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周娟  张硕新  陈斌 《环境保护》2011,(14):46-47
河南新乡的个体户田桂荣从1999年开始发起了回收废电池的活动,几百个废电池回收箱,几万份传单,随着坚持不懈的努力和人们环保意识的增强,她得到了越来越多的理解和和支持,废电池回收量日渐增长.然而,麻烦也来了:"这么多废电池到底咋办?真是难死我了!谁能告诉我处理废电池的好办法?"她这样说. 其实受此网扰的绝不只是田桂荣,废电池的回收利用一直是个难题.废电池有毒,不能乱扔,这大家都知道.于是很多学校、机关、商店都开展了废电池回收活动.但没过多久,各地的活动就陷入困境,因为收上来的废电池找不到出路,堆积如山,反成了负担……  相似文献   

向熠 《环境》2011,(1):91-93
毫无疑问,洗涤剂为个人保健和家居保洁提供了帮助,成为许多家庭的必备品。但这些洗涤剂潜在的化学危害却常常被人忽略。  相似文献   

夏光 《环境保护》2011,(7):11-13
2011年是十二五的开局之年,这其中的局字深有含义,它说明人们把未来五年看作是一个有序安排的局,是一个经过系统构思的整体,而非任其自然的时间过程。  相似文献   

"十一五"时期是我国发展史上极不平凡的五年,也是环境保护事业大有作为的五年.五年来,我国将主要污染物减排作为国民经济和社会发展规划的约束性指标,着力解决影响可持续发展和损害群众健康的突出环境问题,环境保护从认识到实践发生重要变化,环境保护事业不断发展,环境质量稳步改善.  相似文献   

评一评"限塑令"得失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解消费者使用塑料袋的习惯和"限塑令"出台后对消费习惯的影响及各方的支持度和应对策略,北京物资学院流通经济研究所绿潮工作室开展了关于"限塑令"政策与塑料袋使用的问卷调查,在居住小区和学校发放回收有效问卷163份,进一步评价限塑令政策的实施效果.  相似文献   

改革开放的30年,是我国经济腾飞的30年,也是我国资源环境承受力最沉重的30年.经济上取得的巨大成就,并没有换来人民群众对生存环境现状的满意.多年来以环境代价换经济发展的顽疾,虽然在环保部门的努力下有所改善,但始终像一团"乌云"难以散尽.人民群众在物质生活更加丰富的同时,对环境改善的期望越来越高,对污染问题的反应日趋强烈.  相似文献   

在应对包括环境污染在内的交通外部性影响的过程中,通过收费调整 机动车出行方式和出行时间一直受到普遍关注.伦敦就通过收取交通拥堵费减少了城市交通拥堵和环境污染;一些调查研究也证明,提高停车费也能减少私人汽车使用;燃油税也能起到同样作用.这些措施之所以有效,是因为随着行驶边际成本的增大,人们会不断进行收益和成本的权衡,导致部分人减少或完全放弃了机动车的使用.近年来,一些国家开发了按行驶里程计费的车险业务,这种车险改革与上述几种措施可谓异曲同工.  相似文献   

王令 《环境保护》2011,(13):62-64
悠悠黄河水承载着数千年中原文化的深厚底蕴,黄河以它绵延弯曲的身姿,穿越了中国中部5400多公里的土地.郑州作为黄河中下游交接地的一颗明珠,肩负着流域治理的重任.2011年是"十二五"发展的开局之年,也是郑州市区建设的起步之年,郑州市将以环境综合整治为重点,努力创建国家环保模范城市和生态城市,而治理水污染,促进水环境持续改善,是未来郑州发展的重要工作之一.  相似文献   

3月23日至今,一条关于"斑海豹"的微博引发了一万多转发,发起 该贴的"辽宁求助SOS"写道:"辽宁斑海豹面临‘有家难归’危机!辽宁滨海公路将穿越斑海豹传统栖息地——六道沟海域,该海域是辽东湾斑海豹在世界上最南端的重要柄息地,一经破坏,斑海豹将无处栖身."  相似文献   

