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城市污水处理厂的污泥需要进行减量化、稳定化、无害化处理,因此介绍了一种适合中小型污水处理厂污泥处理的自动升温好氧消化的新工艺。根据当前国内污泥处理的状况,提出的自动升温好氧消化工艺,是适合中小型污水处理厂污泥处理的,是一项具有发展前景的新技术。  相似文献   

提出了一种利用餐厨废油为热交换介质,在常压下对城市污水厂污泥进行油炸干化制成固体燃料,以实现城镇两大废弃物一污泥和餐厨废油综合处置的方法。以大豆油模拟餐厨废油,研究了污泥油炸干燥特性及过程影响参数。实验结果表明,污泥经油炸干化后,干基含水率从初始的4.56kg/kg降低至0.05kg/kg,干基含油率升为0.37~0.47kg/kg,干污泥热值达到21.551~24.082MJ/kg,是一种高热值固体燃料。油温对污泥油炸干化过程影响显著,当油温从120℃升至180℃时,污泥干燥时间从28min缩短至4min。实验条件下,1t餐厨废油可处理约8.3t湿污泥。  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂提高污泥浓度的理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在城市污水处理厂运行中,通过提高污泥回流比实现提高污泥浓度是有限的.分点进水高效脱氮除磷(ECOSUN-IDE)工艺改变了传统的进水方式,在活性污泥系统中进行分点进水,大幅度提高了污泥浓度,从而改进了城市污水处理厂脱氮除磷效率.  相似文献   

城市污泥桨叶式干化优化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桨叶式干化是一种高效的污泥干化处理技术,为了降低污泥含水率达到污泥减量减容效果,同时为后期的工程化应用提供依据和参考,实验采用倾斜盘式桨叶干燥机,以北京市污水处理厂污泥为研究对象,研究了不同滞留时间、污泥供给量、干燥机换热面积等因素对桨叶式干化处理后蒸发速度和污泥含水率的影响,并从处理效率以及与工程化应用数据对比分析等多方面考核,确定最佳工艺运行条件:使用0.5—0.8MPa的蒸气,蒸发速率达到14~21.8kg/(m^2·h)时,干化处理后污泥含水率〈40%。  相似文献   

污水处理厂污泥干化焚烧处理可行性分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
李博  王飞  严建华  池涌 《环境工程学报》2012,6(10):3399-3404
以绍兴污水处理厂脱水污泥为研究对象,通过实验分析了污泥进行干化焚烧处理的可行性。对污泥泥质进行分析,采用桨叶式污泥干化机对污泥的热干化特性、干化过程污染排放特性进行研究,使用流化床污泥焚烧试验装置对污泥焚烧工况及焚烧过程中污染物的排放特征进行研究,结果表明,绍兴污水处理厂脱水污泥的泥质特征与大多数污水污泥类似,灰分较高、发热量较低,需干化后才可实现稳定燃烧;污泥在小型桨叶式污泥干化机内的干化速率最高达到0.6kg/(m2·min),并随污泥干化的进行而逐渐降低;干化过程产生的常规污染气体中氨气浓度最高,可达170 mg/Nm3;污泥干化冷凝水的COD高达820 mg/L,氨氮等指标也很高。污泥干化系统的设计需充分考虑污泥热干化过程中气体和液体污染物的排放,设置相应的处理设施。污泥干化至含水率30%时,可在不投加辅助燃料的情况下实现流化床焚烧炉内的焚烧处理,干化污泥焚烧时需关注烟气中常规污染气体和重金属的控制,焚烧灰渣浸出毒性未超过国标限值。  相似文献   

城市污泥微波干化工艺及干化特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用微波和烘箱结合及全程烘箱2种方式对城市污泥干化进行对比研究,考察了不同粒径、微波干化预处理、预处理时间及烘箱温度对污泥干燥特性的影响。结果表明,同一温度条件下,微波预处理时间越长,污泥干化速率越快。最优条件下,全程烘箱污泥达到最大干化速率的含水率为77%。微波干燥污泥具有时间短、干燥速率大的特点,微波和烘箱结合对比全程烘箱干化速率高且能耗低。  相似文献   

