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采用遥感-数据-模型相融合的方法,建立了浅层地下水推断模型。该模型克服了以往勘察方法费用高、效率低、周期长的不足,从未知出发,由面到点,层次分明,衔接有序。经实地考察验证,该模型精度较准,效率较高,具有实用性,不仅可以宏观、快速、高效地确定浅层地下水的分布和范围,而且可以降低费用,缩短周期,起到事半功倍的作用,为进一步找水工程的布置提供依据,确定找水方向,避免找水的盲目性。  相似文献   

关于砖瓦业发展与污染防治对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.砖瓦业的发展状况及污染现状随着我国改革开放的不断深入,经济建设得到快速发展,城乡建设突飞猛进,伴随建筑业的兴起,城市基本建设和农村私人建房的不断增多,建筑材料需求量与日俱增,出现了砖瓦业盲目发展的势头,带来了许多迫切需要解决的环境问题。目前,砖瓦业多数分布于乡镇农村。以浙江省富阳市为例,全市现有红砖窑Zoo余只,村、个体办184只,占92%,其中轮窑3O只,占15%,小土窑(吊线窑)17O只,占85%。砖窑分布带有区域群布性,富阳、新登、三山、常安、高桥等5个镇,已建有红砖窑15O余只,占富阳市总窑数的75%左右…  相似文献   

目前,山西省境内煤硷石积存量达9亿多t,明年以2000—3000万t的速度增加,不仅浪费资源,占用土地,而且严重污染环境。山西一家企业以煤硷石为原料,经过高温锻烧、脱铁胶化、晶化、滤洗、干燥而制成高活性纳米材料4沸石,可广泛用于日化、石化、生化等行业,经济效益、环境效益和社会效益十分可观。用作洗衣粉代磷助剂,与传统的磷酸盐相比,不仅使洗衣粉每吨成本降低150元,  相似文献   

一、对来稿的总体要求 来稿首先必须属本刊刊登范畴(参见本刊简介中的栏日设置),其次,应主题明确,重点突出,论据充分,数槲可靠,文字精练,图表清晰。每篇论文篇幅尽量不超过8页。来稿应包括(按以下顺序):题名,作者姓辑、工作单位(需全称,大学应到院系一级)、所在城市、邮编,,  相似文献   

基于结构化设计的湖、库富营养化模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任宏洋  张代钧  卢培利  许丹宇 《环境污染与防治》2005,27(5):371-374,381,i0004
基于结构化设计概念,将LEEDs模型与人工神经网络模型耦合,建立湖、库富营养化模型,模型包含N、P、COD、水温、水深和流速等6个控制模块。并以三峡水库为例预测结果表明,在3月和9~10月,月平均气温约为17℃,水深约为5m,流速约为0.02m/s时,三峡库区水体富营养化指标最大。模型具有可扩展性强,维护、升级容易等优点,可对模型中各个相对独立的模块进行调整,以适应不同湖库的实际情况。  相似文献   

FBZ+SBR工艺处理小城镇垃圾场渗滤液   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据小城镇垃圾渗滤液的特点,采用FBZ(超声气浮)技术进行脱氮预处理、SBR生化处理工艺。处理后,NH3-N、COD、BOD5、SS达标排放,具有操作简单、灵活,处理成本低,设施可整体搬移的特点,非常适合小城镇小型垃圾卫生填埋场使用。  相似文献   

2000—2020年,对淀山湖12个断面开展水体富营养化监测。主要指标高锰酸盐指数、总氮、总磷等呈现先恶化后好转趋势,高锰酸盐指数全湖均值在2004年达到最高,总氮、总磷在2005年达到最高,分别达到7.4、5.3、0.23 mg/L,由最初的《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅳ类、劣Ⅴ类、Ⅴ类分别提升至Ⅱ类、Ⅴ类、Ⅳ类。2007—2020年,随着高锰酸盐指数、总氮、总磷浓度降低,水体富营养化总体呈减轻态势,但7—9月仍是水华高发期。针对当前淀山湖总氮、总磷不能稳定达标的现状,建议结合年内变化趋势,加强区域合作,进一步削减氮、磷的入湖总量,同时开展长期的生态修复,促进生态良性循环。  相似文献   

提出了农药企业生态风险评价由4个部分构成:受体评价、危害评价、暴露评价和风险表征。评价以生态资料、环境资料、化学资料、毒理学资料为基础,通过工程分析、源强分析,确定目标污染物,鉴别其危害性,计算风险发生的概率、程度、范围等,选择评价终点,利用评价模型预测目标污染物的暴露浓度,分析风险源对受体的危害程度,进行风险表征。  相似文献   

