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电站锅炉结渣对锅炉的安全经济运行造成很大危害,影响受热面传热,严重时因通风不良可使燃烧恶化,有可能造成炉膛灭火、爆管、爆炸等。电站锅炉炉膛结渣与煤灰性质、锅炉设计及锅炉运行状况等因素有关。避免锅炉结渣应从燃料的灰熔点、烟温等方面控制。分析了锅炉结渣的原因及引起的安全问题,提出了结渣的控制措施和清渣安全措施。  相似文献   

本刊讯 近几年来,中国石油天然气总公司狠抓技术进步,保证了所属20个油田近万台锅炉的安全运行。 针对石油工业锅炉多、型号小,安装地点分散,技术水平较低的特点,该公司把狠抓技术进步作为加强锅炉安全管理的突破口,支持油田自行开发和引进了许多先进技术和设备。钻井队所使用的锅炉,以前没有水处理设备,大多使用沟塘水,这几年都配置了水处理设备,基本上消灭了无水处理的锅炉。同时,根据油田燃油和燃气锅炉多,炉膛爆炸是主要事故的情况,各企业自行设计和安装了监控保护装置,大港油田开发了GRB型安全自动联锁保护装置,大庆油田开发了火焰…  相似文献   

针对一起SHXF35-1.25/250-AQ型锅炉炉膛发生严重爆炸事故,通过对现场破损情况、燃烧控制系统、控制线路等分析着重阐述了锅炉爆炸事故的起因。分析认为,燃烧器前控制阀门机械故障和控制系统失效,导致鼓风吹扫过程中大量高炉煤气泄漏进入炉膛,当炉膛内燃气浓度达到爆炸极限,此时进行点火操作,高炉煤气遇明火瞬间发生炉膛爆炸事故。结合实际应用和工作经验,提出了燃高炉煤气锅炉安全使用的建议和相关措施,对安全管理具有参考价值和实际意义。  相似文献   

随着锅炉容量的增加和机械化、自动化程度的提高,锅炉安装的仪表越来越多。一台65吨/时或120吨/时的锅炉,安装的仪表就有50~70块。司炉人员应如何监视好这么多的仪表,对保证锅炉运行安全,是一个很重要的问题。不区分重点,一视同仁地监视所有仪表,不但劳动强度大,而且还不能保证锅炉安全运行。锅炉生产第一是安全,第二是确保蒸汽质量(汽温、汽压和蒸汽品质),第三是经济运行。因此,监视仪表应该按上述顺序确定重点。 最能反映炉膛部分工作是否正常的仪表是炉膛负压表。锅炉运行时,只要炉膛负压表的指示在正常范围内波动,其燃料系统、燃烧系统…  相似文献   

预防燃煤锅炉炉膛爆炸张家界市劳动局安全科王保卫燃煤锅炉炉膛爆炸是锅炉的严重事故之一,轻则使炉墙裂缝,水冷壁管变形;严重时将使炉墙,炉顶崩塌,构架弯曲,甚至拉破管子、管子和联箱间的焊口,从而引起受热面的严重损坏。如果炉膛在爆炸的瞬间,司炉人员正在炉旁工...  相似文献   

锅炉是现代工业过程中不可缺少的动力设备,在工业锅炉的自动化控制过程中,蒸汽锅炉的给水调节是其控制过程的重要任务。结合锅炉安全液位控制过程的影响因素,文中分析了给水流量作用下的动态特性、蒸汽流量作用下的动态特性和炉膛热负荷作用下的动态特性,提出了基于径向基神经网络PID的分段式锅炉液位控制策略。控制策略中采用的高斯函数的径向基神经网络算法,实现了系统参数智能化自动调整;分段式控制方法有效地提高了系统的调节精度和响应速度。该控制策略的实际应用,对实现工业控制过程自动化,提高系统控制品质和保证生产过程安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

