movements within two sites in central Florida. The first site supported a stable preponderance of high-quality habitat, and tortoises avoided areas with a dense tree canopy cover caused by fire exclusion. The second site was badly invaded by an introduced weed, and tortoises avoided areas where the weed had formed a dense monoculture. At both sites, individuals appeared to be responding to visual cues to avoid areas that were relatively dark. In landscapes with relatively large amounts of high-quality habitat, this avoidance behavior serves the gopher tortoise well by keeping individuals within the dominant habitat type. In degraded areas, high-quality habitat often becomes increasingly uncommon, and the avoidance behavior exhibited by the tortoises will result in individuals becoming confined to small patches, causing a significant reduction in fitness and hence questioning their long-term survival in such areas. The results from our study show that in order to maintain viable tortoise populations in areas increasingly subjected to human fragmentation and degradation, it is crucial not only to suppress tree canopy cover continually and prevent invasion by exotic weeds, but also to be mindful that the avoidance behavior of the gopher tortoise could prevent individuals from fully occupying a high-quality habitat in response to restoration and management efforts.  相似文献   

Most of the old-growth redwood ( Sequoia sempervirens ) in California has been cut; regenerating forests will probably never resemble those that were harvested, and what old growth remains on private land occurs in small, isolated remnant patches. The landscapes in which these stands occur differ so markedly from their original condition that their value as habitat to many species of wildlife, including bats, is unknown. Previous research in unfragmented redwood forests demonstrated that bats use basal hollows in old-growth redwoods as roosts. We sought to determine whether bats use similar old-growth trees as roosts when they occur in small, remnant patches of isolated old growth on commercial forest land. We compared bat occurrence in remnant and contiguous stands by collecting guano in traps suspended in hollows and by monitoring flight activity with ultrasonic bat detectors. Hollows in trees within the remnant stands had significantly more guano deposited per tree than the trees within the contiguous forest. The mean numbers of bat passes per night were statistically indistinguishable between the two treatments, although mean flight activity in the remnant stands was greater than in the contiguous forest. Bats frequently used basal hollows in small (<5 ha) stands of remnant old growth, which may be due to the closer proximity of remnants to stream courses, to their greater interface with edge where foraging success may be greater, or to the fact that the lower density of hollow-bearing trees in remnants than in contiguous forest favored greater use per tree. Significant use of small, residual old-growth redwood provides reason to maintain these remnants in managed landscapes as potentially important habitat for forest bats.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The bird species in western North America that are most restricted to, and therefore most dependent on, severely burned conifer forests during the first years following a fire event depend heavily on the abundant standing snags for perch sites, nest sites, and food resources. Thus, it is critical to develop and apply appropriate snag-management guidelines to implement postfire timber harvest operations in the same locations. Unfortunately, existing guidelines designed for green-tree forests cannot be applied to postfire salvage sales because the snag needs of snag-dependent species in burned forests are not at all similar to the snag needs of snag-dependent species in green-tree forests. Birds in burned forests have very different snag-retention needs from those cavity-nesting bird species that have served as the focus for the development of existing snag-management guidelines. Specifically, many postfire specialists use standing dead trees not only for nesting purposes but for feeding purposes as well. Woodpeckers, in particular, specialize on wood-boring beetle larvae that are superabundant in fire-killed trees for several years following severe fire. Species such as the Black-backed Woodpecker ( Picoides arcticus ) are nearly restricted in their habitat distribution to severely burned forests. Moreover, existing postfire salvage-logging studies reveal that most postfire specialist species are completely absent from burned forests that have been (even partially) salvage logged. I call for the long-overdue development and use of more meaningful snag-retention guidelines for postfire specialists, and I note that the biology of the most fire-dependent bird species suggests that even a cursory attempt to meet their snag needs would preclude postfire salvage logging in those severely burned conifer forests wherein the maintenance of biological diversity is deemed important.  相似文献   

To reduce future loss of biodiversity and to allocate conservation funds effectively, the major drivers behind large‐scale extinction processes must be identified. A promising approach is to link the red‐list status of species and specific traits that connect species of functionally important taxa or guilds to resources they rely on. Such traits can be used to detect the influence of anthropogenic ecosystem changes and conservation efforts on species, which allows for practical recommendations for conservation. We modeled the German Red List categories as an ordinal index of extinction risk of 1025 saproxylic beetles with a proportional‐odds linear mixed‐effects model for ordered categorical responses. In this model, we estimated fixed effects for intrinsic traits characterizing species biology, required resources, and distribution with phylogenetically correlated random intercepts. The model also allowed predictions of extinction risk for species with no red‐list category. Our model revealed a higher extinction risk for lowland and large species as well as for species that rely on wood of large diameter, broad‐leaved trees, or open canopy. These results mirror well the ecological degradation of European forests over the last centuries caused by modern forestry, that is the conversion of natural broad‐leaved forests to dense conifer‐dominated forests and the loss of old growth and dead wood. Therefore, conservation activities aimed at saproxylic beetles in all types of forests in Central and Western Europe should focus on lowlands, and habitat management of forest stands should aim at increasing the amount of dead wood of large diameter, dead wood of broad‐leaved trees, and dead wood in sunny areas.  相似文献   

