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室内空气中多环芳烃污染的测量和特征性研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
戴树桂  张林 《环境化学》1996,15(2):138-146
本文就室内空气中多环芳烃典型污染源-室内燃煤和室内吸烟排放的多环芳烃组成和含量进行了测定,并同室外大气(对照)中多环芳烃组成含量进行了对比,研究了室内环境不同污染源排放多环烃组成和含量的特征性,结果表明,室内燃煤污染同燃煤型室外大气源排放多环芳烃具有相似组成含量特征,而室朵烟草烟雾污染源的多环芳烃组成含量特征,则与室外煤型和交通型均有显著区别。  相似文献   

大气中多环芳烃(PAHs)在松针和SPMD上的分布   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过松针监测与半渗透膜被动式采样技术 (SPMD ) ,分析了我国珠江三角洲地区大气中多环芳烃的含量特征、来源及其分布 ,同时对这两种被动式采样技术进行了比较 松针及SPMD主要富集气态多环芳烃 (2— 4环 ) ,气态多环芳烃在松针和SPMD样品中的总含量分别为 313 9— 30 4 3 5ng·g-1和 14 5—116 9ng·SPMD-1·d-1 大气中多环芳烃含量的区域差异明显 ,珠江三角洲中部地区 (广州、佛山和东莞 )大气中多环芳烃的含量高 ,沿海地区的珠海、香港偏低 ,分子标志物指数表明 ,珠江三角洲大气中的多环芳烃主要是热成因 (燃烧 )来源 松针和SPMD对气态多环芳烃的监测具有很好的一致性 ,是进行区域大气污染评价的良好生物指示物  相似文献   

北京中关村地区大气多环芳烃的污染   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1981年至1982年在北京中关村等处八个采样点逐月采集大气颗粒物,用高效液体色谱法分析了十二种多环芳烃化合物,并对这些地区燃煤设施、能源消耗情况作了调查。结果表明,空气中多环芳烃含量在地区、季节上差别明显。本文讨论了上述差异的原因及多环芳烃的防治途径。  相似文献   

大气中多环芳烃的来源及采样方式的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对大气中多环芳烃的来源进行了调查的基础上,对燃源,交通源,等采产方式进行了综述,评价了各种采样方式的优缺点,从而造反我环芳烃污染源解析的采样方式。  相似文献   

薪柴燃烧源和燃煤源中多环芳烃的成分谱研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采集了薪柴燃烧源、燃煤源产生的PM10颗粒物样品,采用超声萃取、硅胶-氧化铝柱层析分离、气相色谱/质谱联用技术,对美国环保总局推荐的优控多环芳烃进行了定量分析。薪柴源、燃煤源产生的多环芳烃单体质量浓度分别在0.81~199.52、9.86~591.95ng/m3之间;对结果进行归一化处理,从而确定了薪柴源、燃煤源产生的多环芳烃成分谱。对比两种污染源发现,薪柴源产生的多环芳烃以荧蒽和芘为主,燃煤源以荧蒽、苯并苝的含量最高。薪柴源产生的多环芳烃中,4环芳烃含量非常高,归一化含量达到60%,其他环数芳烃的含量很低;燃煤源中,3、4环芳烃含量较高,5、6环芳烃次之,它们之间的差别不如薪柴源各环芳烃之间的差别大。  相似文献   

2007年2月在攀枝花市不同功能区采集了大气PM10样品42个和污染源样品32个,采用超声抽提GC/MS方法测定分析了16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量。结果显示攀枝花市PM10颗粒相PAHs单体浓度范围为0.34~416.45ng/m3,总量浓度范围为24.56~2569.66ng/m3;攀枝花市5个采样点中河门口片区PM10多环芳烃单体浓度范围为5.64~416.45ng/m3,污染最严重。源样品测定结果分别为扬尘78.74ug/g,煤烟尘6.12ug/g,钢铁工业尘30.54ug/g,焦化尘3187.42ug/g。应用比值法和化学质量平衡(CMB)模型对污染源进行识别,燃煤和炼焦是攀枝花市PAHs的主要来源,对攀枝花市大气可吸入颗粒物中多环芳烃污染的分担率分别为55.8%、19.9%。  相似文献   