针对城市污水处理厂污泥含水率高、体积大、泥质成分复杂且易造成二次污染的特点,采用石灰干化后利用水泥工业协同处置是其实现资源化的途径之一。实验结果表明,在煅烧温度1 400℃、保温时间60 min的条件下,掺加适量的石灰干化污泥有利于提高水泥生料的易烧性,熟料中f-Ca O含量符合国家标准;掺加质量比为12%的石灰干化污泥煅烧所得熟料与空白参比熟料的物相组成基本相同,当石灰干化污泥掺量过大时应根据泥质成分对生料配比进行相应的调整,以确保熟料达到水泥生产的质量要求。研究成果可为水泥工业协同处置城市污泥提供借鉴与技术参考。  相似文献   

为研究污泥低温干化过程中的含硫气体释放和系统中硫的转化,以一条产线为例,检测讨论污泥干化全过程中硫含量、气体中含硫污染物浓度和气体冷凝水中硫化物浓度和分配情况。经测试发现,污泥低温干化过程中,干污泥中最终保留80%以上的硫元素并随着干污泥进入电厂煤棚,其余硫元素在干化过程中转化成气态、固态。检测发现,干燥过程中有硫化氢、甲硫醚、二硫化碳等气体逸出,并在工艺过程中发生归中反应,凝结出硫单质进入冷凝污水或附着在管道内壁上,硫单质为硫总量的12.5%;管道内壁上固体附着物质含硫量达到54%。研究结果为污泥低温干化过程提供元素硫的转化分布数据,对污泥干化系统设备维护保养、气体环保处置、含硫物质的回收处理具有积极意义。  相似文献   

污泥是城市产生的重要废弃物之一,因较高的含水率而体积庞大,因此对其进行脱水和干燥是实现减量化的重要手段。低于100℃的低温热干燥方法因干燥温度较低,具有节能、减少臭气排放等优点,可有效利用工业余热、废热、太阳能,以及热效率很高的热泵干燥工艺。采用薄膜态污泥进行低温干燥,通过实验分析了在温度为50℃和70℃、表面风速为0.3~1.2 m·s-1条件下污泥质量与含水率的变化。结果表明,较低的干燥温度一定程度上延长了干燥时间,但采用薄膜形态可以缓解干燥速度减慢的问题,且可有效解决"硬壳"现象而实现等速干燥,对提高能源利用效率具有较大好处。给出了气流温度、流速、泥层厚度对干燥速度的影响,干燥消化污泥所需时间要快于同条件下的未消化污泥。还给出了2种低温干燥工艺流程,为工业应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

对深圳市污水处理厂旱季和雨季的剩余污泥泥质进行了分析,并采用桨叶式污泥干化机对剩余污泥的干化特性及干化过程中的污染物排放特性进行了研究.结果表明,相对于雨季剩余污泥,旱季剩余污泥的干化速率总体更高,旱季剩余污泥在含水率由80%降至60%的干化阶段,干化速率比雨季剩余污泥约高1倍,而当含水率低于60%后,两者的干化速率基...  相似文献   

运用LCA技术可从全过程的视角识别和比较不同城市污水处理工艺在其生命周期各个阶段的能耗,并在此基础上提出改善其能效的措施。运用LCA方法对AB活性污泥法处理系统从其原材料开采和加工开始直到污水厂施工建设、处理运行以及废弃拆除的LC全过程能耗进行了识别和量化分析,并与普通活性污泥法进行了平行对照。研究结果表明,AB法的LC能耗在微孔和穿孔管两种曝气条件下可双普通活性污泥法分别节省9.5%和15.8%,但由于污水中有机物大部分转化为污泥形态,其比能耗仅与普通活性污泥法相当。AB法处理系统污泥的稳定化处理已成为提高其能效的重要途径。  相似文献   

城市污水厂污水污泥的热值测定分析方法研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
高旭  马蜀  郭劲松  范莹 《环境工程学报》2009,3(11):1938-1942
建立热力学指标是污水生物处理过程热力学分析的基础工作,目前仍缺乏污水污泥化学能测试的标准方法。采用IKA C5000型自动热量计对某城市二级污水处理厂进水、出水、初沉污泥、剩余污泥、混合污泥和脱水污泥进行了热值测定,样品前处理采用103~105℃烘干获得干燥基,用苯甲酸进行加标回收。参照煤的发热量测定方法得到样品的高位热值。试验结果显示:出水干燥基的热值为05 kJ/g,进水干燥基的热值为4 kJ/g以上,各工艺段的污泥干燥基热值较高,基本都在12 kJ/g以上,接近右江褐煤水平。测定结果的标准偏差≤±0.452%,相对标准偏差≤±0.136%。通过同一批样品的元素分析及Dulong公式理论推算,发现2种方法可得到相似的结果。  相似文献   

