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长庆油气区大部分地处失陷性黄土地区,其区域特性、降雨特点及地面集流方式易产生水土流失、滑坡、泥石流等自然灾害。通过采用道路型雨水收集和分类区别处理技术对站场设计优化,将站场雨水、废水收集回收利用从而减少外排,既减少排水引起的自然灾害和后期维护费用,又可满足站场绿化用水,节约水资源。经过设计应用初步形成了适应于长庆油气区实际的站场水环境治理与绿化设计模式,为后期新建油气田的治理提供新思路和方法。  相似文献   

中国是酒古国,青铜器的爵,角,尊,彝,觥,都是古人用的酒具。同时,又是一个酒大国,有一年,一个穷县的酒厂,夺得中央电视台的广告标王称号,使得那些外国酒厂老板,只有瞠目结舌的份,十分敬佩中国的厂长,敢在酒上花不是自己钱的那股勇气。酒,这个东西,小饮有舒筋活血之用,提神健身之利。会喝酒的人,追求的是那种微醺的境界,所谓壶中世界。世界壶中,一杯在手,其乐融融也。凡这样喝酒者,十之八九自掏腰包,十块八块,沽得一醉,放头便睡,怡然快活,如神仙中人,算得上是好样的酒鬼。而狂喝滥饮者,嗜酒如命者,酒德差,酒品坏,酒风恶劣者,最后无有不败在这个酒上的,这类酒鬼就不敢恭维了,绝对是他人付账,公家报销,才不花白不花,不喝白不喝的。  相似文献   

黄风 《绿叶》2014,(12):74-76
正豆叶黄,谷又熟。中秋节刚过,连绵的秋雨就至,被雨雾笼罩的乡野,无边无际地寂静,唯有雨脚在沙沙行走。戴着一顶斗笠,背着一个背篓,拿着一把银镰,从繁华的初秋走来,走过丰硕的中秋,向萧瑟的深秋走去,像一株老腰了的高粱。那秋雨的身影,伴随着我一路前行,直至消失在了那乡野的尽头。前方出现一座静穆的古城,雄浑壮阔的城垣,肃立挺拔的马面,绵延凸凹的女墙,昂扬高亢的城楼,一如既往的雄姿,哦,让我又见平遥。  相似文献   

正我爱那高大的松树,爱那可爱的小草,爱那潺潺的小河和活泼的小鱼……我正在穿越时空,来到几千万年前的一片大草原上,四周静悄悄的,不时有一阵微风徐徐吹来,风里携带着属于树叶的清香,属于溪水的湿润,属于泥土的温和。我闭上双眼,静听大自然的声音,有动物走路轻巧的脚步声,有风吹过树林的轻笑声,有小溪流淌的潺潺声……我张开双臂,感受阳光的抚摸,温暖,和煦,仿佛妈妈慈爱的怀抱。  相似文献   

"夜雨剪春韭,新炊间黄粱"。沐浴着淅淅沥沥的春雨,剪下春天的第一茬韭菜,氤氲香色中鲜嫩无比,沁人心脾。杜甫的这首广为人知的诗句恬淡自然,清新隽永,既有生活的本真,亦有闲适的意趣,细细体味,我童年美食的味道跃然眼前。韭菜四季常绿,但春天的韭菜最为脆嫩鲜美,有"春菜第一美食"的美誉。每年的阳春时节,嫩嫩的韭菜,就成为我家餐桌上必不可少的美食。我爱吃韭菜,尤爱吃早春时割下的头刀韭菜,其味醇香馥郁,无论是焯水后凉拌,还是做春卷,炒鸡蛋,烙盒子,包饺子,都是香味怡人,  相似文献   

不知不觉中,秋天来了。秋天,是收获的季节:经过绿色春天的播种,火红夏天的热情,秋季显得如此丰硕。秋天,对果实来讲,是最美丽的时刻,她摆脱了春的雏形、夏的青涩,以最饱满的色彩展现在人们的面前。秋天,也是旅游的季节。秋天就像一条金色的河,欢快地流淌着,河流两岸荡漾着旖旎的风光。在这样一个美好的秋季,您不妨用心观赏秋的色彩盛宴:红的娇艳,黄的明丽,绿的柔和,五彩斑斓,漫山遍野……当然,秋天的色彩可不单是秋叶的争艳,这一期的《地球的孩子》也煞是色彩纷呈,许多精彩的内容,正等着您去分享:翻开杂志,映入您眼帘的首先是一篇编辑同任共…  相似文献   