2010年冬春季,在济南典型室内环境(超市、办公室和餐厅)采集了PM2.5样品,并对其多环芳烃(PAHs)进行了分析.结果表明,采样期间办公室的PAHs平均浓度最高,为93.11 ng.m-3,超市和餐厅的PAHs平均浓度分别为42.97 ng.m-3和26.65 ng.m-3.超市和办公室的多环芳烃均以室外源(燃煤)为主,吸烟导致办公室轻环多环芳烃浓度升高,高于室外相应物种的浓度,餐厅的轻环多环芳烃和重环多环芳烃分别来源于室内烹饪和室外的机动车尾气.与室外相比,超市和办公室PAHs中的菲(Phe)和苯并[b+k]荧蒽(BbkF)占总PAHs的比例较高,达到10%—15%,这与冬季室内使用中央空调取暖密不可分.超市、办公室和餐厅的毒性当量浓度值(BEQ)分别为7.05 ng.m-3、10.75 ng.m-3和0.75 ng.m-3.其中办公室的毒性当量浓度高于我国规定10 ng.m-3.超市,办公室和餐厅的PAHs暴露致终身肺癌风险度分别为0.6×10-3、0.9×10-3和6.5×10-5,均超过了世界卫生组织的建议值(10-5),超市和办公室的终身致癌健康风险高于美国最高法院规定的10-3的显著水平,说明生活在超市和办公室致癌风险高.  相似文献   

柳州市大气颗粒物中多环芳烃的分布特征及来源   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用气相色谱/质谱联用技术(GC/MS)检测了柳州市大气颗粒物样品中的PAHs,比较了柳州市各区大气颗粒物中多环芳烃含量的差异以及不同季节对多环芳烃含量的影响,讨论了其分布规律及污染源。  相似文献   

2007年6月至2008年3月分4个季度采集图们市4个监测点的大气可吸入颗粒物样品,采用超声波萃取法提取样品中多环芳烃,通过旋转蒸发对提取液进行浓缩,再用氮气吹至0.5 mL,用高效液相色谱法进行定量测定.结果表明,在图们市区大气可吸入颗粒物中共检出13种美国EPA优先控制的多环芳烃,含量范围为0.001—21.55μg.m-3.含量的时空变化规律明显,冬季各监测点多环芳烃的含量明显高于其它季节,夏季含量最低.一天之内早上或晚上多环芳烃的含量普遍高于中午.卫检处和气象局监测到的PAHs含量明显高于环保局和安山监测点.PAHs主要来源于燃煤和机动车尾气排放.  相似文献   

长江流域表层沉积物中多环芳烃分布特征及来源解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄亮  张经  吴莹 《生态毒理学报》2016,11(2):566-572
长江流域沉积物多环芳烃分析表明,多环芳烃浓度总和(不包括苝)约为10.31~1 239 ng·g-1,与国内外其他区域相比,整体处于一个低至中等程度的污染水平。长江自上游至下游,沉积物中多环芳烃含量呈上升趋势,与沿途各省多环芳烃的排放状况相吻合。扬州(YZ)和湘江(XJ)采样点沉积物中多环芳烃含量最高,污染最严重。根据多环芳烃的比值特征,长江流域沉积物中多环芳烃主要受以煤、木材、油类的燃烧影响较大,还有部分来自油类的泄漏,极少量来自自然成因。  相似文献   

论城市室内环境中气溶胶污染问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文全面评述了室内环境中气溶胶的种类来源,化学组成,形成和自然清除机理。空气环境中气溶胶大致可分为:1.燃烧型气溶胶,主要包括各类燃料燃烧产生的烟雾和烟草烟雾等;2.矿物型气溶胶,包括粉尘,飞灰,石棉及其它天然纤维尘等;3.生物型气溶胶,包括植物生气溶胶,如动物皮屑及各类微生物等。  相似文献   

