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旅游经济发展和生态环境保护相互影响并在一定程度上交互胁迫。基于珠江三角洲9市2009—2020年数据,建立珠江三角洲地区旅游经济和生态环境的耦合协调度模型和交互胁迫模型,剖析两者之间的动态关系。结果表明:在时间序列上,珠三角旅游经济和生态环境耦合协调性呈稳步上升趋势。在空间格局上,珠三角沿海区域的耦合协调性总体优于非沿海区域;各市的旅游经济和生态环境耦合关系在空间上分布不均衡,表现为经济发达地区旅游经济水平较高,经济落后地区生态环境恶化可能性较大。另外,旅游经济对生态环境造成显著胁迫作用,生态对旅游经济具备强限制作用。以上研究结果有助于珠江三角洲9市调整旅游经济和生态环境关系,以协调两者平稳优化发展。  相似文献   

近几年兴起的旅游电子商务是旅游经济的一种新态势,中国旅游网站的建设始于1996年,湖南旅游网站也随之建立.目前,旅游电子商务正在对湖南旅游市场固有的市场壁垒带来革命性的冲击,新的市场关注点正在涌现.通过对湖南旅游电子商务发展的现状、障碍、对策进行了理性分析,而旅游电子商务本身更须不断努力.  相似文献   

我国自1999年开始实施旅游黄金周政策以来,出现了前所未有的假日旅游热,与旅游相关的休闲产业也得到了迅速的发展.扩大了内需,刺激了经济的增长.初步形成了以旅游为主导的假日经济,成为我国社会经济文化的一个新现象,也使人民开始了各种新颖的休闲方式.然而在推动休闲产业迅速发展的同时也暴露出许多问题引起了各方的关注.当前,我国的休假制度做出了重大改革,取消了“五一”黄金周,继而出现了一系列的黄金短假期.该文主要分析了黄金周对休闲产业的贡献与冲击,提出了我国发展休闲产业可采取的一些对策。参5.  相似文献   

旅游地居民的感知和态度被认为是评价旅游发展状况最直接的因素。为充分了解武夷山文化和自然遗产地内当地居民对旅游开发的感知情况,进而为管理决策提供依据,通过问卷调查与访谈方式调查了武夷山双遗产地核心旅游区武夷山风景名胜区内居民对旅游开发的感知及其发展需求,运用因子分析和方差分析方法分析了居民对旅游开发影响的感知及其与人口社会特征的关系。结果表明,建立的指标体系能从基础建设、环境体验、经济观念、收入就业、原始文化、美誉传承和商机分配7个维度(公因子)揭示当地居民对旅游开发的感知状况。居民普遍认为旅游已成为当地经济支柱产业,旅游开发改变居民经济意识的同时,居民观念也更加积极与开放;居民已对文化习俗的改变有所认知。但居民旅游参与程度相对较低,受到外来人口对自身旅游收益分配的冲击,承受着因环境和居住体验改变导致的负面影响。人口特征不同的居民对经济观念的感知差异程度最突出,对原生文化与基础建设的感知差异次之,对收入就业、商机分配的感知差异较小,对环境体验、美誉传承的感知无差异。性别、年龄和家庭年收入不同的居民对7个公因子感知均无显著差异;文化程度、职业、家庭规模、家庭年旅游收入和家庭旅游收入比例不同的居民对公因子的感知均有不同程度差异。不同村庄居民对基础建设、经济观念、收入就业和商机分配感知有显著差异(P0.05);政策制定应关注各村庄居民对基础建设、经济观念、收入就业和商机分配感知等方面的不同需求。  相似文献   

一、城郊地区的系统发展观(一)城郊农村综合发展的新观念社会的发展应当理解为社会宏观经济系统内部,逐步克服整体与个别的矛盾,实现宏观、中观、微观各个不同层次的高度协同和持续发展.城郊农村的发展,既要重视经济的城乡一体化概念,又要强调生态的城乡一体化.换言之,必须突破传统的以追求产值为主要目标的区域发展观,建立起包括自然环境质量,经济生产水平,社会福利和居民健康状况在内的综合发展目标集.将城  相似文献   

促进京津冀地区资源环境与经济协调发展是京津冀协同发展的目标之一。将物质流分析方法和系统动力学结合,构建资源-环境-经济系统动力学模型,设置经济加速发展模式、惯性模式、资源环境保护模式和协调发展模式,通过不同模式的对比探寻京津冀资源-环境-经济协调发展的最优路径。结果显示:协调发展模式下各地社会经济保持较快发展,通过调整产业结构,增加环保和科技投资,提高工业固废回收利用率等措施,3地资源环境压力减轻,协调发展度提高幅度高于另外3种模式,是京津冀地区资源-环境-经济协调发展的相对最佳方案,但是河北省仍需注意化解城镇化进程中资源环境压力上升的问题。  相似文献   