Remote sensing and geographical information systems are used to analyze landscapes important to species of conservation concern. The accuracy of the methods depends on how closely habitat mapping classes are linked to population demography. Habitat use by Florida Scrub Jays ( Aphelocoma c. coemlescens ) was quantified using circular plots. Habitat variation was mapped using high-resolution aerial photography on a site where all Florida Scrub Jays were color-banded. Nest site selection, nest success, yearling production, and breeder survival were measured within Florida Scrub Jay territories. Habitat use was lowest in areas without scrub oaks or areas within 136 m from forests. Open oak, dominated by scrub oaks and open sandy areas, had the highest use and nest success among habitats. Open oak occurred as narrow patches ( <20 m wide) in landscapes dominated by matrix habitat (palmetto-lyonia and swale marshes). Most wide patches (>50 m) of open oak were potential population sources, where reproduction exceeded mortality. Areas with patches of open oak of less than 1 ha were usually population sinks. Open oak occurred as less flammable patches in a landscape subject to frequent fires. Population sources varied temporally and spatially with fires and site potential to support scrub oaks (soils). Analyses of landscape patterns and dynamics indicated that habitat mapping should not only include patches of currently optimal habitat but should also include landscapes associated with open oak. The influences of landscape patterns on habitat use, reproductive success, survival, and territory size can be quantified at different scales starting with attributes associated with habitat patches, nest sites, and territories. Potential mapping errors occur, however, when habitats are used to quantify the areal extent of sources and sinks and similar population attributes important for species persistence.  相似文献   

The Tana River National Primate Reserve, Kenya, was established in 1976 to preserve the endemic and endangered Tana River red colobus ( Colobus badius rufomitratus ) and crested mangabey ( Cercocebus galeritus galeritus ). Between 1975 and 1985 their populations declined by 80% and 45%, respectively. A study addressing primate-to-habitat relationships was conducted in 12 forest areas to determine what attributes appear most important to the in situ preservation of both endangered primates. Correlations among the abundances of primate groups, their group sizes, and the structural, resource, disturbance, and spatial attributes of the forest were used to distinguish the quality of forest patches. Intraforest habitat quality was examined, using canonical variate analysis to discriminate primate ranging patterns based on canopy and subcanopy tree composition. The colobus and mangabey show positive relationships to interior-forest habitat and appear susceptible to forest disturbances that reduce forest area or that increase forest edge and intraforest disturbance. Forest loss, fragmentation, and consequent reduction in the area-to-perimeter ratio of the remaining forests measured from 1960 to 1975 provide a partial explanation for the decline in primate populations. The results suggest that a combination of primary food items and seasonal food resources in large, high-stature, closed-canopy forests is the best predictor of high-quality habitat for these monkeys. Stewardship should be directed at the preservation of these areas or the restoration of forests toward this habitat model  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined the demographic consequences of road mortality in the cooperatively breeding Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens ), a threatened species restricted to the oak scrub of peninsular Florida. Between May 1986 and July 1995 we monitored the survival and reproductive success of a color-banded population of jays along a two-lane highway at Archbold Biological Station. Annual mortality of breeding adults was 0.38 on road territories, significantly higher than the rate of 0.23 for breeders on nonroad territories. High mortality on road territories appeared to be a direct result of automobile traffic per se and not a consequence of road-induced changes in habitat characteristics. Mortality was especially high for immigrants without previous experience living along the road: in their first two years as breeders on road territories, naive immigrants experienced annual mortality of 0.50 and 0.45. From year 3 onward, however, annual mortality dropped to 0.29, not significantly different from the rate for birds on nonroad territories. This experience-dependent decline in road mortality could be caused either by surviving jays learning to avoid automobiles or by selective mortality operating through time (demographic heterogeneity). Proximity to the road had no effect on nesting success beyond its indirect effects on breeder experience and group size. Because the mortality of 30- to 90-day-old fledglings was significantly higher on road territories than on nonroad territories, however, breeder mortality greatly exceeded production of yearlings on road territories. Roadside territories therefore are sinks that can maintain populations of Florida Scrub-Jays only via immigration. Because Florida Scrub-Jays do not avoid roadside habitats and may even be attracted to them, road mortality presents a difficult challenge for the management and conservation of this threatened and declining species.  相似文献   

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