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环境管理业务规范化是实现环境规划管理信息化的前提与基础。以浙江省县级生态环境功能区规划管理信息系统建设为例,开展基于工作流的环境规划管理业务规范化研究,将环境规划管理业务分解成任务、角色、信息3个部分,建立3者间的关系模型,并根据浙江省县级环境保护组织管理构架的共性,建立了规范的、基础性的环境规划管理业务流程。  相似文献   

流域综合水管理是发达国家普遍采用的管理模式,主要手段之一是制定流域水环境保护总体规划.流域水环境保护总体规划是流域各相关利益方就流域社会经济发展与水环境保护达成的决策,是其他所有规划制定的基础和依据,核心内容是规划目标的确定.流域水环境保护总体规划是流域综合管理的决策平台和信息共享平台,是环境保护的刚性约束,为流域水资源开发利用划定红线.流域水环境保护总体规划是目标导向型的,通过指标体系指导省级行政区负责制定的小流域水环境保护规划,协调流域内省级行政区国民经济和社会发展规划、土地利用总体规划、城市总体规划等其他部门规划.中国目前缺乏流域水环境保护总体规划,基于此提出了国家级流域水环境保护总体规划的一般模式,包括基本内容、规划文本和规划实施3个部分.流域水环境保护总体规划实施的主要手段是审批小流域水环境保护规划.  相似文献   

中国环境保护规划评估制度建设的主要问题分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了环境保护规划评估体系的主要内容和开展环境保护规划评估的主要方法学需求;根据中国环境保护工作的客观需要,提出了中国开展环境保护规划评估研究和建设的建议.建议包括:(1)加大技术方法研究力度,为环境保护规划评估机制的建立提供技术支撑.(2)重视环境保护规划评估的制度化建设,构建并逐步完善环境保护规划评估制度.(3)强化环境保护规划第三方评估的能力建设,确保评估的公平性和有效性.(4)环境保护规划评估与行政问责机制相结合,确保环境保护规划评估结果得以贯彻执行.(5)建立有效的环境保护规划评估信息交流和共享机制,加大公众参与评估的力度.  相似文献   

中国进行低碳城市建设,需要规划科学合理并能保证有效实施。从干系人参与、目标确定和表达、行动方案筛选、规划实施的保障以及控制评估等方面对纽约2030规划的先进经验进行了分析,并与厦门市低碳城市规划做了比较,得出中国低碳城市规划存在缺乏独立和有效的低碳建设管理机构,编制机构专业化程度不够,编制过程中缺乏信息公开和交流,规划目标不细,行动方案不明确、缺乏可操作性等问题。建议成立专门的低碳城市规划与实施机构、制定低碳城市规划技术导则、建立低碳城市信息交流网络。  相似文献   

涉及生物多样性的环境影响评价有效性评估分为对执行状况的评估和对管理状况的评估两方面.以生态影响型环境影响评价报告书执行合规程度和行政管理的信息机制完善程度为评估目标,构建了“原则层-指标层-标准层”评估指标体系和量化评估方法.涉及生物多样性的环境影响评价有效性一般,主要问题是评价等级与评价范围的确定不符合相关规范,生态环境现状评价、生态影响预测及公众参与的有效性均不理想;信息机制有效性很差,缺失报告书草稿公布阶段和项目运营后评估信息公布阶段,已有的各信息公布阶段在内容上存在明显时滞,干系人综合决策与审批透明度不足.建议明确评价机构的资质,加强培训和信息公开的执法.  相似文献   

以规划分析、生态环境质量现状调查为基础,以规划实施带来的生态环境影响为依据,采用多种方法建立生态补偿标准核算体系,确定补偿主体、客体及补偿方式,建立生态补偿保障体系,最后将生态补偿机制纳入规划文本,实施规划,并对生态补偿实施效果进行跟踪反馈,不断修正规划环境影响评价中的生态补偿机制.该机制的建立将有效降低规划实施带来的生态损失,实现从源头预防和控制生态影响,提高规划环境影响评价的有效性.  相似文献   

城市是由于人-地剧烈相互作用而形成的开放的、复杂的社会、经济与环境复合巨系统,在城市环境规划工作中常伴随有大量的结构化、半结构化和非结构化并存的决策问题,这就需要采取人—机交互式的决策支持系统方法来全面支持规划专家的规划活动,同时,城市环境规划本身也是个面向空间实体的操作过程,这也决定了GIS将发挥基础性主导工具作用,基于以上两点认识,作者以GIS为基本框架,设计了城市环境规划的空间决策支持系统原型方法,实现了城市环境规划数据调查评价、预测、功能区划、规划方案生成与决策、制图等特定功能要求,成为支持城市环境规划的有力工具。  相似文献   

