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The species composition, some zoogeographical parameters, the seasonal dynamics of species diversity, and alternation of active dominant species of bloodsucking mosquitoes have been compared in two green zones of Yekaterinburg, Russia, differing in size and origin: the Southwestern Park Forest and the 50th Anniversary of Komsomol Park. Changes in the abundance and occurrence frequency of mosquitoes during two consecutive years have been studied in the park forest. Phenological parameters of mosquitoes in the natural and artificial green zones of the megalopolis are considered in connection with other parameters of biology and distribution of species.  相似文献   

The article establishes an evaluation index system of the intensive land use from the perspective of enterprises. It is based on the questionnaire survey and evaluates the levels of the intensive use of the land in the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry in Changzhou, Nantong, and Yancheng of Jiangsu Province. The evaluation result shows that there is obvious difference in the levels of the intensive use of the land in this industry in the three cities. The present article makes a detailed analysis on the causes of the difference. The analysis shows difference in results of the socio-economic and urban development stage, industrial features, population density, and technological progress. Finally, it proposes some suggestions to improve the efficiency of the industrial land use.  相似文献   

This study presents the determinants and development strategies of agricultural systems of the Hill Tracts of Chittagong in Bangladesh using multivariate analysis. A total of 18 selected variables transformed into 4 factors extracted by principal factor method explain 77.21 % of the total variability of the agricultural systems in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), and the agricultural systems in CHT are classified as extensive, semi-intensive, intensive and mixed using cluster analysis. Agricultural extension services, credit facilities and infrastructure such as distance to markets are identified as the main factors responsible for the changes in agricultural systems in CHT. Finally, it has been suggested to provide knowledge and skills to the farmers in CHT through agricultural extension using farmer field schools, microcredit using Grameen Bank approach and facilities such as improved transportation to the markets for better price and higher profit from the sale of the agricultural products to enable the farmers to move from shifting cultivation to environmentally and economically sound semi-intensive or intensive agricultural systems.  相似文献   

The leaves of 22 woody and herbaceous plant species growing in urban ecosystems of Kalinigrad were analyzed for the total contents of water-soluble antioxidants (TAC) and polyphenol contents. The soils of test plots were assayed for lead contents in the accumulative horizon. A significant excess over the background Pb level was revealed in soil samples from residential and industrial/utility areas (42% of the city territory), and TAC in plant tissues was found to decrease with an increase in Pb concentration in the soil. The role of polyphenols in forming the antioxidant potential of urban plants growing under conditions of technogenic soil pollution was evaluated. Based on cluster analysis of the water-soluble antioxidant and polyphenol accumulation patterns, the plants were classified into four groups. The results of this study may be used for comprehensive assessment of the resilience of urban plants to anthropogenic impact and improvement of the approaches and methods for monitoring industrial pollution in urban areas.  相似文献   

Studies on the distribution of the forms of heavy metals (HMs) in the humus soil horizon were performed in the Berezinskii Reserve and Braslavskie Ozera National Park. The ratios of active to inert HM forms (with trace values of the mobile form) in these areas proved to be similar and independent of the total HM content. The calculated coefficients of technogeneity (Kt and Xt) and mobility (Km and Xm) are proposed, which reflect the natural ratio between the forms of HMs in the Northern and Central lithogeochemical provinces of Belarus.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of field observations and experiments on the distance and rate of dispersal of self-sown Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) progeny has shown that the rate of their hydrochorous dissemination downstream is an order of magnitude higher than the rate of dispersal in upland areas. A hypothesis assigning priority to the role of hydrochory in the expansion of conifer populations to the tundra (periglacial) zone along with climate warming has been formulated and substantiated by comparative isozyme analysis of populations in transects lying along and across rivers.  相似文献   