CO<Subscript>2</Subscript> emission and economic growth of Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research investigates the relationship between CO2 emission and economic growth of Iran over 14 years from 1994 to 2007 using a national panel data set. The statistical and emission intensity methodologies are used for analyzing the data series. The study finds evidence supporting parameters which conclude the stability of significant correlation between CO2 emission and economic development over time during the years under investigation in Iran. This relationship is investigated and discussed for the energy sectors of the country as well. The results confirm that in all sectors except of agricultural, there is a positive strong correlation between CO2 emission and economic growth throughout the study period. In most sectors, CO2 emission intensity (the emission per unit of GDP) doesn’t show increasing trends while the absolute emission is rapidly increasing by the economic growth.  相似文献   

This is the first report of gynandromorphy in Isoptera. An Asian dry-wood termite, Neotermes koshunensis (Shiraki) [Kalotermitidae], possessing both male and female phenotypic characteristics, was found on Okinawa Island, Japan. This deformed individual showed morphological and anatomical hermaphroditism in the abdomen. The right side of the seventh sternite was the female form and contained an ovary, while the left side was the male form and contained a testis. Genotypic analysis revealed that this individual was a genotypic bilateral chimera. These results suggested that the termite was a bilateral gynandromorph with a male left side and a female right side. As reported previously in other insects, double fertilization (by two sperms, one with an X and one with a Y chromosome) of a binucleate egg is the most likely mechanism that generated this genotypic bilateral chimera. N. koshunensis has the ability to reproduce through parthenogenesis, in which the secondary polar body is likely to be used for nuclear phase recovery. If the second polar body in this mechanism has high fertility and healthy embryogenic potential, like an egg nucleus, some of gynandromorphs might be produced by a side effect of parthenogenetic ability.  相似文献   

The relationship between CFC-11 and anthropogenic CO2 (deltaDIC(ant)) concentrations in the world ocean are evaluated based on a simple off-line tracer ventilation model. Since the different solubility characteristics of CFC-11 and deltaDIC(ant) cause major differences in their oceanic uptake features, indicating different uptake pathways, a care should be taken while assessing deltaDIC(ant) in the oceans relying on CFC-11 concentrations. Evidence will be provided that CFC-11 storage occurs mainly in colder, high latitude regions, whereas the warmer, low latitude regions of the world ocean play an important role in both storing and absorbing anthropogenic CO2. This can be caused by an increased CO2 uptake or by a reduced CO2 release to the atmosphere at lower latitudes, both as a result of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

 The hexagon model of color vision predicts that white flowers which reflect ultraviolet light resemble green foliage to a bee's eye, whereas, according to other models of the bee color vision, UV-reflecting white is discriminable from foliage green. The hexagon model is widely used in ecologically and evolutionary oriented literature, and the predicted similarity between white and green has been recently presented as a well established fact (Waser and Chittka 1998). We show that bees detect UV-reflecting white objects presented on a green background, a finding that is in disagreement with the predictions of the hexagon model. Received: 22 March 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 2 July 1999  相似文献   

Most of the oxalotrophic bacteria are facultative methylotrophs and play important ecological roles in soil fertility and cycling of elements. This study gives a detailed picture of the taxonomy and diversity of these bacteria and provides new information about the taxonomical variability within the genus Methylobacterium. Twelve mesophilic, pink-pigmented, and facultatively methylotrophic oxalate-oxidizing strains were included in this work that had been previously isolated from the soil and some plant tissues by the potassium oxalate enrichment method. The isolates were characterized using biochemical tests, cellular lipid profiles, spectral characteristics of carotenoid pigments, G+C content of the DNA, and 16S rDNA sequencing. The taxonomic similarities among the strains were analyzed using the simple matching (S SM) and Jaccard (S J) coefficients, and the UPGMA clustering algorithm. The phylogenetic position of the strains was inferred by the neighbor-joining method on the basis of the 16S rDNA sequences. All isolates were Gram-negative, facultatively methylotrophic, oxidase and catalase positive, and required no growth factors. Based on the results of numerical taxonomy, the strains formed four closely related clusters sharing ≥85% similarity. Analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences demonstrated that oxalotrophic, pink-pigmented, and facultatively methylotrophic strains could be identified as members of the genus Methylobacterium. Except for M. variabile and M. aquaticum, all of the Methylobacterium type strains tested had the ability of oxalate utilization. Our results indicate that the capability of oxalate utilization seems to be an uncommon trait and could be used as a valuable taxonomic criterion for differentiation of Methylobacterium species.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the exudate mucilage droplets of the carnivorous plant Drosera capensis was investigated using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The mucilage was found to contain beside a very large molecular weight polysaccharide a significant amount of myo-inositol. It appears that myo-inositol escaped detection due to the commonly applied methodology on the chemical analysis of plant mucilage, such as dialysis, precipitation of polysaccharide component with alcohol, acid hydrolysis and detection of the resultant monosaccharide (aldose) units. The possible functions of myo-inositol in the mucilage droplets and the fate after being washed off from the leaf tentacles are proposed. On the polysaccharide component, the presence of methyl ester and alkyl chain-like moieties could be confirmed. These lipophilic moieties may provide the prey-trapping mucilage with the unique adhesive property onto the hydrophobic insect body parts, as well as onto the nature’s well-known superhydrophobic surfaces such as the leaves of the sacred lotus plants. A re-evaluation of the mineral components of the mucilage, reported 40 years ago, is presented from the viewpoints of the current result and plants’ natural habitat. A case for re-examination of the well-studied plant mucilaginous materials is made in light of the new findings.  相似文献   

