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针对五台山亚高山-高山带南坡灌丛草甸群落多样性沿海拔的分布方式进行研究,对研究地海拔2 200-3 000m植物群落进行野外调查,分析了灌丛草甸群落盖度、α多样性和β多样性对海拔梯度的响应。结果表明,样地内共调查物种19科44属52种,区系成分具有明显温带属性,兼有北极-高山分布类型。从低海拔到高海拔植被依次分布有金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa)灌丛草甸群落(2 201-2 700 m)、鬼箭锦鸡儿(Caragana jubata)灌丛草甸群落(2 700-2 800 m)、高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)草甸群落(2 800-3 011 m),灌-草结构群落主要分布在2 200-2 800 m。在海拔梯度上,植物群落草本层盖度总体上大于灌木层,均值分别为75.78%和41.64%,草本层盖度和群落总盖度呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,而灌木层呈相反变化趋势,且波动较大。随着海拔的升高,Patrick指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数均呈显著下降的分布格局。Cody指数在2 201-2 296 m和2 800-2 903 m之间达到峰值,而Sorensen指数出现最小值,表明在2 201-2 296 m和2 800-2 903 m海拔范围内β多样性最大,是物种更替速率较快的过渡地带。在整个海拔范围内,灌丛草甸群落主要分布在2 200-2 800 m之间,海拔变化对灌丛草甸群落多样性差异产生重要的影响。研究结果有助于认识该地区灌丛草甸群落组成及其多样性格局,也将为灌丛草甸资源的生态保护和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

增温、刈割对高寒草甸地上植被生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近些年由于气候变化和土地利用方式变化的双重影响,高寒草甸植被逐渐表现出退化现象。探讨高寒草甸植被生长特征在气候变化和人类活动中的动态变化规律,对高海拔地区植被的保护和合理利用,防止草地退化和沙漠化发生具有重要意义。以青藏高原高寒草甸为研究区,利用增温实验模拟气候变暖、刈割实验模拟人类放牧,采用随机区组设计,设置对照、增温、刈割、增温+刈割交互作用四种实验处理,于2012─2013年植被生长季调查高度、盖度和地上生物量,研究高寒草甸地上植被生长特征对增温、刈割的响应,以此探讨青藏高原高寒草甸地上植被在气候变化和人类活动中的变化趋势。结果表明:(1)夏季是高寒草甸植被生长的最佳季节,其中7月是其生长的最佳月份;高寒草甸地上植被生长特征年内生长季和年际间的变化趋势差异较大,表现为植被高度在生长季中期高于初期和末期(P0.05),植被盖度和地上生物量在生长季中期和末期高于初期(P0.05);2012年的植被高度和地上生物量略高于2013年(P0.05),但植被盖度略低于2013年(P0.05)。(2)植被高度、盖度和地上生物量在增温第2年(2012年)的各实验处理间均未出现显著差异(P0.05),而在第3年(2013年)开始出现显著差异(P0.05),其中2年刈割显著降低植被高度和地上生物量(P0.05),3年增温和2年刈割的交互作用显著降低植被盖度和地上生物量(P0.05)。以上结果表明,增温、刈割对高寒草甸地上植被生长的影响在短期和长期尺度上存有差异,初期并不显著,但随着时间推移,影响开始加强。  相似文献   

