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We perform a scenario analysis of three strategies for long-term energy savings and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reductions in iron and steel production in China, using a linear optimization modeling framework industry sector energy efficiency modeling (ISEEM). The modeling includes annual projections for one base scenario representing business-as-usual (BAU) and three additional scenarios representing different strategies to reduce annual energy use and CO2 emissions from 2010 to 2050. Specifically, the three scenarios for cost-optimization modeling include changing the production share (PS), predefining emission reduction (ER) target, and stipulating carbon emission pricing (CP), respectively. While the three strategies are projected to result in similar annual energy savings by approximately 15 % compared to that of the BAU scenario in year 2050, the carbon emission pricing strategy brings about the highest annual energy savings in the medium term (e.g., 2025). In addition, adopting carbon emission pricing strategy will result in the highest emission reduction from BAU with much higher costs, i.e., by 20 % in 2025 and 41 % in 2050, while adopting either PS or ER strategies will result in a moderate level of emission reduction from BAU, i.e., by approximately 4 % in 2025 and 14 % in 2050. The analysis of China’s national strategies to reduce energy use and emissions provides important implications for global mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

China and India together have more than one third of the world population and are two emerging economic giants of the developing world now experiencing rapid economic growth, urbanization, and motorization. The urban transportation sector is a major source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in China and India. The goal of this study is to analyze the characteristics and factors of CO2 emissions produced by commuters in Chinese and Indian cities and thus to identify strategies for reducing transportation CO2 emissions and mitigating global climate change. Xi’an in China and Bangalore in India were chosen as two case study cities for their representativeness of major cities in China and India. The trends of CO2 emissions produced by major traffic modes (electric motors, buses, and cars) in major cities of China and India were predicted and analyzed. The spatial distributions of CO2 emissions produced by commuters in both cities were assessed using spatial analysis module in ArcGIS (Geographic Information System) software. Tobit models were then developed to investigate the impact factors of the emissions. The study has several findings. Firstly, in both cities, the increase of vehicle occupancy could reduce commuting CO2 emissions by 20 to 50 % or conversely, if vehicle occupancy reduces, an increase by 33.33 to 66.67 %. It is estimated that, with the current increasing speed of CO2 emissions in Xi’an, the total CO2 emissions from electric motors, buses, and cars in major cities of China and India will be increased from 135?×?106 t in 2012 to 961?×?106 t in 2030, accounting for 0.37 to 2.67 % of the total global CO2 emissions of 2013, which is significant for global climate change. Secondly, households and individuals in the outer areas of both cities produce higher emissions than those in the inner areas. Thirdly, the lower emissions in Xi’an are due to the higher density and more compact urban pattern, shorter commuting distances, higher transit shares, and more clean energy vehicles. The more dispersed and extensive urban sprawl and the prevalence of two-wheeler motorbikes (two-wheeler motorbike is abbreviated as “two-wheeler” in the following sections) fueled by gasoline cause higher emissions in Bangalore. Fourthly, car availability, higher household income, living outside the 2nd or Outer Ring Road, distance from the bus stop, and working in the foreign companies in Bangalore are significant and positive factors of commuting CO2 emissions. Fifthly, “70-20” and “50-20” (this means that generally, 20 % of commuters and households produce 70 % of total emissions in Xi’an and 20 % of commuters and households produce 50 % of total emissions in Bangalore) emission patterns exist in Xi’an and Bangalore, respectively. Several strategies have been proposed to reduce urban CO2 emissions produced by commuters and further to mitigate global climate change. Firstly, in the early stage of fast urbanization, enough monetary and land investment should be ensured to develop rail transit or rapid bus routes from outer areas to inner areas in the cities to avoid high dependency on cars, thus to implement the transit-oriented development (TOD), which is the key for Chinese and Indian cities to mitigate the impact on global climate change caused by CO2 emissions. Secondly, in Bangalore, it is necessary to improve public transit service and increase the bus stop coverage combined with car demand controls along the ring roads, in the outer areas, and in the industry areas where Indian foreign companies and the governments are located. Thirdly, Indian should put more efforts to provide alternative cleaner transport modes while China should put more efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from high emitters.  相似文献   

