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微塑料与有毒污染物相互作用及联合毒性作用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着塑料产品的广泛应用,微塑料(microplastics,MPs)污染已经成为全球关注的重大环境问题.海洋中的MPs能够与有毒污染物(如有机污染物、重金属和纳米颗粒等)发生相互作用,对海洋生物产生复合效应.因此,MPs与环境中有毒污染物的联合毒性效应越来越引起人们的关注.本文首先概括总结出MPs对海洋生物的毒性效应及致毒机制,包括遮蔽效应、氧化应激、免疫毒性、生殖毒性、遗传毒性、神经毒性和行为毒性等方面:随后分别讨论了MPs和有机污染物、重金属以及人工纳米颗粒的联合毒性效应,从微塑料对污染物的吸附、富集和载体效应着手分析微塑料与污染物之间的相互作用,凝练得出MPs增强或抑制污染物毒性的作用机制,包括微塑料改变污染物的生物可利用性、微塑料改变生物体对污染物的胁迫响应、微塑料与污染物发生交互作用等;最后对微塑料与有毒污染物联合毒作用研究的发展方向进行了展望,建议在未来研究中重点关注环境特征的次生微塑料与有毒污染物相互作用的环境行为和生物效应,特别是通过食物链的传递作用.以期为准确评估和深入理解微塑料的海洋环境和人类健康风险提供理论依据.  相似文献   

目前全球海洋酸化(ocean acidification, OA)问题正在以前所未有的速度快速恶化,使海洋生物以及海洋生态环境面临着巨大的威胁。藻类作为海洋中最主要的初级生产者,贡献了约95%的初级生产力,是物质循环和能量流动的重要环节。海洋酸化能够改变藻类的初级生产力,从而影响海洋食物网中物质和能量从初级到次级生产者及更高营养级的传递,引发食物链效应,进而对整个海洋生态系统带来不可逆转的影响,因此评估海洋酸化对藻类的影响具有重要的生态学研究意义。本文总结了近年来海洋酸化对藻类的光合作用、碳固定、生长、钙化、繁殖等生理生化过程以及对代谢组分和显微结构的影响,归纳了海洋酸化对藻类的分子调控机制,同时围绕海洋酸化与环境因子以及海洋污染物对藻类的复合胁迫展开综述,并基于当前海洋酸化对藻类影响研究中存在的不足做出展望,以期为人们解决海洋酸化问题提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

海洋塑料污染是一个全球性问题.塑料垃圾作为海洋塑料污染物之一,对其研究和认识还不全面.本文在总结国内外相关研究基础上,综述了海洋塑料垃圾的来源与分布、降解、添加剂浸出、附着海洋生物和吸附污染物等环境行为,以及其生物效应(缠绕海洋动物和被海洋动物摄食).根据海洋塑料垃圾的研究现状,未来应加强测定方法、塑料浸出物的毒性效应、潜在污染物、生态效应评价方法和污染防治政策等方面的研究.  相似文献   

海洋溢油污染的生态与健康危害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着溢油事故的频繁发生,海洋溢油污染备受关注.本文在阐述国内外海洋溢油污染现状的基础上,针对溢油污染对人类健康的影响进行了初步分析,并针对海洋环境中溢油的环境行为以及对海洋生态系统、沿岸滩涂生态系统的毒性效应进行了概述.最后,对海洋溢油污染研究的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

海洋酸化对鱼类感觉和行为影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋酸化是指大气增多的二氧化碳(CO2)溶解于海水而导致海水p H值降低的过程。海洋酸化将改变海水碳酸盐平衡体系,使依赖于原化学环境的多种海洋生物乃至生态系统面临巨大威胁。海洋酸化对钙质生物影响的研究最早引起大家关注,而海洋鱼类具有较完善的酸碱调节机制,大家普遍认为酸化对其影响不大。但在过去的5年中,不少实验证明海洋酸化会影响海洋鱼类仔稚鱼的感觉和行为,减弱其野外的生存能力及增加被捕食率,很可能将威胁自然种群补给量和影响全球的渔业资源量。本文从嗅觉、听觉、视觉及高级意识和相关行为角度,综述近几年海洋酸化对鱼类感觉和行为影响的研究进展,介绍了鱼类神经行为生物学的研究,为全面了解和预测海洋酸化的生态、经济和社会效应提供科学依据。  相似文献   

环境微塑料可吸附有机污染物,并与有机污染物进行相互作用从而改变其毒性效应,增加微塑料的治理难度.本文就全球范围内微塑料与有机污染物的相互作用及毒性效应的研究进展进行综述,分析不同介质中微塑料与有机污染物的共存水平、吸附机理、影响因素以及联合毒性效应等.研究表明,微塑料可作为多环芳烃(PAHs)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、六...  相似文献   

