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循环经济学:学科特征与趋势展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在比较分析有关循环经济学研究内容相关论述的基础上.从“自然-人类社会-空间”三维系统的角度,提出循环经济学的内涵.认为循环经济学是以缓解资源、环境、生态问题为目标,运用经济学方法研究物质流、能源流的运行机理、方式、技术、效率、机制的一门应用经济学科.并且从人地关系系统分解角度.分别界定了生态经济学、资源经济学、环境经济学与循环经济学的研究范畴.认为循环经济学是以人类系统与自然系统的相互关系及其所引起的人与人之间的相互关系为研究对象的.而生态经济学、资源经济学、环境经济学所涉及的只是人地关系中的子系统。据此,还进一步分析了当前我国循环经济学研究的主要方向、发展趋势。研究视角主要包括技术流程分析、深层生态分析和模式分析;今后的研究趋势则主要在于寻求理论创新、加强对循环经济模式的经济学分析,加强对于区域循环经济发展的长期分析、加强对于循环经济运行的多角度分析和加强循环经济学与相关学科的对比与借鉴研究。在此基础上构建包括理论体系、内容体系和方法体系在内的循环经济学研究的内容体系:  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖和快速城市化的背景下,农村地区是能源集约消耗的薄弱区域,其经济、社会、生态的可持续发展一直受到制约。沼气工程作为一种清洁用能方式,在优化用能结构、减少环境污染、节约自然资源、增加农民收入和促进农村经济转型等方面具有较大优势。本文选择广西恭城瑶族自治县这一沼气工程建设全国示范县为案例,针对户用8m3沼气池,对施工建设、运营维护和消费利用全生命周期过程中的碳足迹、减排效益、经济收益和生态价值方面进行核算和评价。结果表明在沼气池的建设与正常使用年限内,该县农户通过替代燃煤、柴薪和秸秆等共可减排CO2约1.24×106t。从户用沼气池建设及生产过程的投入产出价值的来看,仅通过节约炊事燃料和沼液沼渣的回收利用就能为每户节约19 877元,为全县带来1.26亿余元的总收益。因此,沼气工程在该地区的建设普及是发展农村低碳经济、走富农之路的有效措施,可为广大西部地区新农村建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

再生资源价值回收率分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前国内关于再生资源利用水平评价方法的研究仍较少,本文着眼于构建一种再生资源有效价值利用水平的评价方法,并用于实例分析。首先从再生资源利用总量的角度,提出了衡量再生资源利用水平的评价指标及其计算方法;然后基于再生资源加工利用过程中的价值变化,定义了以原生资源生产的零部件或产品的价值为基准价值的回收指标,将再生资源整体价值回收率作为评价再生资源利用水平的新指标,并结合价值回收流程构建了以再生资源不同用途下的利用量和价值回收率为变量的计算模型;最后选取某再生资源园区,计算其近期和中远期的废旧物资价值回收率,说明在资源化率基本不变的情况下,通过提高再利用率和再制造率可提升再生资源的价值回收率。  相似文献   

稳态经济观从物质与能量平衡的角度出发,主张在自然和社会经济两系统中均保持低流通率以实现可持续发展;由于稳态经济观潜在的反消费主义与反技术万能倾向。它一直没有成为主流理论.在发展循环经济的过程中,有必要反思并从稳态经济理论中汲取营养。对于自然资源和环境资源并不富裕的中国.在发展循环经济的过程中,不仅要算物质的回收利用账。更要算能量账和低熵物质的成本账。  相似文献   

Steady-state economics claims that a low circulation rate of the natural system and social-economic system is necessary for us, whose aim is to keep the balance between substance and energy, namely, sustainable development. Due to its intrinsic tendency of anti-consumptionism and anti-technical omnipotence, steady-state economic theory has never been the mainstream. However, in the process of promoting circular economy in China, it is urgent to reappraise and re-study the steady-state economics. For China, which is not rich in natural and environmental resources, not only the material recovery, but also the cost of energy and low-entropy material should be taken into consideration in the process of developing circular economy.  相似文献   