广州夏季办公室内细颗粒中多环芳烃污染特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大部分的都市办公人群每天在办公室至少度过8 h。而室外环境的渗透、办公室内吸烟、办公设备使用和中央通风系统均可能导致细颗粒物及多环芳烃(PAHs)在室内积聚而造成微环境污染。2015年5—6月,在广州市3种不同功能区(商住区、高新产业区、工业区)共选取了14间不同类型的办公室,对其室内外PM_(2.5)和多环芳烃进行同步监测。结果表明,(1)14间中有12间办公室内的PM_(2.5)浓度水平高于世界卫生组织(WHO)的推荐值25μg·m-3;(2)与国内外类似研究相比,办公室内外∑16PAHs及Ba P-eq的监测浓度水平均较低,并呈现一致规律:文印>室外>吸烟>多人>单人>无窗(无人),其中Ba P-eq低于欧盟规定的安全限值1 ng·m-3;(3)文印工作和吸烟行为与室内PM_(2.5)和PAHs浓度升高有密切关系,分别对5环和4环PAHs贡献明显;(4)其他无明显内源的办公室的细颗粒中PAHs污染在监测期间主要来源于室外贡献。  相似文献   

Urban fractionation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from Dalian soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This report evidences the fractionation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from urban to rural areas, and a higher contribution of coal and wood combustion in rural areas. PAHs are persistent semi-volatile organic pollutants in the environment. PAHs originate from the incompleted combustion of fossil fuel and biomass. Cities are usually considered as primary sources of PAHs. Due to different types and loads of fuel consumption in various functional areas of a city, the levels and composition profiles of PAHs are expected to be different. We, therefore, studied the mechanisms ruling PAH distributions in soils from a major Chinese city. Seventeen soil samples were collected in urban traffic areas, residential and park areas, suburban areas and rural areas of Dalian, northeastern China. PAHs were analyzed using a high-performance liquid chromatography. The composition profiles and seasonal variation of PAHs were investigated. Results show that the proportions of low-weight molecular PAHs to total PAHs increased with urban-suburban-rural gradient. This trend is explained by the “urban fractionation” of PAHs. Furthermore, the spring/autumn ratios of PAH concentrations were higher than 1. Specifically, the spring/autumn ratio was 1.79 for two ring PAHs, 1.42 for three ring PAHs, and lower than 1.20 for five and six ring PAHs. The spring/autumn ratios of phenanthrene were higher than 1 and increased with increasing distance from the urban areas. The results imply that the contribution of coal and wood combustion PAHs increases with the urban-suburban-rural gradient.  相似文献   

Levels of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants have been increasing in humans and the environment for the past few decades. Human levels are markedly higher in the US than Europe. Although food appears to be a significant route of intake, food PBDE levels are not substantially higher in the US than Europe. House and office dust appear to be major routes of exposure with air believed to usually provide a lesser route of intake. Because there are very few measurements of airborne PBDE that have been performed in relevant microenvironments in the US, increased efforts to assess airborne PBDE in the US as sources of exposure are needed. This study reports, for the first time from a Southwestern US city in Texas, the results of measurements of airborne PBDE in multiple locations, two outdoor and six indoor (residential and office) from active air sampling with collection of a combination of both vapor- and particulate-phase PBDE. Higher PBDE levels were measured in indoor than outdoor air, which confirms previous findings. Of 11 measured congeners including BDE 209, total PBDE levels in two outdoor air samples were 112 and 125 pg m?3 and the indoor air levels ranged from 175 to 1232 pg m?3 with a median of 572 pg m?3. These findings suggest that sources of air contamination with PBDE may be similar in Texas as elsewhere in North America. However, more sampling is required to (1) better determine if this is the case and (2) attempt to characterize potential sources of PBDE contamination in both indoor and outdoor air by analysis of congener patterns.  相似文献   

