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基于CFD的毒气泄漏中毒定量评估   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对有关毒气急性中毒研究只能根据经验公式和接触限值划定危险区域进行定性评估的现状,提出结合毒气泄漏CFD数值模拟与中毒剂量反应模犁进行中毒定量评估的方法.通过CFD计算泄漏毒气的实时浓度场,根据浓度场和暴露时间确定人员暴露剂量,最后根据剂量反应模型确定人员死亡百分比.以某硫黄回收装置的硫化氢泄漏为例,建立CFD模型.设置距地面高1.5 m,与泄漏源水平距离分别为100 m、200 m、300 m、400 m、500 m的5个监测点作为工作人员的急性中毒地点.模拟分为构建初始风场、硫化氢泄漏及随风场扩散3个阶段,根据CFD求解得出的监测点的硫化氢实时浓度场并结合中毒剂量反应模型对监测点人员中毒死亡风险进行定量评估.研究表明,基于CFD的毒气泄漏中毒定量评估技术能对泄漏区域任意位置、任意时刻的人员中毒风险进行定耸评估,弥补了目前大多定性评价方法的不足.  相似文献   

针对城市应急管理的特点,提出了一种城市重大危险源区域风险评价方法。在ARAMIS方法的基础上,对严重度计算进行了修订,引入了急性暴露指南(AEGL)标准对事故后果进行分区;同时,增加了与应急救援效率相关的指标进行风险目标的脆弱性评估;利用GIS技术,对严重度和脆弱性进行叠加分析,绘制出城市重大危险源区域风险地图。以液氨储罐毒气泄漏事故为例,对文中提出的方法进行了验证。实例分析表明,此方法为快速获取城市重大危险源区域风险的空间分布格局提供了新思路,对于降低城市突发环境污染事故的影响和辅助决策者制定科学的城市公共安全管理决策具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

总结分析了目前用于定量预测LNG储罐区个人风险和泄漏后果的主要计算模型,对LNG储罐区的个人风险及泄漏后果进行了定量评估。绘制了LNG储罐区的个人风险等值线以及泄漏可能造成的事故后果图,深入分析了LNG储罐的个人风险对周边用地规划的影响以及泄漏模式、灾害模式、多米诺效应的阈值距离对LNG储罐泄漏事故的影响。结果表明:LNG储罐区的个人风险等值线将LNG储罐区周围划分了两个区域——1×10-6/年的个人风险等值线区域和3×10-7/年的个人风险等值线区域;同一泄漏模式下发生不同的灾害模式所造成的影响范围不同,不同泄漏模式下同一灾害模式所造成的事故影响范围也不同;不同事故场景下多米诺效应的阈值距离不同。为大型LNG储罐区的选址及其周边的土地利用规划提供了参考,有利于LNG罐区的管理和事故预防。  相似文献   

LPG船液货泄漏事故风险评估系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对液化石油气(LPG)船舶液货舱泄漏事故危险度因素分析,建立液化气液体货物泄漏源强、蒸气释放源强和蒸气扩散计算模型,并制定泄漏事故风险评价流程,基于VB语言编写泄漏事故风险评估系统。利用该系统能够计算得出泄漏事故发生后蒸发气在不同时刻不同区域的蒸发气浓度、爆炸或火灾后对生命财产的伤害半径以及伤害程度等相关参数。对某航行状态下的LPG实船进行模拟分析,结果表明能够对LPG船舶泄漏事故进行有效风险评估,并能对船舶航行安全应急预案的制定和事故后海事鉴定提供一定的技术帮助。  相似文献   

从火灾风险角度分析了事故场景的演变模式,基于道路运输泄漏事故概率和影响区人员总风险探讨了危险品运输风险指数评价法,并以实例分析.该方法可对运输危险品的潜在风险进行快速评估,有利于采取有效的安全预防和控制措施,降低运输泄漏事故概率和沿线影响区人员风险.  相似文献   

化工区在创造规模效益的同时,也带来了区域性的高风险。化工区事故场景及扩展风险的分析已成为保障化工区安全稳定运行亟需解决的关键问题。基于工业事故风险评估方法,考虑安全屏障的安全功能对风险的削减作用,建立了改进的领结图,并引入经典风险矩阵以实现对装置事故场景的初步构建;在考虑传统的事故概率和严重度的基础上,将区域的脆弱度作为化工区事故扩展风险的重要表征要素,得到化工区事故在区域内所能形成的扩展风险的分布,进一步丰富了区域风险内涵。以某化工装置区为例进行分析,结果表明,该方法可为化工区事故扩展效应的预测及土地使用安全规划提供必要的技术依据。  相似文献   

有毒气体泄漏扩散受很多不确定性因素的影响,为了分析和评估影响毒气泄漏扩散的风速和泄漏速率的变化和不确定性,采用蒙特卡罗模拟和基于Wilks公式容许限的非参数统计法,通过抽样计算得到“95/95准则”下的毒气泄漏扩散地面浓度分布,计算了有毒气体泄漏扩散的不同风险等级的影响范围和风险概率曲线。以氨气泄漏事故为例进行实例分析,结果表明,相对于以确定性参数得出的氨气泄漏扩散浓度分布,引入参数的不确定性评估,更能贴合泄漏现场存在不确定性因素的实际情况,更有利于人员的安全和应急疏散管理。  相似文献   