黄元科 《安全》2015,36(10)
通过对某锅炉混烧黄磷尾气引起的炉膛爆炸事故进行分析,结果表明:管理疏忽、工作脱节,供气管道系统关闭不严造成黄磷尾气漏入炉膛发生爆炸。此事故的启示,做好节能减排工作的同时勿忘特种设备安全。  相似文献   

火力发电厂煤粉锅炉炉膛爆炸原因解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏术军  任嘉 《安全》2006,27(3):12-14
文章论述火力发电厂锅炉炉膛爆炸产生的原因,并采用事故树分析方法对锅炉炉膛爆炸原因做定性分析,采用布尔代数运算法则确定各基本事件引起炉膛爆炸事故的排列顺序.  相似文献   

针对目前国内广泛运行的锅壳式燃气锅炉,以在该结构锅炉上大量使用的直流扩散式天然气燃烧器为研究对象,研究了燃气燃烧器在不同负荷、炉膛背压、过量空气系数等参数对锅炉炉膛内火焰燃烧场分布的影响,其试验结果对燃气锅炉的安全经济运行以及燃气燃烧器的结构优化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文介绍中间储仓式锅炉炉膛的结构,结合锅炉制粉系统的结构和炉膛燃烧特性,找出锅炉燃烧时引起结渣的因素,以及对这些结渣因素进行深入分析。提出解决锅炉燃烧结渣的对策。  相似文献   

Based on the sociotechnical systems approach, an understanding of safety culture as deeply rooted assumptions about the interplay of people, technology, and organization in their relation to safety is presented. As a complement to audit methods aimed at assessing formal safety management, a questionnaire was developed which allows some indications of these assumptions to be captured by providing data on perceptions regarding operational safety, safety and design strategies, and personal job needs. Analyzing response patterns of different occupational, hierarchical, and organizational groups within a company in combination with formal audit results and the communicative validation of both in a feedback meeting can help the auditors as well as the members of the company to gain a deeper understanding of safety management and safety culture in that company. Results from seven audits in petrochemical plants are presented and discussed with respect to the validity and practicability of the chosen approach.  相似文献   

Safety assessment has a primary role in hazardous operations. Most studies on safety assessment focus on risk and accident modeling, in which safety is absent. These top-down methods are highly dependent on the occurred accidents to establish accidental scenarios, which may make the assessment approach lagging behind the evolving modern systems. Moreover, this “special to general” logic is scientifically suspect in safety assessment. There is a call for the development of safety assessment methods in the presence of system safety to complement risk-focused safety analysis. These methods should provide a framework based on a bottom-up approach to examine system safety from the operational perspective. This paper has attempted to provide a potential solution. In particular, a novel concept of safety entropy is proposed to integrate with The Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM), which is used to form the qualitative understanding of a system. A formula consisted of safety entropy, functional conformability, and system complexity has been established to determine the spontaneity of the safety state-changing process. The proposed method is applied to the safety assessment of a propane feed-control system. The results show the applicability of the method. Nevertheless, the model still needs to be further improved to fulfill better support for safety-related decision problems.  相似文献   

Safety at Finnish work places is mainly considered to be the task of a separate safety organization, e.g., a safety manager and safety delegates. However, it is the supervisor who is responsible for the daily safety in the departments. The Finnish paper industry has developed a supplementary system for the safety organization to carry out safety work in the factories. The monitoring and improving of the daily safety has been delegated to small groups in the production departments. These small groups consist of the supervisor and the safety representative (worker member) of the work area. Sometimes also a department manager or a member of the maintenance department may participate in the work group. A training program was designed to give basic knowledge and skills for the groups. The course has helped the participants to better outline their duties and activities within the safety field.  相似文献   

