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论述了高等学校作为享有独立民事权利和承担民事责任的法人实体,在面临扩招的发展机遇和资金“瓶颈”制约的情况下,运用负债融资筹措资金的必要性与可能性,根据负债融资要求按期偿还和具有使用上的时间性特点,提出了建立高校财务预警线的设想,阐明了加强贷款管理,防范和控制财务风险的迫切性.  相似文献   

中小企业的发展及其融资问题近年来,一直受到各界的高度关注和重视.在比较分析中小企业融资相关手段和措施、方式利弊的基础上,提出利用保险的方法来规避中小企业融资的风险,进一步提高融资水平和规模,从而提高企业的信用,增强企业的竞争力,在一定程度和范围内解决中小企业融资难的问题.为中小企业的发展奠定较好的基础.表2,图1,参8.  相似文献   

本文从对环境部门的认识,它在资金上面临的一些问题以及新的解决方法与新问题,围绕私营部门对环境部门融资的一些问题进行了探讨.有些环境部门公司可能在力图使现有体系发生一些基本变化,而这需要利用新的或不同的融资手段.本文提出了有助于该部门吸引投资和充分发挥潜力的策略措施.  相似文献   

资金匮乏仍然是阻碍企业广泛实施清洁生产的主要原因之一.这一问题在中小企业中尤为严重,因为资金提供方往往认为投资它们比投资大企业的风险大,而收益却很小.这种状况非常不利于拉丁美洲实现清洁生产,因为中小企业在拉丁美洲工业部门中占的比例非常之大(约为 95%).联合国环境署( UNEP)赞助的拉丁美洲清洁生产信贷计划将利用清洁生产中心的经验和技术、国际绿色基金以及财力雄厚的地方商业银行帮助该地区实现清洁生产.  相似文献   

加入WTO以来,我国出口贸易快速增长,对外贸易的增长己经开始由注重量的增加转向了对质的关注.我国企业应借鉴国际先进经验,积极开展多种形式的贸易融资,研究和应用符合具体贸易项目的结构贸易融资方案.这样做不仅可以提升我国出口产品结构,帮助国家重点扶植企业走出国门,而且对于我国银行系统在开放的金融环境中参与国际竞争同样具有重要的理论意义和实践意义.参5.  相似文献   

Sriratana Tabucanon Monthipy主席(泰国环境质量保护局副局长)在会议一开始就指出必须把所做的承诺转化为行动,如果不能确保相应的资金流量,清洁生产就不会普及。目前的帐单到期即付方式从长远来看是冰可持续的,她提到了Ari Huhtala(UNEP DTIE CP融资项目经理)编的背景文件,尤其突出了为清洁生产投资下定义把这一术语以与环境管理同样的方式用于金融服务业的重要性。大会报告起草人是Jurgis Staniskis(立陶宛环境工程学院与清洁生产中心主任)。  相似文献   

风险投资或称为风险资本、创业资本,是指以股权、准股权或具有附带条件的债仅形式投资于新颖或未经试用技术项目或未来具有高度不确定性的项目,并愿意为所投资的项目或企业提供管理或经营服务,期望通过项目的高成长率并最终以某种方式出售产权以取得高额中长期收益的一种投资方式.风险投资经过了将近20 a发展,从发展实践看,还是比较慢的,与国外先进的风险投资业相比,我国的风险投资业还存在着许多方面的问题急需解决.本文针对风险投资中现存的问题,对风险投资中的组织形式的选择、政府的定位、融资的解决、人才的管理及资本退出机制的确定等问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应的解决方法.  相似文献   

本文从企业的生产成本、资金成本和管理成本等三个方面,谈到了企业在生产经过中降低成本的有效途径和方法,从而增强企业在激烈的市场环境中的竞争力,达到“增收节支”的目的.  相似文献   

经过近4年时间的准备之后,非洲即将开始一个创新的举措.非洲库存计划(A SP)是一个涉及非洲国家、国际机构、非政府组织、私营部门CropLife国际(CLI)和区域性团体的多风险承担者伙伴关系.非洲库存计划的目标是雄心勃勃的:在下一个10年到15年清理和处理整个非洲现有的库存农药,并帮助防止未来的农药积累,总成本约为2.5-3.0亿美元.幸亏有全球环境机构(G EF)的2500万美元的基本支持以及捐献国政府的共筹资金,在15个国家的第一阶段活动资金已经增加到5000多万美元.然而第一阶段的工作和第二阶段计划仍然需要另外的2000万美元资金.问题是什么…  相似文献   

经过近4年时间的准备之后,非洲即将开始一个创新的举措.非洲库存计划(ASP)是一个涉及非洲国家、国际机构、非政府组织、私营部门CropLife国际(CLI)和区域性团体的多风险承担者伙伴关系.非洲库存计划的目标是雄心勃勃的:在下一个10年到15年清理和处理整个非洲现有的库存农药,并帮助防止未来的农药积累,总成本约为2.5-3.0亿美元.幸亏有全球环境机构(GEF)的2500万美元的基本支持以及捐献国政府的共筹资金,在15个国家的第一阶段活动资金已经增加到5000多万美元.然而第一阶段的工作和第二阶段计划仍然需要另外的2000万美元资金.……  相似文献   

