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我国城市生活垃圾产业市场化探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文通过对我国城市生活垃圾处理现状、原则等进行分析,提出只有大力发展垃圾产业,才能根本解决我国城市垃圾问题。并提出了我国垃圾产业市场的形成条件、构成和所应采取的策略。  相似文献   

我国城市垃圾处理及资源化技术现状与展望   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文在分析我国城市垃圾处理及资源化技术现状的基础上,提出我国城市垃圾处理及资源化技术的发展方向及对策。  相似文献   

在中国加入WTO之后,对于可再生能源领域的研究应该以积极的态度更多地关注可再生能源产业的发展问题。本文以考查目前再生能源产业发展所面临的主要障碍为起点,分析了加入WTO之后中国可再生能源产业发展面临的社会、经济环境的变化所产生的积极影响。为了适应加入WTO之后的新形势,可再生能源产业发展应该有效的举措。  相似文献   

加入WTO后关于我国土地资源可持续利用与管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先简要介绍了加入WTO给我国带来的发展机遇,分析了加入WTO对我国农用地的数量,质量、经营规模和粮食自给率的影响,并就加入WTO对国有企业的用地效益,房地产业与土地市场的冲击以及未利用土地的影响进行了探讨。最后,提出了适应WTO我国土地资源可持续利用与管理的对策。  相似文献   

我国环保产业发展与产业组织理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就我国环保产业发展的现状,运用产业组织理论分析了环保产业的特殊性,探讨了环保产业的市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效三个基本范畴,针对我国产业市场结构存在的问题,提出了我国的环保产业组织政策  相似文献   

城市垃圾资源利用前景的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
总结了垃圾资源利用技术的发展现状;分析了我国城市垃圾的组成状况和变化趋势。以此为基础对其利用潜力进行了估计,并以流程为依据作了下世纪初城市垃圾资源利用系统的经济分析。认为资源利用是节约城市垃圾处理、处置费用和节省自然资源的有效途径;以生物和热化学转化利用城市垃圾中的能量是我国城市垃圾资源利用的主要方向。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国环保产业的现状及存在的问题 ,从环保产业市场的培育、实现环保产业的升级和跨越式发展提出了发展对策的建议  相似文献   

中国环境保护投资失真问题分析与建议   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在对“十五”期间中国环保投资进行分析的基础上,重点研究环保投资结构与环保投资的重点。结果表明,环保投资口径偏大、投资方向与需求不匹配、投资结构不合理是影响环境效益的重要因素。若以最直接相关的污水处理投资和垃圾处理投资替代城市环境基础设施建设投资口径.将使同期全国环境保护投资缩水50%左右。城市环境基础设施建设投资总量的迅速增加和环保投资口径的虚化。已经掩盖了环境污染治理投资不足的严峻现实,环保投资的失真现象严重。为确保投资效益与环境效益相协调。建议明确环保投资概念.修改现有的环保投资口径。在进一步加大环保投资力度的同时。提高资金的使用效率.以强化污染治理效果。  相似文献   

资源型城市转型与旅游资源开发 --以铜川市为例   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
资源型城市的共性问题是产业结构重型化、经济结构单一,经济发展相对停滞,居民收入水平下降和生态环境严重恶化。特别是我国加入WTO后,经济结构调整与转型成为资源型城市实现经济社会可持续发展的必然选择。开发旅游资源、着力发展旅游业是资源型城市经济结构调整的重要措施之一。本文在分析旅游业对资源型城市经济发展作用的基础上,以铜川市为例,提出了资源型城市发展特色旅游业的对策。  相似文献   

第三产业推行清洁生产初探   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文论述了第二产业清洁生产取得阶段性成果的基础上开展第三产业清洁生产的必要性,并通过举例总结归纳了第三产业清洁生产技术方案,为我国加入WTO后实现可皇续发展提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

对北京市城市生活垃圾收运系统现状进行了全面的分析,对北京城八区生活垃圾收集、分类收集、转运、生活垃圾处理设施和垃圾物流现状进行了分析,同时对北京市城市生活垃圾收运系统进行了分析,指出了北京市城市生活垃圾收运系统存在的主要问题和今后改进的建议及处理处置设施的规划,为北京城市生活垃圾收运系统的建设和完善起到了积极地推动作用。  相似文献   

This research proposes for the introduction of a recycling system in the Gambia to enhance sustainable municipal solid waste management. Poor infrastructures, coupled with inadequate resources and lack of funding, work against the optimization of a MSW disposal service. In the authors’ view, authorities in charge of waste management need to change not only behaviors, but modernize their processes. Recycling technology is a key part of the solution. A model has been developed which suggest the involvement of stakeholders to achieve meaningful sustainable MSWM. This can be achieved by recognizing the role of the informal sector through community-based organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and the private sector. The open dump approach is leading to severe environmental consequences as the groundwater and soil within the dump is been contaminated. In this study, an integrated municipal solid waste management approach was developed with a model to help achieve sustainable municipal solid waste management. Resource recovery, not waste disposal, must be the ultimate goal with clearly defined end user markets so that the recovery loop is complete. Mandatory sorting of waste at household level would help greatly in making recycling activity successful.  相似文献   