日喀则宽谷植被以干暖性河谷灌丛和亚高山灌丛最为发育,其植被受基质及水热条件再分配的影响,表现出明显的垂直地带性分异,河谷地带是西藏“一江两江”中部流域沙漠化最严重的地区之一,流动沙丘广布,使植被带有沙生特点,同一海拔高度因基质的不同而群落类型多样,本文在对这一地区植被的垂直变化、河谷植被的自然演变和沙漠化过程中的植被动态进行论述和分析的基础上,探讨了本区植被在特殊自然条件下的演替过程和人类活动对植被变化的影响,为研究这一地区生态系统的恢复途径提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒生态系统碳循环对气候变暖和放牧等的响应依然存在很大不确定性.采用开顶式温室模拟增温,采用刈割和牲畜粪便归还相结合的方法模拟中度放牧,研究气候变暖和中等强度放牧对青藏高原东部高寒草甸生态系统碳交换、生态系统光合、生态系统呼吸与土壤呼吸的影响.结果显示:模拟气候变暖和中度放牧显著改变青藏高原东部高寒草甸生态系统净碳交换及其组分,并且生态系统碳循环的响应随时间呈现不同的变化.增温显著提高净生态系统碳交换和生态系统光合,增加生态系统净碳固定;中度放牧降低生态系统呼吸和土壤呼吸,而对生态系统净碳交换、生态系统光合的影响存在明显季节动态变化,即在处理初期(8月上旬)明显降低,而后逐渐上升,在生长季后期、末期(9月中下旬-10月份)显著高于对照;增温和中度放牧未表现明显的交互作用,增温+放牧处理增加了季节性平均净生态系统碳交换和生态系统光合,但没有显著影响季节平均生态系统呼吸.增温和中度放牧的交互作用对碳交换的影响存在时间尺度上的变化.本研究表明,在未来气候变暖和中等强度放牧的背景下,青藏高原东部高寒草甸碳汇功能有可能增强.  相似文献   

为了解植被对土壤真菌群落结构及其优势菌群影响,利用高通量测序技术,研究了贺兰山东坡山地荒漠草地、浅山灌丛、亚高山针叶林和亚高山草甸4种植被类型土壤真菌多样性及其群落结构.结果表明,(1)贺兰山东坡不同植被类型土壤真菌α多样性由高到低依次为浅山灌丛、山地荒漠草地、亚高山草甸、亚高山针叶林;且亚高山针叶林显著低于其他植被类...  相似文献   

通过开顶式温室(Open top chambers,OTCs)升温以及刈割+施加牛粪处理,应用磷脂脂肪酸(Phospholipid fatty acids,PLFAs)方法,研究了青藏高原东部高寒草甸土壤微生物群落结构对气候变暖和放牧的响应.结果表明,高寒草甸在生长季节,微生物群落以细菌为主.平均1.17℃的土壤升温使土壤微生物PLFAs总量增加34.58%,而春季割草结合牛粪施加使微生物PLFAs总量增加65.77%.模拟变暖和放牧均引起土壤微生物群落结构的显著变化.升温使细菌相对含量增加8.80%,而使真菌相对含量降低17.48%,细菌与真菌之比由7.3变为9.6.放牧使细菌相对含量增加8.40%,真菌相对含量降低14.04%,细菌与真菌之比由7.3变为9.2.OTCs升温+放牧处理比单独的升温或放牧处理对土壤微生物总量和细菌与真菌比值的影响更加明显.本研究表明,气候变暖和人类活动能够在短期内显著地改变青藏高原高寒草甸土壤微生物群落结构,进而可能影响这一地区的生态系统碳收支和养分循环.  相似文献   

基于遥感的泾河流域植被覆盖格局分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以MODIS遥感影像数据为数据源,应用遥感和GIS技术对泾河流域植被覆盖格局进行分析。结果表明:(1)泾河流域植被覆盖类型以退化草地和草地为主,二者占流域总面积的53.30%;地面覆盖程度较高的森林、疏林仅占流域总面积的9.83%,流域植被覆盖程度较低。(2)受自然环境条件和人类活动的影响,退化草地、稀疏灌丛、郁闭灌丛和疏林破碎化程度较为严重,对地面覆盖程度最低的退化草地除集中分布于流域北部外,主要零散分布于流域中、南部,其斑块形状复杂多样,数量最多,应成为流域植被恢复的重点。(3)各植被覆盖类型的斑快数量组成以小斑块所占比例最大,最小斑块比率均在50.0%以上;森林的斑块面积多样性最大,草地的斑块面积多样性最小。  相似文献   