Both the farm-specific and regional costs of clean feeding as a countermeasure to reduce ingestion of contaminated grass when there is insufficient supply of other types of roughage were estimated for dairy farming in Finland in the first year after contamination. The cost estimation considered expenditures and revenues associated with milk production and were calculated using farm models developed for economic planning. A hypothetical contamination scenario was designed using RODOS models for atmospheric dispersion and transfer in terrestrial food chains. Costs for intervention after two similar hypothetical atmospheric dispersion and deposition scenarios in early June and in July were estimated. As a reference, the cost of complete replacement of fodder throughout the area was also calculated. Feed substitution costs were higher in June than in July, due to the availability of some harvested silage in the later scenario. In the first case, the additional costs of clean feeding amounted to one-fifth of the normal production costs. Effective advisory/support services, available to farmers, can substantially improve the implementation of countermeasures. However, high costs and insufficient sources of clean feed would restrict the use of clean feeding as the sole countermeasure after serious contamination during the growing season.  相似文献   

气候变化公约资金机制是串联全球开展应对气候变化行动的纽带,也是通过国际合作实现"2℃"乃至"1.5℃"温控目标的关键支撑。多年来,由于发达国家和发展中国家在是否依据历史责任划分履约义务上存在根本分歧,公约资金机制面临多渠道并行、运行规则多样化、资金使用分散、运行效率偏低、绩效评估欠缺等问题。本文对气候变化公约缔结20余年来各资金机制的产生和运行进行了系统梳理;对其存在的不足以及在全球气候融资体系中面临的挑战进行了剖析;并基于《巴黎协定》资金案文描述和履约要求,围绕气候资金从筹集到最终绩效产出全过程,就如何构建未来气候变化公约资金机制进行了统筹规划和设计。在机制建设层面,通过出资分摊机制以及公约下集中式管理平台的构建,确保气候资金的充足性、可预见性以及对公约的责任性;在运行操作层面,通过各渠道重点业务领域及国别资金分配体系的优化,推动气候资金的公平性和有效性;在资金使用层面,通过受援国气候资金统一管理实体和监督评估体系的建立,提高气候资金的国家主导性和环境效益。未来,公约资金机制仍将是全球开展应对气候变化国际合作的主要渠道,在《巴黎协定》达成、绿色气候基金正式运行、国际气候制度重新构建的背景下,利用资金机制推动发达国家履行公约义务,切实向发展中国家提供资金、技术和能力建设支持,对确保公约各要素的全面性和平衡性,推动全球应对气候变化行动开展,强化发展中国家集团统一立场都有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

For the first time, comparative data are presented on the distribution of 70 chemical elements occurring in the Beloyarsk Reservoir between the water and the plant and animal components of the plankton (phyto- and zooplankton). All these elements are ranked into groups according to the values of accumulation coefficient (AC) for phytoplankton and zooplankton. For the sum of all chemical elements, a significant positive correlation has been revealed between their content in the water and in the plankton. It has been shown that elements with even atomic numbers and concentrations in the plankton below 7 ??g/g dry weight are accumulated by the plankton in significantly larger amounts than such elements with odd atomic numbers. This fact confirms the classic concept developed by A.P. Vinogradov that the prevalence of chemical elements in the biosphere depends on their position in the periodic system.  相似文献   

凤凰城旅游景区转让后的效应评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在我国经济市场化改革的大背景下,转让景区经营权、实行企业化运作成为一些风景名胜区经营管理改革过程中的一种制度创新模式。地处西部大开发战略图中的湘西凤凰县由于在旅游开发中受到了资金缺口和管理瓶颈的双重制约,于2001年底将其辖域内的八大景区(点)的50年经营权转让给了湖南黄龙洞投资股份有限公司。景区经营权转让是一个十分复杂而敏感的话题。本文避开关于景区经营权转让的各种是非争论,基于对旅游地社区各利益主体以及旅游者的实地调查和访谈记录分析,对凤凰景区企业化运作三年来的绩效与影响作了较为客观的评估,并就如何完善景区企业化运作模式、规避经营管理风险和负面影响等提出了相关理论思考和政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents the present status of food security and ecological footprint, an indicator of environmental sustainability of the coastal zones of Bangladesh. To estimate the present status of the food security and ecological footprint of the coastal zone of Bangladesh, primary and secondary data were collected, and the present status of food security and environmental degradation (in terms of ecological footprint) were calculated. To estimate the household food security, primary data were also collected from all the households in a representative selected village. A quantitative method for computation of food security in grain equivalent based on economic returns (price) is developed, and a method of measuring sustainable development in terms of ecological footprint developed by Wackernagel is used to estimate the environmental sustainability (Wackernagel and Rees in Our ecological footprint: reducing human impact on the earth. New Society, Gabrioala, BC, 1996; Chambers et al. in Sharing nature’s interest-ecological footprint as an indicator of sustainability. Earthscan, London, 2000). Overall status of food security at upazila levels is good for all the upazilas except Shoronkhola, Shyamnager and Morrelgonj, and the best is the Kalapara upazila. But the status of food security at household levels is poor. Environmental status in the coastal zones is poor for all the upazilas except Kalapara and Galachipa. The worst is in the Mongla upazila. Environmental status has degraded mainly due to shrimp culture. This study suggests that control measures are needed for affected upazilas and any further expansion of the shrimp aquaculture to enhance the food security must take into account the environmental aspects of the locality under consideration.  相似文献   