综述了近年来环境毒理学的研究进展,内容包括:环境污染物对机体的影响及其环境行为、环境污染物及其转化物的毒性和评估方法、实验室模式生物、生物标志物以及环境毒理学在其他相关学科中的应用等.此外,还对环境化学品管理和安全性评价、Hormesis(兴奋效应)现象、遗传毒性致癌物的危险度评价、室内环境毒理学分析与研究等热点问题进...  相似文献   

微囊藻毒素(microcystins,MCs)是一种蓝藻代谢产物,在全球富营养淡水生态系统中广泛分布,高浓度的MCs不仅对水生生物造成负面影响,还会与水体中共存污染物发生相互作用,影响彼此在生物体内转化代谢和毒性效应.因此,开展MCs与多种环境污染物的复合污染对不同生物的毒性研究十分必要,其对水体复合污染风险评价和防控有着重要的意义.笔者综述了 MCs在全球水体中的分布情况,并介绍了 MCs与水体中其他典型污染物联合暴露时对不同生物的毒性作用,最后针对目前相关研究的不足进行了分析并提出几点展望.  相似文献   

抗生素对微生物的联合与低剂量毒性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前抗生素已成为一类不可忽视的环境污染物,它在环境中呈"混合-持久-低剂量"的暴露特征。因此,研究抗生素毒性效应,特别是它的联合毒性以及低剂量下毒性兴奋效应,对抗生素污染物生态风险的评价极其重要。以抗生素联合毒性的研究进展为主线,重点概述了抗生素二元混合物的急性和慢性联合毒性研究,指出了抗生素混合物间存在相互作用,它们的联合毒性并非表现为简单的加和或独立效应,且抗生素急性-慢性联合表现出的毒性效应也存在差异;发现了不仅单一抗生素具有Hormesis效应,低剂量抗生素二元混合物也具有Hormesis作用。但目前低剂量抗生素二元混合物对微生物的毒性兴奋效应研究较少,其毒性兴奋效应的预测和评价还有待进一步完善,以期为环境中抗生素的联合生态研究和风险评价提供理论依据。  相似文献   

多溴联苯醚暴露的神经行为效应及其毒理机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溴代阻燃剂多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是一类在各类环境介质、生物体和人体中均能检出的普遍存在的环境污染物。我国的主要污染源之一集中于东南部地区的电子废弃物回收场地。由于PBDEs具有结构稳定性、亲脂性和生物累积性,电子废弃物拆解回收活动对当地生态系统和居民健康存在着巨大的潜在风险。PBDEs的发育神经毒性受到研究者的极大关注,但其神经行为毒性效应和机制仍需深入研究。行为学效应既是内在神经毒性机制的外在反映,也是推测环境污染物在高级别生物学水平(如种群、群落)影响的最有力试验手段。近年来,基于视频追踪系统技术的商业行为学分析设备迅速发展,使行为学效应测试在环境毒理学领域具备极大的潜力。本文结合近年来国内外环境毒理学研究进展,回顾了PBDEs的神经行为毒性效应,包括运动行为、掠食行为和认知行为,并分析了其可能的毒理机制,最后总结了当前研究存在的问题和未来研究需要关注的重点方向。  相似文献   

Ocean acidification (OA) and the biological consequences of altered seawater chemistry have emerged as a significant environmental threat to healthy marine ecosystems. Because a more acidic ocean interferes with fixation of calcium carbonate to form shells or calcified skeletons, future ocean chemistry may significantly alter the physiology of calcifying marine organisms. These alterations may manifest themselves directly in the calcification process, or have synergistic effects with other environmental factors such as elevated temperatures. New tools permit us to explore subtle changes in gene expression patterns in response to environmental conditions. We raised sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) under conditions simulating future atmospheric CO2 levels of 540 and 970 ppm. When larvae raised under elevated CO2 conditions were subjected to 1-h acute temperature stress, their ability to mount a physiological response (as measured by expression of the molecular chaperone hsp70) was reduced relative to those raised under ambient CO2 conditions. These results represent the first use of gene expression assays to study the effects of OA on sea urchin development. They highlight the importance of looking at multiple environmental factors simultaneously as this approach may reveal previously unsuspected biological impacts of atmospheric changes.  相似文献   