正女皇、战士和女人海棠开花,是惊蛰过后的事情,海棠多了一层不一般的意义。一是海棠花开,有虫子做伴。二是临近春分,春天去往纵深,熏风吹,暖洋洋,春天的歌唱进入高潮,天地间处处油光锃亮,天地又崭新了一层。人有时很拧巴,较劲地相信,一切美好都有来由,比如,春分之后,白昼越来越长,想象着,这是海棠花开带来的礼物。海棠成为了美好的意象。在《又见海棠花开》这部小说中,林子和逸凡在教室外的台阶上,一边背着永远背不完的文史政治,一边看着园中景色,天南海北地聊着。他们从眼前的风景聊到了梦想,聊到了未来……是花开正艳的垂丝海棠,触发了林子的情愫。那时候,林子觉着逸凡就是自己的海棠,自己的解语花。于是,林子心中,未来的底色越来越明艳,像春天的天地,  相似文献   

碧绿的草,巍峨的山,秀丽的河,五颜六色的花朵,洁白的云朵。与我们同行,与我们同住。怎么才能留住身边的美丽呢?首先,我们要植树造林。现在社会经济发展起来,就开始砍伐树木,盖高大的楼房。楼房虽然高大美丽,但还是不如树木重要,树为我们遮荫,为我们净化空气,为我们绿化世界。众所周知,以前翠绿的树林是鸟儿们安心的小窝,可这几年的树木越来越少,鸟儿也越来越少,新鲜的空气一去不复返了。  相似文献   

形成“三位一体”格局 促进环境污染治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对日趋恶化的环境质量,以及由此而带来的阻碍社会经济发展的问题,人们对另快环境污染治理,保护生态环境,提高生活质量的要求和愿望越来越迫切和强烈。然而,由于受到诸多因素的制约,环境污染治理的进度与人们的要求和愿望却相距甚远。本文就此,对如何加快环境污染的治理,改善环境质量,提出了必须改变目前政府、银行,企业之间没有形成合力的局面,政府,银行,企业必须“三位一体”,共同发挥作用,才能取得成效的论述。  相似文献   

人是自然环境的建设者,也是人与自然和谐的受益者。以环境优美闻名于世的新西兰,给予我们的启示是:每一个家庭、每一个人,都要增强生态文明自觉,都要从自身做起,从点滴做起,节约用水,节约用电,节约资源,绿色消费,适度消费,把保护环境作为生活的一部分,热爱自然,重视环境,最大限度减少个人行为对自然的破坏,积极投身于自然环境保护和建设中,维护人与自然的和谐。只要人人共建生态文明,就能共享绿色生活。  相似文献   

采用人工模拟降雨和室内分析相结合的方法,研究了黄土区不同耕作措施对降雨入渗的影响。结果表明:①不同耕作管理措施对降雨入渗的影响效用不同,在相同雨强和坡度下,降雨入渗速率表现为:耙耱地〉人工掏挖〉直线坡,在中小雨强和较短滞后情况下,这种情况表现更为显著;②不同耕作管理措施对降雨产流的影响效用不同,在相同雨强和坡度下,产流滞后表现为:耙耱地〉人工掏挖〉直线坡,在中小雨强和较短滞后情况下,这种情况表现更为显著;③根据水量平衡原理,得出了不同耕作管理措施不同坡度下入渗及产流滞后随雨强的变化关系式。上述结果为黄土高原坡耕地水土流失的治理和管理,提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

The Gallocanta Basin represents an environment highly sensitive to climate change. Over the past 60 years, the Laguna de Gallocanta, an ephemeral lake situated in the closed Gallocanta basin, experienced a sequence of wet and dry phases. The lake and its surrounding wetlands are one of only a few bird sanctuaries left in NE-Spain for grey cranes on their annual migration from Scandinavia to northern Africa. Understanding the impact of climate change on basin hydrology is therefore of utmost importance for the appropriate management of the bird sanctuary. Changes in lake level are only weakly linked to annual rainfall, with reaction times between hours and months after rainfall. Both the total amount of rainfall over the reaction period, as well as individual extreme events, affect lake level. In this study the characteristics and frequencies of daily, event, monthly and bi-monthly rainfall over the past 60 years were analysed. The results revealed a clear link between increased frequencies of high magnitude rainfall and phases of water filling in the Laguna de Gallocanta. In the middle of the 20th century, the absolute amount of rainfall appears to have been more important for lake level, while more recently the frequency of high magnitude rainfall has emerged as the dominant variable.  相似文献   