为了明晰金露梅(Potentillafruticosa)灌丛草甸植物群落对退化演替的响应,以空间代时间的方法,于2018年8月中旬在青藏高原祁连山南麓分别选取原生、中度、重度和极度4种不同演替阶段的金露梅灌丛草甸,对其植被群落进行研究,以探究金露梅灌丛草甸生态功能退化过程中植被群落及土壤养分的演变特征。结果表明,(1)随着退化程度的加剧,地上生物量和地下生物量现存量均呈逐渐减小趋势,且原生金露梅灌丛地上生物量(387.73±25.53)g?m~(-2)和中度退化样地(328.55±36.23) g?m~(-2)显著高于重度退化样地(210±35.04) g?m~(-2)和极度退化样地(182.19±49.99) g?m~(-2)(P0.05),放牧改变了植物群落结构,禾草和莎草地上生物量逐渐减小,而杂类草地上生物量逐渐增加。(2)与地上生物量相似,原生金露梅灌丛(48 46.01±747.10)g?m~(-2)和中度退化样地(4 723.99±505.64)g?m~(-2)地下生物量现存量显著高于重度退化样地(2 590.75±276.45)g?m~(-2)和极度退化样地(1 011.84±163.46) g?m~(-2)(P0.05),且随着退化程度的加剧,表层土壤全碳、全氮和有机质呈增加趋势,地下根系生物量趋于向表层土壤发展。(3)随着退化程度的加剧,群落物种丰富度逐渐下降,且原生金露梅灌丛和中度退化样地物种丰富度显著高于重度退化和极度退化样地(P0.05)。此外,群落物种丰富度与地上生物量呈显著正相关(P0.05)。研究表明,过度放牧会导致植被群落发生分化,物种丰富度下降,最终导致金露梅灌丛草甸退化为杂类草草地,甚至黑土滩次生裸地。研究结果对今后退化金露梅灌丛草甸的放牧管理具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

川西亚高山4种典型灌丛岛土壤持水能力及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚高山森林自采伐后,迹地上灌木迅速扩张形成的"灌丛岛"对土壤肥力、幼苗更新等有重要作用.为揭示川西亚高山采伐迹地上灌丛岛土壤持水性能及其影响因素,选择亚高山采伐迹地上4种典型灌丛(高山柳、鲜卑花、绣线菊和杜鹃)为研究对象,以草丛为对照,测定灌丛岛下土壤持水性能,并结合灌丛特征和土壤理化性质进行分析,结果显示:(1)采伐迹地上灌丛岛的形成明显影响土壤持水性能,杜鹃和高山柳灌丛土壤持水量与草丛差异显著.其中杜鹃灌丛土壤持水量和毛管持水量最高,分别较草丛增加了24.5%和23.0%;高山柳灌丛土壤非毛管持水量最高,较草丛增加了51.02%.(2)灌丛岛的形成也影响了土壤容重和孔隙度等物理特征,其效应大小依赖于灌丛岛类型.如与草丛相比,杜鹃与高山柳灌丛土壤容重分别显著降低25.7%和18.6%,总孔隙度分别显著增加5.4%和5.2%.(3)通过结构方程模型分析发现,灌丛岛土壤持水性能除受土壤物理结构特征(如容重和孔隙等)影响外,也与灌丛岛类型和大小等因素有关.因此,亚高山采伐迹地灌丛岛的形成通过影响土壤理化性质,进而导致土壤的持水性能差异;研究结果可为评估亚高山森林生态系统土壤生态功能提供科学参考.(图2表4参51)  相似文献   