王朔  王羽  赵元慧  # 《生态毒理学报》2017,12(3):681-686
不同暴露途径下有机物在生物体内的吸收分布不同,导致毒性效应亦不同,研究化学品在不同暴露途径下对生物体的毒性,对化学品的安全性评价有实际意义。本文通过研究静脉注射、腹腔注射、肌肉注射与经口灌胃4种暴露途径下527个有机物对大鼠的急性毒性数据相关性,比较了不同暴露途径下大鼠对有机污染物的敏感度顺序,结果为:静脉注射>腹腔注射>肌肉注射>经口灌胃途径,静脉注射途径下log1/LD50与其他几种注射途径下的log1/LD50有较显著的相关性,但是与灌胃途径下毒性值之间的相关性较差,相关系数r的范围为0.82~0.97。通过逐项分析研究不同暴露途径下化合物对大鼠的急性毒性与生物利用度、吸收速率、消除速率以及代谢过程的关系,结果表明,导致这种差异的原因主要是有机污染物在大鼠体内的吸附动力学过程不同所致。  相似文献   

Ocean acidification is not happening in isolation but against a background of chronic low-level pollution for most coastal marine environments. The reproductive and larval stages of marine invertebrates can be highly sensitive to the impacts of both environmental pollutants and ocean acidification, but very little is currently known regarding the potential impacts of combined contaminant and high CO2 exposures on the health of marine organisms. Ocean acidification research to date has focused heavily on the responses of calcifying marine invertebrate larvae and algae, and as such the polychaetes as a group, despite their ecological importance, remain understudied. Here, we investigate the effects of elevated seawater CO2 (pH range 8.1–7.4, plus an extreme pH of 7.2 in the sperm motility experiments), in combination with the environmental pollutant copper (0.002 μM), on the early life history stages of the intertidal polychaete Pomatoceros lamarckii from two populations. P. lamarckii sperm appear to be robust to elevated seawater CO2. Whilst all three of the sperm motility end points measured showed a response to elevated CO2, these responses were small and not linear. The percentage of motile sperm and sperm curvilinear velocity were significantly reduced in the lower pH treatments of 7.4 and 7.2, whereas sperm straight-line velocity (VSL) was mostly unaffected except for an increased VSL at pH 8.0. Fertilisation success was investigated using two populations from the South West (UK), one from Torquay and one from Plymouth Sound. Fertilisation success was slightly but significantly reduced at the 7.6 and 7.4 pH treatments for both populations (a 9.0 % reduction in fertilisation success from pH 8.1 to 7.4 for Torquay), but with a greater effect observed in the population from Plymouth Sound (a 13.33 % reduction in fertilisation success). No additional impact of 0.002 μM copper exposure on fertilisation success was found. Larval survival was found to be much more sensitive to elevated CO2 than sperm function or fertilisation, and a significant interaction with copper exposure was observed. These results demonstrate the potential for polychaete larvae to be affected by predicted ocean acidification conditions and that chronic coastal pollutants, such as copper, have the potential to alter larval susceptibility to ocean acidification conditions.  相似文献   

There are two approaches in the application of satellite sensors to marine pollution studies. Satellite sensors are used to observe and characterize ocean pollutants such as industrial wastes and oil. in addition, satellite observations provide information useful in illuminating processes such as eutrophi-cation or air-sea exchange of CO2, that are important in determining the distribution and fate of pollutants.

Satellite technology is an important tool in monitoring and studying ocean pollution. Visible sensors have been used to observe and characterize sewage sludge and industrial wastes dumped at sea. Oil slicks have been observed with Landsat, AVHRR and SAR imagery. Besides directly detecting pollutants, satellite sensors are useful for analyzing ocean processes that are influential in the fate of pollutants. These processes include eutrophication of coastal waters and the distribution of suspended matter. the fate of excess CO2 can be addressed using scatterometer-derived estimates of wind speeds to determine the CO2 exchange coefficient at the sea surface on a global scale.  相似文献   

Population growth and social/technological developments have resulted in the buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere and oceans to the extent that we now see changes in the earth’s climate and ocean chemistry. Ocean acidification is one consequence of these changes, and it is known with certainty that it will continue to increase as we emit more CO2 into the atmosphere. Ocean acidification is a global issue likely to impact marine organisms, food webs and ecosystems and to be most severely experienced by the people who depend on the goods and services the ocean provides at regional and local levels. However, research is in its infancy and the available data on biological impacts are complex (e.g., species-specific response). Educating future generations on the certainties and uncertainties of the emerging science of ocean acidification and its complex consequences for marine species and ecosystems can provide insights that will help assessing the need to mitigate and/or adapt to future global change. This article aims to present different educational approaches, the different material available and highlight the future challenges of ocean acidification education for both educators and marine biologists.  相似文献   