在近几年中,法国负责旅游和环境的当局不得不面对着双重的挑战,即:又要促进旅游事业的发展(因为旅游是经济增长的一种资源,然而它又经常引起自然空间的破坏),又要保持环境的质量。由于为解决这个问题而制定的首批法规的结果,目前立法已对城乡规划,山区和沿海地区的环境治理作出了补充性指令。1989年由两个部签署的《旅游与环境协定》在三个方面对他们共管的工作给出了协约性的框架,这三个方面就是:将环境要素纳入旅游规划项;提高自然空间(天然公园和大旅游点)对旅游者的吸引力;让民选代表了解环境,特别是重点旅游区的环境。人们提出这样的问题:在今天,一个基于旅游的地方发展计划能够不包括保护环境吗?  相似文献   

功能分区是协调森林旅游地自然保护和旅游利用之间关系的有效手段和管理工具 ,本文在分析了我国可以开展森林旅游的地区的资源环境、社会经济特征之后 ,探讨了森林旅游地功能分区规划的基本目标、原则及方法。  相似文献   

美食旅游是以享受和体验美食为主要动机的一种重要的旅游方式.衡阳美食旅游资源丰富,发展美食旅游潜力巨大,但没有发挥地方优势,将特色美食资源挖掘出来,打造地方特色美食旅游项目.本文分析了衡阳发展美食旅游的资源,针对其中存在的问题,提出打造衡阳美食旅游品牌的思路.参5.  相似文献   

在经济迅速发展的背景下,我国人口、经济和生态的矛盾日益突出。选择关中-天水经济区为研究对象,基于变异系数的协调函数模型对其人口-经济-生态协调度进行了测算。结果表明:1)1999—2008年,关中-天水经济区各地市人口-经济-生态协调度整体呈现上升的趋势,总体由失调状态转向勉强协调,其中天水市呈直线上升趋势,咸阳、宝鸡、铜川3市的协调度在波动中有所增加,西安市变化幅度不大;2)人口、经济、生态3个子系统的变化都会影响到整个系统的变化,西安市生态子系统协调度的下降,制约了整个系统的协调发展;3)协调度在空间上表现为关中-天水经济区中部地市的协调度较高,渭南和天水市的协调度始终处于该地区的较低水平。  相似文献   

桑植红色旅游资源与民族文化整合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桑植县是一个民族文化旅游资源独特、红色旅游资源突出和自然景观优美的县域.通过分析桑植县的旅游资源现状,从而构建了桑植县红色旅游资源与民族文化整合的模式,并提出了相应的市场整合策略.参7.  相似文献   

Coastal areas can be a challenge for conservation due to multiple competing land uses including development, tourism, and extractive resource use. These multiple land uses often lead to human-wildlife conflicts. Here we propose that collaboration with industrial designers and architects has the potential to generate innovative and effective solutions to coastal human-wildlife conflicts. Many products for modifying animal behavior are already used by conservationists, such as barriers, corridors, and model predators. We propose that their effectiveness, quality, harmonization with local values, and integration with the designed human environment can be improved through collaboration with designers and architects. We illustrate this approach with a case study. We engaged in an industrial design- conservation collaboration focused on the design of multiple product proposals that would support a range of human-sea lion interactions in public parks and the fish market in Valdivia, Chile. The sea lions in Valdivia are a tourist attraction but also potentially dangerous. We produced images of seven proposed products of varying scales, facilitating a range of different sea lion- human interactions. Such collaborations can be useful for developing products that reduce human-wildlife conflicts and align conservation and management with local values. We urge researchers to publish conservation design proposals as well as tests of existing conservation products?? functionality, in order to improve conservation design practice around the world.  相似文献   

产业生态系统多尺度能值整合评价方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
能值分析方法为自然环境资源与人类社会、经济的统一评价提供了新的思路,但面对当今产业生态学发展的实践需求,在多尺度整合分析、动态模型构建等方面仍显薄弱,需要与经济学等其他学科相对成熟的分析方法与模型加以整合。文章以能值综合方法为核心介质,从成本分析与效果分析的整合、能值分析与区域经济分析的整合,以及能值分析表与投入-产出矩阵模型的整合三个方面进行了产业生态学的能值整合研究方法的具体构建,以促进能值理论方法与产业生态学研究需求的进一步耦合。  相似文献   