海伦·伊丽莎白·克拉克(Helen Elizabeth Clark),1950年2月26日出生于新西兰哈密尔顿市。她早年就读于提帕胡小学、奥克兰爱普松女子语言学校,后在奥克兰大学攻读文学学士和文学硕士学位,于1976年获得大学格兰特委员会奖学金,随后出国留学,之后在奥克兰大学政治系执教8年。  相似文献   

胡利娅·卡拉维亚斯·利略。墨西哥前环境、资源和渔业部部长,墨西哥国立自治大学生物学教授。卡拉维亚斯教授1954年出生于墨西哥城,在墨西哥国立自治大学获得学位后留校教授环境科学并从事热带雨林保护、自然资源管理和环境保护方面的研究。  相似文献   

周娟  张硕新  陈斌 《环境保护》2011,(14):46-47
河南新乡的个体户田桂荣从1999年开始发起了回收废电池的活动,几百个废电池回收箱,几万份传单,随着坚持不懈的努力和人们环保意识的增强,她得到了越来越多的理解和和支持,废电池回收量日渐增长.然而,麻烦也来了:"这么多废电池到底咋办?真是难死我了!谁能告诉我处理废电池的好办法?"她这样说. 其实受此网扰的绝不只是田桂荣,废电池的回收利用一直是个难题.废电池有毒,不能乱扔,这大家都知道.于是很多学校、机关、商店都开展了废电池回收活动.但没过多久,各地的活动就陷入困境,因为收上来的废电池找不到出路,堆积如山,反成了负担……  相似文献   

比尔·金先生(通常大家叫他Bill)现在是TNC(大自然保护协会)副总裁、全球首席生态保护执行官,统管TNC的全球保护事务(下设9大部门,涉及32个国家),并负责推动机构最重要的保护项目和保护策略。比尔·金在TNC任职已经超过12年,曾在机构内担任过多个重要的领导职务。  相似文献   

斯塔夫罗·迪马斯,欧盟环境专员,生于1941年4月,早年就读于雅典大学并取得法律与经济学学士学位,后在美国纽约大学取得法律硕士学位。1977年至2004年间,他曾作为新民主党代表连续十次被选为国会议员并且在希腊政坛处于领导地位,先后出任贸易部长、新民主党国会发言人、农业部长、工业能源及科技部长和新民主党秘书长等重要职位。  相似文献   

向熠 《环境》2011,(1):91-93
毫无疑问,洗涤剂为个人保健和家居保洁提供了帮助,成为许多家庭的必备品。但这些洗涤剂潜在的化学危害却常常被人忽略。  相似文献   

自然·水·人   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人类社会向前发展,人向自然界的索取不断增加,对自然的干扰也逐步加剧,致使自然界的承受能力受到影响,人与自然的关系出现紧张。为此,人必须处理好与自然的关系,以免人的生存环境受到威胁。水是自然界的重要因素,和人的生存与人类社会的发展关系密切。由于用水量不断增加和用水不当,一些地区出现水资源危机,人在和水旱灾害进行抗争中,也出现了由于措施不当带来的人为加大灾害的问题。因此,人必须在处理好与自然关系的框架中,认真处理好与水的关系,以保障水资源的永续利用和人类社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Although stable isotope ratios in animals have often been used as indicators of the trophic level and for the back-calculation of diets, few experiments have been done under standardized laboratory conditions to investigate factors influencing 15N and 13C values. An experiment using Nile tilapia [Oreochromis niloticus (L.)] was therefore carried out to test the effect of different dietary protein contents (35.4, 42.3, and 50.9%) on 15N and 13C values of the whole tilapia. The fish were fed the isoenergetic and isolipidic semi-synthetic diets at a relatively low level. 15N and 13C values of the lipid-free body did not differ between the fish fed the diets with different protein contents, but the trophic shift for N and C isotopes decreased with increasing protein accretion in the individual fish, for N from 6.5 to 4 and for C in the lipid-free body from 4 to 2.5. This is the first study showing the strong influence of the individual protein balance to the degree to which the isotopic signature of dietary protein was modified in tissue protein of fish. The extrapolation of the trophic level or the reconstruction of the diet of an animal from stable isotope ratios without knowledge of the individual physiological condition and the feeding rate may lead to erroneous results.  相似文献   