针对CBRN事故中的毒气泄漏场景进行研究,采用SLAB模型模拟有毒气体的泄漏扩散,并给出模拟流程。以山东某企业光气泄漏灾害应急疏散项目为例,计算不同风速和泄漏孔径的毒气泄漏的最远扩散距离、到达时间与持续时间。通过模拟获得有毒气体浓度的时间空间分布数据,得出致死区、重伤区和轻伤分区的范围变化情况。证明随时间的推移,光气不断向下风向扩散。最后通过系统设计与程序运算,实现了事故信息的获取、划定事故影响区域和疏散范围以及对疏散人口进行预测的目的。有毒气体扩散模拟与区域疏散分析对于合理制定针对CBRN事故的应急疏散方案具有重要意义。  相似文献   

用伴随方法对毒气泄漏事件进行危害评估   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
由于自然、人为等因素造成的有毒气体泄漏事件随时威胁着人们的生命安全。对于这类突发事故进行危害评估 ,在应急救援中 ,可以给决策者提供参考 ,使之采取有效措施 ,最大限度地降低事故危害程度 ,减少事故恶果及引起的恐慌。由于毒气泄漏位置事先无法确定 ,如果用常规方法进行逐点评估 ,将面临着巨大的计算量而难以进行。笔者发展了一种伴随方法 ,对风险函数的表达式进行等价变形 ,通过求解伴随方程 ,可以一次求得任意位置的毒气泄漏的风险值 ,大大降低计算量和工作量。此法在化学工厂和仓库设置 ,煤气网铺设和监测点选取 ,城市应急中心设置等多种安全规划中均有重要价值 ,为快速危害评估 ,降低化学事故危害提供了有力的研究工具和实用方法。  相似文献   

液化石油气(LPG)站安全距离已成为重要的社会安全问题,采用基于风险的方法确定安全距离逐渐成为一种趋势。以个体自然死亡概率为基础,确定液化石油气站个体风险标准。采用小孔泄漏、中孔泄漏、大孔泄漏和完全破裂四种泄漏模式确定泄漏场景,以事件树形式给出泄漏物质连续释放和瞬时释放的各种事故后果,针对每种泄漏场景计算工艺单元相应的泄漏频率,采用时间因子进行修正。将后果与泄漏频率集合与一体,得出液化石油气站的安全距离。合理的安全距离对于液化石油气站工艺安全事故的预防和安全平稳运行起到重要作用。  相似文献   

为揭示石油炼化装置事故风险动态特性和事故情景演变路径,在对石化装置进行风险因素分析的基础上构建石化装置火灾事故故障树,基于贝叶斯网络非常规突发事故的演变过程,构建情景演变下的动态贝叶斯网络模型,在综合考虑应急措施的基础上,利用MATLAB软件和联合概率公式计算出各种事故场景的状态概率.以丙烯精馏装置火灾事故为例,结果表...  相似文献   

为提高危化品爆炸事故电力应急预警的准确性,建立基于贝叶斯网络的危化品爆炸事故电力系统风险评估模型。基于危化品爆炸事故电力应急典型情景分析,建立综合考虑突发事件、承灾载体和应急管理等风险因素的贝叶斯网络结构。应用概率刻画风险因素信息的不确定性及其相互影响,定量分析事件后果。结合一般条件和典型情景等的应用实例,分析评价方法和风险因素对风险等级的影响。结果表明:该模型能够在危化品爆炸事故发生后,评价电力应急预警等级;能够在危化品爆炸事故发生前,分析典型情景的风险和风险因素的影响,为应急准备提供支持;“最大概率法”较“概率加权求和法”得出的事件等级可能较低。  相似文献   

Risk-based hazmat transportation route evaluation involves risk calculations taking into consideration the probability of collision related accident occurrence and detailed consequence analysis of various event scenarios. Probabilistic hazmat transportation risk assessment mainly depends on three important factors i.e. accident rate, Average Daily Traffic and population density besides route length which has a definite bearing on it. An effort has been made to estimate the route segment specific (location-specific) accident rate instead of aggregate National or State average values in order to bring specificity into the issue of decision making to avoid routes with higher accident rates. Instead of using default accident rate for different highway types developed with the US data, which are not well-comparable when used in Indian situations; the author used site-specific truck accident data. Subsequently, Loss of Containment (LOC) probabilities and spillage probabilities for different route segments have been computed and compared. Finally, route segment-wise total risk is estimated which is a convenient measure of the average number of persons likely to be exposed from all the possible consequence event scenarios resulting from releases of different hazmats being transported along the studied routes. The present study highlights the route evaluation carried out based on total risk computation, without going through detailed event based consequence analysis on two State Highway routes and one major urban road passing through important industrial corridors of Surat District in western India, to enable routing decisions by local authorities and also for planning emergency mitigation purposes.  相似文献   