Biomass energy has become an important measure to alleviate ecological environment security and energy supply security in China. Emergy accounting method is used to analyze and evaluate economy, environment, and sustainability of corn straw generation system, which includes corn planting subsystem, collection and transportation subsystem, and corn straw power generation subsystem. The key substances that need to be optimized in the system are identified by using sensitivity analysis. Based on the position of key substances in the system, emergy accounting optimization methodology is conducted. Corresponding optimization design scheme is proposed based on the “3R” (reduce, reuse, and recycle) principle of circular economy. Current study shows that emergy yield ratio, emergy investment ratio, environmental loading ratio, and emergy sustainability index of the corn straw power generation system are 3.69, 2.68, 1.61, and 2.29, respectively, which are better than wind power generation system and thermal power generation system. In addition, it is proposed that the fertilizer alternative plan and the transportation redesign plan can replace 50,000 tons potash and reduce equipment resources by 20% and energy resources input by 30%. Economy and sustainable development of the system is significantly improved. The optimization design method based on the “3R“ principle proposed in this paper can provide a useful reference for the research in the field of resource recycling.  相似文献   

可持续发展定量测度的核心是确定人类是否生存于生态系统的承载力范围之内。E.R.William和M.Wackernagel于1992年提出并发展的生态足迹方法,就是一种定量测量人类对自然利用程度的新方法,它是一组基于土地面积的量化指标。通过跟踪区域的能源和资源消费,将它们转化为提供这种物质流所必须的各种生物生产型土地类型的面积,并与区域能提供的生物生产型土地面积进行比较,能定量判断一个区域的发展是否处于生态承载能力的范围内。该模型具有概念形象性、内涵丰富性以及实现对生态目标测度和较强的可操作性等特点。介绍了生态足迹的概念及生态足迹计算模型,在此基础上,对湖南省2000年的生态足迹进行了实证计算与分析,结果表明2000年湖南省人均生态赤字为0.532 4 hm2。最后,还对生态足迹理论进行了简要的评述。  相似文献   

In order to achieve sustainable utilization of natural resources, save energy and protect environment and ecosystem, it is important for a region or a nation to develop and implement a viable waste recycling model from both theoretical and practical point of view. Some packaging recycling models operated in developed countries are introduced in this article. Aluminium can recovery and recycling is emphasized. Cost effective, economic and environmental benefit of different models are compared and analyzed. The result shows that all recycling models have their characteristics due to the initial purpose of recovery and the situation of the implementing country. However, all the models contribute to the reduction of municipal solid waste disposal and resources conservation.  相似文献   

水资源持续利用的特性与原理   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
随着可持续发展战略的推进与实施,水资源持续利用成为可持续发展研究的重要内容,也是水资源学科和开发利用水资源中要研究的重要课题。水资源具有别于其它资源的独有特性,基于可持续发展理论分析了水资源的基本特性,包括自然特性、社会特性和经济特性。水资源的这些独有特性决定了在实现水资源持续利用中必须服从的原理。用系统学理论、公共选择理论、福利经济学理论、资源分配和市场经济理论,分析了这些基本原理。这些原理揭示了水资源利用自然、社会和经济运动规律,试图为实现水资源持续利用提供指导原则和规划思想。  相似文献   