Runoff was measured from seven plots with different slopes nested in Tuanshangou catchment on the Loess Plateau to study effect of slopes on runoff in relation to rainfall regimes. Based on nine years of field observation and K-mean clusters, 84 rainfall events were grouped into three rainfall regimes. Rainfall regime A is the group of events with strong rainfall intensity, high frequency, and short duration. Rainfall regime C consists of events with low intensity, long duration, and infrequent occurrence. Rainfall regime B is the aggregation of events of medium intensity and medium duration, and less frequent occurrence. The following results were found: (1) Different from traditional studies, runoff coefficient neither decreased nor increased, but presented peak value on the slope surfaces; (2) For individual plot, runoff coefficients induced by rainfall regime A were the highest, and those induced by rainfall regime C were the lowest; Downslope, the runoff coefficients induced by three rainfall regimes presented the same changing trend, although the peak value induced by regime A occurred on a shorter slope length compared to those by regime B and C; (3) Scale effect on runoff induced by rainfall regime A was the least, and that induced by rainfall regime C was the largest. These results can be explained by the interactions of crusting, soil moisture content, slope length and gradient, and erosion units, etc., in the context of different rainfall regimes.  相似文献   

Accurate spatial representation of climatic patterns is often a challenge in modeling biophysical processes at the watershed scale, especially where the representation of a spatial gradient in rainfall is not sufficiently captured by the number of weather stations. The spatial rainfall generator (SRGEN) is developed as an extension of the “weather generator” (WXGEN), a component of the Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) model. SRGEN generates spatially distributed daily rainfall using monthly weather statistics available at multiple locations in a watershed. The spatial rainfall generator as incorporated in APEX is tested on the Cowhouse watershed (1,178 km2) in central Texas. The watershed presented a significant spatial rainfall gradient of 2.9 mm/km in the lateral (north‐south) directions based on four rainfall gages. A comparative analysis between SRGEN and WXGEN indicates that SRGEN performs well (PBIAS = 2.40%). Good results were obtained from APEX for streamflow (NSE = 0.99, PBIAS = 8.34%) and NO3‐N and soluble P loads (PBIAS ≈ 6.00% for each, respectively). However, APEX underpredicted sediment yield and organic N and P loads (PBIAS: 24.75‐27.90%) with SRGEN, although its uncertainty in output was lower than WXGEN results (PBIAS: ?13.02 to ?46.13%). The overall improvement achieved in rainfall generation by SRGEN is demonstrated to be effective in the improving model performance on flow and water quality output.  相似文献   

El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which occurs in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean, has been identified to have significant influence on rainfall variability throughout the world, especially in the tropics. Such variability in rainfall has implications for agrarian economies, such as that in Ghana. This study therefore sought to demonstrate the effect of ENSO‐induced variability in annual and seasonal rainfall on the development of sustainable agriculture in the Ho Municipality of Ghana. Using 61 years of monthly rainfall data (1955–2015) for the Ho Municipality and ENSO indices, this study showed that 15% of the variability in total annual rainfall is explained by the ENSO phenomena. Mean annual rainfall and rainfall in the major rainy season decreased for El Niño years, in addition to a more variable rainfall compared to that received in La Niña years. The major growing season was observed to be longer in La Niña years and shorter in El Niño years. This means that the potential for crop cultivation will be severely hampered in an El Niño year. Farmers within the municipality are therefore encouraged to harness other complementary water sources for farming activities and also employ water management strategies during El Niño years.  相似文献   

2013年秦皇岛连续两次降水过程对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规气象观测资料、自动站资料及卫星资料,从大尺度环流背景和水汽、动力、热力条件出发,对2013年8月底东北冷涡影响下秦皇岛两次降水过程进行对比分析。结果表明:由于处在东北冷涡发展的不同阶段,中低层温度场配置不同,两次过程降水特点极不相同。8月27日降水是一次连续的区域性降水过程,以层状云降水为主,降水均匀连续,8月31日至9月2日是冷涡后部西北气流影响下的数日局地性对流降水,具有很强的突发性。  相似文献   