The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lower the pH in ocean waters, a process termed ocean acidification (OA). Despite its potentially detrimental effects on calcifying organisms, experimental studies on the possible impacts on fish remain scarce. While adults will most likely remain relatively unaffected by changes in seawater pH, early life-history stages are potentially more sensitive, due to the lack of gills with specialized ion-regulatory mechanisms. We tested the effects of OA on growth and development of embryos and larvae of eastern Baltic cod, the commercially most important fish stock in the Baltic Sea. Cod were reared from newly fertilized eggs to early non-feeding larvae in 5 different experiments looking at a range of response variables to OA, as well as the combined effect of CO2 and temperature. No effect on hatching, survival, development, and otolith size was found at any stage in the development of Baltic cod. Field data show that in the Bornholm Basin, the main spawning site of eastern Baltic cod, in situ levels of pCO2 are already at levels of 1,100 μatm with a pH of 7.2, mainly due to high eutrophication supporting microbial activity and permanent stratification with little water exchange. Our data show that the eggs and early larval stages of Baltic cod seem to be robust to even high levels of OA (3,200 μatm), indicating an adaptational response to CO2.  相似文献   

地表水中抗生素与农药的混合暴露及其潜在生态与健康风险受到广泛关注。然而,目前关于抗生素与农药混合毒性研究大多仅考虑急性毒性,缺乏其长期毒性相互作用的研究。以较为广泛使用的2种抗生素土霉素(OXY)、环丙沙星(CIP)和1种三唑类杀菌剂农药戊唑醇(TCZ)及其二元混合物为研究对象,以生态系统中初级生产者绿藻(羊角月牙藻)为受试生物,研究目标混合物在暴露时间为96、120、144和168 h的长期毒性相互作用。结果表明,单一物质及其混合物随暴露时间延长而毒性增大;同一暴露时间点的单一污染物毒性大小顺序为OXYTCZCIP;混合物毒性相互作用与浓度、混合物组分和暴露时间三者密切相关;混合体系的拮抗作用均出现在高浓度区域,而中、低浓度区域呈协同作用或加和作用; OXY-CIP与CIPTCZ混合体系的协同作用随着暴露时间延长而协同作用逐渐增大。研究结果对水环境中抗生素与农药复合污染生态风险评估具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage has become a new mitigation option to reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The effects of the CO2-related acidification, associated with unpredictable leaks of CO2 during the operational phases were studied using the Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin-liquid-phase-assays (fertilisation and embryo-larval development tests). Besides to the direct effects of the CO2-associated pH decrease, the possible effects on marine sediment toxicity were studied by exposing the urchin larvae to elutriate of sediments with different metals concentration, which were subjected to various pH treatments. The resulted median toxic effect pH ranged from 6.33?±?0.02 and 6.91?±?0.01 for the egg fertilisation, and between 6.66?±?0.03 and 7.16?±?0.01 for the larval development assays. Concentrations of Co, Zn, As, Cu, and Fe were detected in the sediment elutriates. For all the sediment elutriates tested the amount of the dissolved Zn increased in parallel with the pH reductions. Correlated effects of acidification, biological response, and the presence of dissolved metals were observed in this work evidencing that the most important factor controlling the reduction of egg fertilisation and larval development success was the combined effects of the reduction of pH and the presence of the contaminants (mainly Zn, Co, and As).  相似文献   

Processes that impact negatively on CaCO3 production and calcification rates, such as a lowering of the carbonate saturation state of the surface ocean in response to higher atmospheric CO2 levels, can have disastrous consequences for marine ecosystems. This study, however, shows that on a global basis planktonic foraminiferal calcification rates (as inferred from shell-weight) are not related to calcite saturation state, as has been inferred from culture experiments and across a short latitudinal core-top transect. Rather, foraminiferal calcification is apparently a function of the same complex interplay of environmental parameters as assemblage abundance patterns. Highest foraminiferal shell-weights are observed within the optimum ecological niche of each planktonic species and no simple relationship with calcite saturation, temperature or surface nutrient levels exists. The implications of calcification-saturation relationships in calcifying marine ecosystems should therefore be evaluated in a broader context than has been the case in recent studies.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

36种典型除草剂对绿藻的毒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,农药对生态系统的初级生产者——藻类的毒性及其生态毒理学研究引起了国内外学者的广泛关注。除草剂在生产中广泛应用,对藻类的毒性作用最强,其毒性效应远高于杀虫剂和杀菌剂。论文选择市场上具有典型代表性的36种除草剂原药,分析解读除草剂在国内的登记情况,以及在作物、旱田和水田的使用情况;明晰对藻类生长抑制急性毒性效应。结果表明:1)除草剂的作用方式和化学类别对绿藻毒性影响显著;对于抑制植物细胞分裂和作用于植物叶绿体的除草剂对绿藻毒性均较高,以人工合成植物生长素为代表的除草剂对绿藻毒性均较低;2)相同作用方式,不同化学类别的除草剂,对单一绿藻的毒性差异明显。在水稻上获得登记的除草剂对藻类毒性整体低于在旱田获得登记的除草剂对藻类的毒性。开展多种农药对水生生态毒性的研究,为农药的合理安全使用、农药在淡水环境中的生态效应评价以及保护淡水生态系统提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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