An analysis has been made of changes in the mineral composition of conifer needles in northern taiga forests after reduction of emissions from the Severonickel Copper-Nickel Smelter Complex in the city of Monchegorsk, the most powerful source of air pollution in Northern Europe. The data obtained in permanent monitoring plots in 1991, 1993, 2000, and 2007 have been compared. The results provide evidence for reduction in the concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Fe) and sulfur in the needles of spruce and pine trees in areas with different levels of air pollution. However, mineral nutrition of conifers has not been optimized. The plants are insufficiently supplied with nutrient elements such as P, Mg, Mn, and Zn. The contents of these and other elements essential for the normal functioning of needles (in particular, Ca, K, and P) continue to decrease, especially in pollution-induced sparse spruce forests. The most significant alterations of nutrient regime have been revealed in the Siberian spruce.  相似文献   

海洋碳汇渔业绿色发展空间关联性及其外溢效应对于海水养殖业的有效协调和区域海洋环境的有效保护具有重要意义,科学估算沿海各省(自治区)海水养殖渔业碳汇量并探讨其空间相关性特征是制定差异化渔业碳汇发展政策的重要基础。根据2006—2016年中国大陆沿海9个省(自治区)的碳汇渔业资源清查数据,在检验和比较省域空间渔业碳汇总量相关性特征的基础上,运用空间计量模型分析了渔业碳汇的外溢效应及其影响因素。结果表明:①中国海水养殖渔业碳汇量整体上呈现上升趋势,但各省渔业碳汇量也存在明显差异。②研究期内的Moran's I指数整体呈现为"V"型的波动变化特征,渔业碳汇在省域空间分布上的差异性并不是随机的,而是具备显著的空间相关性。③海水养殖渔业碳汇存在明显的空间外溢效应,通过随机效应的杜宾模型分解后得出渔业产值、劳动力投入的直接效应为正,而渔业受灾面积和科研项目经费投入的直接效应为负;从间接效应来看,渔业产值在各省域间存在竞争与依存关系,海水养殖业劳动力投入和渔业技术推广的项目经费投入在各省域间存在互补关系。因此,中国沿海各省份在发挥海洋水产养殖业生态功能时,应当考虑省域区位因素,合理制定兼具差异化和协调性的海洋碳汇渔业发展政策。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of bottom substrate exposure in deeply freezing lakes during the melting of ice in spring is described. It leads to the formation in the lake of a large temporary biotope—a combination of shoals and exposed portions of the silty bed—with a high trophic capacity for ducks, shorebirds, gulls, etc. The lake in such a state is a rich foraging area for nesting and migrating bird populations. This phenomenon, which is widespread in the Central Yakutian plain, is an ecological manifestation of cryoarid conditions developing in the plains due to extreme climate continentality.  相似文献   

张家口地区生态可持续性评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张家口市生态环境比较脆弱。经济上属于河北省落后地区,且近邻首都北京,因此它的发展不断引起人们的关注。本文选用了由加拿大生态学家Rees和Wackenagel等提出的生态足迹模型,对张家口地区进行可持续发展的定量测算。结果表明:张家口市自1990年到2000年一直处于不可持续状态,且人均生态赤字呈逐年增大的趋势。针对这种情况,本文提出全面发展精细农业、促进工业升级以及以“人”为本的区域发展对策。  相似文献   