赵景学  陈晓鹏  曲广鹏  尚占环 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2795-2799
采用样带法研究了冬季放牧、冬春季放牧和全年放牧3种放牧管理模式对西藏高寒沼泽草甸高度、盖度、地上生物量及群落结构的影响.研究表明,3种放牧管理模式下的高寒沼泽草甸植被群落物种数差异不显著(p〉0.05),高度、盖度和地上生物量差异显著(p〈0.05)。冬季放牧、冬春季放牧和全年放牧沼泽草甸地上生物量依次降低。放牧管理对沼泽草甸群落多样性影响较大,不同放牧管理模式下的沼泽草甸Shannon-Wiener指数差异显著(p〈0.05),冬春放牧沼泽草甸Shannon-Wiener指数较冬季放牧和全年放牧沼泽草甸低。冬季放牧和全年放牧沼泽草甸Margalef指数和Pielou指数差异不显著,显著(p〈0.05)高于冬春季放牧沼泽草甸。  相似文献   

Abstract: The growing prevalence of fragmentation and fire in tropical forests makes it imperative to quantify changes in these disturbances and to understand the ways in which they interact across the landscape. I used a multitemporal series of Landsat images to study the incidence and coincidence of fire and fragmentation in two areas of Pará state in the eastern Brazilian Amazon: Tailândia and Paragominase. In both areas, deforestation and forest fires were quantified for time series of 6–10 years. The Tailândia study area typifies a landscape with the herringbone pattern of government-settled colonists, and the Paragominas area is dominated by large cattle ranches. In both areas, over 90% of the forests affected by fire were associated with forest edges. Although most burned forest occurred within 500 m of forest edges, some fires occurred in deep forest, several kilometers from any edge. The obvious synergism between forest fragmentation and fire poses serious risks to tropical ecosystems and has important implications for land management.  相似文献   

Examining the potential for ecological restoration is important in areas where anthropogenic disturbance has degraded forest landscapes. However, the conditions under which restoration of degraded tropical dry forests (TDF) might be achieved in practice have not been determined in detail. In this study, we used LANDIS-II, a spatially explicit model of forest dynamics, to assess the potential for passive restoration of TDF through natural regeneration. The model was applied to two Mexican landscapes under six different disturbance regimes, focusing on the impact of fire and cattle grazing on forest cover, structure and composition. Model results identified two main findings. First, tropical dry forests are more resilient to anthropogenic disturbance than expected. Results suggested that under both a scenario of small, infrequent fires and a scenario of large, frequent fires, forest area can increase relatively rapidly. However, forest structure and composition differed markedly between these scenarios. After 400 years, the landscape becomes increasingly occupied by relatively shade-tolerant species under small, infrequent fires, but only species with both relatively high shade tolerance and high fire tolerance can thrive under conditions with large, frequent fires. Second, we demonstrated that different forms of disturbance can interact in unexpected ways. Our projections revealed that when grazing acts in combination with fire, forest cover, structure and composition vary dramatically depending on the frequency and extent of the fires. Results indicated that grazing and fire have a synergistic effect causing a reduction in forest cover greater than the sum of their individual effects. This suggests that passive landscape-scale restoration of TDF is achievable in both Mexican study areas only if grazing is reduced, and fires are carefully managed to reduce their frequency and intensity.  相似文献   

黄土区不同配置人工林物种多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曲红  王百田  王棣  高海平 《生态环境》2010,19(4):843-848
以黄土高原山西省方山县下昔沟流域为研究点,采用标准样地调查法,应用物种丰富度、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、群落均匀度指数研究15种不同配置的人工林的а多样性动态特征,结果表明,在立地条件、密度、林龄相同的情况下,油松和刺槐这两种针阔混交林下的灌、草层Shannon-Weiner index、Pielou index、Richness指数最高,Simpson index最低;纯林中阔叶林下的灌、草层Shannon-Weiner index、Pielou index、Richness指数高于针叶林,但Simpson index低于针叶林;针叶林下的灌、草层Shannon-Weiner index、Pielou index、Richness指数最低,但Simpson index最高。研究结果为:针阔混交林更有利于林下植被的发育和更新,加速黄土区生态系统的恢复。  相似文献   