Land use planning (LUP) around industrial sites at risk of major accidents requires the application of sound approaches in the selection of credible accident scenarios. In fact, the ‘technical’ phase of LUP is based on the identification and assessment of relevant accident scenarios. An improper choice of scenarios may critically affect both the ‘technical’ phase of risk assessment and the following ‘policy’ phase concerning decision making on land-use restrictions and/or licensing. The present study introduces a procedure aimed at the systematic identification of reference accident scenarios to be used in the gathering of technical data on potential major accidents, which is a necessary step for LUP around Seveso sites. Possible accident scenarios are generated by an improved version of the MIMAH methodology (Methodology for the Identification of Major Accident Hazards). The accident scenarios are then assessed for LUP relevance considering severity, frequency and time scale criteria. The influence of prevention and mitigation barriers is also taken into account. Two applications are used to demonstrate the proposed procedure. In both case-studies, the proposed methodology proved successful in producing consistent sets of reference scenarios.  相似文献   

In recent years, hazardous chemicals road transport accidents have occurred frequently, causing huge casualties and property losses, and accident risk assessment has become the focus of researchers' research. To predict the risk probability value of hazardous chemical road transport accidents, first, we compiled data on road transportation accidents of hazardous chemicals in China in the past five years. And the nine nodes in the Bayesian network (BN) structure were defined in combination with relevant classification standards. The optimal Bayesian network structure for hazardous chemical road transport accidents was determined based on the K2 algorithm and the causalities between the nodes. Second, the node conditional probabilities were derived by parameter learning of the model using Netica, and the validity of the model was verified using the 5-fold cross-validation method. Last, the Bayesian network model of hazardous chemical road transport accidents is used to analyze accident examples, and the accident chain of “rear-end-leakage” is predicted, and the accident is most likely to be disposed of within 3–9 h. The study shows that the derived accident prediction model for hazardous chemical road transportation can reason reasonably about the evolution of accident scenarios and determine the probability values of accident risks under different parameter conditions.  相似文献   

Since the late 80s the application of quantitative risk assessment to the issue of land-use planning with respect to major accident hazards emerged as a topic to be addressed within the safety assessment of chemical and process plants. However, in the case of industrial clusters or complex industrial areas specific methodologies are needed to deal with high-impact low-probability (HILP) events. In the present study, innovative methodologies developed for the quantitative assessment of risk due to domino and NaTech scenarios are presented. In recent years a set of models for the calculation of equipment damage probability were developed. A specific effort was dedicated to the improvement of models for the calculation of equipment damage probability in these accident scenarios. In the present study, the application of these models to case-studies was analyzed. The results of the improved models obtained for NaTech quantitative assessment were compared to previous results in the literature. A specific innovative approach was developed to multi-level quantitative assessment of domino scenarios, and its potential was analyzed. The results were examined also evidencing the role and the progress with respect to the pioneering work started on these topics by Franco Foraboschi.  相似文献   

A significant gap exists between accident scenarios as foreseen by company safety management systems and actual scenarios observed in major accidents.The mere fact that this gap exists is pointing at flawed risk assessments, is leaving hazards unmitigated, threatening worker safety, putting the environment at risk and endangering company continuity. This scoping review gathers perspectives reported in scientific literature about how to address these problems.Safety managers and regulators, attempting to reduce and eventually close this gap, not only encounter the pitfalls of poor safety studies, but also the acceptance of ‘unknown risk’ as a phenomenon, companies being numbed by inadequate process safety indicators, unsettled debates between paradigms on improving process safety, and inflexible recording systems in a dynamic industrial environment.The immediacy of the stagnating long term downward major accident rate trend in the Netherlands underlines the need to address these pitfalls. A method to identify and systematically reduce unknown risks is proposed. The main conclusion is that safety management can never be ready with hazard identification and risk assessment.  相似文献   

Maximum credible accident analysis is one of the most widely used concepts in risk assessment of chemical process industries. Central to this concept is the aspect of ‘credibility’ of envisaged accident scenarios. However, thus far the term credibility is mostly treated qualitatively, based on the subjective judgement of the concerned analysts. This causes wide variation in the results of the studies conducted on the same industrial unit by different analysts.

This paper presents an attempt to develop a criterion using which credible accident scenarios may be identified from among a large number of possibilities. The credible scenarios thus identified may then be processed for detailed consequence analysis. This would help in reducing the cost of the analysis and prevent undue emphasis on less credible scenarios at the expense of more credible ones.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss an accident prevention model for offshore oil and gas processing environments. The accidents that are considered in this work relate specifically to hydrocarbon release scenarios and any escalating events that follow. Using reported industry data, the elements to prevent an accident scenario are identified and placed within a conceptual model to depict the accident progression. The proposed accident model elements are represented as safety barriers designed to prevent the accident scenario from developing. The accident model is intended to be a tool for highlighting vulnerabilities of oil and gas processing operations and to provide guidance on how to minimize their hazards. These vulnerabilities are discussed by applying the 1988 Piper Alpha and the 2005 BP Texas City disaster scenarios to the model.  相似文献   

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