弗朗西丝·拜内克,现任美国自然资源保护委员会(NRDC)主席。弗朗西丝在耶鲁大学获得学士学位。并获耶鲁大学森林与环境研究学院硕士学位。自1973年以来,弗朗西斯已经在NRDC工作了30多年,2006年成为主席之前,她担任该组织的执行总监8年,期间NRDC的成员达到300多个,比之前增加了一倍。  相似文献   

夏光 《环境保护》2011,(7):11-13
2011年是十二五的开局之年,这其中的局字深有含义,它说明人们把未来五年看作是一个有序安排的局,是一个经过系统构思的整体,而非任其自然的时间过程。  相似文献   

"十一五"时期是我国发展史上极不平凡的五年,也是环境保护事业大有作为的五年.五年来,我国将主要污染物减排作为国民经济和社会发展规划的约束性指标,着力解决影响可持续发展和损害群众健康的突出环境问题,环境保护从认识到实践发生重要变化,环境保护事业不断发展,环境质量稳步改善.  相似文献   

大卫·拜拉米1933年1月出生于英国伦敦,他是著名的植物学家、畅销书作者、电视节目主持人以及环境运动的积极参与者。拜拉米先后在萨顿郡文法学校高中部、切尔西科学技术学院(现在是伦敦国王学院)和贝德福德大学学习。在英国达勒姆大学学习期间,拜拉米接受了专门的植物学培训。以至于直到1982年,他一直在达勒姆大学担任植物学的高级讲师。  相似文献   

奈杰尔·布兰顿教授,英国皇家工程学会会员、皇家特许工程师、英国能源学会会员、英国材料、矿石和冶金协会会员以及英国伦敦城市行业协会会员。主要从事燃料电池技术的发展与应用研究。布兰顿毕业于伦敦帝国理工学院,获电化学工程理学学士学位及博士学位。  相似文献   

本来想用这样一个题目为《自然资源学报》写篇论文。我在研究国土经济学和我国社会主义经济社会发展战略时,经常接触到这方面的问题,感到有写这样一篇论文的必要。但是几个月来一直挤不出做这件事的时间。于是只好用这样一个很大的题目写这样一篇很短的文章了。  相似文献   

论“谁来养活中国”   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文从人口、耕地、单产潜力、消费水平等方面讨论和分析了“谁来养活中国”一文中提到的主要观点和结论,并提出了通过这些讨论和分析应该得到的有益启示。认为应唤起我们对发展农业的紧迫感与危机感,并采取切实措施,唯有如此,我们才能养活自己,我国的经济才能持续稳定发展。  相似文献   

“九五”期间资源科学技术重大进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
1概述资源是人类社会生存发展的基石。第一次工业革命以来,人类对自然资源大规模、高强度的开发利用,带来前所未有的经济繁荣。据世界资源研究所估计,现代人均每年消耗的所有自然资源为45~85t,在经济发达国家产生100美元的收入需要300kg自然资源。由于人类过度地消耗资源,引起了全球的资源短缺。世界很多重要矿产探明储量的增长速度明显下降,土地沙化、退化,生产能力持续降低。森林赤字、草地被破坏,物种灭绝时有发生。有人估计平均每天要损失100个物种。人类活动加剧,淡水资源、能源供应不足。目前世界上大约有60个国家缺乏淡水供应,已成为地区性问题。未来资源宝库---海洋资源面临浩劫,60%的鱼类资源已处于  相似文献   

评一评"限塑令"得失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解消费者使用塑料袋的习惯和"限塑令"出台后对消费习惯的影响及各方的支持度和应对策略,北京物资学院流通经济研究所绿潮工作室开展了关于"限塑令"政策与塑料袋使用的问卷调查,在居住小区和学校发放回收有效问卷163份,进一步评价限塑令政策的实施效果.  相似文献   

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