将微波辐射用于污泥预处理,考察了500、750和900 W的微波作用下,污泥性质(温度,污泥粒径,胞外聚合物和水解程度)和脱水性能(毛细吸水时间和污泥比阻)的变化情况,并探讨了相关的机理。结果表明,适宜的微波条件能够增加污泥粒径,提高污泥的脱水性能。900 W微波辐射60 s后,污泥粒径增加了71.40%,污泥毛细吸水时间和污泥比阻分别减少了42.70%和73.11%。若进一步增加微波接触时间,不仅使能耗增加,同时也会恶化污泥的脱水性能。  相似文献   

Ju JH  Lee IS  Sim WJ  Eun H  Oh JE 《Chemosphere》2009,74(3):441-447
The concentrations of 12 POPs listed in the Stockholm convention, chlorophenols (CPs) and PAHs were investigated in sludge samples from wastewater and sewage treatment plants (WWTPs and STPs). The concentrations of PCDD/Fs in the wastewater sludge ranged from 0.189 to 1092 ng-TEQkg(-1) dry wt., and most of the sludge samples had levels below the EU guideline for the land application of PCDD/Fs (<100 ng-TEQkg(-1) dry wt.) except one sample. Co-PCB congeners were analyzed from four WWTPs, with total concentrations ranging from 0.265 to 26.6 ng-TEQkg(-1) dry wt., which were similar to the results obtained from previous studies. The levels of PCDD/Fs and Co-PCBs varied according to the main source of the influent to each WWTP and the paper industry was the main source of these compounds in the sludge due to the chlorine bleaching process. In case of OCPs, HCB and p,p'-DDE were detected at relatively high levels in the sludge samples compared to other target compounds, ranging from 1.30 to 21.5 microg kg(-1) dry wt. and 0.758 to 14.8 microg kg(-1) dry wt., respectively. Different OCP distribution patterns were observed according to sludge types, with HCB and DDTs being dominant in the sludge from WWTPs and STPs, respectively. The total levels of PAHs and CPs ranged from 1.24 to 44.9 mg kg(-1) dry wt. and 0.340 to 3.85 mg kg(-1) dry wt., respectively. The PAHs and CPs were also shown to have various distribution patterns, possibly due to the different wastewater sources to the WWTPs.  相似文献   

Many substances related to human activities end up in wastewater and accumulate in sewage sludge. The present study focuses on the analysis of widely used UV filters 3-(4-methylbenzylidene) camphor (4-MBC), octyl-methoxycinnamate (OMC), octocrylene (OC) and octyl-triazone (OT) in sewage sludge originating from a monitoring network in Switzerland. Mean concentrations in stabilised sludge from 14 wastewater treatment plants were 1780, 110, 4840 and 5510 microg/kg dry matter for 4-MBC, OMC, OC and OT, respectively. Specific loads in sewage sludge show that UV filters originate mainly from private households, but surface runoff and industries may be considered as additional sources. This indicates that besides use for sunscreens and cosmetics UV filters might occur in plastics and other materials and be released to the environment by volatilization or leaching. Differences between the modeled per capita loads of UV filters in sewage sludge and the observed specific loads in sewage sludge are probably due to erroneous figures of production volumes, degradation and sorption during wastewater treatment as well as degradation processes during transport in the sewer or sludge treatment. Thus, further research is needed to elucidate the fate of UV filters after application and release into the environment. Other compounds used as UV filters should be included in future studies.  相似文献   


With the increasing of high saline waste sludge production, the treatment and utilization of saline waste sludge attracted more and more attention. In this study, the biological hydrogen production from saline waste sludge after heating pretreatment was studied. The substrate metabolism process at different salinity condition was analyzed by the changes of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD), carbohydrate and protein in extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), and dissolved organic matters (DOM). The excitation-emission matrix (EEM) with fluorescence regional integration (FRI) was also used to investigate the effect of salinity on EPS and DOM composition during hydrogen fermentation. The highest hydrogen yield of 23.6 mL H2/g VSS and hydrogen content of 77.6% were obtained at 0.0% salinity condition. The salinity could influence the hydrogen production and substrate metabolism of waste sludge.