中国绿色经济发展和机制政策创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过绿色转型创造新的发展和就业机会对于摆脱经济危机、提升国家竞争力并占据全球制高点和领先地位已经成为全球共识。中国的绿色经济发展将对其未来经济繁荣乃至全球经济发展产生深远影响。转变经济发展方式,实现绿色发展,这不仅是中华民族长远发展的战略性选择和必然需要,也是对全球可持续发展的积极贡献,将对人类发展产生的重要影响。中国正逐步走向绿色发展之路,建设资源节约型社会和环境友好型社会,发展循环经济和低碳经济已经为中国的绿色发展奠定了较为坚实的基础。但是在全球化大背景下,中国正面临各种规模庞大、情况复杂的经济发展、社会转变与环境保护的挑战与机遇,尤其是在宏观层面,绿色发展的体制机制保障尚不健全,制约了中国绿色转型的成效。如何通过恰当的制度创新,进一步推进转型成本效率的提高和体制机制与政策法规质量的改善,加快并深化中国的绿色转型是目前面临的主要问题。本文针对上述问题,系统归纳总结了国际上发展绿色经济的普遍经验以及中国发展绿色经济面临的主要问题和挑战,认为发展绿色经济目前并没有一种通用的模式,解决中国发展绿色经济发展过程中所面临的资源环境制约,必须调整现行以GDP为导向的政府和官员绩效考核体系,平衡目前财政分权体系中财权和事权不对应问题,进一步明确政府和市场的作用及各自起作用的领域,同时,综合应用法律、财政、税收和价格等工具,重视不同手段的综合和协同运用,在不同的发展领域,提出具有适应性和包容性的发展策略,具体来说:①实施"差异化"区域绿色发展战略,针对不同的经济发展和资源环境基础,提出不同的发展重点,同时,建立分区域的绿色发展监测和评估体系;②通过技术进步和管理创新发展绿色农业,以保障农产品安全、生态安全和资源安全为重点,推动农业发展政策、农业生产组织、农业技术服务和农业管理体系的转型;③以资源节约和环境友好为基本原则,实施绿色创新战略,引导和推动工业结构的优化升级;④创建绿色服务业体系;⑤推行绿色消费模式,以绿色消费倒逼绿色经济转型。  相似文献   


In order to achieve sustainable utilization of natural resources, save energy and protect environment and ecosystem, it is important for a region or a nation to develop and implement a viable waste recycling model from both theoretical and practical point of view. Some packaging recycling models operated in developed countries are introduced in this article. Aluminium can recovery and recycling is emphasized. Cost effective, economic and environmental benefit of different models are compared and analyzed. The result shows that all recycling models have their characteristics due to the initial purpose of recovery and the situation of the implementing country. However, all the models contribute to the reduction of municipal solid waste disposal and resources conservation.  相似文献   

油气资源作为战略性资源,关系到经济发展、社会稳定、国家安全和全面建设小康社会目标的顺利实现。资源所在地为国家建设输出了大量的能源,本地的经济发展却依然处于落后状况,导致目前资源所在地出现了种种矛盾和冲突。究其原因,主要是缺乏对资源所在地的利益补偿机制所致。以油气田资源开发的利益分配现状为例,指出目前的利益分配中主要存在资源所在地税收分配收益少、开发带来的生态污染补偿缺失、油气田项目征地补偿过低、资源开发没有促进资源所在地的经济发展等问题,从福利经济学、公共政策管理的相关理论提出了构建利益补偿机制的理论依据,并在此基础上提出了收益向资源所在地倾斜、实行生态补偿、创新征地补偿方式和资源就地转化的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文在文献[3]的基础上,提出了广义资源配置的目标就是兼顾经济增长与持续发展。为了使经济理论内核中包括持续发展问题,认为系统经济学应以资源空间、商品空间和价格空间作为出发点,进而提出了系统经济学的理论框架,在此基础上运用非线性理讨论了资源配置的模式问题。  相似文献   

Packaging is strictly connected to environmental issues as it is a product characterised by high material consumption rate; it is often transported over long distances and has a short life. Providing environmental analysis is, therefore, urgent to identify energy and resources efficient solutions. The paper, taking advantage of a real case study, presents a life cycle-based comparative analysis among three different food packaging systems. The paper compares the life cycle of tin steel, polypropylene and glass-based packaging of an Italian preserves producer. The analysis leads to the conclusion that, for the baseline scenario, polypropylene packaging represents the greenest solution, whereas glass packaging is the worst choice. The paper presents a scenario analysis varying both the method used for accounting for recycling as well as the recycling rates of the packaging materials. Changes in overall results with parameters analysis changing are calculated and highlighted throughout the paper. The impact of a reuse policy of the glass-based solution is also analysed; a model for disposable glass packaging is proposed and the obtained results are compared with the single use polypropylene and tin steel-based packaging. In order to analyse the impact of different End of Life scenarios on the present case study, collecting as well as recycling rates of some European countries have been used. The results revealed a significant fluctuation both in energy consumption and in CO2 emission as the nation changes. Summing up, a methodology for packaging environmental impact analysis is applied to a real case study, some crucial aspects of the methodology have been analysed in depth in order to give a contribution in packaging environmental impact analysis.  相似文献   