Jan Hayes 《Safety Science》2012,50(3):424-432
Operational personnel in complex hazardous industries are regularly called upon to make decisions that balance the production and safety objectives of their organisation. Regulations and industry standards focus on defining and complying with operating limits of various kinds as the primary method of achieving the right balance. Such limits remove the need in many cases for in-the-moment judgements about safety and production priorities.Focussing solely on the compliance with a pre-defined envelope underestimates the direct contribution to safety from operational managers based on their professional judgement. Research in a chemical plant, a nuclear power station and an air navigation service provider has identified a “line in the sand” approach taken by experienced operating personnel when abnormal situations arise. In developing these situation-specific self-imposed limits, operational managers focus on the status of safety barriers, rather than considering risk from first principles. This approach could form the basis of a new procedure, which lays out the process to be followed in determining how best to proceed (similar to job safety analysis or permit to work). This would acknowledge that such decisions are necessary, assist operational personnel in making better choices and open such decisions to appropriate audit and scrutiny.  相似文献   

Mobility is a matter of great importance in daily life: However, it also causes costs and involves accident risks. To make mobility safer and reduce accident risks, a scientifically based road safety management is needed. Within such a safety management system, a concert of adequate and efficient strategies, tools and measures is developed and implemented. To ensure that the chosen means are efficient they should be derived from research evidence. Secondly, research is also needed to regularly monitor the impact of road safety management tools, serving as a “controlling instrument” for the appropriateness of safety management efforts. This article explains the main strategic aspects of safety management in Germany and illustrates it exemplarily on the basis of two recently implemented road safety measures.  相似文献   

陶加富 《安全》2005,26(4):52-53,56
1概况 唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司是一个铁钢双700万吨的特大型钢铁联合企业,拥有矿山、焦化、冶炼、轧钢、机制、建筑安装、设计研究等生产和辅助单位30个.生产板、管、带、棒、线等各种规格的钢材品种.现有职工5万余人,人员分布广泛,不安全因素增多.安全与生产矛盾日益突出,唐钢近年来不断推行安全目标管理、职业健康安全认证等现代化管理方法,使各类事故率有所下降.  相似文献   

安全教育与安全文化的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个企业要想获得良好的经济效益,安全生产是重要保障,而安全教育是安全生产不可缺少的组成部分.所以一个成熟、高明的企业管理者应该将安全教育摆在一个相当高的位置,因为安全出效益,安全本身就是一种效益.  相似文献   

企业安全管理工作评价方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伍永生  王超群 《安全》2006,27(1):36-37
事故统计表明,85%左右的事故都与管理因素有关.可见,安全管理工作的好坏是体现企业安全水平的一项重要指标.企业安全管理工作评价的目的在于找出企业安全管理工作的不足之处,使管理者能及时地了解预防事故方面工作的状况,掌握最有效的预防对策,从而为今后改善安全管理工作指明方向.  相似文献   

Offshore safety case approach and formal safety assessment of ships   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PROBLEM: Tragic marine and offshore accidents have caused serious consequences including loss of lives, loss of property, and damage of the environment. METHOD: A proactive, risk-based "goal setting" regime is introduced to the marine and offshore industries to increase the level of safety. DISCUSSION: To maximize marine and offshore safety, risks need to be modeled and safety-based decisions need to be made in a logical and confident way. Risk modeling and decision-making tools need to be developed and applied in a practical environment. SUMMARY: This paper describes both the offshore safety case approach and formal safety assessment of ships in detail with particular reference to the design aspects. The current practices and the latest development in safety assessment in both the marine and offshore industries are described. The relationship between the offshore safety case approach and formal ship safety assessment is described and discussed. Three examples are used to demonstrate both the offshore safety case approach and formal ship safety assessment. The study of risk criteria in marine and offshore safety assessment is carried out. The recommendations on further work required are given. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This paper gives safety engineers in the marine and offshore industries an overview of the offshore safety case approach and formal ship safety assessment. The significance of moving toward a risk-based "goal setting" regime is given.  相似文献   

介绍了武山铜矿用安全检查表的模式进行安全卫生评价的技术和方法。  相似文献   

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