Industrial, domestic wastewater, and livestock sludge samples were collected from 23 wastewater treatment plants in Korea and analyzed for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). The concentrations of Σ19PBDE ranged from 4.01 to 10,400 ng/g dry weight. The average Σ19PBDE concentrations in industrial, domestic wastewater, and livestock sludge were 1,560?±?3,610, 402?±?148, and 27.6?±?50.4 ng/g dry weight, respectively. The composition of PBDEs differed according to the type of sludge. Among the PBDE congeners, BDE 209 was dominant in all sludge samples. After BDE 209, relatively high levels were found for BDE 28 and 47 from industrial sludge, BDE 47 and 99 from domestic wastewater sludge, and BDE 206, 207, and 208 from livestock sludge. Using hierarchical cluster analysis, sludges were divided into three groups according to PBDE congener composition. A risk assessment of PBDEs in sludge used for soil amendment was carried out. Preliminary results indicated that the potential risk of soil exposed to PBDEs in sludge was relatively low.  相似文献   

Dai J  Xu M  Chen J  Yang X  Ke Z 《Chemosphere》2007,66(2):353-361
In order to better understand land application of sewage sludge, the characterization of heavy metals, PCDD/F and PAHs in sewage sludge was investigated from six different wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in Beijing City, China. It was found that the total concentrations of Zn in Wujiacun (WJC) sewage sludge, and Cd and Hg in sewage sludge generated from all of the six different places are higher than Chinese regulation limit of pollutants for sludge to be used for agriculture (GB18918-2002). The levels of 16 PAHs that have been categorized as priority pollutants by US EPA in the sewage sludge samples varied from 2467 to 25923 microg/kg (dry weight), the highest values of 25923 microg/kg being found in WJC WWTP. The concentrations of Benzo[a]pyrene were as high as 6.1mg/kg dry weight in WJC sewage sludge, exceeding the maximum permitted content by GB18918-2002. Individual PAH content varies considerably with sewage samples. The ratios of anthracene to anthracene plus phenanthrene (An/178), benz[a]anthracene to benz[a]anthracene plus chrysene (BaA/228), indene[1,2,3-cd]pyrene to indene[1,2,3-cd]pyrene plus benzo[g,h,i]perylene (In/In+BP), and fluoranthene to fluoranthene plus pyrene (Fl/Fl+Py) suggest that petroleum and combustion of fossil fuel were the dominant contributions for the PAHs in sewage sludge. The concentrations of total PCDD/F in the sewage sludge ranged from 330 to 4245 pg/g d.w. The toxicity equivalent concentrations is between 3.47-88.24 pg I-TEQ according to NATO/CCMS, which is below Chinese legislation limit value proposed for land application. The PCDD/F congener/homologue profiles found in the Beijing samples indicated that the high chlorinated PCDD/F contamination might originate mainly from PCP-related source and depositional sources while the low chlorinated PCDD/F homologues could be originating from incineration or coal combustion. The major source of PCDD/Fs in Beijing sludge is still unclear.  相似文献   

Chen D  Zeng X  Sheng Y  Bi X  Gui H  Sheng G  Fu J 《Chemosphere》2007,66(2):252-258
Polycyclic musks [cashmeran (DPMI), celestolide (ADBI), phantolide (AHMI), traseolide (ATII), tonalide (AHTN) and galaxolide (HHCB)] in the air, wastewater, sludge samples of a typical cosmetic plant were analyzed. DPMI, ADBI, HHCB and AHTN were found in all samples, and ATII was not found in any sample. HHCB and AHTN were the major components in all samples. The polycyclic musk concentrations were very high in the air of the cosmetic plant, and polycyclic musks were mostly contained in the gas phase at the percentage of 86.35-97.70%. Average polycyclic musk concentrations in effluent were high, and ranged from 0.62 to 32.06 microgl-1. The removal efficiency during the active sludge wastewater treatment was also high, resulting from the adsorption of those compounds into the sludge. So the polycyclic musk concentrations were very high in the primary sludge and second sludge, and ranged from 1.78 to 92.45 mgkg-1 (dry), and from 2.87 to 65.67 mgkg-1 (dry), respectively. Results suggested that the sludge needed to be further treated to make polycyclic musks less influence to the environment.  相似文献   

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