Abstract: The summertime heating of runoff in urban areas is recognized as a common and consistent urban climatological phenomenon. In this study, a simple thermal urban runoff model (TURM) is presented for the net energy flux at the impervious surfaces of urban areas to account for the heat transferred to runoff. The first step in developing TURM consists of calculating the various factors that control how urban impervious areas absorb heat and transfer it to moving water on the surface. The runoff temperature is determined based on the interactions of the physical characteristics of the impervious areas, the weather, and the heat transfer between the moving film of runoff and the impervious surface common in urban areas. Key surface and weather factors that affect runoff temperature predictions are type of impervious surface, air temperature, humidity, solar radiation before and during rain, rainfall intensity, and rainfall temperature. Runoff from pervious areas is considered separately and estimated using the Green‐Ampt Mein‐Larson rainfall excess method. Pervious runoff temperature is estimated as the rainfall temperature. Field measurements indicate that wet bulb temperature can be used as a surrogate for rainfall temperature and that runoff temperatures from sod average just 2°C higher than rainfall temperatures. Differences between measured and predicted impervious runoff temperature average approximately 2°C, indicating that TURM is a useful tool for determining runoff temperatures for typical urban areas.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the May 1–3, 2010 rainfall event that affected the south‐central United States, including parts of Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky. The storm is evaluated in terms of its synoptic setting, along with the temporal distributions, and spatial patterns of the rainfall. In addition, the recurrence interval of the storm is assessed and the implications for hydrologic structure designs are discussed. The event was associated with an upper‐level trough and stationary frontal boundary to the west of the rainfall region, which remained quasi‐stationary for a period of 48 h. Heavy rainfall was produced by two slow‐moving mesoscale convective complexes, combined with abundant atmospheric moisture. Storm totals exceeding 330 mm occurred within a large elongated area extending from Memphis to Nashville. Isolated rainfall totals over 480 mm were reported in some areas, with NEXRAD weather radar rainfall estimates up to 501 mm. An extreme value analysis was performed for one‐ and two‐day rainfall totals at Nashville and Brownsville, Tennessee, as well as for gridded rainfall estimates for the entire region using the Storm Precipitation Analysis System. Results suggest maximum rainfall totals for some durations during the May 1–3, 2010 event exceeded the 1,000‐year rainfall values from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlas 14 for a large portion of the region and reached up to 80% of the probable maximum precipitation values for some area sizes and durations.  相似文献   

The importance of the size of raindrop in causing soil detachment and splash has long been recognized, although the total energy expended on erosion by splash may be small. The aggressiveness of rainfall or its capacity to cause detachment can be expressed in terms of drop size, rainfall intensity and kinetic energy or momentum. An attempt has been made to determine the rainfall erosivity (EI) of two gauged stations where continuous rainfall recorders were installed, on the basis of rainfall characteristics. Thus, the relationship between average storm EI30 (rainfall erosivity for 30 minutes interval) values and average depths of rainfall could be developed for the Bheta Gad basin of the Gomati River in the Hindu-Kush Himalayas. The analysis has revealed that if factors other than rainfall remain constant, soil splash erosion from cultivated fields is directly proportional to the rainstorm parameter identified as EI.  相似文献   

With urban populations worldwide expected to witness substantial growth over the next decades, pressure on urban land and resources is projected to increase in response. For policy-makers to adequately meet the challenges brought about by changes in the dynamics of urban areas, it is important to clearly identify and communicate their causes. Floods in Douala (the most densely populated city in the central African sub-region), are being associated chiefly with changing rainfall patterns, resulting from climate change in major policy circles. We investigate this contention using statistical analysis of daily rainfall time-series data covering the period 1951–2008, and tools of geographic information systems. Using attributes such as rainfall anomalies, trends in the rainfall time series, daily rainfall maxima and rainfall intensity–duration–frequency, we find no explanation for the attribution of an increase in the occurrences and severity of floods to changing rainfall patterns. The culprit seems to be the massive increase in the population of Douala, in association with poor planning and investment in the city's infrastructure. These demographic changes and poor planning have occurred within a physical geography setting that is conducive for the inducement of floods. Failed urban planning in Cameroon since independence set the city up for a flood-prone land colonization. This today translates to a situation in which large portions of the city's surface area and the populations they harbor are vulnerable to the city's habitual annual floods. While climate change stands to render the city even more vulnerable to floods, there is no evidence that current floods can be attributed to the changes in patterns of rainfall being reported in policy and news domains.  相似文献   

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