从生态旅游定义入手,结合吴县市环太湖景区旅游业的现状、特色和优势等,提出了该市旅游业应以丰富的吴文化内涵为依托的发展模式,即以生态化为线索,建设一个与之相配套的生态服务体系,融生态于衣、食、住、行及购物、娱乐、交通、教育之中,使文化、经济、社会、生态成为有机的整体,促使生态旅游的可持续性,以推动环太湖循环经济的发展。  相似文献   

上海天南垃圾工程有限公司开发成功垃圾利用的专利技术。该技术将生活垃圾经过一系列除臭、粉碎、杀菌、搅拌和生物试剂及辅料混合,再由多功能制砖机制成各种地板砖、路基砖、图形墙体板等建筑材料,整个生产过程在常温下进行,不产生二次污染。该技术对废弃物要求低,几乎涵盖了任何生活废弃物,包括废水泥、废砖瓦、塑料、玻璃、木材、橡胶、果皮纸张、甚至沙石。不同材料经过分选,可制成高档的材料,如耐火砖、人工大理石等,也可以不经分选,直接制成低档产品,如人行道地砖。经权威部门检测,制得的产品无毒、无味、无菌、强度高、硬度大,产品质量甚至超过一般建筑材料技术标准,可取代一般建筑材料,但成本仅为一般建筑材料的70%~80%。  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: [corrected] Historically, landfills have been the simplest form of eliminating urban solid waste with the minimum cost. They have been the most usual method for discarding solid waste. However, landfills are considered authentic biochemical reactors that introduce large amounts of contaminants into the environment in the form of gas and leachates. The dynamics of generation and the movement of gas in landfills depend on the input and output parameters, as well as on the structure of the landfill and the kind of waste. The input parameters include water introduced through natural or artificial processes, the characteristics of the urban solid waste, and the input of atmospheric air. The main output parameters for these biochemical reactors include the gases and the leachates that are potentially pollutants for the environment. Control systems are designed and installed to minimize the impact on the environment. However, these systems are not perfect and a significant amount of landfill gas could be released to the atmosphere through the surface in a diffuse form, also known as Non-controlled emission. In this paper, the results of the Non-controlled biogenic gas emissions from the Lazareto landfill in Tenerife, Canary Islands, are presented. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the concentration of CH4 and CO2 in the soil gas of the landfill cover, the CH4 and CO2 efflux from the surface of the landfill and, finally, to compare these parameters with other similar landfills. In this way, a better understanding of the process that controls biogenic gas emissions in landfills is expected. METHODS: A Non-controlled biogenic gas emission survey of 281 sampling sites was carried out during February and March, 2002. The sampling sites were selected in order to obtain a well-distributed sampling grid. Surface landfill CO2 efflux measurements were carried out at each sampling site on the surface landfill together with soil gas collection and ground temperatures at a depth of 30-40 cm.The CH4 efflux was computed from CO2 efflux and from the ratio CH4/CO2 in the soil gas. Soil gas samples were collected at a depth of 30-40 cm using a metallic probe and 20 cc hypodermic syringes, and later stored in evacuated 10 cc vacutainers for laboratory analysis of bulk composition. The gas sample was introduced in a vacutainer filled with deionized water and displacing the water until the vacutainer was filled with the gas sample in order to avoid air contamination from entering. The surface landfill temperature of the landfill was measured at a depth of 40 cm using a digital thermometer type OMEGA 871A. Landfill gases, CO2 and CH4, were analyzed within 24 hours using a double channel VARIAN micro-GC QUAD CP-2002P, with a 10 meter PORAPLOT-Q column, a TCD detector, and He as a carrier gas. The analysis temperature was 40 degrees C and the injection time was 10 msec. Surface landfill CO2 efflux measurements were performed using a portable NDIR spectrophotometer Licor-800 according to the accumulation chamber method (Chiodini et al. 1996). The data treatment, aimed at drawing the flux map and computing the total gas output, was based on the application of stochastic simulation algorithms provided by the GSLIB program (Deutsch and Journel 1998). RESULTS: Diffuse CH4 and CO2 efflux values range from negligible values up to 7,148 and 30,573 g m(-2) d(-1), respectively. The spatial distribution of the concentration and efflux of CO2, CH4 and soil temperature, show three areas of maximum activity in the landfill, suggesting a non-uniform pattern of diffuse degassing. This correlation between high emissions and concentration of CO2, CH4 and soil temperatures suggests that the areas of higher microbial activity and exothermic reactions are releasing CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere from the landfill. Taking into consideration the spatial distribution of the CO2 and CH4 efflux values as well as the extension of the landfill, the Non-controlled emission of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere by the Lazareto's landfill are of 167 +/- 13.3 and 16 +/- 2.5 t d(-1), respectively. DISCUSSION: The patterns of gas flow within the landfill seem to be affected by boundary materials at the sides. The basalt layers have a low permeability and the gas flow in these areas is extensive. In this area, where a basalt layer does not exist, the flow gas diffuses toward the sea and the flux emissions at the landfill surface are lower. This behavior reflects the possible dissolution of gases into water and the deflection of gases towards the surface at the basalt boundary. The proximity to the sea, the installation of a palm tree garden and, as a result, the contribution of water coming from the watering of this garden has reactivated the system. The introduction of sea water into the landfill and the type of boundary could be defining the superficial gas discharges. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this study indicate that the spatial distribution of Non-controlled emission of CO2 and CH4 at the Lazareto's landfill shows a non-uniform pattern of diffuse degassing. The northeast, central and northwest areas of the Lazareto's landfill are the three areas of high emissions and concentration of CO2 and CH4, and high temperatures. The correlation between high emissions and the concentration of CO2, CH4, and the high temperatures suggest that the areas of higher microbial activity and exothermic reactions are releasing more CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere from the landfill. A high concentration of CO2 is probably due to the presence of methanotrophic bacteria in the soil atmosphere of the landfill. Patterns of gas flow within the landfill seem to be affected by boundary materials (basalt layers) of low permeability, and side boundaries of the flux emissions at the surface are higher. At the sides of seawater and sediment boundaries, flux emissions at the landfill surface are lower. This behavior reflects a possible dissolution of gases into the water and the deflection of gases towards the surface at the basalt boundary. With this study, we can compare the data obtained in this landfill with other landfills and observe the different levels of emission. The proximity to the sea and the installation of the palm tree garden palms and, as a result, the contribution of water coming from the watering of this garden has reactivated the system. Many landfills worldwide located in similar settings could experience similar gas production processes. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: The need for investigating and monitoring sea water and sediment quality in these landfills is advisable. Concentrations and fluxes of contaminants and their impact in the area should be assessed. With this study we can compare the data obtained in these landfills with other landfills and observe the different levels of emission.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution in China: Origin,pattern and control   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Heavy metal is among one of the pollutants, which cause severe threats to humans and the environment in China. The aim of the present review is to make information on the source of heavy metal pollution, distribution of heavy metals in the environment, and measures of pollution control accessible internationally, which are mostly published in Chinese. METHODS: Information from scientific journals, university journals and governmental releases are compiled focusing mainly on Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Partly Al, As, Cr, Fe, Hg, Mn and Ni a included also in part as well. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: In soil, the average contents of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are 0.097, 22.6, 26.0 and 74.2 mg/kg, respectively. In the water of the Yangtze River Basin, the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn are 0.080, 7.91, 15.7 and 18.7 microg/L, respectively. In reference to human activities, the heavy metal pollution comes from three sources: industrial emission, wastewater and solid waste. The environment such as soil, water and air were polluted by heavy metals in some cases. The contents of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn even reach 3.16, 99.3, 84.1 and 147 mg/kg, respectively, in the soils of a wastewater irrigation zone. These contaminants pollute drinking water and food, and threaten human health. Some diseases resulting from pollution of geological and environmental origin, were observed with long-term and non-reversible effects. CONCLUSIONS: In China, the geological background level of heavy metal is low, but with the activity of humans, soil, water, air, and plants are polluted by heavy metals in some cases and even affect human health through the food chain. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: To remediate and improve environmental quality is a long strategy for the polluted area to keep humans and animals healthy. Phytoremediation would be an effective technique to remediate the heavy metal pollutions.  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope Advances in radioecology can support improvements in environmental remediation technologies, especially by illuminating interaction processes between polymorphic metal radionuclides and various materials and their ions in aqueous solutions. This study modeled interaction processes of 90Sr with transitive metals to delineate the behavior of polymorphic metal radionuclides. Experimental and modeling results confirmed Sr sedimentation was sensitive to the physical impact of radionuclides on various sorbents and possible chemical reactions occurring between the radionuclides and sorbents. Methods Models were developed to simulate 90Sr sedimentation process, and the potential physical and chemical reactions accompanying the process. Models were verified, inorganic salts were used as sorbents to absorb metal cations, activity levels were recorded before and after mixing the inorganic salts while the efficiency of sedimentation using the heavy metals composites was quantified. Results and Discussion This research demonstrates that the process of the sedimentation is complex and occurs in several stages. Micro-structural analysis shows that zones of interaction between the sorbent and source metal are formed during the irradiation of the target’s metal surface. Electrical-microscopic analysis indicates that the composition of the formed zones of interaction of Ti (Sr) with target metals has various structures. Roentgenophase analysis indicates that the interaction of the ions of a precipitable source and a target occurs according to constitution diagrams of equilibrium systems. The results indicate that application of inorganic salts composites based on modeling increases the efficiency of the deactivation of aqueous solutions when compared to standard aluminum sulfate composite. Conclusions Experimental and modeling results confirm 90Sr sedimentation is sensitive to the physical impact of radionuclides on various sorbents and possible chemical reactions occurring between the radionuclides and sorbents. The models support estimation of the physical impact of polymorphic metal radionuclides on various components of sorbents and possible chemical reactions occurring between the radionuclides and sorbents during the interaction. Inorganic salt composites deactivate and clear 90Sr and Sr+2 from water. This paper is openly accessible!  相似文献   