The function, cost and environmental performance are the primary decision-making factors for scheme selection in green design. For the comprehensive and accurate decision-making in selecting green product design scheme, a quantitative analysis method of multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) is presented. With analysing the multi-attribute of scheme selection, the MADM model is established, which takes environmental impact of materials, disassembly performance, recycling performance, energy efficiency, noise, pollutants to environmental and functional values. Fuzzy technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution method is applied to solve this model for the feasible solutions. Finally, a case study is given to validate the application of this methodology as a useful design guideline for scheme selection in green design.  相似文献   

自然资源由于其较强的公共性和外部性而使其因代际问题所导致的私有市场失灵比一般的产品严重,原因是自然资源代际利用中当代人都倾向于最大限度使用资源,从而引发自然资源“公地悲剧”问题比一般产品严重。再生自然资源虽然在代际利用中的利益冲突比非再生自然资源低,但代际问题所带来的市场失灵依然存在。因此,再生自然资源的代际可持续利用需要政府依据其经济特性进行一定的规制,制订出合理的使用制度。以渔业资源为例,在沙发尔(Schaefer)模型的基础上,利用成本——效益的经济学分析法,分析了再生自然资源代际可持续利用中的成本与收益,提出再生自然资源代际可持续使用的制度安排和优化措施,包括边际成本动态规制、明确界分所有权、实施可交易配额和公共补偿性规制。  相似文献   

随着经济系统的不断扩大。自然资源对经济增长的约束越来越明显。我国现阶段正处于工业化的一个关键时期,重工业比重的上升导致了资源约束的加剧。在一定程度上制约了我国经济的发展。鉴于此,本文基于一个资源约束下的新古典增长模型.通过推导和数佳模拟来探讨缓解资源约束的方法,为我国顺利完成工业化提供理论上的支持。  相似文献   

In incremental eco-design improvements, design engineers attempt to modify an existing product via some eco-design measures to reduce the product’s environmental impacts (e.g. reduction of material usage and energy consumption). In this process, several design concepts can be proposed, and concept selection is required to allocate resources sensibly to promising design concepts only. In this context, the research purpose is to estimate the environmental impacts of each concept given the uncertainty of design information. In the proposed methodology, the fuzzy interval arithmetic is used to specify and propagate imprecise design information. Then, the centroid concept is applied to model different views of imprecision (i.e. pessimistic, balanced and optimistic) associated with fuzzy impact assessment. Accordingly, a decision scheme is developed to support concept selection and suggest the potential areas for further eco-design improvements. A coffee maker is used as an example to demonstrate the proposed methodology. Also, the Monte Carlo Simulation is applied for the same example to compare the numerical outcomes by the fuzzy interval approach.  相似文献   

The energy analysis of injection moulding processes is influenced by complex interactions amongst the moulded part, its material, the injection machine, the process parameters and the environmental conditions. The availability of energy usage analyses that comprehend information on specific materials and machine kind is limited. This paper reports a study that estimates and analyses the power usage profile (PUP), the specific energy consumption (SEC), and the energy distribution at an operation level of two different injected parts made of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene and produced in a hybrid injection moulding machine. The methodology followed by the authors incorporates an experiment carried out in an industrial facility. A large sample size, and data-acquisition and data post-processing processes to obtain an accurate PUP and SEC are used. A breakdown of the energy consumed by the injection moulding process of the parts studied at an operation level using Sankey diagrams is discussed. The study results are used to identify strategies to reduce the energy consumed by the processes. The methodology employed, and the strategies reported could be used with other plastic parts regardless of the material and machine used. The results reported are new experimental data useful input for theoretical models.  相似文献   

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