采用环境政策分析的一般模式,从政策目标、政策框架、管理手段、管理体制与机制等方面对中国现有的农业面源污染防治政策展开评估,提出政策改进的建议。结果显示,虽然目前农业面源污染防治政策体系正在逐步健全,但仍未建立起从目标、管理方案、实施计划到政策评估的系统性农业面源污染防治框架;现有政策在确定性和经济效率方面均显不足,对农业源排放的总量控制目标设定过于粗糙,缺乏充分的监测作为支撑,且没有配合推动系统实施的管理实践来保证目标实现;农业面源污染防治的基础信息严重匮乏,资金供给难以满足需求。建议建立流域农业面源污染控制规划制度,完善农业面源污染防治的政策框架和信息机制,加大农业面源污染防治投入力度。  相似文献   

本文总结了房地产开发中出现的主要环境问题,由此分析了房地产项目进行环境规划的必要性,在与以往环境规划理论对比的基础上,提出房地产项目环境规划的特点和重点,进一步论述了规划的功能及其实现途径。最后通过一个实例探讨了规划功能的具体实现,并提出详细可行的控制措施。  相似文献   

淮河流域水环境保护政策评估   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
搜集各部门已有数据对淮河流域水环境保护政策体系、管理行动、排放控制以及水质进行评估.结果表明,淮河流域水质没有明显改善和恶化的趋势,规划目标没有达到,污染物排放没有得到控制,工业和生活污染源是水质超标的首要原因,部门间水质和排放监测缺乏协调,数据质量低,水环境保护投入落后于社会经济发展.建议实施严格的排污许可证制度;尽快建立流域水环境保护信息共享平台;中央政府通过许可证、专项资金等形式承担更多的流域水环境保护责任;完善水环境保护规划体系,以较长的时间尺度,制定流域水环境保护的战略性基础规划.  相似文献   

Carlman I 《Ambio》2005,34(2):163-168
This article confronts present main stream planning approaches against the perspective of ecological sustainability, as relevant for Rule of Law countries and based on a modern environmental law approach. It discusses the setting and implementation of environmental goals against the general experience of massive implementation deficits regarding environmental policies all over the world. In this confrontation, environmental planning, with at least some principles picked up from New Zealand's Resource Management Act, and much more taken from modern environmental law theory on legal operationalisation, is compared to adaptive management approaches which also allow for modifying the environment related goal if implementation fails or seems very difficult. The concept of adaptive environmental planning (AEP) is suggested as a possible road to choose for planning for sustainability, while maximizing development within the framework legally defined by means of environmental limits. This article presents five criteria, all of which must be met by AEP planning. One of these relates to a planning hierarchy which, among other things, leads to the conclusion that coastal planning, if it is intended to aim at sustainability, can not be dealt with in isolation, although such planning might have to meet very complex problems at the regional level.  相似文献   

城市规划的环境影响评价研究初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
环境影响评价法的颁布是中国环境影响评价的一个新阶段。中国至今尚无明确的、系统的规划环境影响评价的技术导则和规范,其评价理论仍在探索之中。分析了国内外规划环境影响评价的历史和现状。从区域环境影响评价的实践经验总结出了城市规划环境影响评价应强调城市发展的可持续性。探讨了该层次评价的介入时间、评价原则、环境影响因素识别及评价内容,提出从生态合理性、绿色化程度等方面考虑城市规划的生态环境影响。  相似文献   

科学制定和实施有效的水污染防治规划,是改善中国流域水环境质量的主要措施之一.对中国"九五"和"十五"期间的流域水污染防治规划实施状况进行了评估,分析了规划制订与实施过程中存在的相关问题,提出了改进中国流域水污染防治规划制定和实施的相关对策.分析结果表明,中国重点流域水污染防治规划实施状况较差,突出表现为控制目标没有达到、投资额不能到位和项目实施率较低等现象.通过对制约规划实施效果的主要因素的深入分析,发现规划目标可达性较差、数据可靠性较低、规划技术方法以及监管体制、环境标准和法律法规等不完善问题是制约规划成功实施的关键性要素.针对上述问题,分别提出了规划体系、管理体制、投资方式、监督管理、标准体系建设以及法律法规完善等方面的改善建议与对策.  相似文献   