Zheng S  Qiu X  Chen B  Yu X  Liu Z  Zhong G  Li H  Chen M  Sun G  Huang H  Yu W  Freestone D 《Chemosphere》2011,84(11):1677-1685
To gain insight into the antibiotic pollution in the Jiulong River estuary and the pollutant sources, we analyzed the concentration of 22 widely-used antibiotics in water samples collected from the river and estuary, 17 and 18 sampling sites, respectively. Contamination with sulfonamides, quinolones and chloramphenicols was frequently detected and the distribution pattern of antibiotics suggested that most of the pollutants are from the Jiulong River, especially from the downstream watersheds. To reveal the ecological effects, we isolated 35 bacterial strains from the estuary and analyzed their antibiotic resistance to the eight most frequently detected antibiotics. The bacteria were subsequently classified into seven different genera by 16SrDNA sequencing. Up to 97.1% of the bacteria showed resistance and 70.6% of strains showed multi-resistance to these antibiotics, especially to sulfonamides. This study demonstrated a pattern of antibiotic contamination in the Jiulong River and its estuary and illustrated high bacterial antibiotic resistance which was significantly correlated with the average antibiotics concentrations and detected frequencies in the estuary.  相似文献   

The behavior of chlorantraniliprole (CAP) and dinotefuran (DNF) insecticides was investigated in clay loam soil, a common type of the Egyptian soil. Effect of temperature, pH and particle size of the soil on the adsorption process was studied. Adsorption isotherm by bulk soil and its constituents; humic acid (HA), clay, silt and sand fractions was measured using batch equilibration technique. The results showed that the adsorption of the insecticides tested was significantly affected by the temperature and was a spontaneous interfacial process in the soil. Freundlich model accurately predicted the adsorption behavior of both insecticides. The interaction between soil and insecticides was endothermic and the highest adsorption for CAP and DNF was obtained at pH 9. However, the effect of pH on the adsorption of DNF was lower than that of CAP. Sorption of CAP and DNF on HA fraction was significantly greater than on clay fraction and bulk soil. In addition, the adsorption was significantly increased with particle size decrease. It could be inferred that the adsorption of CAP and DNF on clay loam soil was physical in nature and greatly influenced by the soil components, pH and temperature.  相似文献   

An explosion in a petrochemical plant in Jilin in the northeast of China on 13 November 2005 was responsible for the discharge of large quantities of benzene and nitrobenzene into Songhua River. This endangered the water supply of Harbin city and influenced the daily life for millions of people. The dispersion-advection equation was solved analytically and numerically and used to simulate the concentration of benzene and nitrobenzene in the Songhua River after the accident. Both solutions gave practically identical results. The main elimination process for both compounds was volatilization. The model results are quite close to the results obtained by measurements at monitoring stations. Arrival time of the pollutant wave, peak concentrations and end of the pollutant wave at Harbin and along the river were predicted successfully. The peak concentrations of nitrobenzene at Harbin were more than 30 times above the permissible limits for drinking water.  相似文献   

Artificially prepared sediments were used to assess the effects of sediment composition on inorganic Hg partitioning, speciation and bioavailability. Organic coating in sediment greatly increased the Hg partitioning and the amount of bioavailable Hg bound with the clay and the Fe and Mn oxides, but had little effect on that bound with the quartz and calcium carbonate as a result of weaker binding of humic acids and fulvic acids. The clay content increased the concentration of Hg in the sediments but inhibited the gut juice extraction due to the strong binding of Hg-organic matter (OM) complexes. Most Hg in the sediments was complexed by OM (mainly distributed in the organo-complexed phase and the strongly complexed phase), and the Hg-OM complexes (especially Hg in the strongly complexed phase) in sediments contributed much to gut juice extraction. Redistribution of Hg-OM complexes between sediments and gut juices may occur during gut juice extraction and modify Hg bioavailability and speciation in sediments.  相似文献   

- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/espr2006.01.006 Background The use of vegetal organisms as indicators of contamination of the environment is partially replacing traditional monitoring techniques. Amongst the vegetal organisms available, mosses appear to be good bioindicators and are used for monitoring anthropogenic and natural fall-out on soils. This study has two objectives: the evaluation of the concentrations of heavy metals in soils and mosses of the Sicily Region, in Italy and the identification of the origin of fall-out of heavy metals. Methods Mosses and the surface soil were sampled at 28 sites, only the youngest segments of Hylocomium splendens and Hypnum cupressiforme, corresponding to the plant tissues produced during the last 3 years, were taken. The elements Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were analysed by ICP-MS and Hg by AAS. Statistical analysis was by PCA and spatial representation by GIS. Results and Discussion In the mosses sampled in Sicily, the highest concentrations of Cd were found around the cities of Palermo and Messina. The highest concentrations of Hg were recorded in the northern part of the island between Trapani and Messina, similar to the distribution of Cu. Different areas with the highest concentrations of Ni were found near the south coast, in the vicinity of Palermo and around the Volcano Etna. The highest concentrations of Pb were found in the south-west coast near Agrigento, where important chemical plants and petroleum refineries are located. Except for a few locations, Zn fall-out was found to be evenly distributed throughout Sicily. Conclusion The sites where the concentrations of heavy metals cause greatest concern have been revealed by the PCA analysis and portrayed using GIS. Also of some concern is the diffuse and anthropogenic origin of Hg and Cd. The combined approach of using soil and mosses, together with pedological interpretation and application of multivariate statistical techniques has provided valuable insight into the environmental aspects of heavy metal deposition in a region of southern Europe. Recommendations and Outlook Further insight into the deposition of heavy metals will require more detailed sampling of soils and mosses in both new and previous study areas. This needs to be complemented by detailed pedological investigations in the study areas. Future research programmes will address these issues.  相似文献   

This study shows the catalyzing effects of iron and copper on the formation of chlorinated compounds such as chlorobenzenes (ClBzs), chlorophenols (CIPhs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs). Both total concentrations and congener distributions have been studied. The parameters and conditions varied during the combustion tests were the complete and incomplete combustion and the metal and chlorine addition. The incomplete combustion promoted the formation of organic chlorinated compounds in flue gas particles. Highly chlorinated congeners of PCDD/F were dominant in the flue gas particles, whereas the importance of lower chlorinated congener were increased in the gas phase. In the complete combustion conditions the concentrations of PCDD/Fs increased when the degree of chlorination were high, nevertheless the concentrations of tetra and penta PCDD/Fs were higher in the gas phase than the concentrations in the fly ash particles. Organic chlorine promoted the formation of chlorinated compounds more effectively than inorganic chlorine, which instead promoted the formation of PCDD/Fs in the gas phase, especially with copper catalyst. Different concentration levels of chlorinated compounds were observed in the gas phase and in particles when the chlorine source and combustion conditions were varied from incomplete to optimum conditions. Both copper and iron seem to have a catalytic effect on PCDD/F formation.  相似文献   


Norflurazon, oxadiazon, oxyfluorfen, trifluralin and simazine are herbicides widely used in the vineyards of the Barossa Valley, South Australia. The leaching behaviour of norflurazon, oxadiazon, oxyfluorfen and trifluralin was investigated on four key soils in the Barossa Valley. Leaching potential on packed soil columns and actual mobility using intact soil columns were investigated. On the packed soil columns, norflurazon was the most leachable herbicide. More of the herbicides were detected in the leachates from the sandy soils (Mountadam and Nuriootpa) than from the clayey soils (Lyndoch and Tanunda). Organic matter is generally low in soils in the Barossa region. Porosity and saturated conductivity significantly affect herbicide movement and in the sandy Mountadam and Nuriootpa soils, the water flux is greater than for the higher clay content Lyndoch and Tanunda soils. Increasing the time interval between herbicide application and the incidence of “rainfall”; reduced the amounts of herbicides found in the leachates. The use of intact soil columns and including simazine for comparison showed that both norflurazon and simazine were present in the leachates. Simazine was the first herbicide to appear in leachates. Sectioning of the intact soil columns after leaching clearly demonstrated that norflurazon and simazine reached the bottom of the soil columns for all soils studied. Greater amounts of norflurazon were retained in the soil columns compared with simazine. The other herbicides were mostly retained in the initial sections of the soil columns.  相似文献   

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