Distribution area of oriental spruce [Picea orientalis (L.) Link.] in the world is only in the north-east of Turkey and Caucasian. Because of being the semi monopoly tree with respect to its distribution and representing the upper forest line, it is necessary to analyse, evaluate and model the stand structures of oriental spruce forests in Turkey. In this research, some sampling plots were selected in timberline and treeline in the subalpine forest zone in Turkey. In these sampling plots some information about occurrence and development of the tree collectives was obtained. A total of 12 sampling plots (6 in timberline and 6 of them in treeline) were studied and horizontal and vertical stand profiles were obtained, while number of trees ranges between 2-86 in the tree collectives in treeline and in timberline 3-12. According to this, area per tree in treeline and in timberline is determined as 1.02 m2 and 3.75 m2 on an average respectively. Mean age of trees to reach breast height is 43 years in treeline sampling plots and 22 years in timberline sampling plots. According to the ratio of h (mean height) / d1.30 (diameter at breast height), stand stability values were calculated and it was determined if the stands were stable on the basis of the sampling plots. Stability values of the sampling plots changed between 33 and 75.  相似文献   

Temporal variability of forest fires in eastern Amazonia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Widespread occurrence of fires in Amazonian forests is known to be associated with extreme droughts, but historical data on the location and extent of forest fires are fundamental to determining the degree to which climate conditions and droughts have affected fire occurrence in the region. We used remote sensing to derive a 23-year time series of annual landscape-level burn scars in a fragmented forest of the eastern Amazon. Our burn scar data set is based on a new routine developed for the Carnegie Landsat Analysis System (CLAS), called CLAS-BURN, to calculate a physically based burn scar index (BSI) with an overall accuracy of 93% (Kappa coefficient 0.84). This index uses sub-pixel cover fractions of photosynthetic vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation, and shade/burn scar spectral end members. From 23 consecutive Landsat images processed with the CLAS-BURN algorithm, we quantified fire frequencies, the variation in fire return intervals, and rates of conversion of burned forest to other land uses in a 32 400 km2 area. From 1983 to 2007, 15% of the forest burned; 38% of these burned forests were subsequently deforested, representing 19% of the area cleared during the period of observation. While 72% of the fire-affected forest burned only once during the 23-year study period, 20% burned twice, 6% burned three times, and 2% burned four or more times, with the maximum of seven times. These frequencies suggest that the current fire return interval is 5-11 times more frequent than the estimated natural fire regime. Our results also quantify the substantial influence of climate and extreme droughts caused by a strong El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the extent and likelihood of returning forest fires mainly in fragmented landscapes. These results are an important indication of the role of future warmer climate and deforestation in enhancing emissions from more frequently burned forests in the Amazon.  相似文献   

The Rough Cilicia Archaeological Survey Project investigates landscape transformation as a component to its regional survey of ancient Rough Cilicia (south coastal Turkey opposite Cyprus). Rough Cilicia was celebrated during antiquity for pristine cedar forests that stood between 1500 and 1800 m in altitude along the slopes of the Taurus Mountains. Today along the front range of the Taurus Mountains this forest is completely denuded or otherwise replanted with recent growth in the past 80 years. We employ paleoenvironmental analysis of relic cedar forests in the Taurus Mountains to construct a timeline of anthropogenic disturbances associated with population growth over time and thereby assess the sustainability of ancient forestry practices. To obtain these data, the team recovers pollen and carbon samples from geomorphologic trenches excavated in the cedar zone, tree ring data from dendrochronological survey of the existing forest, and archaeological data from remains of ancient highland settlements. Preliminary results indicate that current perspectives about the timing of deforestation in this region are flawed and that the initial deforestation coincided with regional site abandonment and population decline at the end of antiquity.  相似文献   