Mining activities are among the major culprits of the wide occurrences of soil and water pollution by PAHs in coal district, which have resulted in ecological fragilities and health risk for local residents. Sixteen PAHs in multimedia environment from the Heshan coal district of Guangxi, South China, were measured, aiming to investigate the contamination level, distribution and possible sources and to estimate the potential health risks of PAHs. The average concentrations of 16 PAHs in the coal, coal gangue, soil, surface water and groundwater were 5114.56, 4551.10, 1280.12 ng g?1, 426.98 and 381.20 ng L?1, respectively. Additionally, higher soil and water PAH concentrations were detected in the vicinities of coal or coal gangue dump. Composition analysis, isomeric ratio, Pearson correlation analysis and principal component analysis were performed to diagnose the potential sources of PAHs in different environmental matrices, suggesting the dominant inputs of PAHs from coal/coal combustion and coal gangue in the soil and water. Soil and water guidelines and the incremental lifetime risk (ICLR) were used to assess the health risk, showing that soil and water were heavily contaminated by PAHs, and mean ICLRcoal/coal-gangue and mean ICLRsoil were both significantly higher than the acceptable levels (1 × 10?4), posing high potential carcinogenic risk to residents, especially coal workers. This study highlights the environmental pollution problems and public health concerns of coal mining, particularly the potential occupational health hazards of coal miners exposed in Heshan.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of both the concentration and composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ten profiles in Beijing has been investigated. The results showed that PAH concentrations and compositions in topsoil from different sampling sites were different. PAH concentrations were much higher in topsoil of the investigated urban area, industrial region, and paddy field with wastewater irrigation than in other areas. Moreover, PAH concentrations in topsoil were much higher than those at greater depth, where the concentrations were relatively consistent in most soil profiles. The fingerprints of PAHs in the samples from topsoil (0–30 cm) in the same profiles were similar and were obviously different from those at greater depth, suggesting that PAH sources were consistent in topsoil samples and were discriminating between topsoil and deeper soils. PAHs in topsoil mainly arose from mixed sources of combustion of liquid fuel, coal, and/or wood, as well as wastewater irrigation, while those at greater depth were derived from soil genesis and the process of soil formation.  相似文献   

北京城区屋面径流中PAHs的污染特征与来源解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡丹  欧浪波  黄晔  崔司宇  郭天蛟  张巍  王学军 《生态环境》2010,19(11):2613-2618
以北京典型城区屋面径流中的PAHs为研究对象,在2008年雨季采集了不同地点的屋面径流,分析了溶解相和颗粒相PAHs的质量浓度,对屋面径流中PAHs的质量浓度特征、时空变化规律及来源进行了讨论。结果表明,屋面径流具有较严重的PAHs污染,16种PAHs在溶解相中的总质量浓度为563.85~937.01 ng.L-1,来源主要是机动车排放(31.9%)、煤燃烧(39.6%)、天然气燃烧(15.3%)及石油类的挥发(14.2%);在颗粒相中的总质量浓度为844.48~1372.62 ng.L-1,来源主要包括燃煤(51.8%)、汽油(38.1%)和柴油(10.1%)的燃烧等。BaP的EMC平均值(172 ng.L-1)远远超过我国污水排放标准(30 ng.L-1),且以颗粒相为主。不同地点采集的屋面径流中的PAHs质量浓度大部分表现出较明显的初期效应和时间变化,而在不同采样点之间则没有明显的空间差异。  相似文献   

The composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lake Baikal water and adjacent air layer and PAH emission composition profiles of possible sources were investigated. Analysis of emission composition data showed that the source profiles could not be grouped by fuel type or pyrogenic/petrogenic origin. Because of the similarity of source PAH profiles, the drawing of 3D mixing diagrams was the only way to check whether some of the potential PAH sources were the true sources. The mixing diagrams showed that the sources of air pollution were paper mills and wood burning and that the sources of water pollution were coal-fired and oil-fired boilers. The common source for both air and water was only oil and petroleum products. To determine the locations of PAH sources, their contributions to air and water pollution were calculated and mapped. Based on the results, air and water were polluted from both local and regional sources. The location of the zone influenced by a particular source was conditioned by physical properties of source emission, direction of air/water flows that transfer PAHs and temperature differences between mixing air/water flows.  相似文献   

对白洋淀湿地表层沉积物15种多环芳烃含量进行了检测.结果表明,其总含量范围为324.6~1738.5ng·g-1,整体来看,白洋淀湿地多环芳烃污染处于中等偏低污染水平.多环芳烃组成主要以2~3环、4环为主,其含量分别占总含量的47.8%、28.6%.白洋淀湿地表层沉积物多环芳烃主要以化石燃料、木柴及生物质低温燃烧来源为主,个别样点受油类排放污染严重.风险评价表明,严重的多环芳烃生态风险在白洋淀湿地表层沉积物中不存在,但是在部分区域某些多环芳烃含量超过了效应区间低值(ERL),可能存在着对生物的潜在危害.  相似文献   

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