Changes in zooplankton developing under the effect of waste products from water-loving bird colonies were studied in water bodies of different types. The trophic status index in the nesting area showed no difference from its background values in an oligomesotrophic water body but was decreased in mesoeutrophic and eutrophic-hypertrophic water bodies. The abundance and biomass of zooplankton in the oligomesotrophic and mesoeutrophic water bodies were consistently higher than background values, while in the eutrophichypertrophic water body they were higher only at the beginning and in the middle of the nesting period. Irrespective of the trophic state of water body, the species diversity of zooplankton in the zone of impact from bird colonies was increased, but the number of dominant species remained unchanged, and no mass development of species indicating high organic load was observed; the proportion of Rotifera in the total abundance and biomass of zooplankton was decreased, that of Copepoda was increased, and the abundance of Cladocera was found to increase with the degree of overgrowing. Among possible explanations, this specific response of zooplankton is most likely due to changes in the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water.  相似文献   

Four introduced and one aboriginal species of the genus Pinus L. have been studied in the middle taiga subzone of southern Karelia. Significant interspecific differences in the dates of onset, cessation, and peak of the growth of shoots and needles have been revealed. It has been shown that their annual increment depends on the rate of growth, rather than on its duration. The dynamics of shoot and needle growth in introduced and aboriginal species, though largely similar, differ in some respects. These differences reflect species-specific responses to hydrothermal conditions in a certain growing season.  相似文献   

中国城市创新网络模式划分及效率比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新活动由个体创新向合作创新和由封闭式创新向开放式创新不断转变趋势下,城市创造、积累和吸收知识的差异成为解释城市创新效率差异的关键。基于289个城市合作专利数据,从城市内部和跨界创新联系强度视角划分中国城市创新网络模式,并对不同创新网络模式的创新效率进行比较。结果表明:(1)城市内部创新联系强度整体偏低,作为省域教育和科技中心的省会和对外开放度较低的老工业城市成为内部合作创新高地,城市跨界创新联系强度具有明显空间异质性,呈现东强西弱的空间格局,高水平创新联系强度的城市主要集中于东部沿海地区的京津翼、长三角、珠三角、海峡西岸城市群等主要城市群;(2)创新联系强度视角下中国城市创新网络模式呈现网络创新城市、外部创新城市、地方创新城市和孤立创新城市4种类型,其中东部地区城市创新网络模式空间格局呈现以网络创新城市为中心、外部创新城市为第二圈层、地方创新城市和孤立创新城市为外围圈层的同心圆分布格局;(3)不同创新网络模式的创新效率具有显著差异,处于创新网络核心位置的网络创新城市创新效率最高,其次是外部创新城市和地方创新城市,孤立创新城市创新效率最低。  相似文献   

A field study was carried out along the Golfe du Lion, that focussed on the beaches of the Camargue, to locate the main areas where enriched U and Th are found, and to better understand the processes that concentrate radioactivity on beaches. Indeed enriched areas are observed on some Camargue beaches, where high-dose rates are recorded due to excess U and Th activity (>1000 Bq kg(-1)). The coastline was mapped by means of an aerial gamma survey and the results indicated that the main actinides deposits occurred in the Camargue area. This concentrating effect is possibly due to a greater sedimentary contribution from the River Rhone relative to other minor Mediterranean rivers. Across the along-shore profile, the variability in actinides observed at the eastern part of Beauduc spit is mainly explained by variations in heavy and light mineral contents. Such variability can be accounted for by redistribution of the sand caused by erosion/deposition processes occurring in the eastern part of the spit. Further parameters such as grain size and heavy minerals content were studied in connection with the distribution of U, Th and (40)K in the field at a more localised level (i.e. across-shore beach profile). The <200-micro m fraction contains more than 50% of the radioactivity and heavy minerals (especially zircon) are the main contributors to the high levels of external radiation. Therefore the enriched areas, where U and Th exceed 1000 Bq kg(-1), presumably result from the sorting of sand grains according to their size and density.  相似文献   

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