Superfund liability may impose financial risk on investors and thereby increase firms' costs of capital. We analyze monthly stock returns for 73 chemical companies using several measures of Superfund exposure. Additional exposure appears to increase costs of capital for larger firms, but perhaps not for smaller firms. From 1988 to 1992, we estimate an average increase in cost of capital for 23 larger firms of between 0.25 to 0.40 percentage points per year. The social cost of Superfund-related financial risk in the chemical industry may be as high as $800 million annually or enough to clean up about 20 sites.  相似文献   

新环境下高校财务风险研究是一个全新的研究领域;给高校财务管理带来了知识资本确认、计量及资源配置等难题.建立我国高校财务风险防范与管理机制,积极支持多元化办学,拓宽高校资金来源渠道,加强财务监督,扩大办学规模、增强整体竞争力、提高办学效益已成为各个高校发展的共同趋势.拟从分析高校财务风险面临新环境开始,进而提出防范财务风险的对策,为高校决策者如何降低高校财务风险进行有益的探索.参7.  相似文献   

Pollution and Capital Markets in Developing Countries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is said that firms in developing countries do not have incentives to invest in pollution control because of weak implementation of environmental regulations. This argument assumes that the regulator is the only agent that can create incentives for pollution control, and ignores that capital markets, if properly informed, may provide the appropriate financial and reputational incentives. We show that capital markets in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and the Philippines do react to announcements of environmental events, such as those of superior environmental performance or citizens' complaints. A policy implication is that environmental regulators in developing countries may explicitly harness those market forces by introducing structured programs of information release pertaining to firms' environmental performance: public disclosure mechanisms in developing countries may be a useful model to consider given limited government enforcement resources.  相似文献   

We study theoretically and numerically the effects of an environmental tax reform using endogenous growth theory. In the theoretical segment, mobile labor between manufacturing and R&D activities, and elasticity of substitution between labor and energy in manufacturing lower than unity allow for a growth dividend, even if we consider preexisting tax distortions. The scope for innovation is reduced when we consider direct financial investment in the lab, or elastic labor supply. We then apply the core theoretical model to a real growing economy and find that a boost in long-run economic growth following such a carbon policy is a possible outcome. Redistribution of additional carbon tax revenue by lowering capital taxation performs best in terms of effciency measured by aggregate welfare. In terms of equity among social segments the progressive character of lump-sum redistribution fails when we consider very high emissions reduction targets.  相似文献   

The most common form of building in coastal peri-urban area, in middle shoreline of Caspian Sea in North of Iran, is gated community with the exclusive ownership and restricted access to the public shoreline. This research aims to clear the main causes, motivations and mechanism of exclusive space production in North of Iran. In contrast to the fact that many studies revealed as gated communities rose from the service-base motivations of the residents such as safety and high quality of the environment, this research shows the market-base motivations for living inside the gates. The factors of maintaining and increasing the property capital and protecting the family prestige are the main motivations for residence in gated communities in North of Iran. Due to the privileged life style and importance of agricultural lands for building gated communities, the main incentive of land owners for selling the agricultural lands is to derive benefit from selling lands and saving financial capital in Banks, instead of agricultural activities. The negligence of regulations in guidance and control of agricultural lands and in the processes of land use changes, causes the effectiveness of informal relations and illegal production of exclusive space in the context of environmental lands.  相似文献   

This paper explores household (HH)-level livelihood dynamics and determinants since construction of the Samanalawewa Hydroelectricity Reservoir (SHER) in the Samanalawewa watershed, Sri Lanka. The research is based on data from a structured questionnaire survey of 201 randomly selected households (HHs) in upstream and downstream areas. Livelihood dynamics at two separate points in time (1988 and 2008) were assessed based on a sustainable livelihood framework (SLF). Impact of livelihood determinants on livelihood was analysed using factor and regression analysis techniques, followed by an optimisation procedure to suggest requirements in selected significant determinants to improve the livelihood of various categories of farm HH. In both upstream and downstream areas, livelihood assets, viz. physical, social and human capital, increased significantly, while access to natural and financial capital decreased significantly and slightly, respectively, during last two decades. The factor analysis extracted six factors in the upstream area and seven in the downstream area. The derived regression models show that nine variables in the upstream area and ten in the downstream area are major determinants of HH livelihood. Based on optimisation results, policy implications are discussed in relation to needed improvements in livelihood determinants to improve overall livelihood of HHs.  相似文献   

资本结构是企业筹资的核心问题之一,上市公司资本结构是否合理直接关系到其企业价值最大化的实现.以纺织行业上市公司公开数据为样本,运用回归分析方法,分析影响我国纺织行业资本结构的因素,认为:资本结构与企业获利能力、资产担保价值正相关,与企业规模负相关,与成长性、实际税率相关不明显.  相似文献   

通过对高校基建档案的管理和实践,总结高校基建档案具有专业性、成套性、复杂性和广泛性等特点,并结合在高校基建管理工作中的一些体会,浅析高校基建档案管理要从增强意识,建立制度,设立专人专柜,做好工程建设过程中档案跟踪,以及归档立卷和利用工作抓手,归档立卷和利用等措施,重点提出归档中应特别重视和管理的材料.参4.  相似文献   

对股权投资活动所涉及的非货币性交易业务,会计制度和税法都规定了不同的处理方法,本文试从非货币性交易的内涵、资产的计价方法、资产交易损益的确认与计量三个方面比较两者的差异。  相似文献   

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