推进规划环境影响评价,既是贯彻落实<中华人民共和国环境影响评价法>、促进生态文明建设的需要.也是环境保护行政主管部门加强污染源头控制、参与宏观决策的有效途径.在对江苏、云南、重庆等地进行实地调研的基础上,分析了中国当前规划环境影响评价工作所面临的形势,重点研究了浙江省在推进规划环境影响评价工作中需要重点关注的问题,并提出了浙江省推进规划环境影响评价的相关建议.  相似文献   

Kjell Grip  Sven Blomqvist 《Ambio》2020,49(7):1328-1340
Globally, conflicts between marine nature conservation and fishery interests are common and increasing, and there is often a glaring lack of dialogue between stakeholders representing these two interests. There is a need for a stronger and enforced coordination between fishing and conservation authorities when establishing marine protected areas for conservation purposes. We propose that an appropriate instrument for such coordination is a broad ecosystem-based marine spatial planning procedure, representing neither nature conservation nor fishery. Strategic environmental assessment for plans and programmes and environmental impact assessment for projects are commonly used tools for assessing the environmental impacts of different human activities, but are seldom used for evaluating the environmental effects of capture fisheries. The diversity of fisheries and the drastic effects of some fisheries on the environment are strong arguments for introducing these procedures as valuable supplements to existing fisheries assessment and management tools and able to provide relevant environmental information for an overall marine spatial planning process. Marine protected areas for nature conservation and for protection of fisheries have different objectives. Therefore, the legal procedure when establishing marine protected areas should depend on whether they are established for nature conservation purposes or as a fisheries resource management tool. Fishing in a marine protected area for conservation purpose should be regulated according to conservation law. Also, we argue that marine protected areas for conservation purposes, in the highest protection category, should primarily be established as fully protected marine national parks and marine reserves.  相似文献   

This paper firstly discusses the strategy for integrated environmental assessment (IEA) at the European Environment Agency (EEA), addressing the principles, definition and scope, and summarising the state of the art. The IEA process is described within the framework of the DPSIR concept a chain of causal links going from Driving Forces, Pressures, States to Impacts, which finally leads to political Responses. A key objective of IEA is to facilitate the framing and implementation of policies and strategies. Secondly, the paper summarises the results of the first broader exercise of IEA at the EEA an environmental assessment of the European Community's Fifth Action Programme. Although limited in scope, the exercise provides lessons to be learned. Therefore, the paper concludes, assessments should be validated and be based on the most up-to-date findings, and links need to be created and maintained with the appropriate scientific/research communities. The IEA concept and its approaches should be further elaborated on a European scale according to prominent environmental problems that have a transboundary or a multi-national character. Cost-benefit studies should be enhanced. Finally, improved information is required on the DPSIR framework, including the interrelationship between the economic and environmental systems.  相似文献   

区域规划环境影响跟踪评价的理论研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着环境影响评价制度的深入实施,其实施领域已由项目环评向区域环评和规划环评转变,评价内容也由广泛实施的预测评价向后评价和跟踪评价转变。然而,对于区域规划环评的评价层次、评价程序和评价内容,目前还没有明晰的认识;同时,对于促进规划环评有效实施的跟踪评价,其相关的理论和实践研究几乎没有。文中就此问题作了深入探讨。  相似文献   

The initial state implementation plans concentrated on attainment of the ambient air quality standards in the relatively polluted areas of the country. Many of these plans must now be modified to ensure that the ambient standards will be maintained for the foreseeable future, and to ensure that significant deterioration of air quality in clean areas of the country is prevented.

The existing implementation plans currently contain many measures which are applicable to the maintenance and deterioration efforts, but additional measures must also be developed. Many of these additional measures will involve future planning activities—most common of which will be land use planning activities.

The point is made that, after existing sources have reduced their emissions to the lowest practical level, further air pollution control can only be accomplished by implementing rational planning procedures for management of any new sources of air pollution. This will require extensive cooperation among the air pollution control community; regional, state, and local planning agencies; state and local governments; and the general public in order to ensure that future land use plans include appropriate air quality considerations.  相似文献   

水污染控制规划与GIS   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在水污染控制规划中,总量控制是新手段,概率模型是新方法,GIS是新工具。利用上述新手段,新方法和新工具,系统地介绍了水污染控制规划,初步探索了基于GIS的水污染控制规划的实施途径。  相似文献   

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