应用5种多样性指数对祁连山圆柏群落的物种多样性进行了研究,并采用相邻格子样方法测定了乔木种群及其各立木级的分布格局.结果表明,灌木层的物种多样性偏低,而草本层多样性较高,群落总的物种多样性(以丰富度表示)较高.群落总的物种多样性较高是由于较低的灌木层多样性与较高的草本层多样性综合作用的结果,与放牧影响、阳坡的干燥环境有关,可能是林草交错区固有的特点.乔木种群的分布格局呈现出集群分布,但在其发育过程中显示了动态变化的特征,即在幼苗和小树阶段为集群分布,到了大树阶段转变为随机分布或均匀分布.表6参32  相似文献   

Kulakowski D  Veblen TT 《Ecology》2007,88(3):759-769
Disturbances are important in creating spatial heterogeneity of vegetation patterns that in turn may affect the spread and severity of subsequent disturbances. Between 1997 and 2002 extensive areas of subalpine forests in northwestern Colorado were affected by a blowdown of trees, bark beetle outbreaks, and salvage logging. Some of these stands were also affected by severe fires in the late 19th century. During a severe drought in 2002, fires affected extensive areas of these subalpine forests. We evaluated and modeled the extent and severity of the 2002 fires in relation to these disturbances that occurred over the five years prior to the fires and in relation to late 19th century stand-replacing fires. Occurrence of disturbances prior to 2002 was reconstructed using a combination of tree-ring methods, aerial photograph interpretation, field surveys, and geographic information systems (GIS). The extent and severity of the 2002 fires were based on the normalized difference burn ratio (NDBR) derived from satellite imagery. GIS and classification trees were used to analyze the effects of prefire conditions on the 2002 fires. Previous disturbance history had a significant influence on the severity of the 2002 fires. Stands that were severely blown down (> 66% trees down) in 1997 burned more severely than other stands, and young (approximately 120 year old) postfire stands burned less severely than older stands. In contrast, prefire disturbances were poor predictors of fire extent, except that young (approximately 120 years old) postfire stands were less extensively burned than older stands. Salvage logging and bark beetle outbreaks that followed the 1997 blowdown (within the blowdown as well as in adjacent forest that was not blown down) did not appear to affect fire extent or severity. Conclusions regarding the influence of the beetle outbreaks on fire extent and severity are limited, however, by spatial and temporal limitations associated with aerial detection surveys of beetle activity. Thus, fire extent in these forests is largely independent of prefire disturbance history and vegetation conditions. In contrast, fire severity, even during extreme fire weather and in conjunction with a multiyear drought, is influenced by prefire stand conditions, including the history of previous disturbances.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epiphytes are diverse and important elements of tropical forests, but as canopy‐dwelling organisms, they are highly vulnerable to deforestation. To assess the effect of deforestation on epiphyte diversity and the potential for epiphyte conservation in anthropogenically transformed habitats, we surveyed the epiphytic vegetation of an Ecuadorian cloud forest reserve and its surroundings. Our study was located on the western slopes of the Andes, a global center of biodiversity. We sampled vascular epiphytes of 110 study plots in a continuous primary forest; 14 primary forest fragments; isolated remnant trees in young, middle‐aged, and old pastures; and young and old secondary forests. It is the first study to include all relevant types of habitat transformation at a single study site and to compare epiphyte diversity at different temporal stages of fragmentation. Epiphyte diversity was highest in continuous primary forest, followed by forest fragments and isolated remnant trees, and lowest in young secondary forests. Spatial parameters of habitat transformation, such as fragment area, distance to the continuous primary forest, or distance to the forest edge from inside the forest, had no significant effect on epiphyte diversity. Hence, the influence of dispersal limitations appeared to be negligible or appeared to operate only over very short distances, whereas microclimatic edge effects acted only in the case of completely isolated trees, but not in larger forest fragments. Epiphyte diversity increased considerably with age of secondary forests, but species assemblages on isolated remnant trees were impoverished distinctly with time since isolation. Thus, isolated trees may serve for recolonization of secondary forests, but only for a relatively short time. We therefore suggest that the conservation of even small patches of primary forest within agricultural landscape matrices is essential for the long‐term maintenance of the high epiphyte diversity in tropical cloud forests.  相似文献   

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