Sexually aberrant individuals, displaying both male and female characteristics, are rare in occurrence but are documented throughout the animal kingdom. In parasitoid wasps of the genus Trichogramma, such individuals typically appear as a result of rearing Wolbachia-infected thelytokous wasps at high temperatures. Sexually aberrant Trichogramma have been referred to interchangeably in the literature as gynandromorphs, sexual mosaics and intersexes. However, accurately used, the terms “gynandromorph” and “sexual mosaic” describe an individual composed of a mixture of genetically distinct tissues corresponding to the sexual phenotypes observed, while “intersex” refers to an individual having a uniform genetic constitution but with some tissues exhibiting sexual phenotypes conflicting with the associated genotype. Here, we investigate the heat-induced production of sexually aberrant offspring by thelytokous Trichogramma kaykai. Aberrant individuals were rare, but each was characterized as one of 11 morphotypes ranging from very feminine to very masculine. Overall, the production of aberrant individuals increased with time from the onset of maternal oviposition. However, while the production of males also increased with time, the degree of masculinity of aberrant individuals did not; the different morphotypes appeared to be produced haphazardly. We conclude that the aberrant individuals produced by T. kaykai are actually intersexes and not gynandromorphs. The wasp's close association with Wolbachia and the absence of intersexes in uninfected populations allow us to discuss a possible origin of the condition.  相似文献   

本文对保山市城市垃圾物相组成及其发热量等性质进行了研究,对城市垃圾的有效利用和处理提供了技术支持,并提出了适合其特性的处理方式。  相似文献   

The recently reported Jeholornis represents the only known bird with a complete long skeletal tail except for Archaeopteryx. Two newly discovered specimens referable to Jeholornis provide some important new information about its anatomy. The tail of Jeholornis is much longer than that of Archaeopteryx and comprises a maximum of 27 caudal vertebrae compared with only 23 in Archaeopteryx. More interestingly, the tail feathers are shaped more like those of dromaeosaurs than those of Archaeopteryx. We conclude that the common ancestor of birds must have a more primitive tail than that in Archaeopteryx, confirming the side branch position of Archaeopteryx in the early avian evolution. The synsacrum is composed of six sacrals, representing a transitional stage between Archaeopteryx and more advanced birds. The scapula of Jeholornis has a dorso-laterally exposed glenoid facet, and the coracoid has a supracoracoid foramen. The presence of a pair of fenestrae in the sternum of Jeholornis has further implications for the air-sac system in early birds. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article (doi: contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Biological invasions can affect the structure and function of ecosystems and threaten native plant species. Since most weeds rely on mutualistic relationships in their new environment, they may act as new competitors for pollinators. Pollinator competition is likely to be density dependent, but it is often difficult to disentangle competition caused by flower quality from effects caused by flower quantity. In order to test the effects of the presence and number of flowers of the invasive weed Bunias orientalis on the insect visitation rates in a native species (Sinapis arvensis), we performed two replacement experiments using plants with standardised flower numbers. The visitation rates in S. arvensis were significantly higher than in B. orientalis and the number of insect visits dropped significantly with increasing density of S. arvensis flowers. These results suggest that intraspecific competition among flowers of S. arvensis is stronger than the competitive effect of alien flowers. As flowers of B. orientalis do not seem to distract visitors from S. arvensis, it is unlikely that pollinator competition between these two plant species plays a crucial role. However, it cannot be excluded that mass blossom stands of B. orientalis may distract flower visitors from native species.  相似文献   

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