This study aimed at the ecological-economic valuation of the Potengi estuary mangrove wetlands, based on the integration of spatial data (mangrove forest coverage map, Nautical Chart, Environmental Sensitivity Chart) with data from literature on the biogeochemistry of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and heavy metals in the mangrove estuary wetland Potengi) and field verification data (topographic profile of mangrove forest, GPS routes obtained in the field in the touristy sightseeing areas and plots of mariculture). The ecological and economic valuation of the services performed by the Potengi estuary mangrove wetlands, mainly as biogeochemical barrier for the transport of P, N and heavy metals in tropical coastal areas, were obtained just as if the retention of those elements was necessary by Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTP) with Stabilization Ponds, typical in the estuary, and Zeolitic plant, respectively. Closer to real scenarios were observed for obtaining the values of these ecological services, such as the release of the P, N and heavy metals in domestic and industrial sewage in the estuary, the capability of dilution and the influence of the tides in the estuary. The tourism potential of the Potengi estuary mangrove wetlands were assessed according to the current forms of use, and potential of aquaculture through the main types of farming in mangrove areas. For these ecological services, considerable values were obtained of about USS15,500/ha, such as costs of implementation and construction of sewage treatment plants, as well as costs of sewage treatment plants. Nearly US$ 12.500 / ha amount each year from tourism and aquaculture income, demonstrating the economic viability of the Potengi estuary mangrove wetlands conservation.  相似文献   

长株潭都市区湘江生态经济带建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
都市区作为高密度的人类聚集地,人口与生态环境的矛盾日益突出。都市区生态经济建设显得尤为重要。长株潭都市区3座城市呈“品”字型分布,湘江一水串起3市,建设集旅游观光、生态绿化、科技园区、住宅区和重点小城镇于一体的带状生态经济综合体,即湘江生态经济带,对整个长株潭都市区生态经济建设发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

在产业结构调整、优化过程中 ,必须从观念、管理和技术 3个层次上 ,加快传统产业改造、转型、升级及新兴产业发展 ,大力推进产业生态转型和建立生态产业。结合大量案例 ,论述了发展生态产业的原则和策略 ,主要有 :以市场为导向 ,生态与整体最优 ,竞争、共生、自生、再生相结合 ,减量化、再利用、资源化的循环经济 3原则 ,发挥区域优势 ,加强结构与功能的弹性和自我调节 ,硬件、软件和心件的耦合 ,创造更多就业机会  相似文献   

Management of Kruger National Park (KNP) has recently made considerable progress in developing new policies to address biodiversity conservation and management challenges. These include tourism, water provision and elephant management policies. This study examines the integration of these three policies with regard to biodiversity conservation and management. Findings indicate that in their current fragmented form, the three policies actually undermine opportunities for effective biodiversity conservation and management in the KNP. This can be reversed by adopting a new management approach based on an environmental matrix organizational framework. Such a framework provides a mechanism for integrated policymaking and implementation and for improving biodiversity conservation and management in the KNP. The study concludes that an integrated approach is necessary due to the interlinkages between policies that affect biodiversity conservation at the KNP.  相似文献   

In the scope to create efficient nature like fish ramps using large-scale roughness elements, the present study is an audit of modelling such complex 3D free surface flows using an industrial 2D code solving shallow water equations. Validation procedure is based upon the comparison between numerous experimental measurements and numerical runs around large-scale roughness patterns disposed on the flume bottom in order to determine what 2D reliable numerical results can be expected. In this paper, we focused on cases of unsubmerged obstacles. The results demonstrate that 2D shallow water modelling using an industrial code such as TELEMAC-2D can be a convenient way for the hydraulic engineer to help design a nature-like fishway. This article emphasizes the limitations due to 2D depth integration of velocities and turbulence modelling and gives the domain of validity of the method.  相似文献   

Two Special Features on integrated coastal zone management, especially along the Mediterranean Sea, result from a MeDCOAST conference held in Hammamet (Tunisia). 20–25 October 2001. In this first Special Feature some papers are presented on ecological and biological research related to integrated coastal zone management. All over Europe coastal environments are threatened by human activities such as urbanization, industrial development, fisheries, aquaculture, recreation and tourism. Research has to be developed that can be applied to similar case studies in different countries. Methods of monitoring are necessary and baseline data have to be available in order to judge the significance of changes in the abjotic and biotic environment. Examples of studies included in this Special Feature are mainly from southern banks of the Mediterranean Sea but there is also an example from Estonia and one from the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

根据千岛湖流域的气候特点,对夏季避暑度假旅游、休闲观光农业和季节性旅游项目的开发进行了气候评估,将有利于促进千岛湖流域旅游业的发展  相似文献   

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