In Libya, municipal solid waste management is one of the services provided by the authorities to keep the county clean. This study was conducted in the City of Al-Bayda, located in the eastern part of Libya, as there have been several major problems facing the city in dealing with solid waste management. One of these problems is the generation, collection, handling, transportation, recycling, and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW). This study has identified that the ongoing disposal of MSW to poorly engineered “dump sites” on the outskirts of the city is unsustainable and will not meet the demands of the growing population and increasing urbanization currently experienced within Al-Bayda. Factors impacting the decision-making and operational processes of MSW include lack of resources and services that significantly affect the disposal of waste, an inadequate number of waste collection containers making the distance to these containers for many households excessive, and thus leading to an increasing likelihood of dumping solid waste in open areas and roadsides. The study recommends that the city government of Al-Bayda should identify synergies and increase partnership-working arrangements with the private sector to ensure efficient management of MSW within the city area.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyze the environmental problems of Jodhpur city in terms of air quality, water supply, wastewater disposal, and solid waste management. Maps have been prepared to show the boundaries of municipal circles responsible for the disposal of solid wastes. Areas of comparatively higher degrees of air pollution have also been demarcated on the maps. The daily output of urban refuse and the intensity of urban refuse for wards within Jophpur's walled city versus for wards outside the walled city have been cartographically depicted.  相似文献   

核电与核废物管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核能是一种能量密度大、稳定性好、燃料运输量小、综合经济效益好的能源。世界各国核电在总发电量中的比例逐年上升,1992年达17%,而我国仅占0.1%。在目前我国电力短缺的条件下,发展核电、提高核电在总电量中的比例,不失为我国发展能源工业的一个战略目标。在发展核电过程中,要重视核废物的处理和处置,以保证人类健康和环境免遭放射性的污染。  相似文献   

As the main organic pollutant in municipal living waste , kitchen waste causes secondary pollution in the course of its being gathered and transported to the landfill by mixing with other refuse and by decomposition. This makes pollution prevention more difficult and raises the cost of landfill engineering. However, the amount of solid waste to be treated can be decreased and such pollution burden lessened by disposing of the solid waste in local municipal areas. The program in Beijing also shows that this works well with our situation in China and can accelerate marketization and public participation.  相似文献   


As the main organic pollutant in municipal living waste, kitchen waste causes secondary pollution in the course of its being gathered and transported to the landfill by mixing with other refuse and by decomposition. This makes pollution prevention more difficult and raises the cost of landfill engineering. However, the amount of solid waste to be treated can be decreased and such pollution burden lessened by disposing of the solid waste in local municipal areas. The program in Beijing also shows that this works well with our situation in China and can accelerate marketization and public participation.  相似文献   

三峡库区危险工业废物的现状及清理处置分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,三峡库区沿江堆存有大量的危险废物,这对蓄水在即的长江三峡水利枢纽工程极具威胁,对库区生态环境,水资源及人群的身心健康有潜在的危害性,必须进行全部清理处置。库区堆存的危险废物近1.5万t,种类多,成分复杂,毒性大,清理处置困难。分析了典型危险废物的危害性,同时根据三峡库区库底废物清库要求和规范,结合库区实际情况,提出库区库底堆存危险废物的清理处置方案:危险废物中约578t可进行化学中和稳定化处理,焚烧处理,综合利用等无害化处理,其余不能进行无害化处理的危险废物,在坝前177m水位以上选择合理的地点进行安全,可靠的临时贮存处置,待库区危险废物处理处置中心建成后再进行最终的处理处置。  相似文献   

In order to achieve sustainable utilization of natural resources, save energy and protect environment and ecosystem, it is important for a region or a nation to develop and implement a viable waste recycling model from both theoretical and practical point of view. Some packaging recycling models operated in developed countries are introduced in this article. Aluminium can recovery and recycling is emphasized. Cost effective, economic and environmental benefit of different models are compared and analyzed. The result shows that all recycling models have their characteristics due to the initial purpose of recovery and the situation of the implementing country. However, all the models contribute to the reduction of municipal solid waste disposal and resources conservation.  相似文献   

可持续的城市生活垃圾管理模式及其建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国城市垃圾管理正处于转型时期 ,本文结合我国城市垃圾管理存在的问题 ,讨论了可持续的城市垃圾管理的内涵及特点、系统构成和优先建设内容 ,提出了建立可持续的城市垃圾管理系统的对策措施  相似文献   

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